;; P R O C E S S E S
(test "cmd-run-with-stderr->list" '("No such file or directory")
(let ((reslst (cmd-run-with-stderr->list "ls" "/tmp/ihadbetternotexist")))
(string-search (regexp "No such file or directory")(car reslst))))
;; T E S T M A T C H I N G
;; tests:glob-like-match
(test #f '("abc") (tests:glob-like-match "abc" "abc"))
(lambda (patt str expected)
(test (conc patt " " str "=>" expected) expected (tests:glob-like-match patt str)))
(list "abc" "~abc" "~abc" "a*c" "a%c")
(list "abc" "abcd" "abc" "ABC" "ABC")
(list '("abc") #t #f #f '("ABC"))
;; tests:match
(test #f #t (tests:match "abc/def" "abc" "def"))
(lambda (patterns testname itempath expected)
(test (conc patterns " " testname "/" itempath "=>" expected)
(tests:match patterns testname itempath)))
(list "abc" "abc/%" "ab%/c%" "~abc/c%" "abc/~c%" "a,b/c,%/d" "%/,%/a" "%/,%/a" "%/,%/a" "%" "%" "%/" "%/")
(list "abc" "abc" "abcd" "abc" "abc" "a" "abc" "def" "ghi" "a" "a" "a" "a")
(list "" "" "cde" "cde" "cde" "" "" "a" "b" "" "b" "" "b")
(list #t #t #t #f #f #t #t #t #f #t #t #t #f))
;; db:patt->like
(test #f "testname LIKE 't%'" (db:patt->like "testname" "t%" comparator: " AND "))
(test #f "testname LIKE 't%' AND testname LIKE '%t'" (db:patt->like "testname" "t%,%t" comparator: " AND "))
(test #f "item_path GLOB ''" (db:patt->like "item_path" ""))
;; test:match->sqlqry
(test #f "(testname GLOB 'a' AND item_path GLOB 'b') OR (testname LIKE 'a%' AND item_path LIKE '%') OR (testname GLOB '' AND item_path LIKE 'b%')"
(tests:match->sqlqry "a/b,a%,/b%"))
(test #f "(testname GLOB 'a' AND item_path GLOB 'b') OR (testname LIKE 'a%' AND item_path LIKE '%') OR (testname LIKE '%' AND item_path LIKE 'b%')"
(tests:match->sqlqry "a/b,a%,%/b%"))
;; itemwait, itemmatch
(db:compare-itempaths ref-item-path item-path itemmap)