Files in the top-level directory of check-in 231abbcae370bd0d
- .mtutil.scm
- .fossil-settings
- artifacts
- attic
- autostuff
- bin
- cgisetup
- codescan
- datashare-testing
- docs
- ducttape
- example
- example2
- fossil-utils
- iup-test
- junk
- lib
- minimal
- minimt
- mkdeploy
- mtargs
- mutils
- oldsrc
- path-glob
- pkts
- sauth
- stml2
- testlocking
- tests
- ulex
- utils
- wrappers
- adjutant.scm
- all-exceptions.ods
- apimod.scm
- archivemod.scm
- artifacts.scm
- chicken.makefile
- common_records.scm
- commonmod.scm
- commonstructs
- configf-guts.scm
- configfmod.scm
- configure
- cookie.scm
- cpumod.scm
- dashboard-guimonitor.scm
- dashboard-transport-mode.scm
- dashboard-transport-mode.scm.template
- dashboard.scm
- db_records.scm
- dbfile.scm
- dbmod.scm
- dcommon.scm
- debugprint.scm
- diff-report.scm
- ducttape-lib.scm
- emacs.config
- env.scm
- envmod.scm
- ezstepsmod.scm
- fsmod.scm
- gen-data-for-graph.scm
- genexample.scm
- js-path.scm
- key_records.scm
- launchmod.scm
- Makefile
- Makefile.deploy
- megatest-version.scm
- megatest.config
- megatest.scm
- megatestmod.scm
- mockup-cached-writes.scm
- mt-pg.sql
- mt-sqlite3.sql
- mtargs.scm
- mtbody.scm
- mtexec.scm
- mtmod.scm
- mtut.scm
- mutils.scm
- nexttag.rb
- odsmod.scm
- pgdb.scm
- pkts.scm
- portlogger.scm
- processmod.scm
- reindent.el
- rmtmod.scm
- run-eff.sql
- run_records.scm
- runconfigs.config
- runsmod.scm
- sample-sauth-paths.scm
- serialize-env.scm
- server.scm
- servermod.scm
- stml2.scm
- subrunmod.scm
- supplemental.megatest.config
- tasksmod.scm
- tcmt.scm
- tcp-transportmod.scm
- tdb.scm
- telemetry-daemon
- testsmod.scm
- transport-mode.scm
- transport-mode.scm.template
- vg.scm
- vgmod.scm
# Copyright 2006-2017, Matthew Welland. # # This file is part of Megatest. # # Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Megatest. If not, see <>. Megatest To build: 1. Install chicken scheme. See opensrc repo utils/ 2. Compile with "make -j install PREFIX=/some/path" 3. To test ....