
common.scm at [4756799da4]

File common.scm artifact 77700bbba2 part of check-in 4756799da4

;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
;;  This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;;  greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;;  This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the

(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex-case base64 format dot-locking csv-xml)
(require-extension sqlite3 regex posix)

(require-extension (srfi 18) extras tcp rpc)

(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
(import (prefix base64 base64:))

(declare (unit common))

(include "common_records.scm")

;; (require-library margs)
;; (include "margs.scm")

(define getenv get-environment-variable)

(define home (getenv "HOME"))
(define user (getenv "USER"))

;; global gletches
(define *db-keys* #f)
(define *configinfo* #f)
(define *configdat*  #f)
(define *toppath*    #f)
(define *already-seen-runconfig-info* #f)
(define *waiting-queue*     (make-hash-table))
(define *test-meta-updated* (make-hash-table))
(define *globalexitstatus*  0) ;; attempt to work around possible thread issues
(define *passnum*           0) ;; when running track calls to run-tests or similar

(define *my-client-signature* #f)
(define *transport-type*    #f)
(define *megatest-db*       #f)
(define *rpc:listener*      #f) ;; if set up for server communication this will hold the tcp port
(define *runremote*         #f) ;; if set up for server communication this will hold <host port>
(define *last-db-access*    (current-seconds))  ;; update when db is accessed via server
(define *max-cache-size*    0)
(define *logged-in-clients* (make-hash-table))
(define *client-non-blocking-mode* #f)
(define *server-id*         #f)
(define *server-info*       #f)
(define *time-to-exit*      #f)
(define *received-response* #f)
(define *default-numtries*  10)
(define *server-run*        #t)
(define *db-write-access*   #t)

(define *target*            (make-hash-table)) ;; cache the target here; target is keyval1/keyval2/.../keyvalN
(define *keys*              (make-hash-table)) ;; cache the keys here
(define *keyvals*           (make-hash-table))
(define *toptest-paths*     (make-hash-table)) ;; cache toptest path settings here
(define *test-paths*        (make-hash-table)) ;; cache test-id to test run paths here
(define *test-ids*          (make-hash-table)) ;; cache run-id, testname, and item-path => test-id
(define *test-info*         (make-hash-table)) ;; cache the test info records, update the state, status, run_duration etc. from testdat.db

(define *run-info-cache*    (make-hash-table)) ;; run info is stable, no need to reget

;; Awful. Please FIXME
(define *env-vars-by-run-id* (make-hash-table))
(define *current-run-name*   #f)

(define (common:clear-caches)
  (set! *target*             (make-hash-table))
  (set! *keys*               (make-hash-table))
  (set! *keyvals*            (make-hash-table))
  (set! *toptest-paths*      (make-hash-table))
  (set! *test-paths*         (make-hash-table))
  (set! *test-ids*           (make-hash-table))
  (set! *test-info*          (make-hash-table))
  (set! *run-info-cache*     (make-hash-table))
  (set! *env-vars-by-run-id* (make-hash-table))
  (set! *test-id-cache*      (make-hash-table)))

;; Debugging stuff
(define *verbosity*         1)
(define *logging*           #f)

(define (get-with-default val default)
  (let ((val (args:get-arg val)))
    (if val val default)))

(define (assoc/default key lst . default)
  (let ((res (assoc key lst)))
    (if res (cadr res)(if (null? default) #f (car default)))))

;; Misc utils

;; one-of args defined
(define (args-defined? . param)
  (let ((res #f))
     (lambda (arg)
       (if (args:get-arg arg)(set! res #t)))

;; convert stuff to a number if possible
(define (any->number val)
   ((number? val) val)
   ((string? val) (string->number val))
   ((symbol? val) (any->number (symbol->string val)))
   (else #f)))

(define (any->number-if-possible val)
  (let ((num (any->number val)))
    (if num num val)))

(define (patt-list-match item patts)
  (debug:print-info 8 "patt-list-match item=" item " patts=" patts)
  (if (and item patts)  ;; here we are filtering for matches with item patterns
      (let ((res #f))   ;; look through all the item-patts if defined, format is patt1,patt2,patt3 ... wildcard is %
	 (lambda (patt)
	   (let ((modpatt (string-substitute "%" ".*" patt #t)))
	     (debug:print-info 10 "patt " patt " modpatt " modpatt)
	     (if (string-match (regexp modpatt) item)
		 (set! res #t))))
	 (string-split patts ","))

;; (map print (map car (hash-table->alist (read-config "runconfigs.config" #f #t))))
(define (common:get-runconfig-targets)
  (sort (map car (hash-table->alist
		  (read-config "runconfigs.config"
			       #f #t))) string<?))

;; '(print (string-intersperse (map cadr (hash-table-ref/default (read-config "megatest.config" \#f \#t) "disks" '"'"'("none" ""))) "\n"))'
(define (common:get-disks)
   (read-config "megatest.config" #f #t)
   "disks" '("none" "")))

;; M I S C   L I S T S

;; items in lista are matched value and position in listb
;; return the remaining items in listb or #f
(define (common:list-is-sublist lista listb)
  (if (null? lista)
      listb ;; all items in listb are "remaining"
      (if (> (length lista)(length listb)) 
	  (let loop ((heda (car lista))
		     (tala (cdr lista))
		     (hedb (car listb))
		     (talb (cdr listb)))
	    (if (equal? heda hedb)
		(if (null? tala) ;; we are done
		    (loop (car tala)
			  (cdr tala)
			  (car talb)
			  (cdr talb)))

;; System stuff

;; return a nice clean pathname made absolute
(define (nice-path dir)
  (normalize-pathname (if (absolute-pathname? dir)
			  (conc (current-directory) "/" dir))))

(define (get-df path)
  (let* ((df-results (cmd-run->list (conc "df " path)))
	 (space-rx   (regexp "([0-9]+)\\s+([0-9]+)%"))
	 (freespc    #f))
    ;; (write df-results)
    (for-each (lambda (l)
		(let ((match (string-search space-rx l)))
		  (if match 
		      (let ((newval (string->number (cadr match))))
			(if (number? newval)
			    (set! freespc newval))))))
	      (car df-results))
(define (get-cpu-load)
  (let* ((load-res (cmd-run->list "uptime"))
	 (load-rx  (regexp "load average:\\s+(\\d+)"))
	 (cpu-load #f))
    (for-each (lambda (l)
		(let ((match (string-search load-rx l)))
		  (if match
		      (let ((newval (string->number (cadr match))))
			(if (number? newval)
			    (set! cpu-load newval))))))
	      (car load-res))

(define (get-uname . params)
  (let* ((uname-res (cmd-run->list (conc "uname " (if (null? params) "-a" (car params)))))
	 (uname #f))
    (if (null? (car uname-res))
	(caar uname-res))))
(define (save-environment-as-files fname)
  (let ((envvars (get-environment-variables))
        (whitesp (regexp "[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-:;,.\\/%$]")))
     (with-output-to-file (conc fname ".csh")
       (lambda ()
          (for-each (lambda (key)
                      (let* ((val (cdr key))
                             (sval (if (string-search whitesp val)(conc "\"" val "\"") val)))
                        (print "setenv " (car key) " " sval)))
     (with-output-to-file (conc fname ".sh")
       (lambda ()
          (for-each (lambda (key)
                      (let* ((val (cdr key))
                             (sval (if (string-search whitesp val)(conc "\"" val "\"") val)))
                         (print "export " (car key) "=" sval)))

;; set some env vars from an alist, return an alist with original values
;; (("VAR" "value") ...)
(define (alist->env-vars lst)
  (if (list? lst)
      (let ((res '()))
	(for-each (lambda (p)
		    (let* ((var (car  p))
			   (val (cadr p))
			   (prv (get-environment-variable var)))
		      (set! res (cons (list var prv) res))
		      (if val 
			  (setenv var (->string val))
			  (unsetenv var))))
;; time and date nice to have stuff

(define (seconds->hr-min-sec secs)
  (let* ((hrs (quotient secs 3600))
	 (min (quotient (- secs (* hrs 3600)) 60))
	 (sec (- secs (* hrs 3600)(* min 60))))
    (conc (if (> hrs 0)(conc hrs "hr ") "")
	  (if (> min 0)(conc min "m ")  "")
	  sec "s")))

(define (seconds->time-string sec)
   (seconds->local-time sec) "%H:%M:%S"))

;; Colors
(define (common:name->iup-color name)
  (case (string->symbol (string-downcase name))
    ((red)    "223 33 49")
    ((grey)   "192 192 192")
    ((orange) "255 172 13")
    ((purple) "This is unfinished ...")))

(define (common:get-color-for-state-status state status)
  (case (string->symbol state)
     (case (string->symbol status)
       ((PASS)        "70  249 73")
       ((WARN WAIVED) "255 172 13")
       ((SKIP)        "230 230 0")
       (else "223 33 49")))
    ((LAUNCHED)         "101 123 142")
    ((CHECK)            "255 100 50")
    ((REMOTEHOSTSTART)  "50  130 195")
    ((RUNNING)          "9   131 232")
    ((KILLREQ)          "39  82  206")
    ((KILLED)           "234 101 17")
    ((NOT_STARTED)      "240 240 240")
    (else               "192 192 192")))

(define (common:get-color-from-status status)
   ((equal? status "PASS")    "green")
   ((equal? status "FAIL")    "red")
   ((equal? status "WARN")    "orange")
   ((equal? status "KILLED")  "orange")
   ((equal? status "KILLREQ") "purple")
   ((equal? status "RUNNING") "blue")
   (else "black")))