
Artifact [8dcb81c313]

Artifact 8dcb81c313ea12a436ac7fe7fdb275e7fc96e6a9:

;; Copyright 2006-2013, Matthew Welland.
;;  This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;;  greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;;  This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the

(use defstruct)
(use scsh-process)

(use refdb)

;; (use ssax)
;; (use sxml-serializer)
;; (use sxml-modifications)
;; (use regex)
;; (use srfi-69)
;; (use regex-case)
;; (use posix)
;; (use json)
;; (use csv)
(use srfi-18)
(use srfi-19)

(use format)

;; (require-library ini-file)
;; (import (prefix ini-file ini:))

(use sql-de-lite srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69)
;; (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
(declare (uses configf))
;; (declare (uses tree))
(declare (uses margs))
;; (declare (uses dcommon))
;; (declare (uses launch))
;; (declare (uses gutils))
;; (declare (uses db))
;; (declare (uses synchash))
;; (declare (uses server))
(declare (uses megatest-version))
;; (declare (uses tbd))

(include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm")
;;; please create this file before using sautherise. For sample file is avaliable sample-sauth-paths.scm. 
(include "sauth-paths.scm")
(include "sauth-common.scm")

(define *spublish:current-tab-number* 0)
(define *args-hash* (make-hash-table))
(define spublish:help (conc "Usage: spublish [action [params ...]]

  ls                     : list contents of target area
  cp|publish <src file> <destination>      : copy file to target area
  mkdir <dir name>       : maks directory in target area  
  rm <file>              : remove file <file> from target area
  ln <target> <link name> : creates a symlink
  log                    :


    -m \"message\"        : describe what was done
Note: All the target locations relative to base path 
Part of the Megatest tool suite.
Learn more at

Version: " megatest-fossil-hash)) ;; "


;; DB

(define *default-log-port* (current-error-port))
(define *verbosity*         1)

(define (spublish:initialize-db db)
   (lambda (qry)
     (exec (sql db qry)))
         (id           INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
          action       TEXT NOT NULL,
          submitter    TEXT NOT NULL,
          datetime     TIMESTAMP DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
          srcpath      TEXT NOT NULL,
          comment      TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
          state        TEXT DEFAULT 'new');"

(define (spublish:register-action db action submitter source-path comment)
  (exec (sql db "INSERT INTO actions (action,submitter,srcpath,comment)

;; (call-with-database
;;  (lambda (db)
;;   (set-busy-handler! db (busy-timeout 10000)) ; 10 second timeout
;;   ...))

;; Create the sqlite db
(define (spublish:db-do configdat proc) 
  (let ((path (configf:lookup configdat "database" "location")))
    (if (not path)
	  (print "[database]\nlocation /some/path\n\n Is missing from the config file!")
	  (exit 1)))
    (if (and path
	     (directory? path)
	     (file-read-access? path))
	(let* ((dbpath    (conc path "/spublish.db"))
	       (writeable (file-write-access? dbpath))
	       (dbexists  (file-exists? dbpath)))
	     (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "ERROR: problem accessing db " dbpath
			  ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
	     (exit 1))
	    (lambda (db)
	      ;; (print "calling proc " proc " on db " db)
	      (set-busy-handler! db (busy-timeout 10000)) ;; 10 sec timeout
	      (if (not dbexists)(spublish:initialize-db db))
	      (proc db)))))
	(print "ERROR: invalid path for storing database: " path))))

;; copy in file to dest, validation is done BEFORE calling this
(define (spublish:cp configdat submitter source-path target-dir targ-file dest-dir comment)
  (let ((dest-dir-path (conc target-dir "/" dest-dir))
        (targ-path (conc target-dir "/" dest-dir "/" targ-file)))
    (if (file-exists? targ-path)
	  (print "ERROR: target file already exists, remove it before re-publishing")
	  (exit 1)))
       (if (not(file-exists? dest-dir-path))
	  (print "ERROR: target directory " dest-dir-path " does not exists." )
	  (exit 1)))

     (lambda (db)
       (spublish:register-action db "cp" submitter source-path comment)))
    (let* (;; (target-path (configf:lookup "settings" "target-path"))
	   (th1         (make-thread
			 (lambda ()
			   (file-copy source-path targ-path #t))
                            (print " ... file " targ-path " copied to " targ-path)
			 ;; (let ((pid (process-run "cp" (list source-path target-dir))))
			 ;;   (process-wait pid)))
			 "copy thread"))
	   (th2         (make-thread
			 (lambda ()
			   (let loop ()
			     (thread-sleep! 15)
			     (display ".")
			 "action is happening thread")))
      (thread-start! th1)
      (thread-start! th2)
      (thread-join! th1))
    (cons #t "Successfully saved data")))

;; copy directory to dest, validation is done BEFORE calling this

(define (spublish:tar configdat submitter target-dir dest-dir comment)
  (let ((dest-dir-path (conc target-dir "/" dest-dir)))
       (if (not(file-exists? dest-dir-path))
	  (print "ERROR: target directory " dest-dir-path " does not exists." )
	  (exit 1)))
    ;;(print dest-dir-path )
     (lambda (db)
       (spublish:register-action db "tar" submitter dest-dir-path comment)))
       (change-directory dest-dir-path)
       (process-wait (process-run "/bin/tar" (list "xf" "-")))
       (print "Data copied to " dest-dir-path) 

        (cons #t "Successfully saved data")))

(define (spublish:validate target-dir targ-mk)
  (let* ((normal-path (normalize-pathname targ-mk))
        (targ-path (conc target-dir "/" normal-path)))
    (if (string-contains   normal-path "..")
      (print "ERROR: Path  " targ-mk " resolved outside target area "  target-dir )
      (exit 1)))

    (if (not (string-contains targ-path target-dir))
      (print "ERROR: You cannot update data outside " target-dir ".")
      (exit 1)))
    (print "Path " targ-mk " is valid.")   
;; make directory in dest

(define (spublish:mkdir configdat submitter target-dir targ-mk comment)
  (let ((targ-path (conc target-dir "/" targ-mk)))
    (if (file-exists? targ-path)
	  (print "ERROR: target Directory " targ-path " already exist!!")
	  (exit 1)))
     (lambda (db)
       (spublish:register-action db "mkdir" submitter targ-mk comment)))
    (let* ((th1         (make-thread
			 (lambda ()
			   (create-directory targ-path #t)
			   (print " ... dir " targ-path " created"))
			 "mkdir thread"))
	   (th2         (make-thread
			 (lambda ()
			   (let loop ()
			     (thread-sleep! 15)
			     (display ".")
			 "action is happening thread")))
      (thread-start! th1)
      (thread-start! th2)
      (thread-join! th1))
    (cons #t "Successfully saved data")))

;; create a symlink in dest
(define (spublish:ln configdat submitter target-dir targ-link link-name comment)
  (let ((targ-path (conc target-dir "/" link-name)))
    (if (file-exists? targ-path)
	  (print "ERROR: target file " targ-path " already exist!!")
	  (exit 1)))
     (if (not (file-exists? targ-link ))
	  (print "ERROR: target file " targ-link " does not exist!!")
	  (exit 1)))
     (lambda (db)
       (spublish:register-action db "ln" submitter link-name comment)))
    (let* ((th1         (make-thread
			 (lambda ()
			   (create-symbolic-link targ-link targ-path  )
			   (print " ... link " targ-path " created"))
			 "symlink thread"))
	   (th2         (make-thread
			 (lambda ()
			   (let loop ()
			     (thread-sleep! 15)
			     (display ".")
			 "action is happening thread")))
      (thread-start! th1)
      (thread-start! th2)
      (thread-join! th1))
    (cons #t "Successfully saved data")))

;; remove copy of file in dest
(define (spublish:rm configdat submitter target-dir targ-file comment)
  (let ((targ-path (conc target-dir "/" targ-file)))
    (if (not (file-exists? targ-path))
	  (print "ERROR: target file " targ-path " not found, nothing to remove.")
	  (exit 1)))
     (lambda (db)
       (spublish:register-action db "rm" submitter targ-file comment)))
    (let* ((th1         (make-thread
			 (lambda ()
			   (delete-file targ-path)
			   (print " ... file " targ-path " removed"))
			 "rm thread"))
	   (th2         (make-thread
			 (lambda ()
			   (let loop ()
			     (thread-sleep! 15)
			     (display ".")
			 "action is happening thread")))
      (thread-start! th1)
      (thread-start! th2)
      (thread-join! th1))
    (cons #t "Successfully saved data")))

(define (spublish:backup-move path)
  (let* ((trashdir  (conc (pathname-directory path) "/.trash"))
	 (trashfile (conc trashdir "/" (current-seconds) "-" (pathname-file path))))
    (create-directory trashdir #t)
    (if (directory? path)
	(system (conc "mv " path " " trashfile))
	(file-move path trash-file))))

(define (spublish:lst->path pathlst)
  (conc "/" (string-intersperse (map conc pathlst) "/")))

(define (spublish:path->lst path)
  (string-split path "/"))

(define (spublish:pathdat-apply-heuristics configdat path)
   ((file-exists? path) "found")
   (else (conc path " not installed"))))


(define (spublish:do-as-calling-user proc)
  (let ((eid (current-effective-user-id))
        (cid (current-user-id)))
    (if (not (eq? eid cid)) ;; running suid
            (set! (current-effective-user-id) cid))
    ;; (print "running as " (current-effective-user-id))
    (if (not (eq? eid cid))
        (set! (current-effective-user-id) eid))))

(define (spublish:find name paths)
  (if (null? paths)
      (let loop ((hed (car paths))
		 (tal (cdr paths)))
	(if (file-exists? (conc hed "/" name))
	    (if (null? tal)
		(loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))))
(define (spublish:get-accessable-projects  area)
   (let* ((projects `()))
     ;  (print "in spublish:get-accessable-projects") 
        ;(print (spublish:has-permission area))
        (if (spublish:has-permission area)
               (set! projects (cons area projects))
                 (print "User cannot access area " area "!!")  
                (exit 1))) 
       ;  (print "exiting spublish:get-accessable-projects")

;; function to find sheets to which use has access 
(define (spublish:has-permission  area)
  ;(print "in spublish:has-permission")
  (let* ((username     (current-user-name))
        (ret-val #f))
   ((equal? (is-admin username) #t)
     (set! ret-val #t))
    ((equal? (is-user "publish" username area) #t)
     (set! ret-val #t))
   ((equal? (is-user "writer-admin" username area) #t) 
     (set! ret-val #t))

   ((equal? (is-user "area-admin" username area) #t) 
     (set! ret-val #t))
    (set! ret-val #f)))
  ;  (print ret-val)

(define (is_directory target-path) 
  (let* ((retval #f))
    	(lambda ()
          ;(print (current-effective-user-id) ) 
          (if (directory? target-path)
               (set! retval  #t))))
             ;(print (current-effective-user-id))

(define (spublish:shell-cp src-path target-path)  
   ((not (file-exists? target-path))
	(print "ERROR: target Directory " target-path " does not exist!!"))
   ((not (file-exists? src-path))
    (print "Error: Source path " src-path " does not exist!!" ))
     (if (is_directory src-path) 
            (let* ((parent-dir src-path)
                   (start-dir target-path))
                 ;(print "parent-dir " parent-dir " start-dir " start-dir)   
                 (run (pipe
                   (begin (system (conc "cd " parent-dir " ;tar chf - ." )))
                   (begin (change-directory start-dir)
                          ;(print "123")
                          (run-cmd "tar" (list "xf" "-"))))))) 
           (let*((parent-dir (pathname-directory src-path))
                  (start-dir target-path)
                (filename (if  (pathname-extension src-path)  
                                      (conc(pathname-file src-path) "." (pathname-extension src-path))
                                      (pathname-file src-path))))
                ;(print "parent-dir " parent-dir " start-dir " start-dir)   
                 (run (pipe
                   (begin (system (conc "cd " parent-dir ";tar chf - " filename )))
                   (begin (change-directory start-dir)
                          (run-cmd "tar" (list "xf" "-"))) 

(define (spublish:shell-mkdir targ-path)
    (if (file-exists? targ-path)
	  (print "ERROR: target Directory " targ-path " already exist!!"))
        (let* ((th1         (make-thread
			 (lambda ()
			   (create-directory targ-path #t)
			   (print " ... dir " targ-path " created"))
			 "mkdir thread"))
	   (th2         (make-thread
			 (lambda ()
			   (let loop ()
			     (thread-sleep! 15)
			     (display ".")
			 "action is happening thread")))
      (thread-start! th1)
      (thread-start! th2)
      (thread-join! th1)
    (cons #t "Successfully saved data"))))

(define (spublish:shell-rm targ-path)
    (if (not (file-exists? targ-path))
	  (print "ERROR: target path " targ-path " does not exist!!"))
        (let* ((th1         (make-thread
			 (lambda ()
			   (delete-file  targ-path )
			   (print " ... path " targ-path " deleted"))
			 "rm thread"))
	   (th2         (make-thread
			 (lambda ()
			   (let loop ()
			     (thread-sleep! 15)
			     (display ".")
			 "action is happening thread")))
      (thread-start! th1)
      (thread-start! th2)
      (thread-join! th1)
    (cons #t "Successfully saved data"))))

(define (spublish:shell-ln src-path target-path sub-path)
   (if (not (file-exists? sub-path))
	 (print "ERROR: Path " sub-path " does not exist!! cannot proceed with link creation!!")
          (if (not (file-exists? src-path))
  	    (print "ERROR: Path " src-path " does not exist!! cannot proceed with link creation!!")
                (if (file-exists? target-path)
                   (print "ERROR: Path " target-path "already exist!! cannot proceed with link creation!!")
                      (create-symbolic-link src-path target-path  )
			   (print " ... link " target-path " created"))))))))
(define (spublish:shell-help)
(conc "Usage: [action [params ...]]

  ls    [target path]               	  : list contents of target area.
  cd    <target path> 	     	          : To change the current directory within the sretrive shell. 
  pwd				     	  : Prints the full pathname of the current directory within the sretrive shell.
  mkdir <path>                            : creates directory. Note it does not create's a path recursive manner.
  rm <target path>                        : removes files and emoty directories   
  cp <src> <target path>                  : copy a file/dir to target path. if src is a dir it automatically makes a recursive copy.
  ln TARGET LINK_NAME                     : creates a symlink      
Part of the Megatest tool suite.
Learn more at

Version: " megatest-fossil-hash)

(define (toplevel-command . args) #f)

(define (spublish:shell area)
 ; (print area)
  (use readline)
  (let* ((path      '())
	 (prompt    "spublish> ")
	 (args      (argv))
         (usr (current-user-name) )   
         (top-areas (spublish:get-accessable-projects area))
         (close-port     #f)
         (area-obj  (get-obj-by-code area))
         (user-obj (get-user usr)) 
         (base-path (if (null? area-obj) 
                        (caddr (cdr area-obj))))      
	 (iport     (make-readline-port prompt)))
        ;(print base-path) 
        (if (null? area-obj)
             (print "Area " area " does not exist")
          (exit 1)))
        ; (print "here")    
	(let loop ((inl (read-line iport)))
	  (if (not (or (or (eof-object? inl)
		       (equal? inl "exit")) (port-closed? iport)))
	      (let* ((parts (string-split inl))
		     (cmd   (if (null? parts) #f (car parts))))
		(if (and (not cmd) (not (port-closed? iport)))
		    (loop (read-line))
		    (case (string->symbol cmd)
		       (if (> (length parts) 1) ;; have a parameter
                             (let*((arg (cadr parts))
                                   (resolved-path (sauth-common:resolve-path  arg path top-areas))
                                   (target-path (sauth-common:get-target-path path  arg top-areas base-path)))
                                 (if (not (equal? target-path #f))
                                 (if (or (equal? resolved-path #f) (not (file-exists? target-path)))    
                                 (print "Invalid argument " arg ".. ")
			            (set! path resolved-path)
                              (lambda ()
			    (run-cmd (conc *sauth-path* "/sauthorize") (list "register-log" (conc "\"" inl "\"") (number->string (car user-obj))  (number->string (caddr area-obj))  "cd"))))
   			   (set! path '())))
                         (if (null? path)
                           (print "/")  
                           (print "/" (string-join path "/")))) 
		       (let* ((thepath (if (> (length parts) 1) ;; have a parameter
					   (cdr parts)
			      (plen    (length thepath)))
			  ((null? thepath)
                           (sauth-common:shell-ls-cmd path "" top-areas base-path  '())
                              (lambda ()
			    (run-cmd (conc *sauth-path* "/sauthorize") (list "register-log" (conc "\"" inl "\"") (number->string (car user-obj))  (number->string (caddr area-obj))  "ls"))))   )
			  ((< plen 2)
                            (sauth-common:shell-ls-cmd path  (car thepath) top-areas base-path '())
                              (lambda ()
			    (run-cmd (conc *sauth-path* "/sauthorize") (list "register-log" (conc "\"" inl "\"") (number->string (car user-obj))  (number->string (caddr area-obj))  "ls")))))
                            (if (equal? (car thepath) "|")
                              (sauth-common:shell-ls-cmd path "" top-areas base-path thepath)
                              (sauth-common:shell-ls-cmd path  (car thepath) top-areas base-path (cdr thepath)))
                              (lambda ()
			    (run-cmd (conc *sauth-path* "/sauthorize") (list "register-log" (conc "\"" inl "\"") (number->string (car user-obj))  (number->string (caddr area-obj))  "ls"))))))))
                         (let* ((thepath (if (> (length parts) 1) ;; have a parameter
				   (cdr parts)
			      (plen    (length thepath)))
                          ((null? thepath)
                            (print "mkdir takes one argument"))
                          ((< plen 2) 
                            (let*((mk-path (cadr parts))
                                  (resolved-path (sauth-common:resolve-path  mk-path path top-areas))
                                  (target-path (sauth-common:get-target-path path  mk-path top-areas base-path)))
                              (if (not (equal? target-path #f))
                                 (if (equal? resolved-path #f)     
                                 (print "Invalid argument " mk-path ".. ")
                                      (spublish:shell-mkdir target-path)   
                              (lambda ()
			    (run-cmd (conc *sauth-path* "/sauthorize") (list "register-log" (conc "\"" inl "\"") (number->string (car user-obj))  (number->string (caddr area-obj))  "mkdir")))))))
                          (let* ((thepath (if (> (length parts) 1) ;; have a parameter
				   (cdr parts)
			      (plen    (length thepath)))
                          ((null? thepath)
                            (print "rm takes one argument"))
                          ((< plen 2) 
                            (let*((rm-path (cadr parts))
                                  (resolved-path (sauth-common:resolve-path  rm-path path top-areas))
                                  (target-path (sauth-common:get-target-path path  rm-path top-areas base-path)))
                              (if (not (equal? target-path #f))
                                 (if (equal? resolved-path #f)     
                                 (print "Invalid argument " rm-path ".. ")
                                      (spublish:shell-rm target-path)   
                              (lambda ()
			    (run-cmd (conc *sauth-path* "/sauthorize") (list "register-log" (conc "\"" inl "\"") (number->string (car user-obj))  (number->string (caddr area-obj))  "rm")))))))

                      ((cp publish)
                          (let* ((thepath (if (> (length parts) 1) ;; have a parameter
				   (cdr parts)
			      (plen    (length thepath)))
                          ((or (null? thepath) (< plen 2)) 
                            (print "cp takes two argument"))
                          ((< plen 3) 
                            (let*((src-path (car thepath))
                                  (dest-path (cadr thepath))   
                                  (resolved-path (sauth-common:resolve-path  dest-path path top-areas))
                                  (target-path (sauth-common:get-target-path path  dest-path top-areas base-path)))
                              (if (not (equal? target-path #f))
                                 (if (equal? resolved-path #f)     
                                 (print "Invalid argument " dest-path ".. ")
                                      (spublish:shell-cp src-path target-path)   
                              (lambda ()
			    (run-cmd (conc *sauth-path* "/sauthorize") (list "register-log" (conc "\"" inl "\"") (number->string (car user-obj))  (number->string (caddr area-obj))  "cp")))))))
                           (let* ((thepath (if (> (length parts) 1) ;; have a parameter
				   (cdr parts)
			      (plen    (length thepath)))
                          ((or (null? thepath) (< plen 2)) 
                            (print "ln takes two argument"))
                          ((< plen 3) 
                            (let*((src-path (car thepath))
                                  (dest-path (cadr thepath))   
                                  (resolved-path (sauth-common:resolve-path  dest-path path top-areas))
                                  (target-path (sauth-common:get-target-path path  dest-path top-areas base-path))
                                  (sub-path (conc "/" (string-reverse (string-join (cdr (string-split (string-reverse  target-path) "/")) "/")))))
                              (if (not (equal? target-path #f))
                                 (if (equal? resolved-path #f)     
                                 (print "Invalid argument " dest-path ".. ")
                                      (spublish:shell-ln src-path target-path sub-path)   
                              (lambda ()
			    (run-cmd (conc *sauth-path* "/sauthorize") (list "register-log" (conc "\"" inl "\"") (number->string (car user-obj))  (number->string (caddr area-obj))  "ln")))))))
                          (print "got exit"))  
                          (print (spublish:shell-help)))
		       (print "Got command: " inl))))
                 (loop (read-line iport)))))))


(define (spublish:load-config exe-dir exe-name)
  (let* ((fname   (conc exe-dir "/." exe-name ".config")))
    ;; (ini:property-separator-patt " *  *")
    ;; (ini:property-separator #\space)
    (if (file-exists? fname)
	;; (ini:read-ini fname)
	(read-config fname #f #t)

(define (spublish:process-action action . args)
  (let* (
         ;; (target-dir    (configf:lookup configdat "settings" "target-dir"))
	 (user          (current-user-name))
	 ;;(allowed-users (string-split
	;;		 (or (configf:lookup configdat "settings" "allowed-users")
	;;		     "")))
    (case (string->symbol action)
      ((cp publish)
       (if (< (length args) 2)
	     (print "ERROR: Missing arguments; " (string-intersperse args ", "))
	     (exit 1)))
       (let* ((remargs     (args:get-args args '("-m") '() args:arg-hash 0))
              (dest-dir (cadr args))
              (src-path-in (car args))
	      (src-path    (with-input-from-pipe
			    (conc "readlink -f " src-path-in)
			    (lambda ()
	      (msg         (or (args:get-arg "-m") ""))
	      (targ-file   (pathname-strip-directory src-path)))
	 (if (not (file-read-access? src-path))
	       (print "ERROR: source file not readable: " src-path)
	       (exit 1)))
	 (if (directory? src-path)
              (print "ERROR: source file is a directory, this is not supported yet.")
	       (exit 1)))
	     (print "publishing " src-path-in " to " target-dir)
             (spublish:validate     target-dir dest-dir)
	     (spublish:cp configdat user src-path target-dir targ-file dest-dir msg)))
        (if (< (length args) 1)
	     (print "ERROR: Missing arguments; " (string-intersperse args ", "))
	     (exit 1)))
        (let* ((dst-dir (car args))
               (msg         (or (args:get-arg "-m") "")))
               (spublish:validate     target-dir  dst-dir)
               (spublish:tar configdat user target-dir dst-dir msg)))
        (if (< (length args) 1)
	     (print "ERROR: Missing arguments; " (string-intersperse args ", "))
	     (exit 1)))
        (let* ((targ-mk (car args))
               (msg         (or (args:get-arg "-m") ""))) 
               (print "attempting to create directory " targ-mk " in " target-dir)
               (spublish:validate     target-dir targ-mk)
               (spublish:mkdir configdat user target-dir targ-mk msg)))

        (if (< (length args) 2)
	     (print "ERROR: Missing arguments; " (string-intersperse args ", "))
	     (exit 1)))
        (let* ((targ-link (car args))
               (link-name (cadr args))  
               (sub-path (string-reverse (string-join (cdr (string-split (string-reverse link-name) "/")) "/"))) 
               (msg         (or (args:get-arg "-m") "")))
               (if (> (string-length(string-trim sub-path)) 0)
                  (print "attempting to create directory " sub-path " in " target-dir)
                  (spublish:validate     target-dir sub-path)
                  (print (conc target-dir "/" sub-path ) )
                  (print (directory-exists?(conc target-dir "/" sub-path )))
                  (if (directory-exists?(conc target-dir "/" sub-path ))
                   (print "Target Directory " (conc target-dir sub-path ) " exist!!")
                  (spublish:mkdir configdat user target-dir sub-path msg))))

               (print "attempting to create link " link-name " in " target-dir)
               (spublish:ln configdat user target-dir targ-link link-name msg)))

       (if (< (length args) 1)
	     (print "ERROR: Missing arguments; " (string-intersperse args ", "))
	     (exit 1)))
       (let* ((targ-file (car args))
	      (msg         (or (args:get-arg "-m") "")))
	 (print "attempting to remove " targ-file " from " target-dir)
           (spublish:validate     target-dir targ-file)

	 (spublish:rm configdat user target-dir targ-file msg)))
       (if (< (length args) 3)
	     (print "ERROR: Missing arguments; " (string-intersperse args ", "))
	     (exit 1))
	   (let* ((srcpath  (list-ref args 0))
		  (areaname (list-ref args 1))
		  (version  (list-ref args 2))
		  (remargs  (args:get-args (drop args 2)
					   '("-type" ;; link or copy (default is copy)
		  (publish-type (if (equal? (args:get-arg "-type") "link") 'link 'copy))
		  (comment      (or (args:get-arg "-m") ""))
		  (submitter    (current-user-name))
		  (quality      (args:get-arg "-quality"))
		  (publish-res  (spublish:publish configdat publish-type areaname version comment srcpath submitter quality)))
	     (if (not (car publish-res))
		   (print "ERROR: " (cdr publish-res))
		   (exit 1))))))
       (let ((area-name (car args)) ;;      version patt   full print
	     (remargs   (args:get-args args '("-vpatt") '("-full") args:arg-hash 0))
	     (db        (spublish:open-db configdat))
	     (versions  (spublish:get-versions-for-area db (car args) version-patt: (args:get-arg "-vpatt"))))
	 ;; (print "area-name=" area-name " args=" args " *args-hash*=" (hash-table->alist *args-hash*))
	 (map (lambda (x)
		(if (args:get-arg "-full")
		    (format #t 
			    (vector-ref x 0)
			    (vector-ref x 1) 
			    (vector-ref x 2) 
			    (conc "\"" (time->string (seconds->local-time (vector-ref x 3))) "\"")
			    (conc "\"" (vector-ref x 4) "\""))
		    (print (vector-ref x 0))))
          (if (< (length args) 1)
	     (print  "ERROR: Missing arguments area!!" )
	     (exit 1))
             (spublish:shell (car args)))
      (else (print "Unrecognised command " action)))))
;; ease debugging by loading ~/.dashboardrc - REMOVE FROM PRODUCTION!
;; (let ((debugcontrolf (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.spublishrc")))
;;   (if (file-exists? debugcontrolf)
;;       (load debugcontrolf)))

(define (main)
  (let* ((args      (argv))
	 (prog      (car args))
	 (rema      (cdr args))
	 (exe-name  (pathname-file (car (argv)))))
     ;; one-word commands
     ((eq? (length rema) 1)
      (case (string->symbol (car rema))
	((help -h -help --h --help)
	 (print spublish:help))
	 (print "ERROR: Unrecognised command. Try \"spublish help\""))))
     ;; multi-word commands
     ((null? rema)(print spublish:help))
     ((>= (length rema) 2)
      (apply spublish:process-action (car rema)(cdr rema)))
     (else (print "ERROR: Unrecognised command2. Try \"spublish help\"")))))
