
Artifact ID: 9b3af92fedda98966d19e99113da230c0f9dc4b4
Ticket: f7974a70add0f69c81b71f241fd6c3f2d96f7db6
On some machines pushing an IUP button causes crash
User & Date: matt on 2011-03-31 18:37:45

  1. Appended to comment:
    <hr /><i>matt added on 2011-03-31 18:37:45 UTC:</i><br />
    This is due to hardware data execution prevention in Windows. You can turn it off for csi.exe and for any programs you compile that use IUP. To turn if off go to Computer->Advanced System Settings->Data Execution Prevention
  2. priority changed to: "Immediate"
  3. resolution changed to: "External_Bug"
  4. status changed to: "Closed"