Artifact a1e1cb0cc369c356ae70d386ece62d3a76c24705:
- File tests/fdktestqa/fdk.config — part of check-in [68f95981bf] at 2014-07-23 00:33:57 on branch v1.60 — Changed some configs for fdktestqa (user: matt, size: 405) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
[fields] SYSTEM TEXT RELEASE TEXT [pre-launch-env-overrides] MAX_ALLOWED_LOAD 200 [setup] # Adjust max_concurrent_jobs to limit how much you load your machines # max_concurrent_jobs 150 max_concurrent_jobs 500 # This is your link path, you can move it but it is generally better to keep it stable linktree #{shell readlink -f #{getenv PWD}/../simplelinks} [include testqa/configs/]