Artifact 5db24fdb232693edeb486be1974bf92ca801ffcf:
- File tests/installall/tests/iup/testconfig — part of check-in [749b68c55a] at 2013-07-22 18:35:38 on branch dev — Lots of stuff for installall flow (user: matt, size: 419) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
# Add additional steps here. Format is "stepname script" [ezsteps] install # Test requirements are specified here [requirements] waiton iup#{getenv IUPMODE}lib tougheggs # Iteration for your tests are controlled by the items section [items] # test_meta is a section for storing additional data on your test [test_meta] author matt owner matt description Install iup egg tags tagone,tagtwo reviewed never