
Artifact [a70748c0a0]

Artifact a70748c0a0ef94e075c6d5dc95bccc268a9ecd73:

Ticket change [a70748c0a0] - New ticket [d72d18e032] Convert debug:* to macros so that the params are not evaluated if debug level not matched.. by matt on 2020-10-18 09:03:38.
D 2020-10-18T15:03:38.976
J login matt
J mimetype text/x-markdown
J severity Critical
J status Open
J title Convert\sdebug:*\sto\smacros\sso\sthat\sthe\sparams\sare\snot\sevaluated\sif\sdebug\slevel\snot\smatched.
J type Feature_Request
K d72d18e032b5635d78d699e9177f181bda497403
U matt
Z ccce45c34477b50c7a212c4e1dc1ab40