
TODO at [2b412d7468]

File TODO artifact ff0b580779 part of check-in 2b412d7468

#  Copyright 2006-2020, Matthew Welland.
# This file is part of Megatest.
#     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.

NOTE: This file gets copied occasionally into the wiki as "Roadmap".
      Do not make changes in the wiki, they will be lost!

See the file "DONE" to see completed items.

WARNING: disk disk0 at path "/mfs/tmp/archive" is not a directory - ignoring it.

Warning (#<thread: archive-bup-thread>): in thread: unbound variable: block-id

        Call history:

        common.scm:693: hash-table-ref/default    
        common.scm:694: current-seconds   
        common.scm:697: hash-table-set!   
        common.scm:2232: debug:print      
        common_records.scm:140: debug:debug-mode          
        common_records.scm:141: with-output-to-port       
        common.scm:2245: directory?       
        common.scm:2246: common:low-noise-print   
        common.scm:692: g2022     
        common.scm:692: g2022     
        common.scm:692: string-intersperse        
        common.scm:693: hash-table-ref/default    
        common.scm:694: current-seconds   
        common.scm:2261: debug:print      
        common_records.scm:140: debug:debug-mode          
        archive.scm:125: debug:print            <--
INFO: (0) Estimating disk space usage for scriptinc/: 184

Error: uncaught exception: #<condition: (exn runtime)>

        Call history:

        common.scm:1299: ##sys#get-keyword        
        common.scm:1299: call-with-current-continuation   
        common.scm:1299: with-exception-handler   
        common.scm:1299: ##sys#call-with-values   
        common.scm:1304: thunk    
        common.scm:1310: file-exists?     
        common.scm:1299: k2554    
        common.scm:1299: g2558    
        runs.scm:2438: common:get-disk-space-used         
        common.scm:2128: conc     
        common.scm:2128: with-input-from-pipe     
        runs.scm:2438: debug:print-info   
        common_records.scm:235: debug:debug-mode          
        common_records.scm:236: port?     
        common_records.scm:236: with-output-to-port       
        runs.scm:2443: thread-join!             <--
Press any key to continue


. fill newview matrix with data, filter pipeline gui elements
. improve [script], especially indent handling

. split db into megatest.db (runs etc.) db/<something>.db
. release basic newview implementation

. release split db implementation
. mtutil calls from dashboard (for remote control)
. logs browser (esp. for surfacing mtutil related activities)

. break command line into sections; all, run control, queries, utilities etc.
. pull in ftfplan (not integrated, just code pulled in)

. ./configure => ubuntu, sles11, sles12, rh7
. Jenkins junit XML support
. Add output flushing in teamcity support
. Switch to using simple runs query everywhere
. Add end_time to runs and add a rollup call that sets state, status and end_time

. Switch to scsh-process pipeline management for job execution/control
. Use call-with-environment-variables more.

Migration to inmem db plus per run db

. Re-work the dbstruct data structure?
.. Move main.db to global?
.. [ run-id.db inmemdb last-mod last-read last-sync inuse ]
. Open main.db directly in calls to -runtests etc. No need to talk remote?