Differences From Artifact [8ae9c17ecf]:
- File tests/fullrun/config/mt_include_1.config — part of check-in [5bc1b6ab81] at 2013-04-28 22:51:58 on branch dev — Corrected oops, used testpath when needed work-area. Added dump for cmdinfo (user: matt, size: 482) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
To Artifact [bbc52b1b03]:
- File tests/fullrun/config/mt_include_1.config — part of check-in [d0b7b33922] at 2013-07-24 10:41:05 on branch dev — Added notes on centos issues. Added logpro to installall.sh (user: fdktest, size: 480) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
1 2 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | - + | [setup] # exectutable /path/to/megatest |
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