(use iup test)
(define t #f)
(define tree-dialog
#:title "Tree Test"
(let ((t1 (treebox
#:selection_cb (lambda (obj id state)
(print "selection_db with id=" id " state=" state)
(print "SPECIALDATA: " (attribute obj "SPECIALDATA"))
(set! t t1)
(show tree-dialog)
(map (lambda (elname el)
(print "Adding " elname " with value " el)
(attribute-set! t elname el)
(attribute-set! t "SPECIALDATA" el))
'("0" "Figures" "Other" "triangle" "equilateral" "4")
(map (lambda (attr)
(print attr " is " (attribute t attr)))
'("KIND1" "PARENT2" "STATE1"))
(define (tree-find-node obj path)
;; start at the base of the tree
(if (null? path)
#f ;; or 0 ????
(let loop ((hed (car path))
(tal (cdr path))
(depth 0)
(nodenum 0))
;; (debug:print 0 "hed: " hed ", depth: " depth ", nodenum: " nodenum)
;; nodes in iup tree are 100% sequential so iterate over nodenum
(if (attribute obj (conc "DEPTH" nodenum)) ;; end when no more nodes
(let ((node-depth (string->number (attribute obj (conc "DEPTH" nodenum))))
(node-title (attribute obj (conc "TITLE" nodenum))))
;; (print 0 "hed: " hed ", depth: " depth ", node-depth: " node-depth ", nodenum: " nodenum ", node-title: " node-title)
(if (and (equal? depth node-depth)
(equal? hed node-title)) ;; yep, this is the one!
(if (null? tal) ;; end of the line
(loop (car tal)(cdr tal)(+ depth 1)(+ 1 nodenum)))
;; this is the case where we found part of the hierarchy but not
;; all of it, i.e. the node-depth went from deep to less deep
(if (> depth node-depth) ;; (+ 1 node-depth))
(loop hed tal depth (+ nodenum 1)))))
;; top is the top node name zeroeth node VALUE=0
(define (tree-add-node obj top nodelst)
(if (not (attribute obj "TITLE0"))
(attribute-set! obj "ADDBRANCH0" top))
((not (string=? top (attribute obj "TITLE0")))
(print "ERROR: top name " top " doesn't match " (attribute obj "TITLE0")))
((null? nodelst))
(let loop ((hed (car nodelst))
(tal (cdr nodelst))
(depth 1)
(pathl (list top)))
;; Because the tree dialog changes node numbers when
;; nodes are added or removed we must look up nodes
;; each and every time. 0 is the top node so default
;; to that.
(let* ((newpath (append pathl (list hed)))
(parentnode (tree-find-node obj pathl))
(nodenum (tree-find-node obj newpath)))
;; (print "newpath: " newpath ", nodenum " nodenum ", hed: " hed ", depth: " depth ", parentnode: " parentnode ", pathl: " pathl)
;; Add the branch under lastnode if not found
(if (not nodenum)
(attribute-set! obj (conc "ADDBRANCH" parentnode) hed)
(if (null? tal)
;; reset to top
(loop (car nodelst)(cdr nodelst) 1 (list top))))
(if (null? tal) ;; if null here then this path has already been added
;; (if nodenum
(loop (car tal)(cdr tal)(+ depth 1) newpath)))))))) ;; (if nodenum nodenum lastnode)))))))
;; (loop hed tal depth pathl lastnode)))))))
(test #f 0 (tree-find-node t '("Figures")))
(test #f 1 (tree-find-node t '("Figures" "Other")))
(test #f #f (tree-find-node t '("Figures" "Other" "equilateral")))
(test #f 3 (tree-find-node t '("Figures" "triangle" "equilateral")))
(test #f #t (tree-add-node t "Figures" '()))
(test #f #t (tree-add-node t "Figures" '("a" "b" "c")))
(test #f 3 (tree-find-node t '("Figures" "a" "b" "c")))
(test #f #t (tree-add-node t "Figures" '("d" "b" "c")))
(test #f 3 (tree-find-node t '("Figures" "d" "b" "c")))
(test #f 6 (tree-find-node t '("Figures" "a" "b" "c")))
(test #f #t (tree-add-node t "Figures" '("a" "e" "c")))
(test #f 6 (tree-find-node t '("Figures" "a" "e" "c")))