
mockupclientlib.scm at [255fa799a6]

File testzmq/mockupclientlib.scm artifact 1577031d21 part of check-in 255fa799a6

(define sub  (make-socket 'sub))
(define push (make-socket 'push))
(socket-option-set! sub 'subscribe cname)
(socket-option-set! sub 'hwm 1000)
(socket-option-set! push 'hwm 1000)

(connect-socket sub "tcp://localhost:6563")
(connect-socket push "tcp://localhost:6564")

(thread-sleep! 0.2)

(define (server-ping cname timeout)
  (let ((msg     (conc cname ":ping:" timeout))
	(maxtime (+ (current-seconds) timeout)))
    (print "pinging server from " cname " with timeout " timeout)
    (let loop ((res   #f))
      (if (< maxtime (current-seconds))
	  #f ;; failed to ping
	  (if (equal? res "Got ping")
		(print "Ping received from server " res)
		(send-message push msg)
		(thread-sleep! 0.1)
		(loop (receive-message sub non-blocking: #t))))))))
(define (dbaccess cname cmd var val #!key (numtries 20))
  (let* ((msg (conc cname ":" cmd ":" (if val (conc var " " val) var)))
	 (res #f)
	 (mtx1 (make-mutex))
	 (do-access (lambda ()
		      (let ((tmpres #f))
			(print "Sending msg: " msg)
			(send-message push msg)
			(print "Message " msg " sent")
			(print "Client " cname " waiting for response to " msg)
			(print "Client " cname " received address " (receive-message* sub))
			(set! tmpres (receive-message* sub))
			(mutex-lock! mtx1)
			(set! res tmpres)
			(mutex-unlock! mtx1))))
	 (th1 (make-thread do-access "do access"))
	 (th2 (make-thread (lambda ()
			     (let ((result #f))
			       (mutex-lock! mtx1)
			       (set! result res)
			       (mutex-unlock! mtx1)
			       (thread-sleep! 5)
			       (if (not result)
				   (if (> numtries 0)
					 (print "WARNING: access timed out for " cname ", trying again. Trys remaining=" numtries)
					 (dbaccess cname cmd var val numtries: (- numtries 1)))
					 (print "ERROR: dbaccess timed out. Exiting")
			     "timeout thread"))))
    (thread-start! th1)
    (thread-start! th2)
    (thread-join! th1)
    (if res (print "SUCCESS: received " res " with " numtries " remaining possible attempts"))