
TODO at [3b3dbdec4b]

File TODO artifact 539b258f86 part of check-in 3b3dbdec4b

#  Copyright 2006-2020, Matthew Welland.
# This file is part of Megatest.
#     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.



Server side

    1. Add invocation type to -m [DONE]
    2. Switch starting of servers to look at .homehost, if it exists, respect it,
       otherwise start on current machine. [DONE]
    3. On start server drops a packet into .meta after starting the http server,
       pkt includes:
        a. host
        b. port
        c. Invocation type of process that started the server
        d. D card (packet create card)
        e. Process id of the server process
    4. Server will stay alive if it receives calls
    5. Server touches the pkt file every ten seconds
    6. On exiting the server removes its pkt file
Client side

    1. If no pkts in .meta start a server, wait 5-10 seconds and look again
    2. Read all pkts in .meta dir
    3. Sort servers by (take left most)
        a. Invocation type: dboard -> runner -> other -> exec
        b. Run duration: shortest -> longest
        c. Tie breaker is the shar1 hash for the pkt
    4. Ping the server and continue as before
. fill newview matrix with data, filter pipeline gui elements
. improve [script], especially indent handling

. split db into megatest.db (runs etc.) db/<something>.db
. release basic newview implementation

. release split db implementation
. mtutil calls from dashboard (for remote control)
. logs browser (esp. for surfacing mtutil related activities)

. break command line into sections; all, run control, queries, utilities etc.
. pull in ftfplan (not integrated, just code pulled in)

. ./configure => ubuntu, sles11, sles12, rh7
. Jenkins junit XML support
. Add output flushing in teamcity support
. Switch to using simple runs query everywhere
. Add end_time to runs and add a rollup call that sets state, status and end_time

. Switch to scsh-process pipeline management for job execution/control
. Use call-with-environment-variables more.

Migration to inmem db plus per run db

. Re-work the dbstruct data structure?
.. Move main.db to global?
.. [ run-id.db inmemdb last-mod last-read last-sync inuse ]
. Re-work all queries to use run-id to dereference server
. Open main.db directly in calls to -runtests etc. No need to talk remote?
. remove common:faux-lock