
testconfig at [255fa799a6]

File tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/testconfig artifact da8d5b9ba5 part of check-in 255fa799a6


lookittmp   ls /tmp
lookithome  ls /home

# logpro_file  input_glob
# matching file(s) will be diff'd with previous run and logpro applied
# if PASS or WARN result from logpro then WAIVER state is set
waiver_1 logpro lookittmp.log


# This builtin rule is the default if there is no <waivername>.logpro file
# diff   diff %file1% %file2%

# This builtin rule is applied if a <waivername>.logpro file exists
# logpro diff %file1% %file2% | logpro %waivername%.logpro %waivername%.html

author matt
owner  bob
description This test runs two ezstep, the first of which is expected to fail using a simple logpro file.

tags first,single
reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt