; Copyright 2006-2017, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;; Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Megatest. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;; (include "common.scm")
;; (include "megatest-version.scm")
;; fake out readline usage of toplevel-command
(define (toplevel-command . a) #f)
(import srfi-1 srfi-69 breadline ;; regex regex-case srfi-69 apropos json http-client directory-utils rpc typed-records;; (srfi 18) extras)
srfi-19 srfi-18 chicken.format pkts regex regex-case
(prefix dbi dbi:)
;; (declare (uses common))
;; (declare (uses megatest-version))
;; (declare (uses margs))
;; (declare (uses configf))
(declare (uses megamod))
(import megamod)
;; (declare (uses rmt))
;; (use ducttape-lib)
;; (include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm") ;; comes from megamod now
;; (require-library stml)
(define help (conc "
mtutil, part of the Megatest tool suite, documentation at http://www.kiatoa.com/fossils/megatest
version " megatest-version "
license GPL, Copyright Matt Welland 2006-2017
Usage: mtutil action [options]
-h : this help
-manual : show the Megatest user manual
-version : print megatest version (currently " megatest-version ")
show [areas|contours... ] : show areas, contours or other section from megatest.config
gendot : generate a graphviz dot file from pkts.
Contour actions:
process : runs import, rungen and dispatch
Trigger propagation actions:
tsend a=b,c=d... : send trigger info to all recpients in the [listeners] section
tlisten -port N : listen for trigger info on port N
-start-dir path : switch to this directory before running mtutil
-set-vars V1=1,V2=2 : Add environment variables to a run NB// these are
overwritten by values set in config files.
-log logfile : send stdout and stderr to logfile
-repl : start a repl (useful for extending megatest)
-load file.scm : load and run file.scm
-debug N|N,M,O... : enable debug messages 0-N or N and M and O ...
-list-pkt-keys : list all pkt keys
# Start a megatest run in the area \"mytests\"
mtutil run -area mytests -target v1.63/aa3e -mode-patt MYPATT -tag-expr quick
# Start a contour
mtutil run -contour quick -target v1.63/aa3e
Called as " (string-intersperse (argv) " ") "
Version " megatest-version ", built from " megatest-fossil-hash ))
;; first token is our action, but only if no leading dash
(define *action* (if (and (> (length (argv)) 1)
(not (string-match "^\\-.*" (cadr (argv)))))
(cadr (argv))
(define *remargs*
(if *action* (cdr (argv)) (argv))
(if (args:get-arg "-h")
(print help)
(if (or (args:get-arg "-repl")
(args:get-arg "-load"))
;; (import csi)
(import breadline)
(import apropos)
;; (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) ;; doesn't work ...
(install-history-file (get-environment-variable "HOME") ".mtutil_history") ;; [homedir] [filename] [nlines])
(current-input-port (make-readline-port "mtutil> "))
(if (args:get-arg "-repl")
(load (args:get-arg "-load")))))
(define mtconf (car (simple-setup #f)))
(define dat (common:with-queue-db mtconf (lambda (conn)(get-pkts conn '()))))
(pp (pkts#flatten-all dat '((cmd . ((parent . P)(url . M)))(runtype . ((parent . P)))) 'id 'group-id 'uuid 'parent 'pkt-type 'pkt 'processed))