Artifact b3f8ccd25986c2ab33615f8215932997790e8c74:
- File tests/fullrun/tests/sqlitespeed/testconfig — part of check-in [f1ce492c36] at 2013-04-11 16:26:11 on branch testdir-vs-linksdir — Configurable storage of path to test via link tree or direct. Partial edits to get iterated test results rollup working properly (user: mrwellan, size: 227) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
[setup] runscript runscript.rb | logpro logcheck.logpro logcheck.html tags non important,dumb junk [requirements] waiton runfirst [items] MANYITEMS [system (env > envfile.txt;echo aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai)] # BORKED