
Artifact [95b32405fd]

Artifact 95b32405fd667e90b90e26306508b07bae0b6d85:

;; Copyright 2017, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;;     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;     (at your option) any later version.
;;     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;     GNU General Public License for more details.
;;     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.


(declare (unit rmtmod))
(declare (uses commonmod))
(declare (uses apimod))
(declare (uses dbmod))
;; (declare (uses transport))
;; (declare (uses servermod))

(module rmtmod
(import scheme chicken data-structures extras)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) posix typed-records srfi-18)
(import commonmod)
(import dbmod)
(import apimod)
;; (import transport)
;; (import servermod)

(defstruct alldat
  (areapath #f)
  (ulexdat  #f)

(define (rmtmod:calc-ro-mode runremote *toppath*)
  (if (and runremote
	   (remote-ro-mode-checked runremote))
      (remote-ro-mode runremote)
      (let* ((ro-mode (not (db:writeable *toppath* "megatest.db"))))
	(if runremote
	      (remote-ro-mode-set! runremote ro-mode)
	      (remote-ro-mode-checked-set! runremote #t)


;; generate entries for ~/.megatestrc with the following
;;  grep define ../rmt.scm | grep rmt: |perl -pi -e 's/\(define\s+\((\S+)\W.*$/\1/'|sort -u

;;  S U P P O R T   F U N C T I O N S

;; if a server is either running or in the process of starting call client:setup
;; else return #f to let the calling proc know that there is no server available
(define (rmt:get-connection-info areapath #!key (area-dat #f)) ;; TODO: push areapath down.
  (let* ((runremote (or area-dat *runremote*))
	 (cinfo     (if (remote? runremote)
			(remote-conndat runremote)
	  (if cinfo
	      (if (server:check-if-running areapath)
		  (client:setup areapath)


(define (create-remote-record)
  (let ((rr (make-remote)))
    (rmt:init-remote rr)

(define (rmt:init-remote rr)
  (remote-hh-dat-set!         rr (common:get-homehost)) ;
  (remote-server-info-set!    rr (if *toppath* (server:check-if-running *toppath*) #f))
  (remote-transport-set!      rr *transport-type*)
  (remote-server-timeout-set! rr (server:expiration-timeout))
;; RA => e.g. usage (rmt:send-receive 'get-var #f (list varname))
(define (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params #!key (attemptnum 1)(area-dat #f)) ;; start attemptnum at 1 so the modulo below works as expected

  #;(common:telemetry-log (conc "rmt:"(->string cmd))
                        payload: `((rid . ,rid)
                                   (params . ,params)))
  (if (> attemptnum 2)
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: attemptnum in rmt:send-receive is " attemptnum))
   ((> attemptnum 2) (thread-sleep! 0.05))
   ((> attemptnum 10) (thread-sleep! 0.5))
   ((> attemptnum 20) (thread-sleep! 1)))
  (if (and (> attemptnum 5) (= 0 (modulo attemptnum 15)))  
    (begin (server:run *toppath*) (thread-sleep! 3))) 
  ;;DOT digraph megatest_state_status {
  ;;DOT   ranksep=0;
  ;;DOT   // rankdir=LR;
  ;;DOT   node [shape="box"];
  ;;DOT "rmt:send-receive" -> MUTEXLOCK;
  ;;DOT { edge [style=invis];"case 1" -> "case 2" -> "case 3" -> "case 4" -> "case 5" -> "case 6" -> "case 7" -> "case 8" -> "case 9" -> "case 10" -> "case 11"; }
  ;; do all the prep locked under the rmt-mutex
  (mutex-lock! *rmt-mutex*)

  ;; set up runremote record earlier than the loop below
  (if (not *runremote*)                   ;; can remove this one. should never get here.         
	(set! *runremote* (create-remote-record))
	(let* ((server-info (remote-server-info *runremote*))) 
	  (if server-info
		(remote-server-url-set! *runremote* (server:record->url server-info))
		(remote-server-id-set! *runremote* (server:record->id server-info)))))  
	#;(set! area-dat *runremote*))) ;; new runremote will come from this on next iteration
  ;; 1. check if server is started IFF cmd is a write OR if we are not on the homehost, store in runremote
  ;; 2. check the age of the connections. refresh the connection if it is older than timeout-20 seconds.
  ;; 3. do the query, if on homehost use local access
  (let* ((start-time    (current-seconds)) ;; snapshot time so all use cases get same value
         (areapath      *toppath*);; TODO - resolve from dbstruct to be compatible with multiple areas
	 (runremote     (or area-dat
         (attemptnum    (+ 1 attemptnum))
	 (readonly-mode (rmtmod:calc-ro-mode runremote *toppath*)))

    ;; DOT INIT_RUNREMOTE; // leaving off - doesn't really add to the clarity
    ;; DOT MUTEXLOCK -> INIT_RUNREMOTE [label="no remote?"];
    ;; ensure we have a record for our connection for given area
    ;; DOT SET_HOMEHOST; // leaving off - doesn't really add to the clarity
    ;; DOT MUTEXLOCK -> SET_HOMEHOST [label="no homehost?"];
    ;; ensure we have a homehost record
    (if (not (pair? (remote-hh-dat runremote)))  ;; not on homehost
	(thread-sleep! 0.1) ;; since we shouldn't get here, delay a little
	(remote-hh-dat-set! runremote (common:get-homehost)))
    ;;(print "BB> readonly-mode is "readonly-mode" dbfile is "dbfile)
     ;;DOT EXIT;
     ;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> EXIT [label="> 15 attempts"]; {rank=same "case 1" "EXIT" }
     ;; give up if more than 150 attempts
     ((> attemptnum 150)
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: 150 tries to start/connect to server. Giving up.")
      (exit 1))

     ;;DOT CASE2 [label="local\nreadonly\nquery"];
     ;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE2; {rank=same "case 2" CASE2}
     ;;DOT CASE2 -> "rmt:open-qry-close-locally";
     ;; readonly mode, read request-  handle it - case 2
     ((and readonly-mode
           (member cmd api:read-only-queries)) 
      (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
      (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 2")
      (rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd 0 params)

     ;;DOT CASE3 [label="write in\nread-only mode"];
     ;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE3 [label="readonly\nmode?"]; {rank=same "case 3" CASE3}
     ;;DOT CASE3 -> "#f";
     ;; readonly mode, write request.  Do nothing, return #f
     (readonly-mode (extras-readonly-mode *rmt-mutex* *default-log-port* cmd params))

     ;; This block was for pre-emptively resetting the connection if there had been no communication for some time.
     ;; I don't think it adds any value. If the server is not there, just fail and start a new connection.
     ;; also, the expire-time calculation might not be correct. We want, time-since-last-server-access > (server:get-timeout)
     ;;DOT CASE4 [label="reset\nconnection"];
     ;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE4 [label="have connection,\nlast_access > expire_time"]; {rank=same "case 4" CASE4}
     ;;DOT CASE4 -> "rmt:send-receive";
     ;; reset the connection if it has been unused too long
     ((and runremote
           (remote-conndat runremote)
	   (> (current-seconds) ;; if it has been more than server-timeout seconds since last contact, close this connection and start a new on
	      (+ (http-transport:server-dat-get-last-access (remote-conndat runremote))
		 (remote-server-timeout runremote))))
      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Connection to " (remote-server-url runremote) " expired due to no accesses, forcing new connection.")
      (http-transport:close-connections area-dat: runremote)
      (remote-conndat-set! runremote #f) ;; invalidate the connection, thus forcing a new connection.
      (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
      (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum))
     ;;DOT CASE5 [label="local\nread"];
     ;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE5 [label="server not required,\non homehost,\nread-only query"]; {rank=same "case 5" CASE5};
     ;;DOT CASE5 -> "rmt:open-qry-close-locally";

     ;; on homehost and this is a read
     ((and (not (remote-force-server runremote)) ;; honor forced use of server, i.e. server NOT required
	   (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote))       ;; on homehost
           (member cmd api:read-only-queries))   ;; this is a read
      (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
      (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  5")
      (rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd 0 params))

     ;;DOT CASE6 [label="init\nremote"];
     ;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE6 [label="on homehost,\nwrite query,\nhave server,\ncan't reach it"]; {rank=same "case 6" CASE6};
     ;;DOT CASE6 -> "rmt:send-receive";
     ;; on homehost and this is a write, we already have a server, but server has died
     ((and (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote))           ;; on homehost
           (not (member cmd api:read-only-queries))  ;; this is a write
           (remote-server-url runremote)             ;; have a server
           (not (server:ping (remote-server-url runremote) (remote-server-id runremote))))  ;; server has died. NOTE: this is not a cheap call! Need better approach.
      (set! *runremote* (create-remote-record)) 
      (let* ((server-info (remote-server-info *runremote*))) 
            (if server-info
		  (remote-server-url-set! *runremote* (server:record->url server-info))
                  (remote-server-id-set! *runremote* (server:record->id server-info)))))
      (remote-force-server-set! runremote (common:force-server?))
      (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
      (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  6")
      (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum))

     ;;DOT CASE7 [label="homehost\nwrite"];
     ;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE7 [label="server not required,\non homehost,\na write,\nhave a server"]; {rank=same "case 7" CASE7};
     ;;DOT CASE7 -> "rmt:open-qry-close-locally";
     ;; on homehost and this is a write, we already have a server
     ((and (not (remote-force-server runremote))     ;; honor forced use of server, i.e. server NOT required
	   (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote))           ;; on homehost
           (not (member cmd api:read-only-queries))  ;; this is a write
           (remote-server-url runremote))            ;; have a server
      (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
      (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  4.1")
      (rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd 0 params))

     ;;DOT CASE8 [label="force\nserver"];
     ;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE8 [label="server not required,\nhave homehost info,\nno connection yet,\nnot a read-only query"]; {rank=same "case 8" CASE8};
     ;;DOT CASE8 -> "rmt:open-qry-close-locally";
     ;;  on homehost, no server contact made and this is a write, passively start a server 
     ((and (not (remote-force-server runremote))     ;; honor forced use of server, i.e. server NOT required
	   (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote))           ;; have homehost
           (not (remote-server-url runremote))       ;; no connection yet
	   (not (member cmd api:read-only-queries))) ;; not a read-only query
      (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  8")
      (let ((server-info  (server:check-if-running *toppath*))) ;; (server:read-dotserver->url *toppath*))) ;; (server:check-if-running *toppath*))) ;; Do NOT want to run server:check-if-running - very expensive to do for every write call
	(if server-info
              (remote-server-url-set! runremote (server:record->url server-info)) ;; the string can be consumed by the client setup if needed
              (remote-server-id-set! runremote (server:record->id server-info)))  
	    (if (common:force-server?)
		(server:start-and-wait *toppath*)
		(server:kind-run *toppath*)))
      (remote-force-server-set! runremote (common:force-server?))
      (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
      (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  8.1")
      (rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd 0 params)))

     ;;DOT CASE9 [label="force server\nnot on homehost"];
     ;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE9 [label="no connection\nand either require server\nor not on homehost"]; {rank=same "case 9" CASE9};
     ;;DOT CASE9 -> "start\nserver" -> "rmt:send-receive";
     ((or (and (remote-force-server runremote)              ;; we are forcing a server and don't yet have a connection to one
	       (not (remote-conndat runremote)))
	  (and (not (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote)))        ;; not on a homehost 
	       (not (remote-conndat runremote))))           ;; and no connection
      (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 9, hh-dat: " (remote-hh-dat runremote) " conndat: " (remote-conndat runremote))
      (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
      (if (not (server:check-if-running *toppath*)) ;; who knows, maybe one has started up?
	  (server:start-and-wait *toppath*))
      (remote-conndat-set! runremote (rmt:get-connection-info *toppath*)) ;; calls client:setup which calls client:setup-http
      (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum)) ;; TODO: add back-off timeout as

     ;;DOT CASE10 [label="on homehost"];
     ;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE10 [label="server not required,\non homehost"]; {rank=same "case 10" CASE10};
     ;;DOT CASE10 -> "rmt:open-qry-close-locally";
     ;; all set up if get this far, dispatch the query
     ((and (not (remote-force-server runremote))
	   (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote))) ;; we are on homehost
      (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
      (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 10")
      (rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd (if rid rid 0) params))

     ;;DOT CASE11 [label="send_receive"];
     ;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE11 [label="else"]; {rank=same "case 11" CASE11};
     ;;DOT CASE11 -> "rmt:send-receive" [label="call failed"];
     ;;DOT CASE11 -> "RESULT" [label="call succeeded"];
     ;; not on homehost, do server query
     (else (extras-case-11 *default-log-port* runremote cmd params attemptnum rid)))))
    ;;DOT }

;; bunch of small functions factored out of send-receive to make debug easier

(define (extras-case-11 *default-log-port* runremote cmd params attemptnum rid)
  ;; (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
  (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  9")
  ;; (mutex-lock! *rmt-mutex*)
  (let* ((conninfo (remote-conndat runremote))
	 (dat-in      (case (remote-transport runremote)
		     ((http) (condition-case ;; handling here has
					     ;; caused a lot of
					     ;; problems. However it
					     ;; is needed to deal with
					     ;; attemtped
					     ;; communication to
					     ;; servers that have gone
					     ;; away
			      (http-transport:client-api-send-receive 0 conninfo cmd params)
                              ((servermismatch)  (vector #f "Server id mismatch" ))
			      ((commfail)(vector #f "communications fail"))
			      ((exn)(vector #f "other fail" (print-call-chain)))))
		      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: transport " (remote-transport runremote) " not supported")

;; No Title 
;; Error: (vector-ref) out of range
;; #(#<condition: (exn type)> (#("db.scm:3740: regex#regexp" #f #f) #("db.scm:3739: regex#string-substitute" #f #f) #("db.scm:3738: base64#base64-decode" #f #f) #("db.scm:3737: z3#z3:decode-buffer" #f #f) #("db.scm:3736: with-input-from-string" #f #f) #("db.scm:3741: s11n#deserialize" #f #f) #("api.scm:374: api:execute-requests" #f #f) #("api.scm:139: call-with-current-continuation" #f #f) #("api.scm:139: with-exception-handler" #f #f) #("api.scm:139: ##sys#call-with-values" #f #f) #("api.scm:158: string->symbol" #f #f) #("api.scm:160: current-milliseconds" #f #f) #("api.scm:161: dbr:dbstruct-read-only" #f #f) #("api.scm:139: k15" #f #f) #("api.scm:139: g19" #f #f) #("api.scm:142: get-call-chain" #f #f)) #("get-test-info-by-id" (1102 507299)))
;; 6
;; 	Call history:
;; 	http-transport.scm:306: thread-terminate!	  
;; 	http-transport.scm:307: debug:print-info	  
;; 	common_records.scm:235: debug:debug-mode	  
;; 	rmt.scm:259: k587	  
;; 	rmt.scm:259: g591	  
;; 	rmt.scm:276: http-transport:server-dat-update-last-access	  
;; 	http-transport.scm:364: current-seconds	  
;; 	rmt.scm:282: debug:print-info	  
;; 	common_records.scm:235: debug:debug-mode	  
;; 	rmt.scm:283: mutex-unlock!	  
;; 	rmt.scm:287: extras-transport-succeded	  	<--
;; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;; | Exit Status    : 70  

	 (dat      (if (and (vector? dat-in) ;; ... check it is a correct size
			    (> (vector-length dat-in) 1))
		       (vector #f (conc "communications fail (type 2), dat-in=" dat-in))))
	 (success  (if (vector? dat) (vector-ref dat 0) #f))
	 (res      (if (vector? dat) (vector-ref dat 1) #f)))
    (if (and (vector? conninfo) (< 5 (vector-length conninfo)))
	(http-transport:server-dat-update-last-access conninfo) ;; refresh access time
	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Should not get here! conninfo=" conninfo)
	  (set! conninfo #f)
	  (remote-conndat-set! *runremote* #f) ;; NOTE: *runremote* is global copy of runremote. Purpose: factor out global.
	  (http-transport:close-connections  area-dat: runremote)))
    (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  9. conninfo=" conninfo " dat=" dat " runremote = " runremote)
    (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
    (if success ;; success only tells us that the transport was
	;; successful, have to examine the data to see if
	;; there was a detected issue at the other end
	(extras-transport-succeded *default-log-port* *rmt-mutex* attemptnum runremote res params rid cmd)
           (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* " dat=" dat) 
           (extras-transport-failed *default-log-port* *rmt-mutex* attemptnum runremote cmd rid params))

(define (rmt:print-db-stats)
  (let ((fmtstr "~40a~7-d~9-d~20,2-f")) ;; "~20,2-f"
    (debug:print 18 *default-log-port* "DB Stats\n========")
    (debug:print 18 *default-log-port* (format #f "~40a~8a~10a~10a" "Cmd" "Count" "TotTime" "Avg"))
    (for-each (lambda (cmd)
		(let ((cmd-dat (hash-table-ref *db-stats* cmd)))
		  (debug:print 18 *default-log-port* (format #f fmtstr cmd (vector-ref cmd-dat 0) (vector-ref cmd-dat 1) (/ (vector-ref cmd-dat 1)(vector-ref cmd-dat 0))))))
	      (sort (hash-table-keys *db-stats*)
		    (lambda (a b)
		      (> (vector-ref (hash-table-ref *db-stats* a) 0)
			 (vector-ref (hash-table-ref *db-stats* b) 0)))))))

(define (rmt:get-max-query-average run-id)
  (mutex-lock! *db-stats-mutex*)
  (let* ((runkey (conc "run-id=" run-id " "))
	 (cmds   (filter (lambda (x)
			   (substring-index runkey x))
			 (hash-table-keys *db-stats*)))
	 (res    (if (null? cmds)
		     (cons 'none 0)
		     (let loop ((cmd (car cmds))
				(tal (cdr cmds))
				(max-cmd (car cmds))
				(res 0))
		       (let* ((cmd-dat (hash-table-ref *db-stats* cmd))
			      (tot     (vector-ref cmd-dat 0))
			      (curravg (/ (vector-ref cmd-dat 1) (vector-ref cmd-dat 0))) ;; count is never zero by construction
			      (currmax (max res curravg))
			      (newmax-cmd (if (> curravg res) cmd max-cmd)))
			 (if (null? tal)
			     (if (> tot 10)
				 (cons newmax-cmd currmax)
				 (cons 'none 0))
			     (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newmax-cmd currmax)))))))
    (mutex-unlock! *db-stats-mutex*)

(define (rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd run-id params #!key (remretries 5))
  (let* ((qry-is-write   (not (member cmd api:read-only-queries)))
	 (db-file-path   (common:get-db-tmp-area)) ;; db:dbfile-path)) ;;  0))
	 (dbstruct-local (db:setup #t))  ;; make-dbr:dbstruct path:  dbdir local: #t)))
	 (read-only      (not (file-write-access? db-file-path)))
	 (start          (current-milliseconds))
	 (resdat         (if (not (and read-only qry-is-write))
			     (let ((v (api:execute-requests dbstruct-local (vector (symbol->string cmd) params))))
			       (handle-exceptions ;; there has been a long history of receiving strange errors from values returned by the client when things go wrong..
				exn               ;;  This is an attempt to detect that situation and recover gracefully
				  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: bad data from server " v " message: "  ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", exn=" exn)
				  (vector #t '())) ;; should always get a vector but if something goes wrong return a dummy
				(if (and (vector? v)
					 (> (vector-length v) 1))
				    (let ((newvec (vector (vector-ref v 0)(vector-ref v 1))))
				      newvec)           ;; by copying the vector while inside the error handler we should force the detection of a corrupted record
				    (vector #t '()))))  ;; we could also check that the returned types are valid
			     (vector #t '())))
	 (success        (vector-ref resdat 0))
	 (res            (vector-ref resdat 1))
	 (duration       (- (current-milliseconds) start)))
    (if (and read-only qry-is-write)
        (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: attempt to write to read-only database ignored. cmd=" cmd))
    (if (not success)
	(if (> remretries 0)
	      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "local query failed. Trying again.")
	      (thread-sleep! (/ (random 5000) 1000)) ;; some random delay 
	      (rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd run-id params remretries: (- remretries 1)))
	      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "too many retries in rmt:open-qry-close-locally, giving up")
	  ;; (rmt:update-db-stats run-id cmd params duration)
	  ;; mark this run as dirty if this was a write, the watchdog is responsible for syncing it
	  (if qry-is-write
	      (let ((start-time (current-seconds)))
		(mutex-lock! *db-multi-sync-mutex*)
		(set! *db-last-access* start-time)  ;; THIS IS PROBABLY USELESS? (we are on a client)
                (mutex-unlock! *db-multi-sync-mutex*)))))

(define (rmt:send-receive-no-auto-client-setup connection-info cmd run-id params)
  (let* ((run-id   (if run-id run-id 0))
	 (res  	   (handle-exceptions
		       (print "transport failed. exn=" exn)
		     (http-transport:client-api-send-receive run-id connection-info cmd params))))
    (if (and res (vector-ref res 0))
	(vector-ref res 1) ;;; YES!! THIS IS CORRECT!! CHANGE IT HERE, THEN CHANGE rmt:send-receive ALSO!!!

;; A C T U A L   A P I   C A L L S  

;;  S E R V E R

(define (rmt:kill-server run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'kill-server run-id (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:start-server run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'start-server 0 (list run-id)))

;;  M I S C

(define (rmt:login run-id)
  (assert *my-client-signature* "ERROR: login attempted without first calling (client:get-signature).")
  (rmt:send-receive 'login run-id (list *toppath* megatest-version *my-client-signature*)))

;; This login does no retries under the hood - it acts a bit like a ping.
;; Deprecated for nmsg-transport.
(define (rmt:login-no-auto-client-setup connection-info)
  (case *transport-type* ;; run-id of 0 is just a placeholder
    ((http)(rmt:send-receive-no-auto-client-setup connection-info 'login 0 (list *toppath* megatest-version *my-client-signature*)))
    ;;((nmsg)(nmsg-transport:client-api-send-receive run-id connection-info 'login (list *toppath* megatest-version run-id *my-client-signature*)))

;; hand off a call to one of the db:queries statements
;; added run-id to make looking up the correct db possible 
(define (rmt:general-call stmtname run-id . params)
  (rmt:send-receive 'general-call run-id (append (list stmtname run-id) params)))

;; given a hostname, return a pair of cpu load and update time representing latest intelligence from tests running on that host
(define (rmt:get-latest-host-load hostname)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-latest-host-load 0 (list hostname)))

(define (rmt:sdb-qry qry val run-id)
  ;; add caching if qry is 'getid or 'getstr
  (rmt:send-receive 'sdb-qry run-id (list qry val)))

(define (rmt:runtests user run-id testpatt params)
  (rmt:send-receive 'runtests run-id testpatt))

(define (rmt:get-run-record-ids  target run keynames test-patt)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-run-record-ids #f (list target run keynames test-patt)))

(define (rmt:get-changed-record-ids since-time)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-changed-record-ids #f (list since-time)) )

(define (rmt:drop-all-triggers)
     (rmt:send-receive 'drop-all-triggers #f '()))

(define (rmt:create-all-triggers)
     (rmt:send-receive 'create-all-triggers #f '()))

;;  T E S T   M E T A 

(define (rmt:get-tests-tags)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-tests-tags #f '()))

;;  K E Y S 

;; These require run-id because the values come from the run!
(define (rmt:get-key-val-pairs run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-key-val-pairs run-id (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:get-keys)
  (if *db-keys* *db-keys* 
     (let ((res (rmt:send-receive 'get-keys #f '())))
       (set! *db-keys* res)

(define (rmt:get-keys-write) ;; dummy query to force server start
  (let ((res (rmt:send-receive 'get-keys-write #f '())))
    (set! *db-keys* res)

;; we don't reuse run-id's (except possibly *after* a db cleanup) so it is safe
;; to cache the resuls in a hash
(define (rmt:get-key-vals run-id)
  (or (hash-table-ref/default *keyvals* run-id #f)
      (let ((res (rmt:send-receive 'get-key-vals #f (list run-id))))
        (hash-table-set! *keyvals* run-id res)

(define (rmt:get-targets)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-targets #f '()))

(define (rmt:get-target run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-target run-id (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:get-run-times runpatt targetpatt)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-run-times #f (list runpatt targetpatt ))) 

;;  T E S T S

;; Just some syntatic sugar
(define (rmt:register-test run-id test-name item-path)
  (rmt:general-call 'register-test run-id run-id test-name item-path))

(define (rmt:get-test-id run-id testname item-path)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-test-id run-id (list run-id testname item-path)))

;; run-id is NOT used
(define (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id)
  (if (number? test-id)
      (rmt:send-receive 'get-test-info-by-id run-id (list run-id test-id))
	(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Bad data handed to rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id=" run-id ", test-id=" test-id)
	(print-call-chain (current-error-port))

(define (rmt:test-get-rundir-from-test-id run-id test-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'test-get-rundir-from-test-id run-id (list run-id test-id)))

(define (rmt:open-test-db-by-test-id run-id test-id #!key (work-area #f))
  (let* ((test-path (if (string? work-area)
			(rmt:test-get-rundir-from-test-id run-id test-id))))
    (debug:print 3 *default-log-port* "TEST PATH: " test-path)
    (open-test-db test-path)))

;; WARNING: This currently bypasses the transaction wrapped writes system
(define (rmt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id newstate newstatus newcomment)
  (rmt:send-receive 'test-set-state-status-by-id run-id (list run-id test-id newstate newstatus newcomment)))

(define (rmt:set-tests-state-status run-id                      testnames currstate currstatus newstate newstatus)
  (rmt:send-receive 'set-tests-state-status run-id (list run-id testnames currstate currstatus newstate newstatus)))

(define (rmt:get-tests-for-run run-id testpatt states statuses offset limit not-in sort-by sort-order qryvals last-update mode)
  ;; (if (number? run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-tests-for-run run-id (list run-id testpatt states statuses offset limit not-in sort-by sort-order qryvals last-update mode)))
  ;;    (begin
  ;;	(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "rmt:get-tests-for-run called with bad run-id=" run-id)
  ;;	(print-call-chain (current-error-port))
  ;;	'())))

(define (rmt:get-tests-for-run-state-status run-id testpatt last-update)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-tests-for-run-state-status run-id (list run-id testpatt last-update)))

;; get stuff via synchash 
(define (rmt:synchash-get run-id proc synckey keynum params)
  (rmt:send-receive 'synchash-get run-id (list run-id proc synckey keynum params)))

(define (rmt:get-tests-for-run-mindata run-id testpatt states status not-in)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-tests-for-run-mindata run-id (list run-id testpatt states status not-in)))
;; IDEA: Threadify these - they spend a lot of time waiting ...
(define (rmt:get-tests-for-runs-mindata run-ids testpatt states status not-in)
  (let ((multi-run-mutex (make-mutex))
	(run-id-list (if run-ids
	(result      '()))
    (if (null? run-id-list)
	(let loop ((hed     (car run-id-list))
		   (tal     (cdr run-id-list))
		   (threads '()))
	  (if (> (length threads) 5)
	      (loop hed tal (filter (lambda (th)(not (member (thread-state th) '(terminated dead)))) threads))
	      (let* ((newthread (make-thread
				 (lambda ()
				   (let ((res (rmt:send-receive 'get-tests-for-run-mindata hed (list hed testpatt states status not-in))))
				     (if (list? res)
					   (mutex-lock! multi-run-mutex)
					   (set! result (append result res))
					   (mutex-unlock! multi-run-mutex))
					 (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "get-tests-for-run-mindata failed for run-id " hed ", testpatt " testpatt ", states " states ", status " status ", not-in " not-in))))
				 (conc "multi-run-thread for run-id " hed)))
		     (newthreads (cons newthread threads)))
		(thread-start! newthread)
		(thread-sleep! 0.05) ;; give that thread some time to start
		(if (null? tal)
		    (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newthreads))))))

;; ;; IDEA: Threadify these - they spend a lot of time waiting ...
;; ;;
;; (define (rmt:get-tests-for-runs-mindata run-ids testpatt states status not-in)
;;   (let ((run-id-list (if run-ids
;; 			 run-ids
;; 			 (rmt:get-all-run-ids))))
;;     (apply append (map (lambda (run-id)
;; 			 (rmt:send-receive 'get-tests-for-run-mindata run-id (list run-ids testpatt states status not-in)))
;; 		       run-id-list))))

(define (rmt:delete-test-records run-id test-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'delete-test-records run-id (list run-id test-id)))

(define (rmt:test-set-state-status run-id test-id state status msg)
  (rmt:send-receive 'test-set-state-status run-id (list run-id test-id state status msg)))

(define (rmt:test-toplevel-num-items run-id test-name)
  (rmt:send-receive 'test-toplevel-num-items run-id (list run-id test-name)))

;; (define (rmt:get-previous-test-run-record run-id test-name item-path)
;;   (rmt:send-receive 'get-previous-test-run-record run-id (list run-id test-name item-path)))

(define (rmt:get-matching-previous-test-run-records run-id test-name item-path)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-matching-previous-test-run-records run-id (list run-id test-name item-path)))

(define (rmt:test-get-logfile-info run-id test-name)
  (rmt:send-receive 'test-get-logfile-info run-id (list run-id test-name)))

(define (rmt:test-get-records-for-index-file run-id test-name)
  (rmt:send-receive 'test-get-records-for-index-file run-id (list run-id test-name)))

(define (rmt:get-testinfo-state-status run-id test-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-testinfo-state-status run-id (list run-id test-id)))

(define (rmt:test-set-log! run-id test-id logf)
  (if (string? logf)(rmt:general-call 'test-set-log run-id logf test-id)))

(define (rmt:test-set-top-process-pid run-id test-id pid)
  (rmt:send-receive 'test-set-top-process-pid run-id (list run-id test-id pid)))

(define (rmt:test-get-top-process-pid run-id test-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'test-get-top-process-pid run-id (list run-id test-id)))

(define (rmt:get-run-ids-matching-target keynames target res runname testpatt statepatt statuspatt)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-run-ids-matching-target #f (list keynames target res runname testpatt statepatt statuspatt)))

;; NOTE: This will open and access ALL run databases. 
(define (rmt:test-get-paths-matching-keynames-target-new keynames target res testpatt statepatt statuspatt runname)
  (let ((run-ids (rmt:get-run-ids-matching-target keynames target res runname testpatt statepatt statuspatt)))
    (apply append 
	   (map (lambda (run-id)
		  (rmt:send-receive 'test-get-paths-matching-keynames-target-new run-id (list run-id keynames target res testpatt statepatt statuspatt runname)))

(define (rmt:get-prereqs-not-met run-id waitons ref-test-name ref-item-path #!key (mode '(normal))(itemmaps #f))
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-prereqs-not-met run-id (list run-id waitons ref-test-name ref-item-path mode itemmaps)))

(define (rmt:get-count-tests-running-for-run-id run-id)
  (if (number? run-id)
      (rmt:send-receive 'get-count-tests-running-for-run-id run-id (list run-id))

(define (rmt:get-not-completed-cnt run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-not-completed-cnt run-id (list run-id)))

;; Statistical queries

(define (rmt:get-count-tests-running run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-count-tests-running run-id (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:get-count-tests-running-for-testname run-id testname)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-count-tests-running-for-testname run-id (list run-id testname)))

(define (rmt:get-count-tests-running-in-jobgroup run-id jobgroup)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-count-tests-running-in-jobgroup run-id (list run-id jobgroup)))

;; state and status are extra hints not usually used in the calculation
(define (rmt:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items run-id test-name item-path state status comment)
  (rmt:send-receive 'set-state-status-and-roll-up-items run-id (list run-id test-name item-path state status comment)))

(define (rmt:set-state-status-and-roll-up-run run-id state status)
  (rmt:send-receive 'set-state-status-and-roll-up-run run-id (list run-id state status)))

(define (rmt:update-pass-fail-counts run-id test-name)
  (rmt:general-call 'update-pass-fail-counts run-id test-name test-name test-name))

(define (rmt:top-test-set-per-pf-counts run-id test-name)
  (rmt:send-receive 'top-test-set-per-pf-counts run-id (list run-id test-name)))

(define (rmt:get-raw-run-stats run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-raw-run-stats run-id (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:get-test-times runname target)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-test-times #f (list runname target ))) 

;;  R U N S

(define (rmt:get-run-info run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-run-info run-id (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:get-num-runs runpatt)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-num-runs #f (list runpatt)))

(define (rmt:get-runs-cnt-by-patt runpatt targetpatt keys)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-runs-cnt-by-patt #f (list runpatt  targetpatt keys)))

;; Use the special run-id == #f scenario here since there is no run yet
(define (rmt:register-run keyvals runname state status user contour)
  (rmt:send-receive 'register-run #f (list keyvals runname state status user contour)))
(define (rmt:get-run-name-from-id run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-run-name-from-id run-id (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:delete-run run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'delete-run run-id (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:update-run-stats run-id stats)
  (rmt:send-receive 'update-run-stats #f (list run-id stats)))

(define (rmt:delete-old-deleted-test-records)
  (rmt:send-receive 'delete-old-deleted-test-records #f '()))

(define (rmt:get-runs runpatt count offset keypatts)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-runs #f (list runpatt count offset keypatts)))

(define (rmt:simple-get-runs runpatt count offset target last-update)
  (rmt:send-receive 'simple-get-runs #f (list runpatt count offset target last-update)))

(define (rmt:get-all-run-ids)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-all-run-ids #f '()))

(define (rmt:get-prev-run-ids run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-prev-run-ids #f (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:lock/unlock-run run-id lock unlock user)
  (rmt:send-receive 'lock/unlock-run #f (list run-id lock unlock user)))

;; set/get status
(define (rmt:get-run-status run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-run-status #f (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:get-run-state run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-run-state #f (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:set-run-status run-id run-status #!key (msg #f))
  (rmt:send-receive 'set-run-status #f (list run-id run-status msg)))

(define (rmt:set-run-state-status run-id state status )
  (rmt:send-receive 'set-run-state-status #f (list run-id state status)))

(define (rmt:update-tesdata-on-repilcate-db old-lt new-lt)
(rmt:send-receive 'update-tesdata-on-repilcate-db #f (list old-lt new-lt)))

(define (rmt:update-run-event_time run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'update-run-event_time #f (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:get-runs-by-patt  keys runnamepatt targpatt offset limit fields last-runs-update  #!key  (sort-order "asc")) ;; fields of #f uses default
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-runs-by-patt #f (list keys runnamepatt targpatt offset limit fields last-runs-update sort-order)))

(define (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete run-id ovr-deadtime)
  ;; (if (rmt:send-receive 'have-incompletes? run-id (list run-id ovr-deadtime))
  (rmt:send-receive 'mark-incomplete run-id (list run-id ovr-deadtime))) ;; )

(define (rmt:get-main-run-stats run-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-main-run-stats #f (list run-id)))

(define (rmt:get-var varname)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-var #f (list varname)))

(define (rmt:del-var varname)
  (rmt:send-receive 'del-var #f (list varname)))

(define (rmt:set-var varname value)
  (rmt:send-receive 'set-var #f (list varname value)))

(define (rmt:inc-var varname)
  (rmt:send-receive 'inc-var #f (list varname)))

(define (rmt:dec-var varname)
  (rmt:send-receive 'dec-var #f (list varname)))

(define (rmt:add-var varname value)
  (rmt:send-receive 'add-var #f (list varname value)))

;; M U L T I R U N   Q U E R I E S

;; Need to move this to multi-run section and make associated changes
(define (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete-all-runs #!key (ovr-deadtime #f))
  (let ((run-ids (rmt:get-all-run-ids)))
    (for-each (lambda (run-id)
	       (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete run-id ovr-deadtime))

;; get the previous record for when this test was run where all keys match but runname
;; returns #f if no such test found, returns a single test record if found
;; Run this at the client end since we have to connect to multiple run-id dbs
(define (rmt:get-previous-test-run-record run-id test-name item-path)
  (let* ((keyvals (rmt:get-key-val-pairs run-id))
	 (keys    (rmt:get-keys))
	 (selstr  (string-intersperse  keys ","))
	 (qrystr  (string-intersperse (map (lambda (x)(conc x "=?")) keys) " AND ")))
    (if (not keyvals)
	(let ((prev-run-ids (rmt:get-prev-run-ids run-id)))
	  ;; for each run starting with the most recent look to see if there is a matching test
	  ;; if found then return that matching test record
	  (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "selstr: " selstr ", qrystr: " qrystr ", keyvals: " keyvals ", previous run ids found: " prev-run-ids)
	  (if (null? prev-run-ids) #f
	      (let loop ((hed (car prev-run-ids))
			 (tal (cdr prev-run-ids)))
		(let ((results (rmt:get-tests-for-run hed (conc test-name "/" item-path) '() '() ;; run-id testpatt states statuses
						      #f #f #f               ;; offset limit not-in hide/not-hide
						      #f #f #f #f 'normal))) ;; sort-by sort-order qryvals last-update mode
		  (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "Got tests for run-id " run-id ", test-name " test-name ", item-path " item-path ": " results)
		  (if (and (null? results)
			   (not (null? tal)))
		      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))
		      (if (null? results) #f
			  (car results))))))))))

(define (rmt:get-run-stats)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-run-stats #f '()))

;;  S T E P S

;; Getting steps is more complicated.
;; If given work area 
;;  1. Find the testdat.db file
;;  2. Open the testdat.db file and do the query
;; If not given the work area
;;  1. Do a remote call to get the test path
;;  2. Continue as above
;;(define (rmt:get-steps-for-test run-id test-id)
;;  (rmt:send-receive 'get-steps-data run-id (list test-id)))

(define (rmt:teststep-set-status! run-id test-id teststep-name state-in status-in comment logfile)
  (let* ((state     (items:check-valid-items "state" state-in))
	 (status    (items:check-valid-items "status" status-in)))
    (if (or (not state)(not status))
	(debug:print 3 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Invalid " (if status "status" "state")
		     " value \"" (if status state-in status-in) "\", update your validvalues section in megatest.config"))
    (rmt:send-receive 'teststep-set-status! run-id (list run-id test-id teststep-name state-in status-in comment logfile))))

(define (rmt:delete-steps-for-test! run-id test-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'delete-steps-for-test! run-id (list run-id test-id)))

(define (rmt:get-steps-for-test run-id test-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-steps-for-test run-id (list run-id test-id)))

(define (rmt:get-steps-info-by-id test-step-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'get-steps-info-by-id #f (list test-step-id)))

;;  T E S T   D A T A 

(define (rmt:read-test-data run-id test-id categorypatt #!key (work-area #f)) 
  (rmt:send-receive 'read-test-data run-id (list run-id test-id categorypatt)))

(define (rmt:read-test-data-varpatt run-id test-id categorypatt varpatt #!key (work-area #f)) 
  (rmt:send-receive 'read-test-data-varpatt run-id (list run-id test-id categorypatt varpatt)))

(define (rmt:get-data-info-by-id test-data-id)
   (rmt:send-receive 'get-data-info-by-id #f (list test-data-id)))

(define (rmt:testmeta-add-record testname)
  (rmt:send-receive 'testmeta-add-record #f (list testname)))

(define (rmt:testmeta-get-record testname)
  (rmt:send-receive 'testmeta-get-record #f (list testname)))

(define (rmt:testmeta-update-field test-name fld val)
  (rmt:send-receive 'testmeta-update-field #f (list test-name fld val)))

(define (rmt:test-data-rollup run-id test-id status)
  (rmt:send-receive 'test-data-rollup run-id (list run-id test-id status)))

(define (rmt:csv->test-data run-id test-id csvdata)
  (rmt:send-receive 'csv->test-data run-id (list run-id test-id csvdata)))

;;  T A S K S

(define (rmt:tasks-find-task-queue-records target run-name test-patt state-patt action-patt)
  (rmt:send-receive 'find-task-queue-records #f (list target run-name test-patt state-patt action-patt)))

(define (rmt:tasks-add action owner target runname testpatt params)
  (rmt:send-receive 'tasks-add #f (list action owner target runname testpatt params)))

(define (rmt:tasks-set-state-given-param-key param-key new-state)
  (rmt:send-receive 'tasks-set-state-given-param-key #f (list  param-key new-state)))

(define (rmt:tasks-get-last target runname)
  (rmt:send-receive 'tasks-get-last #f (list target runname)))

;; N O   S Y N C   D B 

(define (rmt:no-sync-set var val)
  (rmt:send-receive 'no-sync-set #f `(,var ,val)))

(define (rmt:no-sync-get/default var default)
  (rmt:send-receive 'no-sync-get/default #f `(,var ,default)))

(define (rmt:no-sync-del! var)
  (rmt:send-receive 'no-sync-del! #f `(,var)))

(define (rmt:no-sync-get-lock keyname)
  (rmt:send-receive 'no-sync-get-lock #f `(,keyname)))

;; A R C H I V E S

(define (rmt:archive-get-allocations  testname itempath dneeded)
  (rmt:send-receive 'archive-get-allocations #f (list testname itempath dneeded)))

(define (rmt:archive-register-block-name bdisk-id archive-path)
  (rmt:send-receive 'archive-register-block-name #f (list bdisk-id archive-path)))

(define (rmt:archive-allocate-testsuite/area-to-block block-id testsuite-name areakey)
  (rmt:send-receive 'archive-allocate-test-to-block #f (list  block-id testsuite-name areakey)))

(define (rmt:archive-register-disk bdisk-name bdisk-path df)
  (rmt:send-receive 'archive-register-disk #f (list bdisk-name bdisk-path df)))

(define (rmt:test-set-archive-block-id run-id test-id archive-block-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'test-set-archive-block-id run-id (list run-id test-id archive-block-id)))

(define (rmt:test-get-archive-block-info archive-block-id)
  (rmt:send-receive 'test-get-archive-block-info #f (list archive-block-id)))

(define (extras-readonly-mode rmt-mutex log-port cmd params)
  (mutex-unlock! rmt-mutex)
  (debug:print-info 12 log-port "rmt:send-receive, case 3")
  (debug:print 0 log-port "WARNING: write transaction requested on a readonly area.  cmd="cmd" params="params)

(define (extras-transport-failed *default-log-port* *rmt-mutex* attemptnum runremote cmd rid params)
  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: communication failed. Trying again, try num: " attemptnum)
  (mutex-lock! *rmt-mutex*)
  (remote-conndat-set!    runremote #f)
  (http-transport:close-connections area-dat: runremote)
  (remote-server-url-set! runremote #f)
  (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
  (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  9.1")
  (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: (+ attemptnum 1)))
(define (extras-transport-succeded *default-log-port* *rmt-mutex* attemptnum runremote res params rid cmd)
  (if (and (vector? res)
	   (eq? (vector-length res) 2)
	   (eq? (vector-ref res 1) 'overloaded)) ;; since we are
						 ;; looking at the
						 ;; data to carry the
						 ;; error we'll use a
						 ;; fairly obtuse
						 ;; combo to minimise
						 ;; the chances of
						 ;; some sort of
						 ;; collision.  this
						 ;; is the case where
						 ;; the returned data
						 ;; is bad or the
						 ;; server is
						 ;; overloaded and we
						 ;; want to ease off
						 ;; the queries
      (let ((wait-delay (+ attemptnum (* attemptnum 10))))
	(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: server is overloaded. Delaying " wait-delay " seconds and trying call again.")
	(mutex-lock! *rmt-mutex*)
	(http-transport:close-connections area-dat: runremote)
	(set! *runremote* #f) ;; force starting over
	(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
	(thread-sleep! wait-delay)
	(rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: (+ attemptnum 1)))
      res)) ;; All good, return res

#;(set-functions rmt:send-receive                       remote-server-url-set!
	       http-transport:close-connections	      remote-conndat-set!
	       debug:print                            debug:print-info
	       remote-ro-mode                         remote-ro-mode-set!
	       remote-ro-mode-checked-set!            remote-ro-mode-checked)


(define (http-transport:make-server-url hostport)
  (if (not hostport)
      (conc "http://" (car hostport) ":" (cadr hostport))))

;; S E R V E R
;; ======================================================================

;; Call this to start the actual server

;; (define *db:process-queue-mutex* (make-mutex))

(define (http-transport:run hostn)
  ;; Configurations for server
  (tcp-buffer-size 2048)
  (max-connections 2048) 
  (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "Attempting to start the server ...")
  (let* ((db              #f) ;;        (open-db)) ;; we don't want the server to be opening and closing the db unnecesarily
	 (hostname        (get-host-name))
	 (ipaddrstr       (let ((ipstr (if (string=? "-" hostn)
					   ;; (string-intersperse (map number->string (u8vector->list (hostname->ip hostname))) ".")
					   (server:get-best-guess-address hostname)
			    (if ipstr ipstr hostn))) ;; hostname))) 
	 (start-port      (portlogger:open-run-close
			   (lambda (db)
			     (portlogger:find-port db))))
	 (link-tree-path  (common:get-linktree))
	 (tmp-area        (common:get-db-tmp-area))
	 (start-file      (conc tmp-area "/.server-start")))
    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "portlogger recommended port: " start-port)
    ;; set some parameters for the server
    (root-path     (if link-tree-path 
		       (current-directory))) ;; WARNING: SECURITY HOLE. FIX ASAP!
    (handle-directory spiffy-directory-listing)
    (handle-exception (lambda (exn chain)
			(signal (make-composite-condition
				  'message "server error")))))

    ;; http-transport:handle-directory) ;; simple-directory-handler)
    ;; Setup the web server and a /ctrl interface
    (vhost-map `(((* any) . ,(lambda (continue)
			       ;; open the db on the first call 
				 ;; This is were we set up the database connections
			       (let* (($   (request-vars source: 'both))
				      (dat ($ 'dat))
				      (res #f))
				  ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request)))
					   '(/ "api"))
				   (send-response body:    (api:process-request *dbstruct-db* $) ;; the $ is the request vars proc
						  headers: '((content-type text/plain)))
				   (mutex-lock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
				   (set! *db-last-access* (current-seconds))
				   (mutex-unlock! *heartbeat-mutex*))
				  ;; ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))) 
				  ;; 	   '(/ ""))
				  ;;  (send-response body: (http-transport:main-page)))
				;;((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))) 
				;;	   '(/ "json_api"))
				;; (send-response body: (http-transport:main-page)))
				;;((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))) 
				;;	   '(/ "runs"))
				;; (send-response body: (http-transport:main-page)))
				;;((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))) 
				;;	   '(/ any))
				;; (send-response body: "hey there!\n"
				;;		  headers: '((content-type text/plain))))
				;;((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))) 
				;;	   '(/ "hey"))
				;; (send-response body: "hey there!\n" 
				;;		  headers: '((content-type text/plain))))
                                ;;((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))) 
				;;	   '(/ "jquery3.1.0.js"))
				;; (send-response body: (http-transport:show-jquery) 
				;;		  headers: '((content-type application/javascript))))
                                ;;((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))) 
				;;	   '(/ "test_log"))
				;; (send-response body: (http-transport:html-test-log $) 
				;;		  headers: '((content-type text/HTML))))    
                                ;;((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))) 
				;;	   '(/ "dashboard"))
				;; (send-response body: (http-transport:html-dboard $) 
				;;		  headers: '((content-type text/HTML)))) 
				  (else (continue))))))))
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to create file " start-file ", exn=" exn)
      (with-output-to-file start-file (lambda ()(print (current-process-id)))))
    (http-transport:try-start-server ipaddrstr start-port)))

;; This is recursively run by http-transport:run until sucessful
(define (http-transport:try-start-server ipaddrstr portnum)
  (let ((config-hostname (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "hostname"))
	(config-use-proxy (equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "client" "use-http_proxy") "yes")))
    (if (not config-use-proxy)
	(determine-proxy (constantly #f)))
    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "http-transport:try-start-server time=" (seconds->time-string (current-seconds)) " ipaddrsstr=" ipaddrstr " portnum=" portnum " config-hostname=" config-hostname)
	  (print-error-message exn)
	  (if (< portnum 64000)
		(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: attempt to start server failed. Trying again ...")
		(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
		(debug:print 5 *default-log-port* "exn=" (condition->list exn))
		(portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-failed portnum)
		(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failed to start on portnum: " portnum ", trying next port")
		(thread-sleep! 0.1)
		;; get_next_port goes here
		(http-transport:try-start-server ipaddrstr
						 (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:find-port)))
		(print "ERROR: Tried and tried but could not start the server"))))
      ;; any error in following steps will result in a retry
      (set! *server-info* (list ipaddrstr portnum))
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Trying to start server on " ipaddrstr ":" portnum)
      ;; This starts the spiffy server
      ;; (start-server bind-address: ipaddrstr port: portnum)
      (if config-hostname ;; this is a hint to bind directly
	  (start-server port: portnum bind-address: (if (equal? config-hostname "-")
	  (start-server port: portnum))
       (lambda (db)
	 (portlogger:set-port db portnum "released")))
      (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "INFO: server has been stopped"))))


(define (server:make-server-url hostport)
  (if (not hostport)
      (conc "http://" (car hostport) ":" (cadr hostport))))

;; S E R V E R   U T I L I T I E S 

;; Get the transport
#;(define (server:get-transport)
  (if *transport-type*
      (let ((ttype (string->symbol
		    (or (args:get-arg "-transport")
			(configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "transport")
	(set! *transport-type* ttype)
;; Generate a unique signature for this server
(define (server:mk-signature)
  (message-digest-string (md5-primitive) 
			   (lambda ()
			     (write (list (current-directory)

;; When using zmq this would send the message back (two step process)
;; with spiffy or rpc this simply returns the return data to be returned
(define (server:reply return-addr query-sig success/fail result)
  (debug:print-info 11 *default-log-port* "server:reply return-addr=" return-addr ", result=" result)
  ;; (send-message pubsock target send-more: #t)
  ;; (send-message pubsock
  (db:obj->string (vector success/fail query-sig result)))
;;  (case (server:get-transport)
;;    ((rpc)  (db:obj->string (vector success/fail query-sig result)))
;;    ((http) (db:obj->string (vector success/fail query-sig result)))
;;    ((fs)   result)
;;    (else 
;;     (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "unrecognised transport type: " *transport-type*)
;;     result)))

(define (server:kind-run areapath)
  ;; look for $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/logs/server-start-last
  ;; and wait for it to be at least 3 seconds old
  (server:wait-for-server-start-last-flag areapath)
  (if (not (server:check-if-running areapath)) ;; why try if there is already a server running?
      (let* ((last-run-dat (hash-table-ref/default *server-kind-run* areapath '(0 0))) ;; callnum, whenrun
	     (call-num     (car last-run-dat))
	     (when-run     (cadr last-run-dat))
	     (run-delay    (+ (case call-num
				((0)    0)
				((1)   20)
				((2)  300)
				(else 600))
			      (random 5)))   ;; add a small random number just in case a lot of jobs hit the work hosts simultaneously
	     (lock-file    (conc areapath "/logs/server-start.lock")))
	(if	(> (- (current-seconds) when-run) run-delay)
		(let* ((start-flag (conc areapath "/logs/server-start-last")))
		  (common:simple-file-lock-and-wait lock-file expire-time: 15)
                  (debug:print-info  0 *default-log-port* "server:kind-run: touching " start-flag)
		  (system (conc "touch " start-flag)) ;; lazy but safe
		  (server:run areapath)
		  (thread-sleep! 2) ;; don't release the lock for at least a few seconds
		  (common:simple-file-release-lock lock-file)))
	(hash-table-set! *server-kind-run* areapath (list (+ call-num 1)(current-seconds))))))

(define (server:get-num-alive srvlst)
  (let ((num-alive 0))
     (lambda (server)
          (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*  "Unable to get server start-time and/or mod-time from " server ", exn=" exn))
       (match-let (((mod-time host port start-time server-id pid)
	 (let* ((uptime  (- (current-seconds) mod-time))
		(runtime (if start-time
			     (- mod-time start-time)
	   (if (< uptime 5)(set! num-alive (+ num-alive 1)))))))

;; given a list of servers get a list of valid servers, i.e. at least
;; 10 seconds old, has started and is less than 1 hour old and is
;; active (i.e. mod-time < 10 seconds
;; mod-time host port start-time pid
;; sort by start-time descending. I.e. get the oldest first. Young servers will thus drop off
;; and servers should stick around for about two hours or so.
(define (server:get-best srvlst)
  (let* ((nums (server:get-num-servers))
	 (now  (current-seconds))
	 (slst (sort
		(filter (lambda (rec)
			  (if (and (list? rec)
				   (> (length rec) 2))
			      (let ((start-time (list-ref rec 3))
				    (mod-time   (list-ref rec 0)))
				;; (print "start-time: " start-time " mod-time: " mod-time)
				(and start-time mod-time
				     (> (- now start-time) 0)    ;; been running at least 0 seconds
				     (< (- now mod-time)   16)   ;; still alive - file touched in last 16 seconds
				     (or (not (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "runtime")) ;; skip if not set
					 (< (- now start-time)       
					    (+ (- (string->number (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "runtime"))
					    (random 360)))) ;; under one hour running time +/- 180
		(lambda (a b)
		  (< (list-ref a 3)
		     (list-ref b 3))))))
    (if (> (length slst) nums)
	(take slst nums)

(define (server:get-first-best areapath)
  (let ((srvrs (server:get-best (server:get-list areapath))))
    (if (and srvrs
	     (not (null? srvrs)))
	(car srvrs)

(define (server:get-rand-best areapath)
  (let ((srvrs (server:get-best (server:get-list areapath))))
    (if (and (list? srvrs)
	     (not (null? srvrs)))
	(let* ((len (length srvrs))
	       (idx (random len)))
	  (list-ref srvrs idx))

(define (server:record->id servr)
     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*  "Unable to get server id from " servr ", exn=" exn)     
  (match-let (((mod-time host port start-time server-id pid)
    (if server-id

(define (server:record->url servr)
     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*  "Unable to get server url from " servr ", exn=" exn)     
  (match-let (((mod-time host port start-time server-id pid)
    (if (and host port)
	(conc host ":" port)

(define (server:get-client-signature) ;; BB> why is this proc named "get-"?  it returns nothing -- set! has not return value.
  (if *my-client-signature* *my-client-signature*
      (let ((sig (server:mk-signature)))
        (set! *my-client-signature* sig)

;; wait for server=start-last to be three seconds old
(define (server:wait-for-server-start-last-flag areapath)
  (let* ((start-flag (conc areapath "/logs/server-start-last"))
	 ;;; THIS INTERACTS WITH [server] timeout. Suggest using 0.1 or above for timeout (6 seconds)
	 (reftime    (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "server" "idletime" default: 4))
	 (server-key (conc (get-host-name) "-" (current-process-id))))
    (if (file-exists? start-flag)
	(let* ((fmodtime (file-modification-time start-flag))
	       (delta    (- (current-seconds) fmodtime))
	       (all-go   (> delta reftime)))
	  (if (and all-go
		     (with-output-to-file start-flag
		       (lambda ()
			 (print server-key)))
		     (thread-sleep! 0.25)
		     (let ((res (with-input-from-file start-flag
				  (lambda ()
		       (equal? server-key res))))
	      #t ;; (system (conc "touch " start-flag)) ;; lazy but safe
		(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Gating server start, last start: "
				  fmodtime ", delta: " delta ", reftime: " reftime ", all-go=" all-go)
		(thread-sleep! reftime)
		(server:wait-for-server-start-last-flag areapath)))))))

(define (server:get-num-servers #!key (numservers 2))
  (let ((ns (string->number
	     (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "numservers") "notanumber"))))
    (or ns numservers)))

(define (server:kill servr)
      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*  "Unable to get host and/or port from " servr ", exn=" exn)     
  (match-let (((mod-time hostname port start-time server-id pid)
    (tasks:kill-server hostname pid))))

;; called in megatest.scm, host-port is string hostname:port
;; NOTE: This is NOT called directly from clients as not all transports support a client running
;;       in the same process as the server.
;; run ping in separate process, safest way in some cases
(define (server:ping-server ifaceport)
   (conc (common:get-megatest-exe) " -ping " ifaceport)
   (lambda ()
     (let loop ((inl (read-line))
		(res "NOREPLY"))
       (if (eof-object? inl)
	   (case (string->symbol res)
	     ((NOREPLY)  #f)
	     ((LOGIN_OK) #t)
	     (else       #f))
	   (loop (read-line) inl))))))

;; NOT USED (well, ok, reference in rpc-transport but otherwise not used).
(define (server:login toppath)
  (lambda (toppath)
    (set! *db-last-access* (current-seconds)) ;; might not be needed.
    (if (equal? *toppath* toppath)

;; timeout is hms string: 1h 5m 3s, default is 1 minute
(define (server:expiration-timeout)
  (let ((tmo (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "timeout")))
    (if (and (string? tmo)
	     (common:hms-string->seconds tmo)) ;; BUG: hms-string->seconds is broken, if given "10" returns 0. Also, it doesn't belong in this logic unless the string->number is changed below
        (* 3600 (string->number tmo))

(define (server:get-best-guess-address hostname)
  (let ((res #f))
     (lambda (adr)
       (if (not (eq? (u8vector-ref adr 0) 127))
	   (set! res adr)))
     ;; NOTE: This can fail when there is no mention of the host in /etc/hosts. FIXME
     (vector->list (hostinfo-addresses (hostname->hostinfo hostname))))
     (map number->string
	   (if res res (hostname->ip hostname)))) ".")))

;; (define server:sync-lock-token "SERVER_SYNC_LOCK")
;; (define (server:release-sync-lock)
;;   (db:no-sync-del! *no-sync-db* server:sync-lock-token))
;; (define (server:have-sync-lock?)
;;   (let* ((have-lock-pair (db:no-sync-get-lock *no-sync-db* server:sync-lock-token))
;;          (have-lock?     (car have-lock-pair))
;;          (lock-time      (cdr have-lock-pair))
;;          (lock-age       (- (current-seconds) lock-time)))
;;     (cond
;;      (have-lock? #t)
;;      ((>lock-age
;;        (* 3 (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "server" "minimum-intersync-delay" default: 180)))
;;       (server:release-sync-lock)
;;       (server:have-sync-lock?))
;;      (else #f))))

;; moving this here as it needs access to db and cannot be in common.

(define (server:get-bruteforce-syncer dbstruct #!key (fork-to-background #f) (persist-until-sync #f))
  (let* ((sqlite-exe   (or (get-environment-variable "MT_SQLITE3_EXE"))) ;; defined in
         (sync-log     (or ;; (args:get-arg "-sync-log")
			(conc *toppath* "/logs/sync-" (current-process-id) "-" (get-host-name) ".log")))
	 (tmp-area     (common:get-db-tmp-area))
	 (tmp-db       (conc tmp-area "/megatest.db"))
	 (staging-file (conc *toppath* "/.megatest.db"))
	 (mtdbfile     (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db"))
	 (lockfile     (common:get-sync-lock-filepath))
         (sync-cmd-core     (conc sqlite-exe" " tmp-db " .dump | "sqlite-exe" " staging-file "&>"sync-log))
         (sync-cmd     (if fork-to-background 
                           (conc "/usr/bin/env NBFAKE_LOG="*toppath*"/logs/last-server-sync-"(current-process-id)".log nbfake \""sync-cmd-core" && /bin/mv -f " staging-file " " mtdbfile" \"")
         (default-min-intersync-delay 2)
	 (min-intersync-delay (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "server" "minimum-intersync-delay" default: default-min-intersync-delay))
         (default-duty-cycle 0.1)
         (duty-cycle   (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "server" "sync-duty-cycle" default: default-duty-cycle))
         (last-sync-seconds 10) ;; we will adjust this to a measurement and delay last-sync-seconds * (1 - duty-cycle)
         (calculate-off-time (lambda (work-duration duty-cycle)
                                  (* (/ (- 1 duty-cycle) duty-cycle) last-sync-seconds)))
         (off-time min-intersync-delay) ;; adjusted in closure below.
          (lambda ()
            ;; (BB> "Start do-a-sync with fork-to-background="fork-to-background" persist-until-sync="persist-until-sync)
            (let* ((finalres
                    (let retry-loop ((num-tries 0))
                         (if (common:simple-file-lock lockfile)
                                ((not (or fork-to-background persist-until-sync))
                                 (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: syncer thread sleeping for max of (server.minimum-intersync-delay="min-intersync-delay
                                              " , off-time="off-time" seconds ]")
                                 (thread-sleep! (max off-time min-intersync-delay)))
                                 (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: syncer thread NOT sleeping ; maybe time-to-exit...")))

                               (if (not (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "disable-db-snapshot"))
                                   (common:snapshot-file mtdbfile subdir: ".db-snapshot"))
		               (delete-file* staging-file)
		               (let* ((start-time (current-milliseconds))
                                      (res (system sync-cmd))
                                      (dbbackupfile (conc mtdbfile ".backup"))
                                        ((eq? 0 res )
                                         (if (file-exists? dbbackupfile)
		                           (delete-file* dbbackupfile)
                                         (if (eq? 0 (file-size sync-log))
                                             (delete-file* sync-log))
		                         (system (conc "/bin/mv " staging-file " " mtdbfile))
                                         (set! last-sync-seconds (/ (- (current-milliseconds) start-time) 1000))
                                         (set! off-time (calculate-off-time
                                                          ((and (number? duty-cycle) (> duty-cycle 0) (< duty-cycle 1))
                                                           (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: ["(common:human-time)"] server.sync-duty-cycle is invalid.  Should be a number between 0 and 1, but "duty-cycle" was specified.  Using default value: "default-duty-cycle)
                                         (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "INFO: ["(common:human-time)"] pid="(current-process-id)" SYNC took "last-sync-seconds" sec")
                                         (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "INFO: ["(common:human-time)"] pid="(current-process-id)" SYNC took "last-sync-seconds" sec ; with duty-cycle of "duty-cycle" off time is now "off-time)
                                         (system (conc "/bin/cp "sync-log" "sync-log".fail"))
                                         (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: ["(common:human-time)"] Sync failed. See log at "sync-log".fail")
                                         (if (file-exists? (conc mtdbfile ".backup"))
                                             (system (conc "/bin/cp "mtdbfile ".backup " mtdbfile)))
                                 (common:simple-file-release-lock lockfile)
                                 ;; (BB> "released lockfile: " lockfile)
                                 #;(when (common:file-exists? lockfile)
                                   (BB> "DID NOT ACTUALLY RELEASE LOCKFILE"))
                                 res2) ;; end let
                               );; end begin
                             ;; else
                               (thread-sleep! 1)
                               (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "INFO: ["(common:human-time)"] pid="(current-process-id)" other SYNC in progress; we're in a fork-to-background so we need to succeed.  Let's wait a jiffy and and try again. num-tries="num-tries" (waiting for lockfile="lockfile" to disappear)")
                               (retry-loop (add1 num-tries)))
                               (thread-sleep! (max off-time (+ last-sync-seconds min-intersync-delay)))
                               (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "INFO: ["(common:human-time)"] pid="(current-process-id)" other SYNC in progress; not syncing.")
                             ) ;; end if got lockfile
              ;; (BB> "End do-a-sync with fork-to-background="fork-to-background" persist-until-sync="persist-until-sync" and result="finalres)
            ) ;; end lambda

;; (define (debug:print . params) #f)
;; (define (debug:print-info . params) #f)
;; (define (set-functions dbgp dbgpinfo)
;;   (set! debug:print dbgp)
;;   (set! debug:print-info dbgpinfo))

;; (define  *server-loop-heart-beat* (current-seconds))

;; P K T S   S T U F F 

;; ???

;; P K T S   S T U F F 

;; ???

;; S E R V E R

;; Call this to start the actual server

;; all routes though here end in exit ...
;; start_server
(define (server:launch run-id transport-type)
  (case transport-type
    ;;((nmsg)(nmsg-transport:launch run-id))
    ;;((rpc)  (rpc-transport:launch run-id))
    (else (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "unknown server type " transport-type))))

;; Given a run id start a server process    ### NOTE ### > file 2>&1 
;; if the run-id is zero and the target-host is set 
;; try running on that host
;;   incidental: rotate logs in logs/ dir.
(define  (server:run areapath) ;; areapath is *toppath* for a given testsuite area
  (let* ((curr-host   (get-host-name))
         ;; (attempt-in-progress (server:start-attempted? areapath))
         ;; (dot-server-url (server:check-if-running areapath))
	 (curr-ip     (server:get-best-guess-address curr-host))
	 (curr-pid    (current-process-id))
	 (homehost    (common:get-homehost)) ;; configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "homehost" ))
	 (target-host (car homehost))
	 (testsuite   (common:get-testsuite-name))
	 (logfile     (conc areapath "/logs/server.log")) ;; -" curr-pid "-" target-host ".log"))
	 (profile-mode (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "misc" "profilesw")
	 (cmdln (conc (common:get-megatest-exe)
		      " -server " (or target-host "-") (if (equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "daemonize") "yes")
							   " -daemonize "
		      ;; " -log " logfile
		      " -m testsuite:" testsuite
		      " " profile-mode
		      )) ;; (conc " >> " logfile " 2>&1 &")))))
	 (log-rotate  (make-thread common:rotate-logs  "server run, rotate logs thread")) ;; why are we rotating logs here? This is a sensitive location with a lot going on!?
         (load-limit  (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "jobtools" "max-server-start-load" default: 3.0)))
    ;; we want the remote server to start in *toppath* so push there
    (push-directory areapath)
    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Trying to start server (" cmdln ") ...")
    (thread-start! log-rotate)
    ;; host.domain.tld match host?
    (if (and target-host 
	     ;; look at target host, is it host.domain.tld or ip address and does it 
	     ;; match current ip or hostname
	     (not (string-match (conc "("curr-host "|" curr-host"\\..*)") target-host))
	     (not (equal? curr-ip target-host)))
	  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Starting server on " target-host ", logfile is " logfile)
	  (setenv "TARGETHOST" target-host)))
    (setenv "TARGETHOST_LOGF" logfile)
    (thread-sleep! (/ (random 5000) 1000)) ;; add about a random (up to 5 seconds) initial delay. It seems pretty common that many running tests request a server at the same time
    ;; (common:wait-for-normalized-load load-limit " delaying server start due to load" target-host) ;; do not try starting servers on an already overloaded machine, just wait forever
    #;(common:wait-for-homehost-load load-limit (conc " delaying server start due to load on homehost. limit is " load-limit))
    (system (conc "nbfake " cmdln))
    (unsetenv "TARGETHOST_LOGF")
    (if (get-environment-variable "TARGETHOST")(unsetenv "TARGETHOST"))
    (thread-join! log-rotate)

(define (server:ping host-port-in server-id #!key (do-exit #f))
  (let ((host:port (if (not host-port-in) ;; use read-dotserver to find
		       #f ;; (server:check-if-running *toppath*)
		;; (if (number? host-port-in) ;; we were handed a server-id
		;; 	   (let ((srec (tasks:get-server-by-id (db:delay-if-busy (tasks:open-db)) host-port-in)))
		;; 	     ;; (print "srec: " srec " host-port-in: " host-port-in)
		;; 	     (if srec
		;; 		 (conc (vector-ref srec 3) ":" (vector-ref srec 4))
		;; 		 (conc "no such server-id " host-port-in)))
		       host-port-in))) ;; )
    (let* ((host-port (if host:port
			  (let ((slst (string-split   host:port ":")))
			    (if (eq? (length slst) 2)
				(list (car slst)(string->number (cadr slst)))
;;	   (toppath       (launch:setup)))
      ;; (print "host-port=" host-port)
      (if (not host-port)
	    (if host-port-in
		(debug:print 0 *default-log-port*  "ERROR: bad host:port"))
	    (if do-exit (exit 1))
	  (let* ((iface      (car host-port))
		 (port       (cadr host-port))
		 (server-dat (http-transport:client-connect iface port server-id))
		 (login-res  (rmt:login-no-auto-client-setup server-dat)))
	    (if (and (list? login-res)
		     (car login-res))
		  ;; (print "LOGIN_OK")
		  (if do-exit (exit 0))
		  ;; (print "LOGIN_FAILED")
		  (if do-exit (exit 1))

;; kind start up of servers, wait 40 seconds before allowing another server for a given
;; run-id to be launched
;; this one seems to be the general entry point
(define (server:start-and-wait areapath #!key (timeout 60))
  (let ((give-up-time (+ (current-seconds) timeout)))
    (let loop ((server-info (server:check-if-running areapath))
	       (try-num    0))
      (if (or server-info
	      (> (current-seconds) give-up-time)) ;; server-url will be #f if no server available.
	  (server:record->url server-info)
	  (let ((num-ok (length (server:get-best (server:get-list areapath)))))
	    (if (and (> try-num 0)  ;; first time through simply wait a little while then try again
		     (< num-ok 1))  ;; if there are no decent candidates for servers then try starting a new one
		(server:kind-run areapath))
	    (thread-sleep! 5)
	    (loop (server:check-if-running areapath)
		  (+ try-num 1)))))))

;; no longer care if multiple servers are started by accident. older servers will drop off in time.
(define (server:check-if-running areapath) ;;  #!key (numservers "2"))
  (let* ((ns            (server:get-num-servers))
	 (servers       (server:get-best (server:get-list areapath))))
    (if (or (and servers
		 (null? servers))
	    (not servers)
	    (and (list? servers)
		 (< (length servers) (random ns)))) ;; somewhere between 0 and numservers
        (let loop ((hed (car servers))
                   (tal (cdr servers)))
          (let ((res (server:check-server hed)))
            (if res
                (if (null? tal)
                    (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))))))

;; ping the given server
(define (server:check-server server-record)
  (let* ((server-url (server:record->url server-record))
         (server-id (server:record->id server-record)) 
         (res        (case *transport-type*
                       ((http)(server:ping server-url server-id))
                       ;; ((nmsg)(nmsg-transport:ping (tasks:hostinfo-get-interface server)
    (if res

(define server:try-running server:run) ;; there is no more per-run servers ;; REMOVE ME. BUG.


(define *http-mutex* (make-mutex))

;; NOTE: Large block of code from 32436b426188080f72fceb6894af541fbad9921e removed here
;;       I'm pretty sure it is defunct.

;; This next block all imported en-mass from the api branch
(define *http-requests-in-progress* 0)
(define *http-connections-next-cleanup* (current-seconds))

(define (http-transport:get-time-to-cleanup)
  (let ((res #f))
    (mutex-lock! *http-mutex*)
    (set! res (> (current-seconds) *http-connections-next-cleanup*))
    (mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*)

(define (http-transport:inc-requests-count)
  (mutex-lock! *http-mutex*)
  (set! *http-requests-in-progress* (+ 1 *http-requests-in-progress*))
  ;; Use this opportunity to slow things down iff there are too many requests in flight
  (if (> *http-requests-in-progress* 5)
	(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Whoa there buddy, ease up...")
	(thread-sleep! 1)))
  (mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*))

(define (http-transport:dec-requests-count proc) 
  (mutex-lock! *http-mutex*)
  (set! *http-requests-in-progress* (- *http-requests-in-progress* 1))
  (mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*))

(define (http-transport:dec-requests-count-and-close-all-connections)
  (set! *http-requests-in-progress* (- *http-requests-in-progress* 1))
  (let loop ((etime (+ (current-seconds) 5))) ;; give up in five seconds
    (if (> *http-requests-in-progress* 0)
	(if (> etime (current-seconds))
	      (thread-sleep! 0.05)
	      (loop etime))
	    (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "requests still in progress after 5 seconds of waiting. I'm going to pass on cleaning up http connections"))
  (set! *http-connections-next-cleanup* (+ (current-seconds) 10))
  (mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*))

(define (http-transport:inc-requests-and-prep-to-close-all-connections)
  (mutex-lock! *http-mutex*)
  (set! *http-requests-in-progress* (+ 1 *http-requests-in-progress*)))

;; Send "cmd" with json payload "params" to serverdat and receive result
(define (http-transport:client-api-send-receive run-id serverdat cmd params #!key (numretries 3)(area-dat #f))
  (let* ((fullurl    (if (vector? serverdat)
			 (http-transport:server-dat-get-api-req serverdat)
			   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "FATAL ERROR: http-transport:client-api-send-receive called with no server info")
			   (exit 1))))
	 (res        (vector #f "uninitialized"))
	 (success    #t)
	 (sparams    (db:obj->string params transport: 'http))
	 (runremote  (or area-dat *runremote*))
         (server-id   (if (vector? serverdat) 
                           (http-transport:server-dat-get-server-id serverdat)
			     (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "FATAL ERROR: http-transport:client-api-send-receive called with no server info")
			     (exit 1)))))
       (debug:print-info 11 *default-log-port* "cmd=" cmd " fullurl=" fullurl " server-id=" server-id " current time:" (current-seconds)) 

       ;; set up the http-client here
       (max-retry-attempts 1)
       ;; consider all requests indempotent
       (retry-request? (lambda (request)
       ;; send the data and get the response
       ;; extract the needed info from the http data and 
       ;; process and return it.
       (let* ((send-recieve (lambda ()
			      (mutex-lock! *http-mutex*)
			      ;; (condition-case (with-input-from-request "http://localhost"; #f read-lines)
			      ;;					       ((exn http client-error) e (print e)))
			      (set! res (vector                ;;; DON'T FORGET - THIS IS THE CLIENT SIDE! NOTE: consider moving this to client.scm since we are only supporting http transport at this time.
					      (let ((call-chain (get-call-chain))
						    (msg        ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))
						(set! success #f)
                                                (if (debug:debug-mode 1)
                                                    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "couldn't talk to server, trying again ...")
                                                      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failure in with-input-from-request to " fullurl ".")
                                                      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " msg ", exn=" exn)
                                                      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " cmd: " cmd " params: " params " key:" (or server-id "thekey"))
                                                      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " call-chain: " call-chain)))
                                                (if runremote
						    (remote-conndat-set! runremote #f))
						;; Killing associated server to allow clean retry.")
						;; (tasks:kill-server-run-id run-id)  ;; better to kill the server in the logic that called this routine?
						(mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*)
					     ;;; (signal (make-composite-condition
					     ;;;          (make-property-condition 'commfail 'message "failed to connect to server")))
					     ;;; "communications failed"
						(db:obj->string #f))
					    (with-input-from-request ;; was dat
					     (list (cons 'key (or server-id   "thekey"))
						   (cons 'cmd cmd)
						   (cons 'params sparams))
					  transport: 'http)
                                         0)) ;; added this speculatively
			      ;; Shouldn't this be a call to the managed call-all-connections stuff above?
			      (mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*)
	      (time-out     (lambda ()
			      (thread-sleep! 45)
			      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: send-receive took more than 45 seconds!!")
	      (th1 (make-thread send-recieve "with-input-from-request"))
	      (th2 (make-thread time-out     "time out")))
	 (thread-start! th1)
	 (thread-start! th2)
	 (thread-join! th1)
          (vector-set! res 0 success)
	 (thread-terminate! th2)
	 (if (vector? res)
	     (if (vector-ref res 0) ;; this is the first flag or the second flag? 
                 (let* ((res-dat (vector-ref res 1)))
                    (if (and (string? res-dat) (string-contains res-dat "server-id mismatch"))
                     (signal (make-composite-condition
		       'message  (vector-ref res 1))))       
		      res)) ;; this is the *inner* vector? seriously? why?
                 (if (debug:debug-mode 11)
                     (let ((call-chain (get-call-chain))) ;; note: this code also called in nmsg-transport - consider consolidating it
                       (print-call-chain (current-error-port))
                       (debug:print-error 11 *default-log-port* "error above occured at server, res=" res) ;; " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
                       (debug:print 11 *default-log-port* " server call chain:")
                       (pp (vector-ref res 1) (current-error-port))
                       (signal (vector-ref res 0)))
	     (signal (make-composite-condition
		       'message "nmsg-transport:client-api-send-receive-raw timed out talking to server")))))))

;; careful closing of connections stored in *runremote*
(define (http-transport:close-connections #!key (area-dat #f))
  (let* ((runremote  (or area-dat *runremote*))
	 (server-dat (if runremote
                         (remote-conndat runremote)
                         #f))) ;; (hash-table-ref/default *runremote* run-id #f)))
    (if (vector? server-dat)
	(let ((api-dat (http-transport:server-dat-get-api-uri server-dat)))
	      (print-call-chain *default-log-port*)
	      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* " closing connection failed with error: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", exn=" exn))
	    (close-connection! api-dat)

(define (make-http-transport:server-dat)(make-vector 6))
(define (http-transport:server-dat-get-iface         vec)    (vector-ref  vec 0))
(define (http-transport:server-dat-get-port          vec)    (vector-ref  vec 1))
(define (http-transport:server-dat-get-api-uri       vec)    (vector-ref  vec 2))
(define (http-transport:server-dat-get-api-url       vec)    (vector-ref  vec 3))
(define (http-transport:server-dat-get-api-req       vec)    (vector-ref  vec 4))
(define (http-transport:server-dat-get-last-access   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 5))
;(define (http-transport:server-dat-get-socket        vec)    (vector-ref  vec 6))
(define (http-transport:server-dat-get-server-id     vec)    (vector-ref  vec 6))

(define (http-transport:server-dat-make-url vec)
  (if (and (http-transport:server-dat-get-iface vec)
	   (http-transport:server-dat-get-port  vec))
      (conc "http://" 
	    (http-transport:server-dat-get-iface vec)
	    (http-transport:server-dat-get-port  vec))

(define (http-transport:server-dat-update-last-access vec)
  (if (vector? vec)
      (vector-set! vec 5 (current-seconds))
	(print-call-chain (current-error-port))
	(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "call to http-transport:server-dat-update-last-access with non-vector!!"))))

;; connect
(define (http-transport:client-connect iface port server-id) 
  (let* ((api-url      (conc "http://" iface ":" port "/api"))
	 (api-uri      (uri-reference (conc "http://" iface ":" port "/api")))
	 (api-req      (make-request method: 'POST uri: api-uri))
	 (server-dat   (vector iface port api-uri api-url api-req (current-seconds) server-id)))

;; run http-transport:keep-running in a parallel thread to monitor that the db is being 
;; used and to shutdown after sometime if it is not.
(define (http-transport:keep-running) 
  ;; if none running or if > 20 seconds since 
  ;; server last used then start shutdown
  ;; This thread waits for the server to come alive
  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Starting the sync-back, keep alive thread in server")
  (let* ((sdat              #f)
	 (tmp-area          (common:get-db-tmp-area))
	 (started-file      (conc tmp-area "/.server-started"))
	 (server-start-time (current-seconds))
	 (server-info (let loop ((start-time (current-seconds))
				 (changed    #t)
				 (last-sdat  "not this"))
                        (begin ;; let ((sdat #f))
			  (thread-sleep! 0.01)
			  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Waiting for server alive signature")
                          (mutex-lock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
                          (set! sdat *server-info*)
                          (mutex-unlock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
                          (if (and sdat
				   (not changed)
				   (> (- (current-seconds) start-time) 2))
				(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Received server alive signature")
                                (common:save-pkt `((action . alive)
                                                   (T      . server)
                                                   (pid    . ,(current-process-id))
                                                   (ipaddr . ,(car sdat))
                                                   (port   . ,(cadr sdat)))
                                                 *configdat* #t)
				(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Still waiting, last-sdat=" last-sdat)
                                (sleep 4)
				(if (> (- (current-seconds) start-time) 120) ;; been waiting for two minutes
				      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "transport appears to have died, exiting server")
                                      (common:save-pkt `((action . died)
                                                         (T      . server)
                                                         (pid    . ,(current-process-id))
                                                         (ipaddr . ,(car sdat))
                                                         (port   . ,(cadr sdat))
                                                         (msg    . "Transport died?"))
						       *configdat* #t)
				    (loop start-time
					  (equal? sdat last-sdat)
	 (iface       (car server-info))
         (port        (cadr server-info))
         (last-access 0)
	 (server-timeout (server:expiration-timeout))
	 (server-going  #f)
	 (server-log-file (args:get-arg "-log"))) ;; always set when we are a server

      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to create " started-file ", exn=" exn)
      (with-output-to-file started-file (lambda ()(print (current-process-id)))))

    (let loop ((count         0)
	       (server-state 'available)
	       (bad-sync-count 0)
	       (start-time     (current-milliseconds)))
      ;; Use this opportunity to sync the tmp db to megatest.db
      (if (not server-going) ;; *dbstruct-db* 
	    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "SERVER: dbprep")
	    (set! *dbstruct-db*  (db:setup #t)) ;;  run-id))
	    (set! server-going #t)
	    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "SERVER: running, megatest version: " (common:get-full-version)) ;; NOTE: the server is NOT yet marked as running in the log. We do that in the keep-running routine.
	    (thread-start! *watchdog*)))
      ;; when things go wrong we don't want to be doing the various queries too often
      ;; so we strive to run this stuff only every four seconds or so.
      (let* ((sync-time (- (current-milliseconds) start-time))
	    (rem-time  (quotient (- 4000 sync-time) 1000)))
	(if (and (<= rem-time 4)
		 (>  rem-time 0))
	    (thread-sleep! rem-time)))
      (if (< count 1) ;; 3x3 = 9 secs aprox
	  (loop (+ count 1) 'running bad-sync-count (current-milliseconds)))
      ;; Check that iface and port have not changed (can happen if server port collides)
      (mutex-lock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
      (set! sdat *server-info*)
      (mutex-unlock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
      (if (not (equal? sdat (list iface port)))
	  (let ((new-iface (car sdat))
		(new-port  (cadr sdat)))
	    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: interface changed, refreshing iface and port info")
	    (set! iface new-iface)
	    (set! port  new-port)
             (if (not *server-id*)
              (set! *server-id* (server:mk-signature)))
            (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* (current-seconds) (current-directory) (current-process-id) (argv))
	    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "SERVER STARTED: " iface ":" port " AT " (current-seconds) " server-id: " *server-id*)
	    (flush-output *default-log-port*)))
      ;; Transfer *db-last-access* to last-access to use in checking that we are still alive
      (mutex-lock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
      (set! last-access *db-last-access*)
      (mutex-unlock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
      (if (common:low-noise-print 120 (conc "server running on " iface ":" port))
             (if (not *server-id*)
              (set! *server-id* (server:mk-signature)))
            (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* (current-seconds) (current-directory) (current-process-id) (argv))   
	    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "SERVER STARTED: " iface ":" port " AT " (current-seconds) " server-id: " *server-id*)
	    (flush-output *default-log-port*)))
      (if (common:low-noise-print 60 "dbstats")
	    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Server stats:")
      (let* ((hrs-since-start  (/ (- (current-seconds) server-start-time) 3600)))
         ((and *server-run*
	       (> (+ last-access server-timeout)
          (if (common:low-noise-print 120 "server continuing")
              (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server continuing, seconds since last db access: " (- (current-seconds) last-access))
	      (let ((curr-time (current-seconds)))
		    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: Failed to change timestamp on log file " server-log-file ". Are you out of space on that disk? exn=" exn)
		  (if (not *server-overloaded*)
		      (change-file-times server-log-file curr-time curr-time)))))
          (loop 0 server-state bad-sync-count (current-milliseconds)))
          (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server timed out. seconds since last db access: " (- (current-seconds) last-access))
          (http-transport:server-shutdown port)))))))

(define (http-transport:server-shutdown port)
    ;;(BB> "http-transport:server-shutdown called")
    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Starting to shutdown the server. pid="(current-process-id))
    ;; start_shutdown
    (set! *time-to-exit* #t) ;; tell on-exit to be fast as we've already cleaned up
    (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-port port "released")
    (thread-sleep! 1)

    ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Max cached queries was    " *max-cache-size*)
    ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Number of cached writes   " *number-of-writes*)
    ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Average cached write time "
    ;; 		      (if (eq? *number-of-writes* 0)
    ;; 			  "n/a (no writes)"
    ;; 			  (/ *writes-total-delay*
    ;; 			     *number-of-writes*))
    ;; 		      " ms")
    ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Number non-cached queries "  *number-non-write-queries*)
    ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Average non-cached time   "
    ;; 		      (if (eq? *number-non-write-queries* 0)
    ;; 			  "n/a (no queries)"
    ;; 			  (/ *total-non-write-delay* 
    ;; 			     *number-non-write-queries*))
    ;; 		      " ms")
    (common:save-pkt `((action . exit)
                       (T      . server)
                       (pid    . ,(current-process-id)))
                     *configdat* #t)
    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server shutdown complete. Exiting")

;; all routes though here end in exit ...
;; start_server? 
(define (http-transport:launch)
  ;; check that a server start is in progress, pause or exit if so
  (let* ((tmp-area            (common:get-db-tmp-area))
	 (server-start        (conc tmp-area "/.server-start"))
	 (server-started      (conc tmp-area "/.server-started"))
	 (start-time          (common:lazy-modification-time server-start))
	 (started-time        (common:lazy-modification-time server-started))
	 (server-starting     (< start-time started-time)) ;; if start-time is less than started-time then a server is still starting
	 (start-time-old      (> (- (current-seconds) start-time) 5))
         (cleanup-proc        (lambda (msg)
                                (let* ((serv-fname      (conc "server-" (current-process-id) "-" (get-host-name) ".log"))
                                       (full-serv-fname (conc *toppath* "/logs/" serv-fname))
                                       (new-serv-fname  (conc *toppath* "/logs/" "defunct-" serv-fname)))
                                  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* msg)
                                  (if (common:file-exists? full-serv-fname)
                                      (system (conc "sleep 1;mv -f " full-serv-fname " " new-serv-fname))
                                      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: cannot move " full-serv-fname " to " new-serv-fname))
    #;(if (and (not start-time-old) ;; last server start try was less than five seconds ago
	     (not server-starting))
	  (cleanup-proc "NOT starting server, there is either a recently started server or a server in process of starting")
    ;; lets not even bother to start if there are already three or more server files ready to go
    #;(let* ((num-alive   (server:get-num-alive (server:get-list *toppath*))))
      (if (> num-alive 3)
            (cleanup-proc (conc "ERROR: Aborting server start because there are already " num-alive " possible servers either running or starting up"))
  (common:save-pkt `((action . start)
		     (T      . server)
		     (pid    . ,(current-process-id)))
		   *configdat* #t)
    (let* ((th2 (make-thread (lambda ()
                               (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server run thread started")
                                (if (args:get-arg "-server")
                                    (args:get-arg "-server")
                                )) "Server run"))
           (th3 (make-thread (lambda ()
                               (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server monitor thread started")
                               "Keep running"))))
      (thread-start! th2)
      (thread-sleep! 0.25) ;; give the server time to settle before starting the keep-running monitor.
      (thread-start! th3)
      (set! *didsomething* #t)
      (thread-join! th2)

;; (define (http-transport:server-signal-handler signum)
;;   (signal-mask! signum)
;;   (handle-exceptions
;;    exn
;;    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " ... exiting ...")
;;    (let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda ()
;; 			     (thread-sleep! 1))
;; 			   "eat response"))
;; 	 (th2 (make-thread (lambda ()
;; 			     (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Received ^C, attempting clean exit. Please be patient and wait a few seconds before hitting ^C again.")
;; 			     (thread-sleep! 3) ;; give the flush three seconds to do it's stuff
;; 			     (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "       Done.")
;; 			     (exit 4))
;; 			   "exit on ^C timer")))
;;      (thread-start! th2)
;;      (thread-start! th1)
;;      (thread-join! th2))))

;; faux-lock is deprecated. Please use simple-lock below
(define (common:faux-lock keyname #!key (wait-time 8)(allow-lock-steal #t))
  (if (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f) ;; do not be tempted to compare to pid. locking is a one-shot action, if already locked for this pid it doesn't actually count
      (if (> wait-time 0)
	    (thread-sleep! 1)
	    (if (eq? wait-time 1) ;; only one second left, steal the lock
		  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "stealing lock for " keyname)
		  (common:faux-unlock keyname force: #t)))
	    (common:faux-lock keyname wait-time: (- wait-time 1)))
        (rmt:no-sync-set keyname (conc (current-process-id)))
        (equal? (conc (current-process-id)) (conc (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f))))))

(define (common:faux-unlock keyname #!key (force #f))
  (if (or force (equal? (conc (current-process-id)) (conc (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f))))
        (if (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f) (rmt:no-sync-del! keyname))

;; simple lock. improve and converge on this one.
(define (common:simple-lock keyname)
  (rmt:no-sync-get-lock keyname))

(define (common:simple-unlock keyname #!key (force #f))
  (rmt:no-sync-del! keyname))

;; ideally put all this info into the db, no need to preserve it across moving homehost
;; return list of
;;  ( reachable? cpuload update-time )
(define (common:get-host-info hostname)
  (let* ((loadinfo                         (rmt:get-latest-host-load hostname)) ;; if this host happens to have been recently used by a test reuse the load data
         (load                             (car loadinfo))
         (load-sample-time                 (cdr loadinfo))
         (load-sample-age                  (- (current-seconds) load-sample-time))
         (loadinfo-timeout-seconds         6) ;; this was 20 seconds, seems way too lax. Switch to 6 seconds
         (host-last-update-timeout-seconds 4)
         (host-rec (hash-table-ref/default *host-loads* hostname #f))
     ((< load-sample-age loadinfo-timeout-seconds)
      (list #t
     ((and host-rec
           (< (current-seconds) (+ (host-last-update host-rec) host-last-update-timeout-seconds)))
      (list #t
            (host-last-update host-rec)
            (host-last-cpuload host-rec )))
     ((common:unix-ping hostname)
      (list #t
            (alist-ref 'adj-core-load (common:get-normalized-cpu-load hostname)))) ;; this is cheaper than you might think. get-normalized-cpu-load is cached for up to 5 seconds
      (list #f 0 -1) ;; bad host, don't use!

(define (std-exit-procedure)
  (on-exit (lambda () 0))
  ;;(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "std-exit-procedure called; *time-to-exit*="*time-to-exit*)
  (let ((no-hurry  (if *time-to-exit* ;; hurry up
			 (set! *time-to-exit* #t)
    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "starting exit process, finalizing databases.")
    (if (and no-hurry (debug:debug-mode 18))
    (let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda () ;; thread for cleaning up, give it five seconds
                              (if *dbstruct-db* (db:close-all *dbstruct-db*)) ;; one second allocated
			      (if *task-db*    
				  (let ((db (cdr *task-db*)))
				    (if (sqlite3:database? db)
					  (sqlite3:interrupt! db)
					  (sqlite3:finalize! db #t)
					  ;; (vector-set! *task-db* 0 #f)
					  (set! *task-db* #f)))))
                              ;; (if (and *runremote*
                              ;;          (remote-conndat *runremote*))
                              ;;     (begin
                              ;;       (http-client#close-all-connections!))) ;; for http-client
                              (if (not (eq? *default-log-port* (current-error-port)))
                                  (close-output-port *default-log-port*))
			      (set! *default-log-port* (current-error-port))) "Cleanup db exit thread"))
	  (th2 (make-thread (lambda ()
			      (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "Attempting clean exit. Please be patient and wait a few seconds...")
			      (if no-hurry
                                    (thread-sleep! 5)) ;; give the clean up few seconds to do it's stuff
      				  (thread-sleep! 2)))
      			      (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* " ... done")
			    "clean exit")))
      (thread-start! th1)
      (thread-start! th2)
      (thread-join! th1)


;; from metadat lookup MEGATEST_VERSION
(define (common:get-last-run-version) ;; RADT => How does this work in send-receive function??; assume it is the value saved in some DB
  (rmt:get-var "MEGATEST_VERSION"))

(define (common:set-last-run-version)
  (rmt:set-var "MEGATEST_VERSION" (common:version-signature)))

(define (common:get-last-run-version-number)
   (substring (common:get-last-run-version) 0 6)))

;; see defstruct host at top of file.
;;    host: reachable last-update last-used last-cpuload
(define (common:update-host-loads-table hosts-raw)
  (let* ((hosts (filter (lambda (x)
                          (string-match (regexp "^\\S+$") x))
     (lambda (hostname)
       (let* ((rec       (let ((h (hash-table-ref/default *host-loads* hostname #f)))
                          (if h
                              (let ((h (make-host)))
                                (hash-table-set! *host-loads* hostname h)
              (host-info         (common:get-host-info hostname))
              (is-reachable      (car host-info))
              (last-reached-time (cadr host-info))
              (load              (caddr host-info)))
         (host-reachable-set!    rec is-reachable)
         (host-last-update-set!  rec last-reached-time)
         (host-last-cpuload-set! rec load)))

;; go through the hosts from least recently used to most recently used, pick the first that meets the load criteral from the
;; [host-rules] section.
(define (common:get-least-loaded-host hosts-raw host-type configdat)
  (let* ((rdat       (configf:lookup configdat "host-rules" host-type))
	 (rules      (common:val->alist (or rdat "") convert: #t))   ;; maxnload, maxnjobs, maxjobrate
	 (maxnload   (common:alist-ref/default 'maxnload rules 1.5)) ;; max normalized load
	 (maxnjobs   (common:alist-ref/default 'maxnjobs rules 1.5)) ;; max normalized number of jobs
	 (maxjobrate (common:alist-ref/default 'maxjobrate rules (/ 1 6))) ;; max rate of submitting jobs to a given host in jobs/second
	 (hosts      (filter (lambda (x)
			       (string-match (regexp "^\\S+$") x))
         ;; (best-host #f)
	 (get-rec    (lambda (hostname)
		       ;; (print "get-rec hostname=" hostname)
		       (let ((h (hash-table-ref/default *host-loads* hostname #f)))
			 (if h
			     (let ((h (make-host)))
			       (hash-table-set! *host-loads* hostname h)
         (best-load 99999)
         (curr-time (current-seconds))
	 (get-hosts-sorted (lambda (hosts)
			     (sort hosts (lambda (a b)
					   (let ((a-rec (get-rec a))
						 (b-rec (get-rec b)))
					     ;; (print "a=" a " a-rec=" a-rec " host-last-used=" (host-last-used a-rec))
					     ;; (print "b=" b " b-rec=" b-rec " host-last-used=" (host-last-used b-rec))
					     (< (host-last-used a-rec)
						(host-last-used b-rec))))))))
    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: hosts-sorted=" (get-hosts-sorted hosts))
    (if (null? hosts)
	#f ;; no hosts to select from. All done and giving up now.
	(let ((hosts-sorted (get-hosts-sorted hosts)))
	  (common:update-host-loads-table hosts)
	  (let loop ((hostname  (car hosts-sorted))
		     (tal       (cdr hosts-sorted))
		     (best-host #f))
	    (let* ((rec       (get-rec hostname))
		   (reachable (host-reachable     rec))
		   (load      (host-last-cpuload  rec))
		   (last-used (host-last-used     rec))
		   (delta     (- curr-time last-used))
		   (job-rate  (if (> delta 0)
				  (/ 1 delta)
				  999)) ;; jobs per second
		     ((not reachable)
		      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Skipping host " hostname " as it cannot be reached.")
		     ((and (< load maxnload)        ;; load is acceptable
			   (< job-rate maxjobrate)) ;; job rate is acceptable
		      (set! best-load load)
		     (else best-host))))
	      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Trying host " hostname " with load " load ", last used " delta " seconds ago, with job-rate " job-rate " for running a test." )
	      (if new-best
		  (begin ;; found a host, return it
		    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Found host: " new-best " load: " load " last-used: " delta " seconds ago, with job-rate: " job-rate)
		    (host-last-used-set! rec curr-time)
		  (if (null? tal) #f (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) best-host)))))))))

;;  T E S T   L A U N C H I N G   P E R   I T E M   W I T H   H O S T   T Y P E S
;; [hosts]
;; arm cubie01 cubie02
;; x86_64 zeus xena myth01
;; allhosts #{g hosts arm} #{g hosts x86_64}
;; [host-types]
;; general #MTLOWESTLOAD #{g hosts allhosts}
;; arm     #MTLOWESTLOAD #{g hosts arm}
;; [host-rules]
;; # maxnload   => max normalized load
;; # maxnjobs   => max jobs per cpu
;; # maxjobrate => max jobs per second
;; general maxnload=1.1; maxnjobs=1.2; maxjobrate=0.1 
;; [launchers]
;; envsetup general
;; xor/%/n 4C16G
;; % nbgeneral
;; [jobtools]
;; # if defined and not "no" flexi-launcher will bypass "launcher" unless no match.
;; flexi-launcher yes  
;; launcher nbfake
(define (common:get-launcher configdat testname itempath)
  (let ((fallback-launcher (configf:lookup configdat "jobtools" "launcher")))
    (if (and (configf:lookup configdat "jobtools" "flexi-launcher") ;; overrides launcher
	     (not (equal? (configf:lookup configdat "jobtools" "flexi-launcher") "no")))
	(let* ((launchers         (hash-table-ref/default configdat "launchers" '())))
	  (if (null? launchers)
	      (let loop ((hed (car launchers))
			 (tal (cdr launchers)))
		(let ((patt      (car hed))
		      (host-type (cadr hed)))
		  (if (tests:match patt testname itempath)
			(debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "Have flexi-launcher match for " testname "/" itempath " = " host-type)
			(let ((launcher (configf:lookup configdat "host-types" host-type)))
			  (if launcher
			      (let* ((launcher-parts (string-split launcher))
				     (launcher-exe   (car launcher-parts)))
				(if (equal? launcher-exe "#MTLOWESTLOAD") ;; this is our special case, we will find the lowest load and craft a nbfake commandline
				    (let host-loop ((targ-host (common:get-least-loaded-host (cdr launcher-parts) host-type configdat))
						    (count     100))
				      (if targ-host
					  (conc "remrun " targ-host)
					  (if (> count 0)
						(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Waiting for a host for host-type " host-type)
						(thread-sleep! (- 101 count))
						(host-loop (common:get-least-loaded-host (cdr launcher-parts) host-type configdat)
							   (- count 1)))
						(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "FATAL: Failed to find a host from #MTLOWESTLOAD for host-type " host-type)
				(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: no launcher found for host-type " host-type)
				(if (null? tal)
				    (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))))
		      ;; no match, try again
		      (if (null? tal)
			  (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))))
