
reference.txt at [5069be9015]

File docs/manual/reference.txt artifact 6e0e00f9e5 part of check-in 5069be9015


Megatest Config File Settings

Disk Space Checks

Some parameters you can put in the [setup] section of megatest.config:

# minimum space required in a run disk 
minspace 10000000

# minimum space required in dbdir:
dbdir-space-required 100000

# script that takes path as parameter and returns number of bytes available:

Trim trailing spaces

[configf:settings trim-trailing-spaces yes]

Submit jobs to Host Types based on Test Name

.In megatest.config
general   nbfake
remote    bsub

runfirst/sum% remote
% general

launcher bsub
# if defined and not "no" flexi-launcher will bypass launcher unless there is no
# match.
flexi-launcher yes


List of host types and the commandline to run a job on that host type.

.host-type => launch command
general nbfake

.test/itempath => host-type
runfirst/sum% remote

Miscellaneous Setup Items

Attempt to rerun tests in "STUCK/DEAD", "n/a", "ZERO_ITEMS" states.

.In megatest.config
reruns 5

Run time limit

runtimelim 1h 2m 3s  # this will automatically kill the test if it runs for more than 1h 2m and 3s

Tests browser view

The tests browser (see the Run Control tab on the dashboard) has two views for displaying the tests. 

. Dot (graphviz) based tree
. No dot, plain listing

The default is the graphviz based tree but if your tests don't view
well in that mode then use "nodot" to turn it off.


The testconfig File

Setup section



The runscript method is a brute force way to run scripts where the
user is responsible for setting STATE and STATUS

runscript main.csh

Requirements section


Wait on Other Tests

# A normal waiton waits for the prior tests to be COMPLETED 
waiton test1 test2


The default (i.e. if mode is not specified) is normal. All pre-dependent tests
must be COMPLETED and PASS, CHECK or WAIVED before the test will start

mode   normal

The toplevel mode requires only that the prior tests are COMPLETED.

mode toplevel

A item based waiton will start items in a test when the same-named
item is COMPLETED and PASS, CHECK or WAIVED in the prior test. This
was historically called "itemwait" mode. The terms "itemwait" and
"itemmatch" are synonyms.

mode itemmatch

Overriding Enviroment Variables

Override variables before starting the test. Can include files (perhaps generated by megatest -envdelta or similar).

VAR1 value1

# Get some generated settings
[include ../generated-vars.config]

# Use this trick to unset variables
#{scheme (unsetenv "FOOBAR")}

Itemmap Handling

For cases were the dependent test has a similar but not identical
itempath to the downstream test an itemmap can allow for itemmatch

mode itemmatch
itemmap .*x/ y/

# ## pattern replacement notes
# ## Example
# ## Remove everything up to the last /
itemmap .*/
# ## Example
# ## Replace foo/ with bar/
itemmap foo/ bar/

# multi-line; matches are applied in the listed order
# The following would map:
#   a123b321 to b321fooa123 then to 321fooa123p
itemmap (a\d+)(b\d+) \2foo\1
  b(.*) \1p

Complex mappings

Complex mappings can be handled with the [itemmap] section

// image::itemmap.png[]


. Request to run D/1/res
. Megatest uses rule "(\d+)/res" -> "\1/aa" to create item C/1/aa from D/1/res
. Full list to be run is now: D/1/res, C/1/aa
. Megatest uses rule "(\d+)/aa" -> "aa/\1" to create item A/aa/1
. Full list to be run is now: D/1/res, C/1/aa, A/aa/1

.Testconfig for Test C
waiton A B

A (\d+)/aa aa/\1
B (\d+)/bb 

.Testconfig for Test D
waiton C
itemmap (\d+)/res \1/aa

.Testconfig for Test E
waiton C
itemmap (\d+)/res \1/bb

Dynamic Flow Dependency Tree

.Autogeneration waiton list for dynamic flow dependency trees
# With a toplevel test you may wish to generate your list 
# of tests to run dynamically
waiton #{shell}

Run time limit

runtimelim 1h 2m 3s  # this will automatically kill the test if it runs for more than 1h 2m and 3s


A test with a skip section will conditional skip running.

.Skip section example
prevrunning x
# rundelay 30m 15s

Skip on Still-running Tests

# NB// If the prevrunning line exists with *any* value the test will
# automatically SKIP if the same-named test is currently RUNNING. The
# "x" can be any string. Comment out the prevrunning line to turn off
# skip.

prevrunning x

Skip if a File Exists

fileexists /path/to/a/file # skip if /path/to/a/file exists

Skip if test ran more recently than specified time

.Skip if this test has been run in the past fifteen minutes and 15 seconds.
rundelay 15m 15s


A disks section in testconfig will override the disks section in
megatest.config. This can be used to allocate disks on a per-test or per item

Controlled waiver propagation

If test is FAIL and previous test in run with same MT_TARGET is WAIVED then apply the following rules from the testconfig:
If a waiver check is specified in the testconfig apply the check and if it passes then set this FAIL to WAIVED

Waiver check has two parts, 1) a list of waiver, rulename, filepatterns and 2) the rulename script spec (note that "diff" and "logpro" are predefined)

###### EXAMPLE FROM testconfig #########
# matching file(s) will be diff'd with previous run and logpro applied
# if PASS or WARN result from logpro then WAIVER state is set
# logpro_file    rulename      input_glob
waiver_1         logpro        lookittmp.log


# This builtin rule is the default if there is no <waivername>.logpro file
# diff   diff %file1% %file2%

# This builtin rule is applied if a <waivername>.logpro file exists
# logpro diff %file1% %file2% | logpro %waivername%.logpro %waivername%.html


.Example ezsteps with logpro rules
lookittmp   ls /tmp

lookittmp ;; Note: config file format supports multi-line entries where leading whitespace is removed from each line
  ;;     a blank line indicates the end of the block of text 
  (expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "A file name that should never exist!" #/This is a awfully stupid file name that should never be found in the temp dir/)


To transfer the environment to the next step you can do the following:

$MT_MEGATEST -env2file .ezsteps/${stepname}	  


In your testconfig triggers can be specified 


# Call script when test goes to state=RUNNING, status=PASS

# Call script any time state goes to RUNNING

# Call script any time status goes to PASS

Scripts called will have; test-id test-rundir trigger, added to the commandline.


To start an xterm (useful for debugging), use a command line like the following:

COMPLETED/ xterm -e bash -s -- 

NOTE: There is a trailing space after the --

Override the Toplevel HTML File

Megatest generates a simple html file summary for top level tests of
iterated tests. The generation can be overridden. NOTE: the output of
the script is captured from stdout to create the html.

.For test "runfirst" override the toplevel generation with a script ""
# Override the rollup for specific tests

Archiving Setup

In megatest.config add the following sections:

# where to get bup executable
# bup /path/to/bup


# Archives will be organised under these paths like this:
#  <testsuite>/<creationdate>
# Within the archive the data is structured like this:
#  <target>/<runname>/<test>/
archive0 /mfs/myarchive-data/adisk1

Handling Environment Variables

It is often necessary to capture and or manipulate environment
variables. Megatest has some facilities built in to help.

Capture variables

# capture the current enviroment into a db called envdat.db under
# the context "before"
megatest -envcap before

# capture the current environment into a db called startup.db with 
# context "after"
megatest -envcap after startup.db

# write the diff from before to after
megatest -envdelta before-after -dumpmode bash

Dump modes include bash, csh and config. You can include config data
into megatest.config or runconfigs.config.

.Example of generating and using config data
megatest -envcap original
# do some stuff here
megatest -envcap munged
megatest -envdelta original-munged -dumpmode ini -o modified.config

Then in runconfigs.config

.Example of using modified.config in a testconfig
cat testconfig

[include modified.config]

Programming API

These routines can be called from the megatest repl. 

.API Server Management Calls
|API Call                  | Purpose comments   | Returns                 | Comments
|(rmt:start-server run-id) |                    | #( success/fail   n/a ) | 
|(rmt:kill-server  run-id) |                    | #( success/fail   n/a ) | Works only if the server is still reachable
|(rmt:login        run-id) | Verify the the version, testsuite area etc. are correct. | #( #t "successful login" ) |

.API Keys Related Calls
|API Call                        | Purpose comments   | Returns                 | Comments
|(rmt:get-keys run-id)           |                    | ( key1 key2 ... )       | 
| (rmt:get-key-val-pairs run-id) |                    | #t=success/#f=fail      | Works only if the server is still reachable
