if [[ -z $PREFIX ]];then
echo "PREFIX required"
echo "Put iup, im and cd .a and .so files in PREFIX/lib"
echo " 1. get opensrc fossil from https://www.kiatoa.com/fossils/opensrc"
echo " 2. list the unversioned files and export the cd, im and iup lib for your kernel (try uname -a for the kernel number) 4.15 ==> 415_64"
echo " 3. untar iup, im and cp tars into a clean working dir and then copy:"
echo " cp *.a *.so $PREFIX/lib"
echo " cp include/*.h $PREFIX/include"
echo " 4. run the chicken-install like this:"
echo "If you use a wrapper (e.g. ck5) to create the chicken environment:"
echo "CSC_OPTIONS=\"-I$PREFIX/include -I$PREFIX/include/im -I$PREFIX/include/cd -I$PREFIX/include/iup -L$PREFIX/lib -C -std=gnu99\" ck5 chicken-install iup"
echo "else:"
echo "CSC_OPTIONS=\"-I$PREFIX/include -I$PREFIX/include/im -I$PREFIX/include/cd -I$PREFIX/include/iup -L$PREFIX/lib -C -std=gnu99\" chicken-install iup"
echo "Then repeat for canvas-draw"