
txtdb.scm at [4c81f4b156]

File txtdb/txtdb.scm artifact e82989d975 part of check-in 4c81f4b156

;; Copyright 2006-2013, Matthew Welland.
;;  This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;;  greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;;  This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the

(use ssax)
(use sxml-serializer)
(use sxml-modifications)
(use regex)
(use srfi-69)
(use regex-case)
(use posix)
(use json)
(use csv)
(use srfi-18)

(include "../megatest-fossil-hash.scm")

;; Read a non-compressed gnumeric file
(define (refdb:read-gnumeric-xml fname)
  (with-input-from-file fname
    (lambda ()
      (ssax:xml->sxml (current-input-port) '()))))

(define (find-section dat section #!key (depth 0))
  (let loop ((hed   (car dat))
	     (tal   (cdr dat)))   
    (if (list? hed)
	(let ((res (find-section hed section depth: (+ depth 1))))
	  (if res 
	      (if (null? tal)
		  (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))
	(if (eq? hed section)
	    (if (null? tal)
		(loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))))

(define (remove-section dat section)
  (if (null? dat)
      (let loop ((hed (car dat))
		 (tal (cdr dat))
		 (res '()))
	(let ((newres (if (and (list? hed)
			       (not (null? hed))
			       (equal? (car hed) section))
			  (cons hed res))))
	  (if (null? tal)
	      (reverse newres)
	      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newres))))))

(define (list-sections dat)
  (filter (lambda (x)(and x))
	  (map (lambda (section)
		 (if (and (list? section)
			  (not (null? section)))
		     (car section)

(define (string->safe-filename str)
  (string-substitute (regexp " ") "_" str #t))

(define (sheet->refdb dat targdir)
  (let* ((comment-rx  (regexp "^#CMNT\\d+\\s*"))
	 (blank-rx    (regexp "^#BLNK\\d+\\s*"))
	 (sheet-name  (car (find-section dat '
	 ;; (safe-name   (string->safe-filename sheet-name))
	 (cells       (find-section dat '
	 (remaining   (remove-section (remove-section dat '
	 (rownums     (make-hash-table))  ;; num -> name
	 (colnums     (make-hash-table))  ;; num -> name
	 (cols        (make-hash-table))  ;; name -> ( (name val) ... )
	 (col0title   ""))
    (for-each (lambda (cell)
		(let ((rownum  (string->number (car (find-section cell 'Row))))
		      (colnum  (string->number (car (find-section cell 'Col))))
		      (valtype (let ((res (find-section cell 'ValueType)))
				 (if res (car res) #f)))
		      (value   (let ((res (cdr (filter (lambda (x)(not (list? x))) cell))))
				 (if (null? res) "" (car res)))))
		  ;; If colnum is 0 Then this is a row name, if rownum is 0 then this is a col name
		   ((and (not (eq? 0 rownum))
			 (eq? 0 colnum)) ;; a blank in column zero is handled with the special name "row-N"
		    (hash-table-set! rownums rownum (if (equal? value "")
							(conc "row-" rownum)
		   ((and (not (eq? 0 colnum))
			 (eq? 0 rownum))
		    (hash-table-set! colnums colnum (if (equal? value "")
							(conc "col-" colnum)
		   ((and (eq? 0 rownum)
			 (eq? 0 colnum))
		    (set! col0title value))
		    (let ((colname (hash-table-ref/default colnums colnum (conc "col-" colnum)))
			  (rowname (hash-table-ref/default rownums rownum (conc "row-" rownum))))
		      (hash-table-set! cols colname (cons (list rowname value) 
							  (hash-table-ref/default cols colname '()))))))))
    (let ((ref-colnums (map (lambda (c)
			      (list (cdr c)(car c)))
			    (hash-table->alist colnums))))
      (with-output-to-file (conc targdir "/" sheet-name ".dat")
	(lambda ()
	  (if (not (string-null? col0title))(print "[" col0title "]"))
	  (for-each (lambda (colname)
		      (print "[" colname "]")
		      (for-each (lambda (row)
				  (let ((key (car row))
					(val (cadr row)))
				    (if (string-search comment-rx key)
					(print val)
					(if (string-search blank-rx key)
					    (if (string-search " " key)
						(print "\"" key "\" " val)
						(print key " " val))))))
				(reverse (hash-table-ref cols colname)))
		      ;; (print)
		    (sort (hash-table-keys cols)(lambda (a b)
						  (let ((colnum-a (assoc a ref-colnums))
							(colnum-b (assoc b ref-colnums)))
						    (if (and colnum-a colnum-b)
							(< (cadr colnum-a)(cadr colnum-b))
							(if (and (string? a)
								 (string? b))
							    (string< a b))))))))))
    (with-output-to-file (conc targdir "/sxml/" sheet-name ".sxml")
      (lambda ()
	(pp remaining)))

(define (sxml->file dat fname)
  (with-output-to-file fname
    (lambda ()
      ;; (print (sxml-serializer#serialize-sxml dat))
      (pp dat))))

(define (file->sxml fname)
  (let ((res (read-file fname read)))
    (if (null? res)
	  (print "ERROR: file " fname " is malformed for read")
	(car res))))

(define (replace-sheet-name-index indat sheets)
  (let* ((rem-dat  (remove-section indat '
	 (one-sht  (find-section rem-dat ' ;; for the future if I ever decide to do this "right"
	 (mk-entry (lambda (sheet-name)
		     (append '(
			       (@ ( "65536")
				  ( "256")))
			     (list sheet-name))))
	 (new-indx-values (map mk-entry sheets)))
    (append rem-dat (list (cons '
;; Write an sxml gnumeric workbook to a refdb directory structure.
(define (extract-refdb dat targdir)
  (create-directory (conc targdir "/sxml") #t)
  (let* ((wrkbk       (find-section   dat   '
	 (wrk-rem     (remove-section dat   '
	 (sheets      (find-section   wrkbk '
	 (sht-rem     (remove-section wrkbk '
	 (sheet-names (map (lambda (sheet)
			     (sheet->refdb sheet targdir))
    (sxml->file wrk-rem (conc targdir "/sxml/_workbook.sxml"))
    (sxml->file sht-rem (conc targdir "/sxml/_sheets.sxml"))
    (with-output-to-file (conc targdir "/sheet-names.cfg")
      (lambda ()
	(map print sheet-names)))))

(define (read-gnumeric-file fname)
  (if (not (string-match (regexp ".*.gnumeric$") fname))
	(print "ERROR: Attempt to import gnumeric file with extention other than .gnumeric")
      (let ((tmpf (create-temporary-file (pathname-strip-directory fname))))
	(system (conc " gunzip > " tmpf " < " fname))
	(let ((res (refdb:read-gnumeric-xml tmpf)))
	  (delete-file tmpf)

(define (import-gnumeric-file fname targdir)
  (extract-refdb (read-gnumeric-file fname) targdir))

;; Write a gnumeric compressed xml spreadsheet from a refdb directory structure.
(define (refdb-export dbdir fname)
  (let* ((sxml-dat (refdb->sxml dbdir))
	 (tmpf     (create-temporary-file (pathname-strip-directory fname)))
	 (tmpgzf   (conc tmpf ".gz")))
    (with-output-to-file tmpf
      (lambda ()
	(print (sxml-serializer#serialize-sxml sxml-dat ns-prefixes: (list (cons 'gnm ""))))))
    (system (conc "gzip " tmpf))
    (file-copy tmpgzf fname #t)
    (delete-file tmpgzf)))

(define (hash-table-reverse-lookup ht val)
  (hash-table-fold ht (lambda (k v res)(if (equal? v val) k res)) #f))

(define (read-dat fname)
  (let ((section-rx  (regexp "^\\[(.*)\\]\\s*$"))
	(comment-rx  (regexp "^#.*"))          ;; This means a cell name cannot start with #
	(quoted-cell-rx (regexp "^\"([^\"]*)\" (.*)$"))
	(cell-rx     (regexp "^(\\S+) (.*)$")) ;; One space only for the cellname content separator 
	(blank-rx    (regexp "^\\s*$"))
	(continue-rx (regexp ".*\\\\$"))
	(var-no-val-rx (regexp "^(\\S+)\\s*$"))
	(inp         (open-input-file fname))
	(cmnt-indx   (make-hash-table))
	(blnk-indx   (make-hash-table))
	(first-section #f)) ;; used for zeroth title
    (let loop ((inl     (read-line inp))
	       (section ".............")
	       (res     '()))
      (if (eof-object? inl)
	    (close-input-port inp)
	    (cons (list first-section first-section first-section)
		  (reverse res)))
	   (continue-rx _         (loop (conc inl (read-line inp)) section res))
	   (comment-rx _          (let ((curr-indx (+ 1 (hash-table-ref/default cmnt-indx section 0))))
				    (hash-table-set! cmnt-indx section curr-indx)
				    (loop (read-line inp)
					  (cons (list (conc "#CMNT" curr-indx) section inl) res))))
	   (blank-rx   _          (let ((curr-indx (+ 1 (hash-table-ref/default blnk-indx section 0))))
				    (hash-table-set! blnk-indx section curr-indx)
				    (loop (read-line inp)
					  (cons (list (conc "#BLNK" curr-indx) section " ") res))))
	   (section-rx (x sname)  (begin
				    (if (not first-section)
					(set! first-section sname))
				    (loop (read-line inp) 
	   (quoted-cell-rx (x k v)(loop (read-line inp)
					(cons (list k section v) res)))
	   (cell-rx   (x k v)     (loop (read-line inp)
					(cons (list k section v) res)))
	   (var-no-val-rx (x k)   (loop (read-line inp)
					(cons (list k section "") res)))
	   (else                  (begin
				    (print "ERROR: Unrecognised line in input file " fname ", ignoring it")
				    (loop (read-line inp) section res))))))))

(define (get-value-type val expressions)
   ((not val)            '(ValueType "60"))
   ((string->number val) '(ValueType "40"))
   ((equal? val "")      '(ValueType "60"))
   ((equal? (substring val 0 1) "=")
    (let ((exid (hash-table-ref/default expressions val #f)))
      (if exid 
	  (list 'ExprID exid)
	  (let* ((values  (hash-table-keys expressions)) ;; note, values are the id numbers
		 (new-max (+ 1 (if (null? values) 0 (apply max values)))))
	    (hash-table-set! expressions val new-max)
	    (list 'ExprID new-max)))))
   (else '(ValueType "60"))))

(define (dat->cells dat)
  (let* ((indx     (common:sparse-list-generate-index (cdr dat)))
	 (row-indx (car indx))
	 (col-indx (cadr indx))
	 (rowdat   (map (lambda (row)(list (car row) "    " (car row))) row-indx))
	 (coldat   (map (lambda (col)(list "    " (car col) (car col))) col-indx))
	 (exprs    (make-hash-table)))
    (list (cons ' 
		(map (lambda (item)
		       (let* ((row-name (car item))
			      (col-name (cadr item))
			      (row-num  (let ((i (assoc row-name row-indx)))
					  (if i (cadr i) 0))) ;; 0 for the title row/col
			      (col-num  (let ((i (assoc col-name col-indx)))
					  (if i (cadr i) 0)))
			      (value    (caddr item))
			      (val-type (get-value-type value exprs)))
			 (list '
			       (list '@ val-type (list 'Row (conc row-num)) (list 'Col (conc col-num)))
		     (append rowdat coldat dat))))))
(define (refdb->sxml dbdir)
  (let* ((sht-names (read-file (conc dbdir "/sheet-names.cfg")  read-line))
	 (wrk-rem   (file->sxml (conc dbdir "/sxml/_workbook.sxml")))
	 (sht-rem   (file->sxml (conc dbdir "/sxml/_sheets.sxml")))
	 (sheets    (fold (lambda (sheetname res)
			    (let* ((sheetdat (read-dat (conc dbdir "/" sheetname ".dat")))
				   (cells    (dat->cells sheetdat))
				   (sht-meta (file->sxml (conc dbdir "/sxml/" sheetname ".sxml"))))
			      (cons (cons (car sht-meta) 
					  (append (cons (list ' sheetname)
							(cdr sht-meta))
			 (reverse  sht-names))))
    (append wrk-rem (list (append
			   (cons '
			   (list (cons ' sheets)))))))

;; (define (

;; optional apply proc to rownum colnum value
;; NB// If a change is made to this routine please look also at applying
;;      it to the code in Megatest (
;;      in the file common.scm
(define (common:sparse-list-generate-index data #!key (proc #f))
  (if (null? data)
      (list '() '())
      (let loop ((hed (car data))
		 (tal (cdr data))
		 (rownames '())
		 (colnames '())
		 (rownum   0)
		 (colnum   0))
	(let* ((rowkey          (car   hed))
	       (colkey          (cadr  hed))
	       (value           (caddr hed))
	       (existing-rowdat (assoc rowkey rownames))
	       (existing-coldat (assoc colkey colnames))
	       (curr-rownum     (if existing-rowdat rownum (+ rownum 1)))
	       (curr-colnum     (if existing-coldat colnum (+ colnum 1)))
	       (new-rownames    (if existing-rowdat rownames (cons (list rowkey curr-rownum) rownames)))
	       (new-colnames    (if existing-coldat colnames (cons (list colkey curr-colnum) colnames))))
	  ;; (debug:print-info 0 "Processing record: " hed )
	  (if proc (proc curr-rownum curr-colnum rowkey colkey value))
	  (if (null? tal)
	      (list new-rownames new-colnames)
	      (loop (car tal)
		    (cdr tal)
		    (if (> curr-rownum rownum) curr-rownum rownum)
		    (if (> curr-colnum colnum) curr-colnum colnum)
(define help
  (conc "Usage: refdb action params ...

Note: refdbdir is a path to the directory containg sheet-names.cfg

  import filename.gnumeric refdbdir   : Import a gnumeric file into a txt db directory
  export refdbdir filename.gnumeric   : Export a refdb to a gnumeric file
  edit   refdbdir                     : Edit a refdbdir using gnumeric.
  ls refdbdir                         : List the keys for specified level 
  lookup refdbdir sheetname row col   : Look up a value in the text db   
  getrownames refdb sheetname         : Get a list of row titles
  getcolnames refdb sheetname         : Get a list of column titles

To export to other formats; first export to gnumeric then use ssconvert.


refdb export mydata mydata.gnumeric
ssconvert -T Gnumeric_html:html40 mydata.gnumeric mydata.html 
Part of the Megatest tool suite. Learn more at

Version: " megatest-fossil-hash))

(define (list-sheets path)
  ;; (cond
  ;;  ((and path (not sheet)(not row)(not col))
  (if (file-exists? path)
      (read-file (conc path "/sheet-names.cfg") read-line)
;; ((and path sheet (not row)(not col))

(define (lookup path sheet row col)
  (let ((fname (conc path "/" sheet ".dat")))
    (if (file-exists? fname)
	(let ((dat (read-dat fname)))
	  (if (null? dat)
	      (let loop ((hed (car dat))
			 (tal (cdr dat)))
		(if (and (equal? row (car hed))
			 (equal? col (cadr hed)))
		    (caddr hed)
		    (if (null? tal)
			(loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))))

;; call with proc = car to get row names
;; call with proc = cadr to get col names
(define (get-rowcol-names path sheet proc)
  (let ((fname (conc path "/" sheet ".dat"))
	(cmnt-rx (regexp "^#CMNT\\d+\\s*"))
	(blnk-rx (regexp "^#BLNK\\d+\\s*")))
    (if (file-exists? fname)
	(let ((dat (read-dat fname)))
	  (if (null? dat)
	      (let loop ((hed (car dat))
			 (tal (cdr dat))
			 (res '()))
		(let* ((row-name (proc hed))
		       (newres (if (and (not (member row-name res))
					(not (string-search cmnt-rx row-name))
					(not (string-search blnk-rx row-name)))
				   (cons row-name res)
		  (if (null? tal)
		      (reverse newres)
		      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newres))))))

;; (define (get-col-names path sheet)
;;   (let ((fname (conc path "/" sheet ".dat")))
;;     (if (file-exists? fname)
;; 	(let ((dat (read-dat fname)))
;; 	  (if (null? dat)
;; 	      #f
;; 	      (map cadr dat))))))

(define (edit-refdb path)
  (if (not (file-exists? path)) ;; Create new 
	(print "\nINFO: Creating new txtdb at " path "\n")
	(create-new-db path)))
  (if (not (file-exists? (conc path "/sxml/_sheets.sxml")))
	(print "ERROR: You appear to have the old file structure for txtdb. Please do the following and try again.")
	(print "mv " path "/sxml/sheets.sxml " path "/sxml/_sheets.sxml")
	(print "mv " path "/sxml/workbook.sxml " path "/sxml/_workbook.sxml")
	(print "Don't forget to remove the old files from your revision control system and add the new.")
  (let* ((dbname  (pathname-strip-directory path))
	 (tmpf    (conc (create-temporary-file dbname) ".gnumeric")))
    (if (file-exists? (conc path "/sheet-names.cfg"))
	(refdb-export path tmpf))
    (let* ((pid (process-run "gnumeric" (list tmpf))))
      (let loop ((last-mod-time (current-seconds)))
	(let-values (((pid-code exit-status exit-signal)(process-wait pid #t)))
           (if (eq? pid-code 0) ;; still going
	       (if (file-exists? tmpf)
		   (let ((mod-time (file-modification-time tmpf)))
		     (if (> mod-time last-mod-time)
			   (print "saved data to " path)
			   (import-gnumeric-file tmpf path)))
		     (thread-sleep! 0.5)
		     (loop mod-time))
		     (thread-sleep! 0.5)
		     (loop last-mod-time))))))
      ;; all done
      (print "all done, writing new data to " path)
      (import-gnumeric-file tmpf path)
      (print "data written, exiting refdb edit."))))

;; This routine dispaches or executes most of the commands for refdb
(define (process-action action-str . param)
  (let ((num-params (length param))
	(action     (string->symbol action-str)))
     ((eq? num-params 1)
      (case action
	 (edit-refdb (car param)))
	 (map print (list-sheets (car param))))))
     ((eq? num-params 2)
      (let ((param1 (car param))
	    (param2 (cadr param)))
	(case action
	  ((getrownames) (print (string-intersperse (get-rowcol-names param1 param2 car)  " ")))
	  ((getcolnames) (print (string-intersperse (get-rowcol-names param1 param2 cadr) " ")))
	  ((import)      (import-gnumeric-file param1 param2)) ;; fname targname
	  ((export)      (refdb-export param1 param2))
	  (else (print "Unrecognised command " action)(print help)))))
     ((eq? num-params 4)
      (case action
	((lookup)               ;; path    section     row          col 
	 (let ((res (lookup (car param)(cadr param)(caddr param)(cadddr param))))
	   (if res 
	       (print res)
		 (print "")
		 (exit 1))))))))))

(define (main)
  (let* ((args (argv))
	 (prog (car args))
	 (rema (cdr args)))
     ((null? rema)(print help))
     ((eq? (length rema) 1)
      (case (string->symbol (car rema))
	((mtedit) ;; Edit a Megatest area
     ((>= (length rema) 2)
      (apply process-action (car rema)(cdr rema)))
     (else (print help)))))

;;  C R E A T E   N E W   D B S

(include "metadat.scm")

;; Creates a new db at path with one sheet
(define (create-new-db path)
  (extract-refdb minimal-sxml path))

;; M E G A T E S T   S U P P O R T

;; Construct a temporary refdb area from the files in a Megatest area
;; .refdb
;;      megatest.dat    (from megatest.config)
;;      runconfigs.dat  (from runconfigs.config)
;;      tests_test1.dat (from tests/test1/testconfig)
;; etc.

(define (make-sheet-meta-if-needed fname)
  (if (not (file-exists? fname))
      (sxml->file sheet-meta fname)))

(define (megatest->refdb)
  (if (not (file-exists? "megatest.config")) ;; must be at top of Megatest area
	(print "ERROR: Must be at top of Megatest area to edit")
  (create-directory ".refdb/sxml" #t)
  (if (not (file-exists? ".refdb/sxml/_workbook.sxml"))
      (sxml->file workbook-meta  ".refdb/sxml/_workbook.sxml"))
  (file-copy "megatest.config" ".refdb/megatest.dat" #t)
  (make-sheet-meta-if-needed ".refdb/sxml/megatest.sxml")
  (file-copy "runconfigs.config" ".refdb/runconfigs.dat" #t)
  (make-sheet-meta-if-needed ".refdb/sxml/runconfigs.sxml")
  (let ((testnames '()))
    (for-each (lambda (tdir)
		(let* ((testname (pathname-strip-directory tdir))
		       (tconfig  (conc tdir "/testconfig"))
		       (metafile (conc ".refdb/sxml/" testname ".sxml")))
		  (if (file-exists? tconfig)
			(set! testnames (append testnames (list testname)))
			(file-copy tconfig (conc ".refdb/" testname ".dat") #t)
			(make-sheet-meta-if-needed metafile)))))
	      (glob "tests/*"))
    (let ((sheet-names (append (list "megatest" "runconfigs") testnames)))
      (if (not (file-exists? ".refdb/sxml/_sheets.sxml"))
	  (sxml->file (replace-sheet-name-index sheets-meta sheet-names) ".refdb/sxml/_sheets.sxml"))
      (with-output-to-file ".refdb/sheet-names.cfg"
	(lambda ()
	  (map print sheet-names))))))
(let ((dotfile (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.txtdbrc")))
  (if (file-exists? dotfile)
      (load dotfile)))

(let ((debugcontrolf (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.refdbrc")))
  (if (file-exists? debugcontrolf)
      (load debugcontrolf)))


 (define x (refdb:read-gnumeric-xml "testdata-stripped.xml"))

;; Write out sxml
(with-output-to-file "testdata.sxml" (lambda()(pp x)))

;; (serialize-sxml a output: "new.xml")
(with-output-to-file "testdata-stripped.xml" (lambda ()(print (sxml-serializer#serialize-sxml y))))

;; Read in sxml file
(with-input-from-file "testdata.sxml" (lambda ()(set! y (read))))

(find-section x '

(define sheets (find-section x '

(define sheet1 (car sheets))
(define cells-sheet1 (find-section sheet1 '
(map (lambda (c)(find-section c 'Row)) cells-sheet1)

(for-each (lambda (cell)
	    (let* ((len (length cell))
		   (row (car (find-section cell 'Row)))
		   (col (car (find-section cell 'Col)))
		   (val (let ((res (cdr (filter (lambda (x)(not (list? x))) cell))))
			  (if (null? res) "" (car res)))))
	      (print "Row=" row " col=" col " val=" val)))

(map (lambda (c)(filter (lambda (x)(not (list? x))) c)) cells-sheet1)