Comment: | committed latest changes, fixed issue where pkts aren't created |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | v1.65 |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA1: |
958206e68abbb9bb2cc76256ab320236 |
User & Date: | srehman on 2017-06-16 14:23:26 |
Other Links: | branch diff | manifest | tags |
| ||
09:34 | Merged from v1.64 into v1.65 check-in: 17f63f989a user: matt tags: v1.65 | |
| ||
14:23 | committed latest changes, fixed issue where pkts aren't created check-in: 958206e68a user: srehman tags: v1.65 | |
| ||
16:39 | Adding nanomsg to mtut.scm check-in: da26ce8d3c user: mrwellan tags: v1.65 | |
Modified mtut.scm from [cfd7d41f41] to [d0eb7f2c84].
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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | ;; (include "megatest-version.scm") ;; fake out readline usage of toplevel-command (define (toplevel-command . a) #f) (use srfi-1 posix srfi-69 readline ;; regex regex-case srfi-69 apropos json http-client directory-utils rpc typed-records;; (srfi 18) extras) srfi-18 extras format pkts regex regex-case | | | | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | ;; (include "megatest-version.scm") ;; fake out readline usage of toplevel-command (define (toplevel-command . a) #f) (use srfi-1 posix srfi-69 readline ;; regex regex-case srfi-69 apropos json http-client directory-utils rpc typed-records;; (srfi 18) extras) srfi-18 extras format pkts regex regex-case (prefix dbi dbi:)) ;;(prefix nanomsg nmsg:)) (declare (uses common)) (declare (uses megatest-version)) (declare (uses margs)) (declare (uses configf)) ;; (declare (uses rmt)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
531 532 533 534 535 536 537 | (string-split (or areas-string "") ",")))) ;; area - the current area under consideration ;; areas - the list of allowed areas from the contour spec -OR- ;; if it is a string then it is the function to use to ;; lookup in *area-checkers* ;; | | | | | 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 | (string-split (or areas-string "") ",")))) ;; area - the current area under consideration ;; areas - the list of allowed areas from the contour spec -OR- ;; if it is a string then it is the function to use to ;; lookup in *area-checkers* ;; (define (area-allowed? area areas runkey contour mode-patt) (cond ((not areas) #t) ;; no spec ((string? areas) ;; (let ((check-fn (hash-table-ref/default *area-checkers* (string->symbol areas) #f))) (if check-fn (check-fn area runkey contour mode-patt) #f))) ((list? areas)(member area areas)) (else #f))) ;; shouldn't get here ;; (use trace)(trace create-run-pkt) ;; collect all needed data and create run pkts for contours with changed inputs |
︙ | ︙ | |||
830 831 832 833 834 835 836 | ;; (print "runkeydatset: ")(pp runkeydatset) (let ((runkey (car runkeydatset)) (runkeydats (cadr runkeydatset))) (for-each (lambda (runkeydat) (for-each (lambda (area) | | | 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 | ;; (print "runkeydatset: ")(pp runkeydatset) (let ((runkey (car runkeydatset)) (runkeydats (cadr runkeydatset))) (for-each (lambda (runkeydat) (for-each (lambda (area) (if (area-allowed? area areas runkey contour mode-patt) ;; is this area to be handled (from areas=a,b,c OR using areafn=abcfn and *area-checks* ...) (let* ((aval (or (configf:lookup mtconf "areas" area) "")) (aval-alist (val->alist aval)) (runname (alist-ref 'runname runkeydat)) (runtrans (alist-ref 'runtrans runkeydat)) (reason (alist-ref 'message runkeydat)) (sched (alist-ref 'sched runkeydat)) |
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