
Artifact ID: 51a35679b52991f7ce45166f52f0a000b70e0cd7
Page Name:Installation
Date: 2018-04-03 15:37:25
Original User: matt
Parent: 95cc8ad4b3518070d5a7e72bb17f09f2174da7a0 (diff)
Next 1976711904d872d5ee3fe2249c67b1edb7cb87af


  1. Install msys2 from www.msys2.org
  2. Optional, install all possible needed things for msys2, alternatively you can install only the pieces you need:
    pacman -S --needed base-devel msys2-devel mingw-w64-i686-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
  3. Update your path, edit ~/.bash_profile

Old Instructions

  1. Install Mingw http://www.mingw.org to the default location C:\MinGW
  2. Run the chicken-iup installer.
  3. Log out and back in or reboot to make environment variables available to chicken. Thank you StephenE for catching this detail.