Artifact 8a5014b0108f05e13e62c6d282b036a8451503c3:
- File utils/nbfake — part of check-in [fd20d22153] at 2013-09-12 23:38:27 on branch v1.55 — Added exec to nbfake. Changed test4 to do launchwait. Added forced registration of top level tests as not having them is a path to possible escape on silent failure (user: matt, size: 420) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
#!/bin/bash # ssh localhost "nohup $* > nbfake.log 2> nbfake.err < /dev/null" # Can't always trust $PWD CURRWD=`pwd` if [[ $TARGETHOST == "" ]]; then exec sh -c "cd $CURRWD;export DISPLAY=$DISPLAY; export PATH=$PATH; nohup $* > NBFAKE-`date +%GWW%V.%u_%T` 2>&1 &" else exec ssh -n -f $TARGETHOST "sh -c \"cd $CURRWD;export DISPLAY=$DISPLAY; export PATH=$PATH; nohup $* > NBFAKE-`date +%GWW%V.%u_%T` 2>&1 &\"" fi