Artifact fbc9c72134e2f59d95a0cf96ee131ecffeacbbf5:
- Executable file tests/ — part of check-in [b81b7645b9] at 2013-11-24 20:16:33 on branch inmem-per-run-db — rundb, inmem and main structures written (user: matt, size: 485) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
#!/bin/bash # Usage: testname debuglevel # # Ensure all is made (cd ..;make && make install) # Clean setup # rm -f simplerun/megatest.db simplerun/monitor.db simplerun/db/monitor.db rm -rf simplelinks/ simpleruns/ mkdir -p simplelinks simpleruns (cd simplerun;cp ../../*_records.scm .;perl -pi.bak -e 's/define-inline/define/' *_records.scm) # Run the test $1 is the unit test to run cd simplerun;echo '(load "../tests.scm")' | ../../bin/megatest -repl -debug $2 $1