The First Chapter of the Second Part
Chapters grouped into book parts are at level 1 and can contain
The testconfig File
Setup section
The runscript method is a brute force way to run scripts where the
user is responsible for setting STATE and STATUS
runscript main.csh
Requirements section
Wait on Other Tests
# A normal waiton waits for the prior tests to be COMPLETED
waiton test1 test2
The default (i.e. if mode is not specified) is normal. All pre-dependent tests
must be COMPLETED and PASS, CHECK or WAIVED before the test will start
mode normal
The toplevel mode requires only that the prior tests are COMPLETED.
mode toplevel
A item based waiton will start items in a test when the
same-named item is COMPLETED and PASS, CHECK or WAIVED
in the prior test
mode itemmatch
# With a toplevel test you may wish to generate your list
# of tests to run dynamically
# waiton #{shell}
Run time limit
runtimelim 1h 2m 3s # this will automatically kill the test if it runs for more than 1h 2m and 3s
Skip on Still-running Tests
# NB// If the prevrunning line exists with *any* value the test will
# automatically SKIP if the same-named test is currently RUNNING
prevrunning x
Skip if a File Exists
fileexists /path/to/a/file # skip if /path/to/a/file exists
Controlled waiver propagation
If test is FAIL and previous test in run with same MT_TARGET is WAIVED then apply the following rules from the testconfig:
If a waiver check is specified in the testconfig apply the check and if it passes then set this FAIL to WAIVED
Waiver check has two parts, 1) a list of waiver, rulename, filepatterns and 2) the rulename script spec (note that "diff" and "logpro" are predefined)
###### EXAMPLE FROM testconfig #########
# matching file(s) will be diff'd with previous run and logpro applied
# if PASS or WARN result from logpro then WAIVER state is set
# logpro_file rulename input_glob
waiver_1 logpro lookittmp.log
# This builtin rule is the default if there is no <waivername>.logpro file
# diff diff %file1% %file2%
# This builtin rule is applied if a <waivername>.logpro file exists
# logpro diff %file1% %file2% | logpro %waivername%.logpro %waivername%.html