Artifact 90abad008687bac39ca73cd538b3e30e987bb214:
- Executable file tests/tests/runfirst/ — part of check-in [0add4d5d70] at 2011-05-06 12:22:56 on branch trunk — Partial checkin for fixes to -runstep (user: mrwellan, size: 396) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
#!/bin/bash # megatest -step wasting_time :state start :status n/a -m "This is a test step comment" # sleep 20 # megatest -step wasting_time :state end :status $? megatest -runstep wasting_time -logpro wasting_time.logpro "sleep 20;echo all done eh?" -m "This is a test step comment" megatest -test-status :state COMPLETED :status PASS -setlog thelogfile.log -m "This is a test level comment"