
Makefile at [545db1f8c6]

File tests/Makefile artifact 66f2b4083e part of check-in 545db1f8c6

#  Copyright 2006-2017, Matthew Welland.
# This file is part of Megatest.
#     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.
# run some tests

BINPATH   = $(shell readlink -m $(PWD)/../bin)
LSBR      = $(shell lsb_release -sr)
MEGATEST  = $(BINPATH)/megatest
MTEST     = $(BINPATH)/.$(LSBR)/mtest
DASHBOARD = $(BINPATH)/dashboard
PATH     := $(BINPATH):$(PATH)
RUNNAME  := $(shell date +w%V.%u.%H.%M)
IPADDR   := "-"
RUNID    := 1
SERVER    = 
DEBUG     = 1
LOGGING   = -log logs/$(RUNNAME)
ROWS      = 20

OS  = $(shell grep ID /etc/*-release|cut -d= -f2)
FS  = $(shell df -T .|tail -1|awk '{print $$2}')
VER = $(shell fsl info|grep checkout|awk '{print $$2}'|cut -c 1-5)

# The NEWTARGET causes some tests to fail. Do not use until this is fixed.
NEWTARGET  = "$(OS)/$(FS)/$(VER)"
TARGET     = "ubuntu/nfs/none"

all : build unit test4
# test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6 test7 test8 test9

unit : all-rmt.log all-api.log
# basicserver.log runs.log misc.log tests.log

# inter dependencies on the unit tests, I wish these could be "suggestions"
all-rmt.log : all-api.log

rel : 
	cd release;dashboard -rows 25 &

## basicserver.log : unittests/basicserver.scm
## 	script -c "./ basicserver $(DEBUG)" basicserver.log

%.log : build unittests/%.scm $(MTEST)
	script -c "./ $* $(DEBUG)" $*.log
	if logpro unit.logpro $*.html < $*.log > /dev/null;then echo ALLPASS;else echo ALLFAIL;mv $*.log $*.log.FAIL;fi

server :
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -server - -debug $(DEBUG) -run-id $(RUNID)

stopserver :
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -stop-server 0

repl :
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -:b -repl

test0 : cleanprep
	cd simplerun ; $(MEGATEST) -server - -debug $(DEBUG)

test1 : cleanprep

test2 : fullprep
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests ez_pass,runfirst/a/% -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none -runname $(RUNNAME) -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING)
	cd fullrun;megatest -preclean -runtests % -target ubuntu/nfs/none -runname $(RUNNAME)_01 -testpatt %/,%/ai -debug $(DEBUG)
	cd fullrun;megatest -preclean -runtests %/,%/ai -target ubuntu/nfs/none -runname $(RUNAME)_02 -debug $(DEBUG)
	cd fullrun;megatest -preclean -runtests runfirst/%,%/ai -target ubuntu/nfs/none -runname $(RUNNAME)_02 -debug $(DEBUG)
	cd fullrun;megatest -runtests %/,%/winter -target ubuntu/nfs/none -runname $(RUNNAME)_03  -debug $(DEBUG)
	sleep 40;cd fullrun;megatest -target ubuntu/nfs/none -runname $(RUNNAME) -set-state-status COMPLETED,FORCED :state COMPLETED :status PASS -testpatt ez_p%s,runfirst/ -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING)

test3 : fullprep test3a test3b

test3a :
	@echo Run runfirst and any waitons.
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests runfirst -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none -runname $(RUNNAME)_b 

test3b :
	@echo Run all_toplevel and all waitons
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests all_toplevel -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none -runname $(RUNNAME)_c

test4 : cleanprep
	@echo "WARNING: No longer running fullprep, test converage may be lessened"
	cd fullrun;time $(MEGATEST) -debug $(DEBUG) -run-wait -run -testpatt % -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none -runname $(RUNNAME)_b -m "This is a comment specific to a run" -v $(LOGGING)

test4a : cleanprep
	cd fullrun;time $(MEGATEST) -debug $(DEBUG) -preclean -run -testpatt all_toplevel -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none -runname $(RUNNAME)_b -m "This is a comment specific to a run" -v $(LOGGING)

# NOTE: Only one instance can be a server
test5 : cleanprep
	rm -f fullrun/a*.log fullrun/logs/*
	@echo "WARNING: No longer running fullprep, test converage may be lessened"
	cd fullrun;sleep 0;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_aa -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > aa.log 2> aa.log &
	cd fullrun;sleep 0;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests % -target ubuntu/nfs/sleep1 :runname $(RUNNAME)_ae -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > ae.log 2> ae.log &	
	cd fullrun;sleep 0;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests % -target ubuntu/nfs/sleep10 :runname $(RUNNAME)_ab -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > ab.log 2> ab.log &
	cd fullrun;sleep 5;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests % -target ubuntu/nfs/sleep60 :runname $(RUNNAME)_ac -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > ac.log 2> ac.log &
	cd fullrun;sleep 8;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests % -target ubuntu/nfs/sleep240 :runname $(RUNNAME)_ad -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > ad.log 2> ad.log &	
#	cd fullrun;sleep 0;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_af -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > af.log 2> af.log &

# cd fullrun;sleep 10;$(MEGATEST) -run-wait  -target $(TARGET) :runname % -testpatt % :state RUNNING,LAUNCHED,NOT_STARTED,REMOTEHOSTSTART;echo ALL DONE

test6: fullprep
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests runfirst -testpatt %/1 -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_itempatt -v
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests runfirst -testpatt %blahha% -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_itempatt -debug 10
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -rollup :runname newrun -target ubuntu/nfs/none -debug 10

	@echo Only a/c testname c should remain. If there is a run a/b/c then there is a cache issue.
	cd simplerun;$(DASHBOARD) &
	(cd simplerun; \
	 $(MEGATEST) -server - -daemonize; \
         $(MEGATEST) -remove-runs -target %/% :runname % -testpatt %; \
         $(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests %  -target a/b :runname c; sleep 5; \
	 $(MEGATEST) -remove-runs -target a/c :runname c; \
	 $(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests %  -target a/c :runname c; \
	 $(MEGATEST) -remove-runs -target a/b :runname c -testpatt % ; \
	 $(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests %  -target a/d :runname c;$(MEGATEST) -list-runs %|egrep ^Run:) > test7.log 2> test7.log 
	logpro test7.logpro test7.html < test7.log
	@echo Run \"firefox test7.html\" to see the results.

# This one failed with v1.55
test8a : 
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests priority_10_waiton_1 -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_waiton_single

test8 : test8a
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests lineitem_fail 1 -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_singletest
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests runfirst/fall 1 -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_singleitem
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests test_mt_vars/2 -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_singleitem_waiton

# Some simple checks for bootstrapping and run loop logic 

test9 : minsetup test9a test9b test9c test9d test9e

test9a :
	@echo Run super-simple mintest e, no waitons.
	cd mintest;$(DASHBOARD)&
	cd mintest;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests e -target $(VER) -runname $(shell date +%H.%M.%S) -debug $(DEBUG)

test9b :
	@echo Run simple mintest d with one waiton c
	cd mintest;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests d -target $(VER) -runname `date +%H.%M.%S` -debug $(DEBUG)

test9c :
	@echo Run mintest a with full waiton chain a -> b -> c -> d -> e
	cd mintest;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests a -target $(VER) -runname `date +%H.%M.%S` -debug $(DEBUG)

test9d :
	@echo Run an itemized test with no items
	cd mintest;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests g -target $(VER) -runname `date +%H.%M.%S` -debug $(DEBUG)

test9e :
	@echo Run mintest a1 with full waiton chain with d1fail: a1 -> b1 -> c1 -> d1fail -> e1
	cd mintest;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests a1 -target $(VER) -runname `date +%H.%M.%S` -debug $(DEBUG)

test10 :
	@echo Run a bunch of different targets simultaneously
	(cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -server - ;sleep 2)&
	for targ in mint/btrfs/mintdir sunos/sshfs/loc; do \
	   (cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests priority_10_waiton_1 -target $$targ :runname $(RUNNAME) &); done
	for sys in ubuntu suse redhat debian;do \
	  for fs in afs nfs zfs; do \
	     for dpath in none tmp; do \
	        (cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -preclean -runtests priority_10_waiton_1 -target $$sys/$$fs/$$dpath :runname $(RUNNAME) &);\

test11 :
	 cd fullrun;time (for a in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ;do   (megatest -test-paths -target %/%/% > /dev/null ) & done; wait; )

build : ../*.scm
	cd ..;make -j && make install
	touch build

cleanstart :
	if killall mtest -v ;then sleep 5;killall mtest -v -9;fi;true
	killall mtest -v;if [ ! $$? ];then sleep 5;killall mtest -v -9;fi

minsetup : build
	mkdir -p mintest/runs mintest/links
	cd mintest;$(MEGATEST) -stop-server 0
	cd mintest;$(MEGATEST) -server - -debug $(DEBUG) > server.log 2> server.log & 
	sleep 3
	cd mintest;$(DASHBOARD) -rows 18 &

cleanprep : ../*.scm Makefile */*.config build
	mkdir -p fullrun/tmp/mt_runs fullrun/tmp/mt_links /tmp/$(USER)/adisk1 fullrun/logs
	rm -f */logging.db
	touch cleanprep

fullprep : cleanprep
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -remove-runs :runname $(RUNNAME)% -target %/%/% -testpatt %/%
	cd fullrun;$(BINPATH)/dashboard -rows 15 &

dashboard : cleanprep
	cd fullrun && $(BINPATH)/dashboard -skip-version-check -rows $(ROWS) &

newdashboard : cleanprep
	cd fullrun && $(BINPATH)/newdashboard &

mdboard : cleanprep
	cd fullrun && $(BINPATH)/mdboard &

remove :
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -remove-runs :runname $(RUN)  -testpatt % -itempatt % :sysname % :fsname % :datapath %

clean  : 
	rm cleanprep

kill :
	killall -v mtest dboard || true
	rm -rf /tmp/.$(USER)-portlogger.db *run/db/* */megatest.db */logging.db */monitor.db fullrun/tmp/mt_*/* fullrun/tmp/mt_*/.db* fullrun/logs/*.log fullrun/*.log || true
	killall -v mtest dboard || true

hardkill : kill
	sleep 2;killall -v mtest dboard -9

listservers :
	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -list-servers

runforever :
	while(ls); do runname=`date +%F-%R:%S`;(cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runall -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $$runname;/home/matt/data/megatest/megatest -runall -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $$runname;/home/matt/data/megatest/megatest -runall -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $$runname);done