
testsmod.scm at [0fc305ba41]

File testsmod.scm artifact 7650968d51 part of check-in 0fc305ba41

;; Copyright 2019, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;;     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;     (at your option) any later version.
;;     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;     GNU General Public License for more details.
;;     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.


(declare (unit testsmod))
(declare (uses commonmod))
(declare (uses mtargs))

(module testsmod
(import scheme chicken data-structures extras)

(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) posix typed-records srfi-18 srfi-69 format ports srfi-1 matchable
	(prefix mtconfigf configf:)
	regex srfi-13
	(prefix mtargs args:))

(define *java-script-lib* #f)

(define (init-java-script-lib)
  (set! *java-script-lib* (conc  (common:get-install-area) "/share/js/jquery-3.1.0.slim.min.js"))

;; A routine to map itempaths using a itemmap
;; patha and pathb must be strings or this will fail
;; path-b is waiting on path-a
(define (db:compare-itempaths test-b-name path-a path-b itemmaps )
  (debug:print-info 6 *default-log-port* "ITEMMAPS: " itemmaps)
  (let* ((itemmap    (tests:lookup-itemmap itemmaps test-b-name)))
    (if itemmap
	(let ((path-b-mapped (db:multi-pattern-apply path-b itemmap)))
	  (debug:print-info 6 *default-log-port* "ITEMMAP is " itemmap ", path: " path-b ", mapped path: " path-b-mapped)
	  (equal? path-a path-b-mapped))
	(equal? path-b path-a))))

;; A routine to convert test/itempath using a itemmap
;; NOTE: to process only an itempath (i.e. no prepended testname)
;;       just call db:multi-pattern-apply
(define (db:convert-test-itempath path-in itemmap)
  (debug:print-info 6 *default-log-port* "ITEMMAP is " itemmap)
  (let* ((path-parts  (string-split path-in "/"))
	 (test-name   (if (null? path-parts) "" (car path-parts)))
	 (item-path   (string-intersperse (if (null? path-parts) '() (cdr path-parts)) "/")))
    (conc test-name "/" 
	  (db:multi-pattern-apply item-path itemmap))))

;; Run keys, these are used to hierarchially organise tests and run areas

(define (keys->keystr keys) ;; => key1,key2,key3,additiona1, ...
  (string-intersperse keys ","))

(define (args:usage . a) #f)

;; key <=> target routines

;; This invalidates using "/" in item names. Every key will be
;; available via args:get-arg as :keyfield. Since this only needs to
;; be called once let's use it to set the environment vars
;; The setting of :keyfield in args should be turned off ASAP
(define (keys:target-set-args keys target ht)
  (if target
      (let ((vals (string-split target "/")))
	(if (eq? (length vals)(length keys))
	    (for-each (lambda (key val)
			(setenv key val)
			(if ht (hash-table-set! ht (conc ":" key) val)))
	    (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "wrong number of values in " target ", should match " keys))
      (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "ERROR: keys:target-set-args called with no target.")))

;; given the keys (a list of vectors <key field> or a list of keys) and a target return a keyval list
;; keyval list ( (key1 val1) (key2 val2) ...)
(define (keys:target->keyval keys target)
  (let* ((targlist (string-split target "/"))
	 (numkeys  (length keys))
	 (numtarg  (length targlist))
	 (targtweaked (if (> numkeys numtarg)
			  (append targlist (make-list (- numkeys numtarg) ""))
    (map (lambda (key targ)
	   (list key targ))
	 keys targtweaked)))

;; config file related routines

(define keys:config-get-fields common:get-fields)
(define (keys:make-key/field-string confdat)
  (let ((fields (configf:get-section confdat "fields")))
     (map (lambda (field)(conc (car field) " " (cadr field)))

;; patterns are:
;;    "rx1"  "replacement1"\n
;;    "rx2"  "replacement2"
;; etc.
(define (db:multi-pattern-apply item-path itemmap)
  (let ((all-patts (string-split itemmap "\n")))
    (if (null? all-patts)
	(let loop ((hed (car all-patts))
		   (tal (cdr all-patts))
		   (res item-path))
	  (let* ((parts (string-split hed))
		 (patt  (car parts))

		 (repl  (if (> (length parts) 1)(cadr parts) ""))

		 (newr  (if (and patt repl)
                                  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port*
                                  "WARNING: itemmap has problem \"" itemmap "\", patt: " patt ", repl: " repl)
                              (string-substitute patt repl res))

                              (debug:print 0 *default-log-port*
                               "WARNING: itemmap has problem \"" itemmap "\", patt: " patt ", repl: " repl)
	    (if (null? tal)
		(loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newr)))))))

;; given waiting-test that is waiting on waiton-test extend test-patt appropriately
;;  genlib/testconfig               sim/testconfig
;;  genlib/sch                      sim/sch/cell1
;;  [requirements]                  [requirements]
;;                                  mode itemwait
;;                                  # trim off the cell to determine what to run for genlib
;;                                  itemmap /.*
;;                                  waiting-test is waiting on waiton-test so we need to create a pattern for waiton-test given waiting-test and itemmap
;; BB> (tests:extend-test-patts "normal-second/2" "normal-second" "normal-first" '())
;; observed -> "normal-first/2,normal-first/,normal-second/2,normal-second/"
;; expected -> "normal-first,normal-second/2,normal-second/"
;; testpatt = normal-second/2
;; waiting-test = normal-second
;; waiton-test = normal-first
;; itemmaps = ()

(define (tests:extend-test-patts test-patt waiting-test waiton-test itemmaps itemized-waiton)
    (let* ((itemmap          (tests:lookup-itemmap itemmaps waiton-test))
           (patts            (string-split test-patt ","))
           (waiting-test-len (+ (string-length waiting-test) 1))
           (patts-waiton     (map (lambda (x)  ;; for each incoming patt that matches the waiting test
                                    (let* ((modpatt (if itemmap (db:convert-test-itempath x itemmap) x)) 
                                           (newpatt (conc waiton-test "/" (substring modpatt waiting-test-len (string-length modpatt)))))
                                      ;; (conc waiting-test "/," waiting-test "/" (substring modpatt waiton-test-len (string-length modpatt)))))
                                      ;; (print "in map, x=" x ", newpatt=" newpatt)
                                  (filter (lambda (x)
                                            (eq? (substring-index (conc waiting-test "/") x) 0)) ;; is this patt pertinent to the waiting test
           (extended-test-patt   (append patts (if (null? patts-waiton)
                                                   (list (conc waiton-test "/%")) ;; really shouldn't add the waiton forcefully like this
            (fold (lambda (testpatt-item accum )
                    (let ((my-match (string-match "^([^%\\/]+)\\/.+$" testpatt-item)))
                      (cons testpatt-item
                            (if my-match
                                 (conc (cadr my-match) "/")
      (string-intersperse (delete-duplicates extended-test-patt-with-toplevels) ",")))
   (else ;; not waiting on items, waiting on entire waiton test.
    (let* ((patts (string-split test-patt ","))
           (new-patts (if (member waiton-test patts)
                          (cons waiton-test patts))))
      (string-intersperse (delete-duplicates new-patts) ",")))))

;; tests:glob-like-match 
(define (tests:glob-like-match patt str) 
  (let ((like (substring-index "%" patt)))
    (let* ((notpatt  (equal? (substring-index "~" patt) 0))
	   (newpatt  (if notpatt (substring patt 1) patt))
	   (finpatt  (if like
			(string-substitute (regexp "%") ".*" newpatt #f)
			(string-substitute (regexp "\\*") ".*" newpatt #f)))
	   (res      #f))
      ;; (print "tests:glob-like-match => notpatt: " notpatt ", newpatt: " newpatt ", finpatt: " finpatt)
      (set! res (string-match (regexp finpatt (if like #t #f)) str))
      (if notpatt (not res) res))))

;; if itempath is #f then look only at the testname part
(define (tests:match patterns testname itempath #!key (required '()))
  (if (string? patterns)
      (let ((patts (append (string-split patterns ",") required)))
	(if (null? patts) ;;; no pattern(s) means no match
	    (let loop ((patt (car patts))
		       (tal  (cdr patts)))
	      ;; (print "loop: patt: " patt ", tal " tal)
	      (if (string=? patt "")
		  #f ;; nothing ever matches empty string - policy
		  (let* ((patt-parts (string-match (regexp "^([^\\/]*)(\\/(.*)|)$") patt))
			 (test-patt  (cadr patt-parts))
			 (item-patt  (cadddr patt-parts)))
		    ;; special case: test vs. test/
		    ;;   test  => "test" "%"
		    ;;   test/ => "test" ""
		    (if (and (not (substring-index "/" patt)) ;; no slash in the original
			     (or (not item-patt)
				 (equal? item-patt "")))      ;; should always be true that item-patt is ""
			(set! item-patt "%"))
		    ;; (print "tests:match => patt-parts: " patt-parts ", test-patt: " test-patt ", item-patt: " item-patt)
		    (if (and (tests:glob-like-match test-patt testname)
			     (or (not itempath)
				 (tests:glob-like-match (if item-patt item-patt "") itempath)))
			(if (null? tal)
			    (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))))))))

;; if itempath is #f then look only at the testname part
(define (tests:match->sqlqry patterns)
  (if (string? patterns)
      (let ((patts (string-split patterns ",")))
	(if (null? patts) ;;; no pattern(s) means no match, we will do no query
	    (let loop ((patt (car patts))
		       (tal  (cdr patts))
		       (res  '()))
	      ;; (print "loop: patt: " patt ", tal " tal)
	      (let* ((patt-parts (string-match (regexp "^([^\\/]*)(\\/(.*)|)$") patt))
		     (test-patt  (cadr patt-parts))
		     (item-patt  (cadddr patt-parts))
		     (test-qry   (db:patt->like "testname" test-patt))
		     (item-qry   (db:patt->like "item_path" item-patt))
		     (qry        (conc "(" test-qry " AND " item-qry ")")))
		;; (print "tests:match => patt-parts: " patt-parts ", test-patt: " test-patt ", item-patt: " item-patt)
		(if (null? tal)
		    (string-intersperse (append (reverse res)(list qry)) " OR ")
		    (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)(cons qry res)))))))

;; keys list to key1,key2,key3 ...
(define (runs:get-std-run-fields keys remfields)
  (let* ((header    (append keys remfields))
	 (keystr    (conc (keys->keystr keys) ","
			  (string-intersperse remfields ","))))
    (list keystr header)))

;; make a query (fieldname like 'patt1' OR fieldname 
(define (db:patt->like fieldname pattstr #!key (comparator " OR "))
  (let ((patts (if (string? pattstr)
		   (string-split pattstr ",")
    (string-intersperse (map (lambda (patt)
			       (let ((wildtype (if (substring-index "%" patt) "LIKE" "GLOB")))
				 (conc fieldname " " wildtype " '" patt "'")))
			     (if (null? patts)

;; Call this one to do all the work and get a standardized list of tests
;;   gets paths from configs and finds valid tests 
;;   returns hash of testname --> fullpath
(define (tests:get-all)
  (let* ((test-search-path   (tests:get-tests-search-path *configdat*)))
    (tests:get-valid-tests (make-hash-table) test-search-path)))

(define (tests:get-tests-search-path cfgdat)
  (let ((paths (let ((section (if cfgdat
				  (configf:get-section cfgdat "tests-paths")
		 (if section
		     (map cadr section)
    (filter (lambda (d)
	      (if (directory-exists? d)
		    (if (common:low-noise-print 60 "tests:get-tests-search-path" d)
			(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: problem with directory " d ", dropping it from tests path"))
	    (append paths (list (conc *toppath* "/tests"))))))

(define (tests:get-valid-tests test-registry tests-paths)
  (if (null? tests-paths) 
      (let loop ((hed (car tests-paths))
		 (tal (cdr tests-paths)))
	(if (common:file-exists? hed)
	    (for-each (lambda (test-path)
			(let* ((tname   (last (string-split test-path "/")))
			       (tconfig (conc test-path "/testconfig")))
			  (if (and (not (hash-table-ref/default test-registry tname #f))
				   (common:file-exists? tconfig))
			      (hash-table-set! test-registry tname test-path))))
		      (glob (conc hed "/*"))))
	(if (null? tal)
	    (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))

(define (tests:filter-test-names-not-matched test-names test-patts)
   (filter (lambda (testname)
	     (not (tests:match test-patts testname #f)))

(define (tests:filter-test-names test-names test-patts)
   (filter (lambda (testname)
	     (tests:match test-patts testname #f))

;; itemmap is a list of testname patterns to maps
;;     test1 .*/bar/(\d+) foo/\1
;;     %     foo/([^/]+)  \1/bar
;; # NOTE: the line with the single % could be the result of
;; #       itemmap entry in requirements (legacy). The itemmap
;; #       requirements entry is deprecated
(define (tests:get-itemmaps tconfig)
  (let ((base-itemmap  (configf:lookup tconfig "requirements" "itemmap"))
	(itemmap-table (configf:get-section tconfig "itemmap")))
    (append (if base-itemmap
		(list (list "%" base-itemmap))
	    (if itemmap-table

;; given a list of itemmaps (testname . map), return the first match
(define (tests:lookup-itemmap itemmaps testname)
  (let ((best-matches (filter (lambda (itemmap)
				(tests:match (car itemmap) testname #f))
    (if (null? best-matches)
	(let ((res (car best-matches)))
	  ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "res=" res)
	   ((string? res) res) ;;; FIX THE ROOT CAUSE HERE ....
	   ((null? res)   #f)
	   ((string? (cdr res)) (cdr res))  ;; it is a pair
	   ((string? (cadr res))(cadr res)) ;; it is a list
	   (else cadr res))))))

(define (mt:lazy-read-test-config test-name)
  (let ((tconf (hash-table-ref/default *testconfigs* test-name #f)))
    (if tconf
	(let ((test-dirs (tests:get-tests-search-path *configdat*)))
	  (let loop ((hed (car test-dirs))
		     (tal (cdr test-dirs)))
	    ;; Setting MT_LINKTREE here is almost certainly unnecessary. 
	    (let ((tconfig-file (conc hed "/" test-name "/testconfig")))
	      (if (and (common:file-exists? tconfig-file)
		       (file-read-access? tconfig-file))
		  (let ((link-tree-path (common:get-linktree)) ;; (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree"))
			(old-link-tree  (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE")))
		    (if link-tree-path (setenv "MT_LINKTREE" link-tree-path))
		    (let ((newtcfg (configf:read-config tconfig-file #f #f))) ;; NOTE: Does NOT run [system ...]
		      (hash-table-set! *testconfigs* test-name newtcfg)
		      (if old-link-tree 
			  (setenv "MT_LINKTREE" old-link-tree)
			  (unsetenv "MT_LINKTREE"))
		  (if (null? tal)
			(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "No readable testconfig found for " test-name)
		      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))))))

;;  T E S T   L A U N C H I N G   P E R   I T E M   W I T H   H O S T   T Y P E S
;; [hosts]
;; arm cubie01 cubie02
;; x86_64 zeus xena myth01
;; allhosts #{g hosts arm} #{g hosts x86_64}
;; [host-types]
;; general #MTLOWESTLOAD #{g hosts allhosts}
;; arm     #MTLOWESTLOAD #{g hosts arm}
;; [host-rules]
;; # maxnload   => max normalized load
;; # maxnjobs   => max jobs per cpu
;; # maxjobrate => max jobs per second
;; general maxnload=1.1; maxnjobs=1.2; maxjobrate=0.1 
;; [launchers]
;; envsetup general
;; xor/%/n 4C16G
;; % nbgeneral
;; [jobtools]
;; # if defined and not "no" flexi-launcher will bypass "launcher" unless no match.
;; flexi-launcher yes  
;; launcher nbfake
(define (common:get-launcher configdat testname itempath)
  (let ((fallback-launcher (configf:lookup configdat "jobtools" "launcher")))
    (if (and (configf:lookup configdat "jobtools" "flexi-launcher") ;; overrides launcher
	     (not (equal? (configf:lookup configdat "jobtools" "flexi-launcher") "no")))
	(let* ((launchers         (hash-table-ref/default configdat "launchers" '())))
	  (if (null? launchers)
	      (let loop ((hed (car launchers))
			 (tal (cdr launchers)))
		(let ((patt      (car hed))
		      (host-type (cadr hed)))
		  (if (tests:match patt testname itempath)
			(debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "Have flexi-launcher match for " testname "/" itempath " = " host-type)
			(let ((launcher (configf:lookup configdat "host-types" host-type)))
			  (if launcher
			      (let* ((launcher-parts (string-split launcher))
				     (launcher-exe   (car launcher-parts)))
				(if (equal? launcher-exe "#MTLOWESTLOAD") ;; this is our special case, we will find the lowest load and craft a nbfake commandline
				    (let host-loop ((targ-host (common:get-least-loaded-host (cdr launcher-parts) host-type configdat))
						    (count     100))
				      (if targ-host
					  (conc "remrun " targ-host)
					  (if (> count 0)
						(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Waiting for a host for host-type " host-type)
						(thread-sleep! (- 101 count))
						(host-loop (common:get-least-loaded-host (cdr launcher-parts) host-type configdat)
							   (- count 1)))
						(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "FATAL: Failed to find a host from #MTLOWESTLOAD for host-type " host-type)
				(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: no launcher found for host-type " host-type)
				(if (null? tal)
				    (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))))
		      ;; no match, try again
		      (if (null? tal)
			  (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))))
