;; Copyright 2018, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;; Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Megatest. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;; Tests
(declare (unit util))
(declare (uses common))
(module util
(import chicken scheme data-structures extras srfi-13 ports )
;; L O C K I N G M E C H A N I S M S
;; faux-lock is deprecated. Please use simple-lock below
(define (common:faux-lock keyname #!key (wait-time 8)(allow-lock-steal #t))
(if (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f) ;; do not be tempted to compare to pid. locking is a one-shot action, if already locked for this pid it doesn't actually count
(if (> wait-time 0)
(thread-sleep! 1)
(if (eq? wait-time 1) ;; only one second left, steal the lock
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "stealing lock for " keyname)
(common:faux-unlock keyname force: #t)))
(common:faux-lock keyname wait-time: (- wait-time 1)))
(rmt:no-sync-set keyname (conc (current-process-id)))
(equal? (conc (current-process-id)) (conc (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f))))))
(define (common:faux-unlock keyname #!key (force #f))
(if (or force (equal? (conc (current-process-id)) (conc (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f))))
(if (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f) (rmt:no-sync-del! keyname))
;; simple lock. improve and converge on this one.
(define (common:simple-lock keyname)
(rmt:no-sync-get-lock keyname))
(define (common:run-a-command cmd #!key (with-vars #f))
(let* ((pre-cmd (dtests:get-pre-command))
(post-cmd (dtests:get-post-command))
(fullcmd (if (or pre-cmd post-cmd)
(conc pre-cmd cmd post-cmd)
(conc "viewscreen " cmd))))
(debug:print-info 02 *default-log-port* "Running command: " fullcmd)
(if with-vars
(common:without-vars cmd)
(common:without-vars fullcmd "MT_.*"))))
;; ideally put all this info into the db, no need to preserve it across moving homehost
;; return list of
;; ( reachable? cpuload update-time )
(define (common:get-host-info hostname)
(let* ((loadinfo (rmt:get-latest-host-load hostname)) ;; if this host happens to have been recently used by a test reuse the load data
(load (car loadinfo))
(load-sample-time (cdr loadinfo))
(load-sample-age (- (current-seconds) load-sample-time))
(loadinfo-timeout-seconds 6) ;; this was 20 seconds, seems way too lax. Switch to 6 seconds
(host-last-update-timeout-seconds 4)
(host-rec (hash-table-ref/default *host-loads* hostname #f))
((< load-sample-age loadinfo-timeout-seconds)
(list #t
((and host-rec
(< (current-seconds) (+ (host-last-update host-rec) host-last-update-timeout-seconds)))
(list #t
(host-last-update host-rec)
(host-last-cpuload host-rec )))
((common:unix-ping hostname)
(list #t
(alist-ref 'adj-core-load (common:get-normalized-cpu-load hostname)))) ;; this is cheaper than you might think. get-normalized-cpu-load is cached for up to 5 seconds
(list #f 0 -1) ;; bad host, don't use!
(define (get-uname . params)
(let* ((uname-res (process:cmd-run->list (conc "uname " (if (null? params) "-a" (car params)))))
(uname #f))
(if (null? (car uname-res))
(caar uname-res))))
(define (get-unix-df path)
(let* ((df-results (process:cmd-run->list (conc "df " path)))
(space-rx (regexp "([0-9]+)\\s+([0-9]+)%"))
(freespc #f))
;; (write df-results)
(for-each (lambda (l)
(let ((match (string-search space-rx l)))
(if match
(let ((newval (string->number (cadr match))))
(if (number? newval)
(set! freespc newval))))))
(car df-results))
;; given path get free space, allows override in [setup]
;; with free-space-script /path/to/some/script.sh
(define (get-df path)
(if (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "free-space-script")
(conc (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "free-space-script") " " path)
(lambda ()
(let ((res (read-line)))
(if (string? res)
(string->number res)))))
(get-unix-df path)))
(define (std-exit-procedure)
(on-exit (lambda () 0))
;;(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "std-exit-procedure called; *time-to-exit*="*time-to-exit*)
(let ((no-hurry (if *time-to-exit* ;; hurry up
(set! *time-to-exit* #t)
(debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "starting exit process, finalizing databases.")
(if (and no-hurry (debug:debug-mode 18))
(let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda () ;; thread for cleaning up, give it five seconds
(if *dbstruct-db* (db:close-all *dbstruct-db*)) ;; one second allocated
(if *task-db*
(let ((db (cdr *task-db*)))
(if (sqlite3:database? db)
(sqlite3:interrupt! db)
(sqlite3:finalize! db #t)
;; (vector-set! *task-db* 0 #f)
(set! *task-db* #f)))))
;; (if (and *runremote*
;; (remote-conndat *runremote*))
;; (begin
;; (http-client#close-all-connections!))) ;; for http-client
(if (not (eq? *default-log-port* (current-error-port)))
(close-output-port *default-log-port*))
(set! *default-log-port* (current-error-port))) "Cleanup db exit thread"))
(th2 (make-thread (lambda ()
(debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "Attempting clean exit. Please be patient and wait a few seconds...")
(if no-hurry
(thread-sleep! 5)) ;; give the clean up few seconds to do it's stuff
(thread-sleep! 2)))
(debug:print 4 *default-log-port* " ... done")
"clean exit")))
(thread-start! th1)
(thread-start! th2)
(thread-join! th1)
;; from metadat lookup MEGATEST_VERSION
(define (common:get-last-run-version) ;; RADT => How does this work in send-receive function??; assume it is the value saved in some DB
(rmt:get-var "MEGATEST_VERSION"))
(define (common:set-last-run-version)
(rmt:set-var "MEGATEST_VERSION" (common:version-signature)))
;; D I S K S P A C E
(define (common:get-disk-space-used fpath)
(with-input-from-pipe (conc "/usr/bin/du -s " fpath) read))
(define (common:check-space-in-dir dirpath required)
(let* ((dbspace (if (directory? dirpath)
(get-df dirpath)
(list (> dbspace required)
;; check space in dbdir and in megatest dir
;; returns: ok/not dbspace required-space
(define (common:check-db-dir-space)
(let* ((required (string->number
(or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "dbdir-space-required")
(dbdir (common:get-db-tmp-area)) ;; (db:get-dbdir))
(tdbspace (common:check-space-in-dir dbdir required))
(mdbspace (common:check-space-in-dir *toppath* required)))
(sort (list tdbspace mdbspace) (lambda (a b)
(< (cadr a)(cadr b))))))
;; check available space in dbdir, exit if insufficient
(define (common:check-db-dir-and-exit-if-insufficient)
(let* ((spacedat (car (common:check-db-dir-space))) ;; look only at worst for now
(is-ok (car spacedat))
(dbspace (cadr spacedat))
(required (caddr spacedat))
(dbdir (cadddr spacedat)))
(if (not is-ok)
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Insufficient space in " dbdir ", require " required ", have " dbspace ", exiting now.")
(exit 1)))))
;; paths is list of lists ((name path) ... )
(define (common:get-disk-with-most-free-space disks minsize)
(let ((best #f)
(bestsize 0))
(lambda (disk-num)
(let* ((dirpath (cadr (assoc disk-num disks)))
(freespc (cond
((not (directory? dirpath))
(if (common:low-noise-print 300 "disks not a dir " disk-num)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: disk " disk-num " at path \"" dirpath "\" is not a directory - ignoring it."))
((not (file-write-access? dirpath))
(if (common:low-noise-print 300 "disks not writeable " disk-num)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: disk " disk-num " at path \"" dirpath "\" is not writeable - ignoring it."))
((not (eq? (string-ref dirpath 0) #\/))
(if (common:low-noise-print 300 "disks not a proper path " disk-num)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: disk " disk-num " at path \"" dirpath "\" is not a fully qualified path - ignoring it."))
(get-df dirpath)))))
(if (> freespc bestsize)
(set! best (cons disk-num dirpath))
(set! bestsize freespc)))))
(map car disks))
(if (and best (> bestsize minsize))
#f))) ;; #f means no disk candidate found
;; see defstruct host at top of file.
;; host: reachable last-update last-used last-cpuload
(define (common:update-host-loads-table hosts-raw)
(let* ((hosts (filter (lambda (x)
(string-match (regexp "^\\S+$") x))
(lambda (hostname)
(let* ((rec (let ((h (hash-table-ref/default *host-loads* hostname #f)))
(if h
(let ((h (make-host)))
(hash-table-set! *host-loads* hostname h)
(host-info (common:get-host-info hostname))
(is-reachable (car host-info))
(last-reached-time (cadr host-info))
(load (caddr host-info)))
(host-reachable-set! rec is-reachable)
(host-last-update-set! rec last-reached-time)
(host-last-cpuload-set! rec load)))
;; go through the hosts from least recently used to most recently used, pick the first that meets the load criteral from the
;; [host-rules] section.
(define (common:get-least-loaded-host hosts-raw host-type configdat)
(let* ((rdat (configf:lookup configdat "host-rules" host-type))
(rules (common:val->alist (or rdat "") convert: #t)) ;; maxnload, maxnjobs, maxjobrate
(maxnload (common:alist-ref/default 'maxnload rules 1.5)) ;; max normalized load
(maxnjobs (common:alist-ref/default 'maxnjobs rules 1.5)) ;; max normalized number of jobs
(maxjobrate (common:alist-ref/default 'maxjobrate rules (/ 1 6))) ;; max rate of submitting jobs to a given host in jobs/second
(hosts (filter (lambda (x)
(string-match (regexp "^\\S+$") x))
;; (best-host #f)
(get-rec (lambda (hostname)
;; (print "get-rec hostname=" hostname)
(let ((h (hash-table-ref/default *host-loads* hostname #f)))
(if h
(let ((h (make-host)))
(hash-table-set! *host-loads* hostname h)
(best-load 99999)
(curr-time (current-seconds))
(get-hosts-sorted (lambda (hosts)
(sort hosts (lambda (a b)
(let ((a-rec (get-rec a))
(b-rec (get-rec b)))
;; (print "a=" a " a-rec=" a-rec " host-last-used=" (host-last-used a-rec))
;; (print "b=" b " b-rec=" b-rec " host-last-used=" (host-last-used b-rec))
(< (host-last-used a-rec)
(host-last-used b-rec))))))))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: hosts-sorted=" (get-hosts-sorted hosts))
(if (null? hosts)
#f ;; no hosts to select from. All done and giving up now.
(let ((hosts-sorted (get-hosts-sorted hosts)))
(common:update-host-loads-table hosts)
(let loop ((hostname (car hosts-sorted))
(tal (cdr hosts-sorted))
(best-host #f))
(let* ((rec (get-rec hostname))
(reachable (host-reachable rec))
(load (host-last-cpuload rec))
(last-used (host-last-used rec))
(delta (- curr-time last-used))
(job-rate (if (> delta 0)
(/ 1 delta)
999)) ;; jobs per second
((not reachable)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Skipping host " hostname " as it cannot be reached.")
((and (< load maxnload) ;; load is acceptable
(< job-rate maxjobrate)) ;; job rate is acceptable
(set! best-load load)
(else best-host))))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Trying host " hostname " with load " load ", last used " delta " seconds ago, with job-rate " job-rate " for running a test." )
(if new-best
(begin ;; found a host, return it
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Found host: " new-best " load: " load " last-used: " delta " seconds ago, with job-rate: " job-rate)
(host-last-used-set! rec curr-time)
(if (null? tal) #f (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) best-host)))))))))
(define (common:wait-for-cpuload maxload-in numcpus-in waitdelay #!key (count 1000) (msg #f)(remote-host #f))
(let* ((loadavg (common:get-cpu-load remote-host))
(numcpus (if (< 1 numcpus-in) ;; not possible
(common:get-num-cpus remote-host)
(maxload (max maxload-in 0.5)) ;; so maxload must be greater than 0.5 for now BUG - FIXME?
(first (car loadavg))
(next (cadr loadavg))
(adjload (* maxload (max 1 numcpus))) ;; possible bug where numcpus (or could be maxload) is zero, crude fallback is to at least use 1
(loadjmp (- first next))
(adjwait (+ (random 10)(/ (- 1000 count) 10) waitdelay))) ;; add some randomness to the time to break any alignment where netbatch dumps many jobs to machines simultaneously
((and (> first adjload)
(> count 0))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "server start delayed " adjwait " seconds due to load " first " exceeding max of " adjload " on server " (or remote-host (get-host-name)) " (normalized load-limit: " maxload ") " (if msg msg ""))
(thread-sleep! adjwait)
(common:wait-for-cpuload maxload numcpus waitdelay count: (- count 1) msg: msg remote-host: remote-host))
((and (> loadjmp numcpus)
(> count 0))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "waiting " adjwait " seconds due to load jump " loadjmp " > numcpus " numcpus (if msg msg ""))
(thread-sleep! adjwait)
(common:wait-for-cpuload maxload numcpus waitdelay count: (- count 1) msg: msg remote-host: remote-host)))))
(define (common:wait-for-homehost-load maxload msg)
(let* ((hh-dat (if (common:on-homehost?) ;; if we are on the homehost then pass in #f so the calls are local.
(hh (if hh-dat (car hh-dat) #f))
(numcpus (common:get-num-cpus hh)))
(common:wait-for-normalized-load maxload msg hh)))
(define (common:get-num-cpus remote-host)
(let* ((actual-host (or remote-host (get-host-name))))
(or (common:get-cached-info actual-host "num-cpus" age: 86400) ;; hosts had better not be changing the number of cpus too often!
(let* ((proc (lambda ()
(let loop ((numcpu 0)
(inl (read-line)))
(if (eof-object? inl)
(common:write-cached-info remote-host "num-cpus" numcpu)
(loop (if (string-match "^processor\\s+:\\s+\\d+$" inl)
(+ numcpu 1)
(result (if remote-host
(conc "ssh " remote-host " cat /proc/cpuinfo")
(with-input-from-file "/proc/cpuinfo" proc))))
(common:write-cached-info actual-host "num-cpus" result)
;; wait for normalized cpu load to drop below maxload
(define (common:wait-for-normalized-load maxload msg remote-host)
(let ((num-cpus (common:get-num-cpus remote-host)))
(common:wait-for-cpuload maxload num-cpus 15 msg: msg remote-host: remote-host)))