
Check-in [6b8e58d2d1]
Comment:Added -preclean to all automatic run calls. Might need to be able to switch that off in future. runtrans=auto uses automatically generated run name, runtrans with spec in *runname-mappers* will use it, otherwise the runtrans is used as the actual runnanme. This is needed for run-in-place reruns
Downloads: Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | v1.64
Files: files | file ages | folders
SHA1: 6b8e58d2d102c2caba15065a4b7a61a1fcbf30c6
User & Date: matt on 2017-03-26 21:58:49
Other Links: branch diff | manifest | tags
First attempt at the exclusive mode. Not working yet but leaving the code on the v1.64 branch in anticipation of fixing it. check-in: 3269b1925d user: matt tags: v1.64
Added -preclean to all automatic run calls. Might need to be able to switch that off in future. runtrans=auto uses automatically generated run name, runtrans with spec in *runname-mappers* will use it, otherwise the runtrans is used as the actual runnanme. This is needed for run-in-place reruns check-in: 6b8e58d2d1 user: matt tags: v1.64
Added browsing of logs to RH Button for tests from runs view buttons. Added (speculative) fix for unstable sort on steps. check-in: 89dd44cd11 user: matt tags: v1.64

Modified mtut.scm from [003fb104de] to [67afd037cc].    [diff]

Modified runconfigs.config from [cdc2f61ef5] to [3ca33a1f93].    [diff]

tests/fullrun/tests/exit_0/ became executable with contents [0536bc3eb1].

tests/fullrun/tests/exit_1/ became executable with contents [c5651ffc6c].

tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_fail/ became executable with contents [b8aaccbe35].

tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_pass/ became executable with contents [c43fd19ef0].

tests/fullrun/tests/priority_1/ became executable with contents [0536bc3eb1].

tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10/ became executable with contents [0536bc3eb1].

tests/fullrun/tests/priority_2/ became executable with contents [8c8c341150].

tests/fullrun/tests/priority_3/ became executable with contents [416f9ddbf9].

tests/fullrun/tests/priority_4/ became executable with contents [0536bc3eb1].

tests/fullrun/tests/priority_5/ became executable with contents [0536bc3eb1].

tests/fullrun/tests/priority_6/ became executable with contents [0536bc3eb1].

tests/fullrun/tests/priority_7/ became executable with contents [0536bc3eb1].

tests/fullrun/tests/priority_8/ became executable with contents [12267f0508].

tests/fullrun/tests/priority_9/ became executable with contents [0536bc3eb1].

tests/fullrun/tests/singletest/ became executable with contents [d41b458021].