
runs.scm at [5a64939577]

File runs.scm artifact a06e687141 part of check-in 5a64939577

;; Copyright 2006-2016, Matthew Welland.
;;  This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;;  greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;;  This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the

;;  strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S','now','localtime')

(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 dot-locking (srfi 18) 
     posix-extras directory-utils pathname-expand typed-records format)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))

(declare (unit runs))
(declare (uses db))
(declare (uses common))
(declare (uses items))
(declare (uses runconfig))
(declare (uses tests))
(declare (uses server))
(declare (uses mt))
(declare (uses archive))
;; (declare (uses filedb))

(include "common_records.scm")
(include "key_records.scm")
(include "db_records.scm")
(include "run_records.scm")
(include "test_records.scm")

;; (include "debugger.scm")

;; use this struct to facilitate refactoring

(defstruct runs:dat
  reglen regfull
  runname max-concurrent-jobs run-id
  test-patts required-tests test-registry
  registry-mutex flags keyvals run-info all-tests-registry
  ((can-run-more-tests-count 0) : fixnum))

(defstruct runs:testdat
  hed tal reg reruns  test-record
  test-name item-path jobgroup
  waitons testmode  newtal itemmaps prereqs-not-met)

;; set up needed environment variables given a run-id and optionally a target, itempath etc.
(define (runs:set-megatest-env-vars run-id #!key (inkeys #f)(inrunname #f)(inkeyvals #f)(intarget #f)(testname #f)(itempath #f))
  (let* ((target    (or intarget 
			(get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET")))
	 (keys      (if inkeys    inkeys    (rmt:get-keys)))
	 (keyvals   (if inkeyvals inkeyvals (keys:target->keyval keys target)))
	 (vals      (hash-table-ref/default *env-vars-by-run-id* run-id #f))
	 (link-tree (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree")))
    (if testname (setenv "MT_TEST_NAME" testname))
    (if itempath (setenv "MT_ITEMPATH"  itempath))

    ;; get the info from the db and put it in the cache
    (if link-tree
	(setenv "MT_LINKTREE" link-tree)
	(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "linktree not set, should be set in megatest.config in [setup] section."))
    (if (not vals)
	(let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
	  (hash-table-set! *env-vars-by-run-id* run-id ht)
	  (set! vals ht)
	   (lambda (key)
	     (hash-table-set! vals (car key) (cadr key)))
    ;; from the cached data set the vars
     (lambda (key val)
       (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "setenv " key " " val)
       (safe-setenv key val)))
    (if (not (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET"))(setenv "MT_TARGET" target))
    (alist->env-vars (hash-table-ref/default *configdat* "env-override" '()))
    ;; Lets use this as an opportunity to put MT_RUNNAME in the environment
    (let ((runname  (if inrunname inrunname (rmt:get-run-name-from-id run-id))))
      (if runname
	  (setenv "MT_RUNNAME" runname)
	  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "no value for runname for id " run-id)))
    (setenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" *toppath*)
    ;; if a testname and itempath are available set the remaining appropriate variables
    (if testname (setenv "MT_TEST_NAME" testname))
    (if itempath (setenv "MT_ITEMPATH"  itempath))
    (if (and testname link-tree)
	(setenv "MT_TEST_RUN_DIR" (conc (getenv "MT_LINKTREE")  "/"
					(getenv "MT_TARGET")    "/"
					(getenv "MT_RUNNAME")   "/"
					(getenv "MT_TEST_NAME")
					(if (and itempath
						 (not (equal? itempath "")))
					    (conc "/" itempath)

(define (set-item-env-vars itemdat)
  (for-each (lambda (item)
	      (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "setenv " (car item) " " (cadr item))
	      (setenv (car item) (cadr item)))

;; Every time can-run-more-tests is called increment the delay
;; NOTE: We run this server-side!! Do not use this global except in the runs:can-run-more-tests routine
(define *last-num-running-tests* 0)
;; (define *runs:can-run-more-tests-count* 0)
(define (runs:shrink-can-run-more-tests-count runsdat)
  (runs:dat-can-run-more-tests-count-set! runsdat 0))

(define (runs:inc-can-run-more-tests-count runsdat)
   (+ (runs:dat-can-run-more-tests-count runsdat) 1)))

;;  (set! *runs:can-run-more-tests-count* 0)) ;; (/ *runs:can-run-more-tests-count* 2)))

;; Temporary globals. Move these into the logic or into common
(define *seen-cant-run-tests* (make-hash-table)) ;; use to track tests that we suspect cannot be run
(define (runs:inc-cant-run-tests testname)
  (hash-table-set! *seen-cant-run-tests* testname
		   (+ (hash-table-ref/default *seen-cant-run-tests* testname 0) 1)))

(define (runs:can-keep-running? testname n)
  (< (hash-table-ref/default *seen-cant-run-tests* testname 0) n))

(define *runs:denoise* (make-hash-table)) ;; key => last-time-ran

;; mechanism to limit printing info to the screen that is repetitive.
;; Example: 
;; (if (runs:lownoise "waiting on tasks" 60)
;;     (debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "waiting for tasks to complete, sleeping briefly ..."))
(define (runs:lownoise key waitval)
  (let ((lasttime (hash-table-ref/default *runs:denoise* key 0))
	(currtime (current-seconds)))
    (if (> (- currtime lasttime) waitval)
	  (hash-table-set! *runs:denoise* key currtime)

(define (runs:can-run-more-tests runsdat run-id jobgroup max-concurrent-jobs)
  ;; Take advantage of a good place to exit if running the one-pass methodology
  (if (and (> (runs:dat-can-run-more-tests-count runsdat) 20)
	   (args:get-arg "-one-pass"))
      (exit 0))
  (thread-sleep! (cond
        	  ((> (runs:dat-can-run-more-tests-count runsdat) 20)
		   (if (runs:lownoise "waiting on tasks" 60)(debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "waiting for tasks to complete, sleeping briefly ..."))
		   2);; obviously haven't had any work to do for a while
        	  (else 0)))
  (let* ((num-running             (rmt:get-count-tests-running run-id))
	 (num-running-in-jobgroup (rmt:get-count-tests-running-in-jobgroup run-id jobgroup))
	 (job-group-limit         (let ((jobg-count (config-lookup *configdat* "jobgroups" jobgroup)))
				    (if (string? jobg-count)
					(string->number jobg-count)
    (if (> (+ num-running num-running-in-jobgroup) 0)
	(runs:inc-can-run-more-tests-count runsdat)) ;; (set! *runs:can-run-more-tests-count* (+ *runs:can-run-more-tests-count* 1)))
    (if (not (eq? *last-num-running-tests* num-running))
	  (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "max-concurrent-jobs: " max-concurrent-jobs ", num-running: " num-running)
	  (set! *last-num-running-tests* num-running)))
    (if (not (eq? 0 *globalexitstatus*))
	(list #f num-running num-running-in-jobgroup max-concurrent-jobs job-group-limit)
	(let ((can-not-run-more (cond
				 ;; if max-concurrent-jobs is set and the number running is greater 
				 ;; than it then cannot run more jobs
				 ((and max-concurrent-jobs (>= num-running max-concurrent-jobs))
				  (if (runs:lownoise "mcj msg" 60)
				      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Max running jobs exceeded, current number running: " num-running 
						   ", max_concurrent_jobs: " max-concurrent-jobs))
				 ;; if job-group-limit is set and number of jobs in the group is greater
				 ;; than the limit then cannot run more jobs of this kind
				 ((and job-group-limit
				       (>= num-running-in-jobgroup job-group-limit))
				  (if (runs:lownoise (conc "maxjobgroup " jobgroup) 60)
				      (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "WARNING: number of jobs " num-running-in-jobgroup 
						   " in jobgroup \"" jobgroup "\" exceeds limit of " job-group-limit))
				 (else #f))))
	  (list (not can-not-run-more) num-running num-running-in-jobgroup max-concurrent-jobs job-group-limit)))))

;;  test-names: Comma separated patterns same as test-patts but used in selection 
;;              of tests to run. The item portions are not respected.
;;              FIXME: error out if /patt specified
(define (runs:run-tests target runname test-patts user flags #!key (run-count 1)) ;; test-names
  (let* ((keys               (keys:config-get-fields *configdat*))
	 (keyvals            (keys:target->keyval keys target))
	 (run-id             (rmt:register-run keyvals runname "new" "n/a" user))  ;;  test-name)))
	 ;; (deferred          '()) ;; delay running these since they have a waiton clause
	 (runconfigf         (conc  *toppath* "/runconfigs.config"))
	 (test-records       (make-hash-table))
	 ;; need to process runconfigs before generating these lists
	 (all-tests-registry #f)  ;; (tests:get-all)) ;; (tests:get-valid-tests (make-hash-table) test-search-path)) ;; all valid tests to check waiton names
	 (all-test-names     #f)  ;; (hash-table-keys all-tests-registry))
	 (test-names         #f)  ;; Generated by a call to (tests:filter-test-names all-test-names test-patts))
	 (required-tests     #f)  ;; Put fully qualified test/testpath names in this list to be done
	 (task-key           (conc (hash-table->alist flags) " " (get-host-name) " " (current-process-id)))
	 (tdbdat             (tasks:open-db))
	 (config-reruns      (let ((x (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "reruns")))
			       (if x (string->number x) #f))))

    ;; per user request. If less than 100Meg space on dbdir partition, bail out with error
    ;; this will reduce issues in database corruption
    ;; override the number of reruns from the configs
    (if (and config-reruns
	     (> run-count config-reruns))
	(set! run-count config-reruns))
    ;; (if (tasks:need-server run-id)(tasks:start-and-wait-for-server tdbdat run-id 10))

    (let ((sighand (lambda (signum)
		     ;; (signal-mask! signum) ;; to mask or not? seems to cause issues in exiting
		     (set! *time-to-exit* #t)
		     (print "Received signal " signum ", cleaning up before exit. Please wait...")
		     (let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda ()
					       (let ((tdbdat (tasks:open-db)))
						 (rmt:tasks-set-state-given-param-key task-key "killed"))
					       (print "Killed by signal " signum ". Exiting")
					       (thread-sleep! 3)
			   (th2 (make-thread (lambda ()
					       (thread-sleep! 5)
					       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Done")
					       (exit 4)))))
		       (thread-start! th2)
		       (thread-start! th1)
		       (thread-join! th2)))))
      (set-signal-handler! signal/int sighand)
      (set-signal-handler! signal/term sighand))

    (runs:set-megatest-env-vars run-id inkeys: keys inrunname: runname) ;; these may be needed by the launching process
    (set! runconf (if (file-exists? runconfigf)
		      (setup-env-defaults runconfigf run-id *already-seen-runconfig-info* keyvals target)
			(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: You do not have a run config file: " runconfigf)

    (if (not test-patts) ;; first time in - adjust testpatt
	(set! test-patts (common:args-get-testpatt runconf)))

    ;; register this run in monitor.db
    (rmt:tasks-add "run-tests" user target runname test-patts task-key) ;; params)
    (rmt:tasks-set-state-given-param-key task-key "running")

    ;; Now generate all the tests lists
    (set! all-tests-registry (tests:get-all))   ;; hash of testname => path-to-test
    (set! all-test-names     (hash-table-keys all-tests-registry))
    (set! test-names         (tests:filter-test-names all-test-names test-patts))

    ;; I think seeding required-tests with all test-names makes sense but lack analysis to back that up.

    ;; 1. fill required tests with test-patts
    ;; 2. scan testconfigs and if waitons, itemwait, itempatt calc prior test test-patt
    ;; 3. repeat until all deps propagated
    ;; any tests with direct mention in test-patts can be added to required
    (set! required-tests     (lset-intersection equal? (string-split test-patts ",") all-test-names))
    ;; (set! required-tests     (lset-intersection equal? test-names all-test-names))
    ;; look up all tests matching the comma separated list of globs in
    ;; test-patts (using % as wildcard)

    ;; (set! test-names (delete-duplicates (tests:get-valid-tests *toppath* test-patts)))
    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "tests search path: " (string-intersperse (tests:get-tests-search-path *configdat*) " "))
    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "all tests:         " (string-intersperse (sort all-test-names string<) " "))
    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "test names:        " (string-intersperse (sort test-names string<) " "))
    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "required tests:    " (string-intersperse (sort required-tests string<) " "))

    ;; on the first pass or call to run-tests set FAILS to NOT_STARTED if
    ;; -keepgoing is specified
    (if (eq? *passnum* 0)
	  ;; Is this still necessary? I think not. Unreachable tests are marked as such and 
	  ;; should not cause problems here.
	  ;; have to delete test records where NOT_STARTED since they can cause -keepgoing to 
	  ;; get stuck due to becoming inaccessible from a failed test. I.e. if test B depends 
	  ;; on test A but test B reached the point on being registered as NOT_STARTED and test
	  ;; A failed for some reason then on re-run using -keepgoing the run can never complete.
	  ;; (rmt:general-call 'delete-tests-in-state run-id "NOT_STARTED")
	  ;; Now convert anything in allow-auto-rerun to NOT_STARTED
	  (for-each (lambda (state)
		      (rmt:set-tests-state-status run-id test-names state #f "NOT_STARTED" state))
		    (string-split (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "allow-auto-rerun") "")))))

    ;; Ensure all tests are registered in the test_meta table
    (runs:update-all-test_meta #f)

    ;; now add non-directly referenced dependencies (i.e. waiton)
    ;; refactoring this block into tests:get-full-data
    ;; What happended, this code is now duplicated in tests!?
    (if (not (null? test-names))
	(let loop ((hed (car test-names))   ;; NOTE: This is the main loop that iterates over the test-names
		   (tal (cdr test-names)))         ;; 'return-procs tells the config reader to prep running system but return a proc
	  (change-directory *toppath*) ;; PLEASE OPTIMIZE ME!!! I think this should be a no-op but there are several places where change-directories could be happening.
	  (setenv "MT_TEST_NAME" hed) ;; 
	  (let*-values (((waitons waitors config)(tests:get-waitons hed all-tests-registry)))
	    (debug:print-info 8 *default-log-port* "waitons: " waitons)
	    ;; check for hed in waitons => this would be circular, remove it and issue an
	    ;; error
	    (if (or (member hed waitons)
		    (member hed waitors))
		  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "test " hed " has listed itself as a waiton or waitor, please correct this!")
		  (set! waitons (filter (lambda (x)(not (equal? x hed))) waitons))
		  (set! waitors (filter (lambda (x)(not (equal? x hed))) waitors))))
	    ;; (items   (items:get-items-from-config config)))
	    (if (not (hash-table-ref/default test-records hed #f))
		(hash-table-set! test-records
				 hed (vector hed     ;; 0
					     config  ;; 1
					     waitons ;; 2
					     (config-lookup config "requirements" "priority")     ;; priority 3
					     (tests:get-items config) ;; expand the [items] and or [itemstable] into explict items
					     #f      ;; itemsdat 5
					     #f      ;; spare - used for item-path
					     waitors ;; 
	     (lambda (waiton)
	       (if (and waiton (not (member waiton test-names)))
		   (let* ((waiton-record   (hash-table-ref/default test-records waiton #f))
			  (waiton-tconfig  (if waiton-record (vector-ref waiton-record 1) #f))
			  (waiton-itemized (and waiton-tconfig
						(or (hash-table-ref/default waiton-tconfig "items" #f)
						    (hash-table-ref/default waiton-tconfig "itemstable" #f))))
			  (itemmaps        (tests:get-itemmaps config))  ;; (configf:lookup config "requirements" "itemmap"))
			  (new-test-patts  (tests:extend-test-patts test-patts hed waiton itemmaps)))
		     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Test " waiton " has " (if waiton-record "a" "no") " waiton-record and" (if waiton-itemized " " " no ") "items")
		     ;; need to account for test-patt here, if I am test "a", selected with a test-patt of "hed/b%"
		     ;; and we are waiting on "waiton" we need to add "waiton/,waiton/b%" to test-patt
		     ;; is this satisfied by merely appending "/" to the waiton name added to the list?
		     ;; This approach causes all of the items in an upstream test to be run 

		     ;; if we have this waiton already processed once we can analzye it for extending
		     ;; tests to be run, since we can't properly process waitons unless they have been
		     ;; initially added we add them again to be processed on second round AND add the hed
		     ;; back in to also be processed on second round
		     (if waiton-tconfig
			   (set! test-names (cons waiton test-names)) ;; need to process this one, only add once the waiton tconfig read
			   (if waiton-itemized
				 (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "New test patts: " new-test-patts ", prev test patts: " test-patts)
				 (set! required-tests (cons (conc waiton "/") required-tests))
				 (set! test-patts new-test-patts))
				 (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Adding non-itemized test " waiton " to required-tests")
				 (set! required-tests (cons waiton required-tests))
				 (set! test-patts new-test-patts))))
			   (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "No testconfig info yet for " waiton ", setting up to re-process it")
			   (set! tal (append (cons waiton tal)(list hed))))) ;; (cons (conc waiton "/") required-tests))
		     ;; NOPE: didn't work. required needs to be plain test names. Try tacking on to test-patts
		     ;;  - doesn't work
		     ;; (set! test-patts (conc test-patts "," waiton "/"))
		     ;; (set! test-names (cons waiton test-names))))) ;; was an append, now a cons
	     (delete-duplicates (append waitons waitors)))
	    (let ((remtests (delete-duplicates (append waitons tal))))
	      (if (not (null? remtests))
		    ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Preprocessing continues for " (string-intersperse remtests ", "))
		    (loop (car remtests)(cdr remtests))))))))

    (if (not (null? required-tests))
	(debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "Adding \"" (string-intersperse required-tests " ") "\" to the run queue"))
    ;; NOTE: these are all parent tests, items are not expanded yet.
    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "test-records=" (hash-table->alist test-records))
    (let ((reglen (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "runqueue")))
      (if (> (length (hash-table-keys test-records)) 0)
	  (let* ((keep-going        #t)
		 (run-queue-retries 5)
		 (th1        (make-thread (lambda ()
					    (runs:run-tests-queue run-id runname test-records keyvals flags test-patts required-tests (any->number reglen) all-tests-registry))
					    ;; (handle-exceptions
					    ;;  exn
					    ;;  (begin
					    ;;    (print-call-chain (current-error-port))
					    ;;    (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "failure in runs:run-tests-queue thread, error: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
					    ;;    (if (> run-queue-retries 0)
					    ;; 	   (begin
					    ;; 	     (set! run-queue-retries (- run-queue-retries 1))
					    ;; 	     (runs:run-tests-queue run-id runname test-records keyvals flags test-patts required-tests (any->number reglen) all-tests-registry))))
					    ;;  (runs:run-tests-queue run-id runname test-records keyvals flags test-patts required-tests (any->number reglen) all-tests-registry)))
		 (th2        (make-thread (lambda ()				    
					    ;; (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete-all-runs))))) CAN'T INTERRUPT IT ...
					    (let ((run-ids (rmt:get-all-run-ids)))
					      (for-each (lambda (run-id)
							  (if keep-going
							       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "error in calling find-and-mark-incomplete for run-id " run-id)
							       (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete run-id #f)))) ;; ovr-deadtime)))
					  "runs: mark-incompletes")))
	    (thread-start! th1)
	    (thread-start! th2)
	    (thread-join! th1)
	    (set! keep-going #f)
	    (thread-join! th2)
	    ;; if run-count > 0 call, set -preclean and -rerun STUCK/DEAD
	    (if (> run-count 0) ;; handle reruns
		  (if (not (hash-table-ref/default flags "-preclean" #f))
		      (hash-table-set! flags "-preclean" #t))
		  (if (not (hash-table-ref/default flags "-rerun" #f))
		      (hash-table-set! flags "-rerun" "STUCK/DEAD,n/a,ZERO_ITEMS"))
		  ;; recursive call to self
		  (runs:run-tests target runname test-patts user flags run-count: (- run-count 1)))))
	  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "No tests to run")))
    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "All done by here")
    (rmt:tasks-set-state-given-param-key task-key "done")
    ;; (sqlite3:finalize! tasks-db)

;; loop logic. These are used in runs:run-tests-queue to make it a bit more readable.
;; If reg not full and have items in tal then loop with (car tal)(cdr tal) reg reruns
;; If reg is full (i.e. length >= n
;;   loop with (car reg) tal (cdr reg) reruns
;; If tal is empty
;;   but have items in reg; loop with (car reg)(cdr reg) '() reruns
;;   If reg is empty => all done

(define (runs:queue-next-hed tal reg n regfull)
  (if regfull
      (car reg)
      (if (null? tal) ;; tal is used up, pop from reg
	  (car reg)
	  (car tal))))

(define (runs:queue-next-tal tal reg n regfull)
  (if regfull
      (if (null? tal) ;; must transfer from reg
	  (cdr reg)
	  (cdr tal))))

(define (runs:queue-next-reg tal reg n regfull)
  (if regfull
      (cdr reg)
      (if (null? tal) ;; if tal is null and reg not full then '() as reg contents moved to tal

(define runs:nothing-left-in-queue-count 0)

(define (runs:expand-items hed tal reg reruns regfull newtal jobgroup max-concurrent-jobs run-id waitons item-path testmode test-record can-run-more items runname tconfig reglen test-registry test-records itemmaps)
  (let* ((loop-list       (list hed tal reg reruns))
	 (prereqs-not-met (let ((res (rmt:get-prereqs-not-met run-id waitons hed item-path mode: testmode itemmaps: itemmaps)))
			    (if (list? res)
				  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port*
					       "ERROR: rmt:get-prereqs-not-met returned non-list!\n"
					       "  res=" res " run-id=" run-id " waitons=" waitons " hed=" hed " item-path=" item-path " testmode=" testmode " itemmaps=" itemmaps)
	 ;; (prereqs-not-met (mt:lazy-get-prereqs-not-met run-id waitons item-path mode: testmode itemmap: itemmap))
	 (fails           (runs:calc-fails prereqs-not-met))
	 (prereq-fails    (runs:calc-prereq-fail prereqs-not-met))
	 (non-completed   (runs:calc-not-completed prereqs-not-met))
	 (runnables       (runs:calc-runnable prereqs-not-met)))
    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "START OF INNER COND #2 "
		      "\n can-run-more:    " can-run-more
		      "\n testname:        " hed
		      "\n prereqs-not-met: " (runs:pretty-string prereqs-not-met)
		      "\n non-completed:   " (runs:pretty-string non-completed) 
		      "\n prereq-fails:    " (runs:pretty-string prereq-fails)
		      "\n fails:           " (runs:pretty-string fails)
		      "\n testmode:        " testmode
		      "\n (member 'toplevel testmode): " (member 'toplevel testmode)
		      "\n (null? non-completed):    " (null? non-completed)
		      "\n reruns:          " reruns
		      "\n items:           " items
		      "\n can-run-more:    " can-run-more)

     ;; all prereqs met, fire off the test
     ;; or, if it is a 'toplevel test and all prereqs not met are COMPLETED then launch

     ((and (not (member 'toplevel testmode))
	   (member (hash-table-ref/default test-registry (db:test-make-full-name hed item-path) 'n/a)
		   '(DONOTRUN removed CANNOTRUN))) ;; *common:cant-run-states-sym*) ;; '(COMPLETED KILLED WAIVED UNKNOWN INCOMPLETE)) ;; try to catch repeat processing of COMPLETED tests here
      (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "Test " hed " set to \"" (hash-table-ref test-registry (db:test-make-full-name hed item-path)) "\". Removing it from the queue")
      (if (or (not (null? tal))
	      (not (null? reg)))
	  (list (runs:queue-next-hed tal reg reglen regfull)
		(runs:queue-next-tal tal reg reglen regfull)
		(runs:queue-next-reg tal reg reglen regfull)
	    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Nothing left in the queue!")
	    ;; If get here twice then we know we've tried to expand all items
	    ;; since there must be a logic issue with the handling of loops in the 
	    ;; items expand phase we will brute force an exit here.
	    (if (> runs:nothing-left-in-queue-count 2)
		  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: this condition is triggered when there were no items to expand and nothing to run. Please check your run for completeness")
		  (exit 0))
		(set! runs:nothing-left-in-queue-count (+ runs:nothing-left-in-queue-count 1)))

     ((or (null? prereqs-not-met)
	  (and (member 'toplevel testmode)
	       (null? non-completed)))
      (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "runs:expand-items: (or (null? prereqs-not-met) (and (member 'toplevel testmode)(null? non-completed)))")
      (let ((test-name (tests:testqueue-get-testname test-record)))
	(setenv "MT_TEST_NAME" test-name) ;; 
	(setenv "MT_RUNNAME"   runname)
	(runs:set-megatest-env-vars run-id inrunname: runname) ;; these may be needed by the launching process
	(let ((items-list (items:get-items-from-config tconfig)))
	  (if (list? items-list)
		(if (null? items-list)
		    (let ((test-id   (rmt:get-test-id run-id test-name ""))
			  (num-items (rmt:test-toplevel-num-items run-id test-name)))
		      (if (and test-id
			       (not (> num-items 0)))
			  (mt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id "NOT_STARTED" "ZERO_ITEMS" "Failed to run due to failed prerequisites"))))
		(tests:testqueue-set-items! test-record items-list)
		(list hed tal reg reruns))
		(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "The proc from reading the items table did not yield a list - please report this")
		(exit 1))))))

     ((and (null? fails)
	   (null? prereq-fails)
	   (not (null? non-completed)))
      (let* ((allinqueue (map (lambda (x)(if (string? x) x (db:test-get-testname x)))
        		      (append newtal reruns)))
	     ;; prereqstrs is a list of test names as strings that are prereqs for hed
             (prereqstrs (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (x)(if (string? x) x (db:test-get-testname x)))
	     ;; a prereq that is not found in allinqueue will be put in the notinqueue list
             ;; (notinqueue (filter (lambda (x)
             ;;    		   (not (member x allinqueue)))
             ;;    		 prereqstrs))
	     (give-up    #f))

	;; We can get here when a prereq has not been run due to *it* having a prereq that failed.
	;; We need to use this to dequeue this item as CANNOTRUN
	(if (member 'toplevel testmode) ;; '(toplevel)) ;; NOTE: this probably should be (member 'toplevel testmode)
	    (for-each (lambda (prereq)
			(if (eq? (hash-table-ref/default test-registry prereq 'justfine) 'CANNOTRUN)
			    (set! give-up #t)))

	(if (and give-up
		 (not (and (null? tal)(null? reg))))
	    (let ((trimmed-tal (mt:discard-blocked-tests run-id hed tal test-records))
		  (trimmed-reg (mt:discard-blocked-tests run-id hed reg test-records)))
	      (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "WARNING: test " hed " has discarded prerequisites, removing it from the queue")

	      (let ((test-id (rmt:get-test-id run-id hed "")))
		(if test-id (mt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id "NOT_STARTED" "PREQ_DISCARDED" "Failed to run due to discarded prerequisites")))
	      (if (and (null? trimmed-tal)
		       (null? trimmed-reg))
		  (list (runs:queue-next-hed trimmed-tal trimmed-reg reglen regfull)
			(runs:queue-next-tal trimmed-tal trimmed-reg reglen regfull)
			(runs:queue-next-reg trimmed-tal trimmed-reg reglen regfull)
	      (list (car newtal)(append (cdr newtal) reg) '() reruns))))

     ((and (null? fails)
	   (null? prereq-fails)
	   (null? non-completed))
      (if  (runs:can-keep-running? hed 20)
	    (runs:inc-cant-run-tests hed)
	    (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "no fails in prerequisites for " hed " but also none running, keeping " hed " for now. Try count: " (hash-table-ref/default *seen-cant-run-tests* hed 0))
	    ;; getting here likely means the system is way overloaded, kill a full minute before continuing
	    (thread-sleep! 60)
	    ;; num-retries code was here
	    ;; we use this opportunity to move contents of reg to tal
	    (list (car newtal)(append (cdr newtal) reg) '() reruns)) ;; an issue with prereqs not yet met?
	    (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "no fails in prerequisites for " hed " but nothing seen running in a while, dropping test " hed " from the run queue")
	    (let ((test-id (rmt:get-test-id run-id hed "")))
	      (if test-id (mt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id "NOT_STARTED" "TIMED_OUT" "Nothing seen running in a while.")))
	    (list (runs:queue-next-hed tal reg reglen regfull)
		  (runs:queue-next-tal tal reg reglen regfull)
		  (runs:queue-next-reg tal reg reglen regfull)

       (or (not (null? fails))
	   (not (null? prereq-fails)))
       (member 'normal testmode))
      (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "test "  hed " (mode=" testmode ") has failed prerequisite(s); "
			(string-intersperse (map (lambda (t)(conc (db:test-get-testname t) ":" (db:test-get-state t)"/"(db:test-get-status t))) fails) ", ")
			", removing it from to-do list")
      (let ((test-id (rmt:get-test-id run-id hed "")))
	(if test-id
	    (if (not (null? prereq-fails))
		(mt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id "NOT_STARTED" "PREQ_DISCARDED" "Failed to run due to prior failed prerequisites")
		(mt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id "NOT_STARTED" "PREQ_FAIL"      "Failed to run due to failed prerequisites"))))
      (if (or (not (null? reg))(not (null? tal)))
	    (hash-table-set! test-registry hed 'CANNOTRUN)
	    (list (runs:queue-next-hed tal reg reglen regfull)
		  (runs:queue-next-tal tal reg reglen regfull)
		  (runs:queue-next-reg tal reg reglen regfull)
		  (cons hed reruns)))
	  #f)) ;; #f flags do not loop

     ((and (not (null? fails))(member 'toplevel testmode))
      (if (or (not (null? reg))(not (null? tal)))
	   (list (car newtal)(append (cdr newtal) reg) '() reruns)
     ((null? runnables) #f) ;; if we get here and non-completed is null the it's all over.
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: FAILS or incomplete tests maybe preventing completion of this run. Watch for issues with test " hed ", continuing for now")
      ;; (list (runs:queue-next-hed tal reg reglen regfull)
      ;;   	(runs:queue-next-tal tal reg reglen regfull)
      ;;   	(runs:queue-next-reg tal reg reglen regfull)
      ;;   	reruns)
      (list (car newtal)(cdr newtal) reg reruns)))))

(define (runs:mixed-list-testname-and-testrec->list-of-strings inlst)
  (if (null? inlst)
      (map (lambda (t)
	      ((vector? t)
	       (let ((test-name (db:test-get-testname t))
		     (item-path (db:test-get-item-path t))
		     (test-state (db:test-get-state t))
		     (test-status (db:test-get-status t)))
		 (conc test-name (if (equal? item-path "") "" "/") item-path ":" test-state "/" test-status)))
	      ((string? t)
	       (conc t))))

;;  hed tal reg reruns reglen regfull test-record runname test-name item-path jobgroup max-concurrent-jobs run-id waitons item-path testmode test-patts required-tests test-registry registry-mutex flags keyvals run-info newtal all-tests-registry itemmaps)
(define (runs:process-expanded-tests runsdat testdat)
  ;; unroll the contents of runsdat and testdat (due to ongoing refactoring).
  (let* ((hed                    (runs:testdat-hed testdat))
	 (tal                    (runs:testdat-tal testdat))
	 (reg                    (runs:testdat-reg testdat))
	 (reruns                 (runs:testdat-reruns testdat))
	 (test-name              (runs:testdat-test-name testdat))
	 (item-path              (runs:testdat-item-path testdat))
	 (jobgroup               (runs:testdat-jobgroup testdat))
	 (waitons                (runs:testdat-waitons testdat))
	 (item-path              (runs:testdat-item-path testdat))
	 (testmode               (runs:testdat-testmode testdat))
	 (newtal                 (runs:testdat-newtal testdat))
	 (itemmaps               (runs:testdat-itemmaps testdat))
	 (test-record            (runs:testdat-test-record testdat))
	 (prereqs-not-met        (runs:testdat-prereqs-not-met testdat))

	 (reglen                 (runs:dat-reglen runsdat))
	 (regfull                (runs:dat-regfull runsdat))
	 (runname                (runs:dat-runname runsdat))
	 (max-concurrent-jobs    (runs:dat-max-concurrent-jobs runsdat))
	 (run-id                 (runs:dat-run-id runsdat))
	 (test-patts             (runs:dat-test-patts runsdat))
	 (required-tests         (runs:dat-required-tests runsdat))
	 (test-registry          (runs:dat-test-registry runsdat))
	 (registry-mutex         (runs:dat-registry-mutex runsdat))
	 (flags                  (runs:dat-flags runsdat))
	 (keyvals                (runs:dat-keyvals runsdat))
	 (run-info               (runs:dat-run-info runsdat))
	 (all-tests-registry     (runs:dat-all-tests-registry runsdat))
	 (run-limits-info        (runs:dat-can-run-more-tests runsdat))
	 ;; (runs:can-run-more-tests run-id jobgroup max-concurrent-jobs)) ;; look at the test jobgroup and tot jobs running
	 (have-resources         (car run-limits-info))
	 (num-running            (list-ref run-limits-info 1))
	 (num-running-in-jobgroup(list-ref run-limits-info 2)) 
	 (max-concurrent-jobs    (list-ref run-limits-info 3))
	 (job-group-limit        (list-ref run-limits-info 4))
	 ;; (prereqs-not-met        (rmt:get-prereqs-not-met run-id waitons hed item-path mode: testmode itemmaps: itemmaps))
	 ;; (prereqs-not-met         (mt:lazy-get-prereqs-not-met run-id waitons item-path mode: testmode itemmap: itemmap))
	 (fails                  (if (list? prereqs-not-met)
				      (runs:calc-fails prereqs-not-met)
					(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "prereqs-not-met is not a list! " prereqs-not-met)
	 (non-completed           (filter (lambda (x)             ;; remove hed from not completed list, duh, of course it is not completed!
					    (not (equal? x hed)))
					  (runs:calc-not-completed prereqs-not-met)))
	 (loop-list               (list hed tal reg reruns))
	 ;; configure the load runner
	 (numcpus                 (common:get-num-cpus #f))
	 (maxload                 (string->number (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "jobtools" "maxload") "3")))
	 (waitdelay               (string->number (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "jobtools" "waitdelay") "60"))))
    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "have-resources: " have-resources " prereqs-not-met: (" 
		       (map (lambda (t)
			      (if (vector? t)
				  (conc (db:test-get-state t) "/" (db:test-get-status t))
				  (conc " WARNING: t is not a vector=" t )))
		       ", ") ") fails: " fails
		       "\nregistered? " (hash-table-ref/default test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name item-path) #f))

    (if (and (not (null? prereqs-not-met))
	     (runs:lownoise (conc "waiting on tests " prereqs-not-met hed) 60))
	(debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "waiting on tests; " (string-intersperse (runs:mixed-list-testname-and-testrec->list-of-strings prereqs-not-met) ", ")))

    ;; Don't know at this time if the test have been launched at some time in the past
    ;; i.e. is this a re-launch?
    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "run-limits-info = " run-limits-info)
     ;; Check item path against item-patts, 
     ((not (tests:match test-patts (tests:testqueue-get-testname test-record) item-path required: required-tests)) ;; This test/itempath is not to be run
      ;; else the run is stuck, temporarily or permanently
      ;; but should check if it is due to lack of resources vs. prerequisites
      (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "Skipping " (tests:testqueue-get-testname test-record) " " item-path " as it doesn't match " test-patts)
      (if (or (not (null? tal))(not (null? reg)))
	  (list (runs:queue-next-hed tal reg reglen regfull)
		(runs:queue-next-tal tal reg reglen regfull)
		(runs:queue-next-reg tal reg reglen regfull)
     ;; Register tests 
     ((not (hash-table-ref/default test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name item-path) #f))
      (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "Pre-registering test " test-name "/" item-path " to create placeholder" )
      ;; always do firm registration now in v1.60 and greater ;; (eq? *transport-type* 'fs) ;; no point in parallel registration if use fs
      (let register-loop ((numtries 15))
	(rmt:register-test run-id test-name item-path)
	(if (rmt:get-test-id run-id test-name item-path)
	    (hash-table-set! test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name item-path) 'done)
	    (if (> numtries 0)
		  (thread-sleep! 0.5)
		  (register-loop (- numtries 1)))
		(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "failed to register test " (db:test-make-full-name test-name item-path)))))
      (if (not (eq? (hash-table-ref/default test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name "") #f) 'done))
	    (rmt:register-test run-id test-name "")
	    (if (rmt:get-test-id run-id test-name "")
		(hash-table-set! test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name "") 'done))))
      (runs:shrink-can-run-more-tests-count runsdat)   ;; DELAY TWEAKER (still needed?)
      (if (and (null? tal)(null? reg))
	  (list hed tal (append reg (list hed)) reruns)
	  (list (runs:queue-next-hed tal reg reglen regfull)
		(runs:queue-next-tal tal reg reglen regfull)
		;; NB// Here we are building reg as we register tests
		;; if regfull we must pop the front item off reg
		(if regfull
		    (append (cdr reg) (list hed))
		    (append reg (list hed)))
     ;; At this point hed test registration must be completed.
     ((eq? (hash-table-ref/default test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name item-path) #f)
      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Waiting on test registration(s): "
			 (filter (lambda (x)
				   (eq? (hash-table-ref/default test-registry x #f) 'start))
				 (hash-table-keys test-registry))
			 ", "))
      (thread-sleep! 0.051)
      (list hed tal reg reruns))
     ;; If no resources are available just kill time and loop again
     ((not have-resources) ;; simply try again after waiting a second
      (if (runs:lownoise "no resources" 60)
	  (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "no resources to run new tests, waiting ..."))
      ;; Have gone back and forth on this but db starvation is an issue.
      ;; wait one second before looking again to run jobs.
      (thread-sleep! 1)
      ;; could have done hed tal here but doing car/cdr of newtal to rotate tests
      (list (car newtal)(cdr newtal) reg reruns))
     ;; This is the final stage, everything is in place so launch the test
     ((and have-resources
	   (or (null? prereqs-not-met)
	       (and (member 'toplevel testmode) ;;  'toplevel)
		    (null? non-completed))))
      ;; (hash-table-delete! *max-tries-hash* (db:test-make-full-name test-name item-path))
      ;; we are going to reset all the counters for test retries by setting a new hash table
      ;; this means they will increment only when nothing can be run
      (set! *max-tries-hash* (make-hash-table))
      ;; well, first lets see if cpu load throttling is enabled. If so wait around until the
      ;; average cpu load is under the threshold before continuing
      (if (configf:lookup *configdat* "jobtools" "maxload") ;; only gate if maxload is specified
	  (common:wait-for-cpuload maxload numcpus waitdelay))
      (run:test run-id run-info keyvals runname test-record flags #f test-registry all-tests-registry)
      (runs:incremental-print-results run-id)
      (hash-table-set! test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name item-path) 'running)
      (runs:shrink-can-run-more-tests-count runsdat)  ;; DELAY TWEAKER (still needed?)
      ;; (thread-sleep! *global-delta*)
      (if (or (not (null? tal))(not (null? reg)))
	  (list (runs:queue-next-hed tal reg reglen regfull)
		(runs:queue-next-tal tal reg reglen regfull)
		(runs:queue-next-reg tal reg reglen regfull)
     ;; must be we have unmet prerequisites
      (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "FAILS: " fails)
      ;; If one or more of the prereqs-not-met are FAIL then we can issue
      ;; a message and drop hed from the items to be processed.
      ;; (runs:mixed-list-testname-and-testrec->list-of-strings prereqs-not-met)
      (if (and (not (null? prereqs-not-met))
	       (runs:lownoise (conc "waiting on tests " prereqs-not-met hed) 60))
	  (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "waiting on tests; " (string-intersperse 
						     prereqs-not-met) ", ")))
      (if (or (null? fails)
	      (member 'toplevel testmode))
	    ;; couldn't run, take a breather
	    (if  (runs:lownoise "Waiting for more work to do..." 60)
		 (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Waiting for more work to do..."))
	    (thread-sleep! 1)
	    (list (car newtal)(cdr newtal) reg reruns))
	  ;; the waiton is FAIL so no point in trying to run hed ever again
	  (if (or (not (null? reg))(not (null? tal)))
	      (if (vector? hed)
		    (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Dropping test " test-name "/" item-path
				 " from the launch list as it has prerequistes that are FAIL")
		    (let ((test-id (rmt:get-test-id run-id hed "")))
		      (if test-id (mt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id "NOT_STARTED" "PREQ_FAIL" "Failed to run due to failed prerequisites")))
		    (runs:shrink-can-run-more-tests-count runsdat) ;; DELAY TWEAKER (still needed?)
		    ;; (thread-sleep! *global-delta*)
		    ;; This next is for the items
		    (mt:test-set-state-status-by-testname run-id test-name item-path "NOT_STARTED" "BLOCKED" #f)
		    (hash-table-set! test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name item-path) 'removed)
		    (list (runs:queue-next-hed tal reg reglen regfull)
			  (runs:queue-next-tal tal reg reglen regfull)
			  (runs:queue-next-reg tal reg reglen regfull)
			  reruns ;; WAS: (cons hed reruns) ;; but that makes no sense?
		  (let ((nth-try (hash-table-ref/default test-registry hed 0)))
		     ((member "RUNNING" (map db:test-get-state prereqs-not-met))
		      (if (runs:lownoise (conc "possible RUNNING prerequistes " hed) 60)
			  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: test " hed " has possible RUNNING prerequisites, don't give up on it yet."))
		      (thread-sleep! 4)
		      (list (runs:queue-next-hed newtal reg reglen regfull)
			    (runs:queue-next-tal newtal reg reglen regfull)
			    (runs:queue-next-reg newtal reg reglen regfull)
		     ((or (not nth-try)
			  (and (number? nth-try)
			       (< nth-try 10)))
		      (hash-table-set! test-registry hed (if (number? nth-try)
							     (+ nth-try 1)
		      (if (runs:lownoise (conc "not removing test " hed) 60)
			  (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "WARNING: not removing test " hed " from queue although it may not be runnable due to FAILED prerequisites"))
		      ;; may not have processed correctly. Could be a race condition in your test implementation? Dropping test " hed) ;;  " as it has prerequistes that are FAIL. (NOTE: hed is not a vector)")
		      (runs:shrink-can-run-more-tests-count runsdat) ;; DELAY TWEAKER (still needed?)
		      ;; (list hed tal reg reruns)
		      ;; (list (car newtal)(cdr newtal) reg reruns)
		      ;; (hash-table-set! test-registry hed 'removed)
		      (list (runs:queue-next-hed newtal reg reglen regfull)
			    (runs:queue-next-tal newtal reg reglen regfull)
			    (runs:queue-next-reg newtal reg reglen regfull)
		     ((symbol? nth-try)
		      (if (eq? nth-try 'removed) ;; removed is removed - drop it NOW
			  (if (null? tal)
			      #f ;; yes, really
			      (list (car tal)(cdr tal) reg reruns))
			    (if (runs:lownoise (conc "FAILED prerequisites or other issue" hed) 60)
				(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: test " hed " has FAILED prerequisites or other issue. Internal state " nth-try " will be overridden and we'll retry."))
			    (mt:test-set-state-status-by-testname run-id test-name item-path "NOT_STARTED" "KEEP_TRYING" #f)
			    (hash-table-set! test-registry hed 0)
			    (list (runs:queue-next-hed newtal reg reglen regfull)
				  (runs:queue-next-tal newtal reg reglen regfull)
				  (runs:queue-next-reg newtal reg reglen regfull)
		      (if (runs:lownoise (conc "FAILED prerequitests and we tried" hed) 60)
			  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: test " hed " has FAILED prerequitests and we've tried at least 10 times to run it. Giving up now."))
		      ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "         prereqs: " prereqs-not-met)
		      (hash-table-set! test-registry hed 'removed)
		      (mt:test-set-state-status-by-testname run-id test-name item-path "NOT_STARTED" "TEN_STRIKES" #f)
		      ;; I'm unclear on if this roll up is needed - it may be the root cause of the "all set to FAIL" bug.
		      (rmt:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items run-id test-name item-path #f "FAIL" #f) ;; treat as FAIL
		      (list (if (null? tal)(car newtal)(car tal))
	      ;; can't drop this - maybe running? Just keep trying
	      (let ((runable-tests (runs:runable-tests prereqs-not-met)))
		(if (null? runable-tests)
		    #f   ;; I think we are truly done here
		    (list (runs:queue-next-hed newtal reg reglen regfull)
			    (runs:queue-next-tal newtal reg reglen regfull)
			    (runs:queue-next-reg newtal reg reglen regfull)

;; scan a list of tests looking to see if any are potentially runnable
(define (runs:runable-tests tests)
  (filter (lambda (t)
	    (if (not (vector? t))
		(let ((state  (db:test-get-state t))
		      (status (db:test-get-status t)))
		  (case (string->symbol state)
		    ((DELETED) #f)
		    (else t)))))

;; move all the miscellanea into this struct
(defstruct runs:gendat inc-results inc-results-last-update inc-results-fmt run-info runname target)

(define *runs:general-data* 
   inc-results: (make-hash-table)
   inc-results-last-update: 0
   inc-results-fmt: "~12a~12a~20a~12a~40a\n" ;; state status time duration test-name item-path
   run-info: #f
   runname: #f
   target: #f

(define (runs:incremental-print-results run-id)
  (let ((curr-sec (current-seconds)))
    (if (> (- curr-sec (runs:gendat-inc-results-last-update *runs:general-data*)) 5) ;; at least five seconds since last update
	(let* ((run-dat  (or (runs:gendat-run-info *runs:general-data*)(rmt:get-run-info run-id)))
	       (runname  (or (runs:gendat-runname *runs:general-data*)
			     (db:get-value-by-header (db:get-rows run-dat)
						     (db:get-header run-dat) "runname")))
	       (target   (or (runs:gendat-target *runs:general-data*)(rmt:get-target run-id)))
	       (testsdat (rmt:get-tests-for-run run-id "%" '() '() ;; run-id testpatt states statuses
						#f #f ;; offset limit
						#f ;; not-in
						#f ;; sort-by
						#f ;; sort-order
						#f ;; get full data (not 'shortlist)
						(runs:gendat-inc-results-last-update *runs:general-data*) ;; last update time
	  (if (not (runs:gendat-run-info *runs:general-data*))
	      (runs:gendat-run-info-set! *runs:general-data* run-dat))
	  (if (not (runs:gendat-runname  *runs:general-data*))
	      (runs:gendat-runname-set! *runs:general-data* runname))
	  (if (not (runs:gendat-target *runs:general-data*))
	      (runs:gendat-target-set! *runs:general-data* target))
	   (lambda (testdat)
	     (let* ((test-id    (db:test-get-id           testdat))
		    (prevdat    (hash-table-ref/default   (runs:gendat-inc-results *runs:general-data*)
							  (conc run-id "," test-id) #f))
		    (test-name  (db:test-get-testname     testdat))
		    (item-path  (db:test-get-item-path    testdat))
		    (state      (db:test-get-state        testdat))
		    (status     (db:test-get-status       testdat))
		    (event-time (db:test-get-event_time   testdat))
		    (duration   (db:test-get-run_duration testdat)))
	       (if (and (not (member state '("DELETED" "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "RUNNING" "LAUNCHED""NOT_STARTED")))
			(not (and prevdat
				  (equal? state  (db:test-get-state  prevdat))
				  (equal? status (db:test-get-status prevdat)))))
		   (let ((fmt   (runs:gendat-inc-results-fmt *runs:general-data*))
			 (dtime (seconds->year-work-week/day-time event-time))) 
		     (if (runs:lownoise "inc-print" 600)
			 (format #t fmt "State" "Status" "Start Time" "Duration" "Test path"))
		     ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "fmt: " fmt " state: " state " status: " status " test-name: " test-name " item-path: " item-path " dtime: " dtime)
		     ;; (debug:print 0 #f "event-time: " event-time " duration: " duration)
		     (format #t fmt
			     (seconds->hr-min-sec duration)
			     (conc "lt/" target "/" runname "/" test-name (if (string-null? item-path) "" (conc "/" item-path))))
		     (hash-table-set! (runs:gendat-inc-results *runs:general-data*) (conc run-id "," test-id) testdat)))))
    (runs:gendat-inc-results-last-update-set! *runs:general-data* (- curr-sec 10))))

;; every time though the loop increment the test/itempatt val.
;; when the min is > max-allowed and none running then force exit
(define *max-tries-hash* (make-hash-table))

;; test-records is a hash table testname:item_path => vector < testname testconfig waitons priority items-info ... >
(define (runs:run-tests-queue run-id runname test-records keyvals flags test-patts required-tests reglen-in all-tests-registry)
  ;; At this point the list of parent tests is expanded 
  ;; NB// Should expand items here and then insert into the run queue.
  (debug:print 5 *default-log-port* "test-records: " test-records ", flags: " (hash-table->alist flags))

  ;; Do mark-and-find clean up of db before starting runing of quue
  ;; (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete)

  (let* ((run-info              (rmt:get-run-info run-id))
	(tests-info            (mt:get-tests-for-run run-id #f '() '())) ;;  qryvals: "id,testname,item_path"))
	(sorted-test-names     (tests:sort-by-priority-and-waiton test-records))
	(test-registry         (make-hash-table))
	(registry-mutex        (make-mutex))
	(num-retries           0)
	(max-retries           (config-lookup *configdat* "setup" "maxretries"))
	(max-concurrent-jobs   (let ((mcj (config-lookup *configdat* "setup"     "max_concurrent_jobs")))
				 (if (and mcj (string->number mcj))
				     (string->number mcj)
				     1))) ;; length of the register queue ahead
	(reglen                (if (number? reglen-in) reglen-in 1))
	(last-time-incomplete  (- (current-seconds) 900)) ;; force at least one clean up cycle
	(last-time-some-running (current-seconds))
	(tdbdat                (tasks:open-db))
	(runsdat (make-runs:dat
		  ;; hed: hed
		  ;; tal: tal
		  ;; reg: reg
		  ;; reruns: reruns
		  reglen: reglen
		  regfull: #f ;; regfull
		  ;; test-record: test-record
		  runname: runname
		  ;; test-name: test-name
		  ;; item-path: item-path
		  ;; jobgroup: jobgroup
		  max-concurrent-jobs: max-concurrent-jobs
		  run-id: run-id
		  ;; waitons: waitons
		  ;; testmode: testmode
		  test-patts: test-patts
		  required-tests: required-tests
		  test-registry: test-registry
		  registry-mutex: registry-mutex
		  flags: flags
		  keyvals: keyvals
		  run-info: run-info
		  ;; newtal: newtal
		  all-tests-registry: all-tests-registry
		  ;; itemmaps: itemmaps
		  ;; prereqs-not-met: (rmt:get-prereqs-not-met run-id waitons hed item-path mode: testmode itemmaps: itemmaps)
		  ;; can-run-more-tests: (runs:can-run-more-tests run-id jobgroup max-concurrent-jobs) ;; look at the test jobgroup and tot jobs running

    ;; Initialize the test-registery hash with tests that already have a record
    ;; convert state to symbol and use that as the hash value
    (for-each (lambda (trec)
		(let ((id (db:test-get-id        trec))
		      (tn (db:test-get-testname  trec))
		      (ip (db:test-get-item-path trec))
		      (st (db:test-get-state     trec)))
		  (if (not (equal? st "DELETED"))
		      (hash-table-set! test-registry (db:test-make-full-name tn ip) (string->symbol st)))))
    (set! max-retries (if (and max-retries (string->number max-retries))(string->number max-retries) 100))

    (let loop ((hed         (car sorted-test-names))
	       (tal         (cdr sorted-test-names))
	       (reg         '()) ;; registered, put these at the head of tal 
	       (reruns      '()))

      (runs:incremental-print-results run-id)

      (if (not (null? reruns))(debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "reruns=" reruns))

      ;; Here we mark any old defunct tests as incomplete. Do this every fifteen minutes
      ;; moving this to a parallel thread and just run it once.
      (if (> (current-seconds)(+ last-time-incomplete 900))
            (set! last-time-incomplete (current-seconds))
            ;; (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete-all-runs)

      ;; (print "Top of loop, hed=" hed ", tal=" tal " ,reruns=" reruns)
      (let* ((test-record (hash-table-ref test-records hed))
	     (test-name   (tests:testqueue-get-testname test-record))
	     (tconfig     (tests:testqueue-get-testconfig test-record))
	     (jobgroup    (config-lookup tconfig "test_meta" "jobgroup"))
	     (testmode    (let ((m (config-lookup tconfig "requirements" "mode")))
			    (if m (map string->symbol (string-split m)) '(normal))))
	     (itemmaps    (tests:get-itemmaps tconfig)) ;;  (configf:lookup tconfig "requirements" "itemmap"))
	     (waitons     (tests:testqueue-get-waitons    test-record))
	     (priority    (tests:testqueue-get-priority   test-record))
	     (itemdat     (tests:testqueue-get-itemdat    test-record)) ;; itemdat can be a string, list or #f
	     (items       (tests:testqueue-get-items      test-record))
	     (item-path   (item-list->path itemdat))
	     (tfullname   (db:test-make-full-name test-name item-path))
	     (newtal      (append tal (list hed)))
	     (regfull     (>= (length reg) reglen))
	     (num-running (rmt:get-count-tests-running-for-run-id run-id))
	     (testdat     (make-runs:testdat
			   hed: hed
			   tal: tal
			   reg: reg
			   reruns: reruns
			   test-record: test-record
			   test-name:   test-name
			   item-path:   item-path
			   jobgroup:    jobgroup
			   waitons:     waitons
			   testmode:    testmode
			   newtal:      newtal
			   itemmaps:    itemmaps
			   ;; prereqs-not-met: prereqs-not-met
	(runs:dat-regfull-set! runsdat regfull)
	;; every couple minutes verify the server is there for this run
	(if (and (common:low-noise-print 60 "try start server"  run-id)
		 (tasks:need-server run-id))
	    (tasks:start-and-wait-for-server tdbdat run-id 10)) ;; NOTE: delay and wait is done under the hood
	(if (> num-running 0)
	  (set! last-time-some-running (current-seconds)))

      (if (> (current-seconds)(+ last-time-some-running (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "give-up-waiting") 36000)))
	  (hash-table-set! *max-tries-hash* tfullname (+ (hash-table-ref/default *max-tries-hash* tfullname 0) 1)))
	;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "max-tries-hash: " (hash-table->alist *max-tries-hash*))

	;; Ensure all top level tests get registered. This way they show up as "NOT_STARTED" on the dashboard
	;; and it is clear they *should* have run but did not.
	(if (not (hash-table-ref/default test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name "") #f))
	      (rmt:register-test run-id test-name "")
	      (hash-table-set! test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name "") 'done)))
	;; Fast skip of tests that are already "COMPLETED" - NO! Cannot do that as the items may not have been expanded yet :(
	(if (member (hash-table-ref/default test-registry tfullname #f) 
		    '(DONOTRUN removed)) ;; *common:cant-run-states-sym*) ;; '(COMPLETED KILLED WAIVED UNKNOWN INCOMPLETE))
	      (if (runs:lownoise (conc "been marked do not run " tfullname) 60)
		  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Skipping test " tfullname " as it has been marked do not run due to being completed or not runnable"))
	      (if (or (not (null? tal))(not (null? reg)))
		  (loop (runs:queue-next-hed tal reg reglen regfull)
			(runs:queue-next-tal tal reg reglen regfull)
			(runs:queue-next-reg tal reg reglen regfull)
		  ;; (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) reg reruns))))

	(runs:incremental-print-results run-id)
	(debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "TOP OF LOOP => "
		     "test-name: " test-name
		     "\n  test-record  " test-record
		     "\n  hed:         " hed
		     "\n  itemdat:     " itemdat
		     "\n  items:       " items
		     "\n  item-path:   " item-path
		     "\n  waitons:     " waitons
		     "\n  num-retries: " num-retries
		     "\n  tal:         " tal
		     "\n  reruns:      " reruns
		     "\n  regfull:     " regfull
		     "\n  reglen:      " reglen
		     "\n  length reg:  " (length reg)
		     "\n  reg:         " reg)

	;; check for hed in waitons => this would be circular, remove it and issue an
	;; error
	(if (member test-name waitons)
	      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "test " test-name " has listed itself as a waiton, please correct this!")
	      (set! waiton (filter (lambda (x)(not (equal? x hed))) waitons))))

	 ;; We want to catch tests that have waitons that are NOT in the queue and discard them IFF 
	 ;; they have been through the wringer 10 or more times
	 ((and (list? waitons)
	       (not (null? waitons))
	       (> (hash-table-ref/default *max-tries-hash* tfullname 0) 10)
	       (not (null? (filter
			    (map (lambda (waiton)
				   (if (and (not (member waiton tal))            ;; this waiton is not in the list to be tried to run
					    (not (member waiton reruns)))
				 waitons))))) ;; could do this more elegantly with a marker....
	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Marking test " tfullname " as not runnable. It is waiting on tests that cannot be run. Giving up now.")
	  (hash-table-set! test-registry tfullname 'removed))

	 ;; items is #f then the test is ok to be handed off to launch (but not before)
	 ((not items)
	  (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "OUTER COND: (not items)")
	  (if (and (not (tests:match test-patts (tests:testqueue-get-testname test-record) item-path required: required-tests))
		   (not (null? tal)))
	      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) reg reruns))
	  (runs:testdat-prereqs-not-met-set! testdat (rmt:get-prereqs-not-met run-id waitons hed item-path mode: testmode itemmaps: itemmaps))
	  (runs:dat-can-run-more-tests-set! runsdat (runs:can-run-more-tests runsdat run-id jobgroup max-concurrent-jobs)) ;; look at the test jobgroup and tot jobs running
	  (let ((loop-list (runs:process-expanded-tests runsdat testdat)))
	      (if loop-list (apply loop loop-list))))

	 ;; items processed into a list but not came in as a list been processed
	 ((and (list? items)     ;; thus we know our items are already calculated
	       (not   itemdat))  ;; and not yet expanded into the list of things to be done
	  (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "OUTER COND: (and (list? items)(not itemdat))")
	  ;; Must determine if the items list is valid. Discard the test if it is not.
	  (if (and (list? items)
		   (> (length items) 0)
		   (and (list? (car items))
			(> (length (car items)) 0))
		   (debug:debug-mode 1))
	      (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* (map (lambda (row)
				    (conc (string-intersperse
					   (map (lambda (varval)
						  (string-intersperse varval "="))
					   " ")
	   (lambda (my-itemdat)
	     (let* ((new-test-record (let ((newrec (make-tests:testqueue)))
				       (vector-copy! test-record newrec)
		    (my-item-path (item-list->path my-itemdat)))
	       (if (tests:match test-patts hed my-item-path required: required-tests) ;; (patt-list-match my-item-path item-patts)           ;; yes, we want to process this item, NOTE: Should not need this check here!
		   (let ((newtestname (db:test-make-full-name hed my-item-path)))    ;; test names are unique on testname/item-path
		     (tests:testqueue-set-items!     new-test-record #f)
		     (tests:testqueue-set-itemdat!   new-test-record my-itemdat)
		     (tests:testqueue-set-item_path! new-test-record my-item-path)
		     (hash-table-set! test-records newtestname new-test-record)
		     (set! tal (append tal (list newtestname))))))) ;; since these are itemized create new test names testname/itempath

	  ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Test " (tests:testqueue-get-testname test-record) " is itemized but has no items")

	  ;; At this point we have possibly added items to tal but all must be handed off to 
	  ;; INNER COND logic. I think loop without rotating the queue 
	  ;; (loop hed tal reg reruns))
	  ;; (let ((newtal (append tal (list hed))))  ;; We should discard hed as it has been expanded into it's items? Yes, but only if this *is* an itemized test
	  ;; (loop (car newtal)(cdr newtal) reg reruns)
	  (if (null? tal)
	      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) reg reruns)))
	 ;; if items is a proc then need to run items:get-items-from-config, get the list and loop 
	 ;;    - but only do that if resources exist to kick off the job
	 ((or (procedure? items)(eq? items 'have-procedure))
	  (let ((can-run-more    (runs:can-run-more-tests runsdat run-id jobgroup max-concurrent-jobs)))
	    (if (and (list? can-run-more)
		     (car can-run-more))
		(let ((loop-list (runs:expand-items hed tal reg reruns regfull newtal jobgroup max-concurrent-jobs run-id waitons item-path testmode test-record can-run-more items runname tconfig reglen test-registry test-records itemmaps)))
		  (if loop-list
		      (apply loop loop-list)))
		;; if can't run more just loop with next possible test
		(loop (car newtal)(cdr newtal) reg reruns))))
	 ;; this case should not happen, added to help catch any bugs
	 ((and (list? items) itemdat)
	  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Should not have a list of items in a test and the itemspath set - please report this")
	  (exit 1))
	 ((not (null? reruns))
	  (let* ((newlst (tests:filter-non-runnable run-id tal test-records)) ;; i.e. not FAIL, WAIVED, INCOMPLETE, PASS, KILLED,
		 (junked (lset-difference equal? tal newlst)))
	    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "full drop through, if reruns is less than 100 we will force retry them, reruns=" reruns ", tal=" tal)
	    (if (< num-retries max-retries)
		(set! newlst (append reruns newlst)))
	    (set! num-retries (+ num-retries 1))
	    ;; (thread-sleep! (+ 1 *global-delta*))
	    (if (not (null? newlst))
		;; since reruns have been tacked on to newlst create new reruns from junked
		(loop (car newlst)(cdr newlst) reg (delete-duplicates junked)))))
	 ((not (null? tal))
	  (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "I'm pretty sure I shouldn't get here."))
	 ((not (null? reg)) ;; could we get here with leftovers?
	  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Have leftovers!")
	  (loop (car reg)(cdr reg) '() reruns))
	  (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "Exiting loop with...\n  hed=" hed "\n  tal=" tal "\n  reruns=" reruns))
    ;; now *if* -run-wait we wait for all tests to be done
    ;; Now wait for any RUNNING tests to complete (if in run-wait mode)
    (thread-sleep! 5) ;; I think there is a race condition here. Let states/statuses settle
    (let wait-loop ((num-running      (rmt:get-count-tests-running-for-run-id run-id))
		    (prev-num-running 0))
      ;; (BB> "num-running=" num-running ", prev-num-running=" prev-num-running)
      (if (and (or (args:get-arg "-run-wait")
		   (equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "run-wait") "yes"))
	       (> num-running 0))
	    ;; Here we mark any old defunct tests as incomplete. Do this every fifteen minutes
	    ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Got here eh! num-running=" num-running " (> num-running 0) " (> num-running 0))
	    (if (> (current-seconds)(+ last-time-incomplete 900))
		  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Marking stuck tests as INCOMPLETE while waiting for run " run-id ". Running as pid " (current-process-id) " on " (get-host-name))
		  (set! last-time-incomplete (current-seconds))
		  (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete run-id #f)))
	    (if (not (eq? num-running prev-num-running))
		(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "run-wait specified, waiting on " num-running " tests in RUNNING, REMOTEHOSTSTART or LAUNCHED state at " (time->string (seconds->local-time (current-seconds)))))
	    (thread-sleep! 5)
	    ;; (wait-loop (rmt:get-count-tests-running-for-run-id run-id) num-running))))
	    (wait-loop (rmt:get-count-tests-running-for-run-id run-id) num-running))))
    ;; LET* ((test-record
    ;; we get here on "drop through". All done!
    (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "All tests launched")))

(define (runs:calc-fails prereqs-not-met)
  (filter (lambda (test)
	    (and (vector? test) ;; not (string? test))
		 (member (db:test-get-state test) '("INCOMPLETE" "COMPLETED"))
		 (not (member (db:test-get-status test)
			      '("PASS" "WARN" "CHECK" "WAIVED" "SKIP")))))

(define (runs:calc-prereq-fail prereqs-not-met)
  (filter (lambda (test)
	    (and (vector? test) ;; not (string? test))
		 (equal? (db:test-get-state test) "NOT_STARTED")
		 (not (member (db:test-get-status test)
			      '("n/a" "KEEP_TRYING")))))

(define (runs:calc-not-completed prereqs-not-met)
   (lambda (t)
     (or (not (vector? t))
	 (not (member (db:test-get-state t) '("INCOMPLETE" "COMPLETED")))))

;; (define (runs:calc-not-completed prereqs-not-met)
;;   (filter
;;    (lambda (t)
;;      (or (not (vector? t))
;; 	 (not (equal? "COMPLETED" (db:test-get-state t)))))
;;    prereqs-not-met))

(define (runs:calc-runnable prereqs-not-met)
   (lambda (t)
     (or (not (vector? t))
	 (and (equal? "NOT_STARTED" (db:test-get-state t))
	      (member (db:test-get-status t)
			      '("n/a" "KEEP_TRYING")))))

(define (runs:pretty-string lst)
  (map (lambda (t)
	 (if (not (vector? t))
	     (conc t)
	     (conc (db:test-get-testname t) ":" (db:test-get-state t) "/" (db:test-get-status t))))

;; parent-test is there as a placeholder for when parent-tests can be run as a setup step
(define (run:test run-id run-info keyvals runname test-record flags parent-test test-registry all-tests-registry)
  ;; All these vars might be referenced by the testconfig file reader
  (let* ((test-name    (tests:testqueue-get-testname   test-record))
	 (test-waitons (tests:testqueue-get-waitons    test-record))
	 (test-conf    (tests:testqueue-get-testconfig test-record))
	 (itemdat      (tests:testqueue-get-itemdat    test-record))
	 (test-path    (hash-table-ref all-tests-registry test-name)) ;; (conc *toppath* "/tests/" test-name)) ;; could use tests:get-testconfig here ...
	 (force        (hash-table-ref/default flags "-force" #f))
	 (rerun        (hash-table-ref/default flags "-rerun" #f))
	 (keepgoing    (hash-table-ref/default flags "-keepgoing" #f))
	 (incomplete-timeout (string->number (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "incomplete-timeout") "x")))
	 (item-path     "")
	 (db           #f)
	 (full-test-name #f))

    ;; setting itemdat to a list if it is #f
    (if (not itemdat)(set! itemdat '()))
    (set! item-path (item-list->path itemdat))
    (set! full-test-name (db:test-make-full-name test-name item-path))
    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port*
		      "\nTESTNAME: " full-test-name 
		      "\n   test-config: " (hash-table->alist test-conf)
		      "\n   itemdat: " itemdat
    (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "Attempting to launch test " full-test-name)
    ;; (setenv "MT_TEST_NAME" test-name) ;; 
    ;; (setenv "MT_ITEMPATH"  item-path)
    ;; (setenv "MT_RUNNAME"   runname)
    (runs:set-megatest-env-vars run-id inrunname: runname testname: test-name itempath: item-path) ;; these may be needed by the launching process
    (change-directory *toppath*)

    ;; Here is where the test_meta table is best updated
    ;; Yes, another use of a global for caching. Need a better way?
    ;; There is now a single call to runs:update-all-test_meta and this 
    ;; per-test call is not needed. Given the delicacy of the move to 
    ;; v1.55 this code is being left in place for the time being.
    (if (not (hash-table-ref/default *test-meta-updated* test-name #f))
	   (hash-table-set! *test-meta-updated* test-name #t)
           (runs:update-test_meta test-name test-conf)))
    ;; itemdat => ((ripeness "overripe") (temperature "cool") (season "summer"))
    (let* ((new-test-path (string-intersperse (cons test-path (map cadr itemdat)) "/"))
	   (test-id       (rmt:get-test-id run-id test-name item-path))
	   (testdat       (if test-id (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id) #f)))
      (if (not testdat)
	  (let loop ()
	    ;; ensure that the path exists before registering the test
	    ;; NOPE: Cannot! Don't know yet which disk area will be assigned....
	    ;; (system (conc "mkdir -p " new-test-path))
	    ;; (open-run-close tests:register-test db run-id test-name item-path)
	    ;; NB// for the above line. I want the test to be registered long before this routine gets called!
	    (if (not test-id)(set! test-id (rmt:get-test-id run-id test-name item-path)))
	    (if (not test-id)
		  (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "WARN: Test not pre-created? test-name=" test-name ", item-path=" item-path ", run-id=" run-id)
		  (rmt:register-test run-id test-name item-path)
		  (set! test-id (rmt:get-test-id run-id test-name item-path))))
	    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "test-id=" test-id ", run-id=" run-id ", test-name=" test-name ", item-path=\"" item-path "\"")
	    (set! testdat (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id))
	    (if (not testdat)
		  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: server is overloaded, trying again in one second")
		  (thread-sleep! 1)
      (if (not testdat) ;; should NOT happen
	  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "failed to get test record for test-id " test-id))
      (set! test-id (db:test-get-id testdat))
      (if (file-exists? test-path)
	  (change-directory test-path)
	    (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "test run path not created before attempting to run the test. Perhaps you are running -remove-runs at the same time?")
	    (change-directory *toppath*)))
      (case (if force ;; (args:get-arg "-force")
		(if testdat
		    (string->symbol (test:get-state testdat))
	 (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to insert the record into the db"))
	 (let ((runflag #f))
	    ;; -force, run no matter what
	    (force (set! runflag #t))
	    ;; NOT_STARTED, run no matter what
	    ((member (test:get-state testdat) '("DELETED" "NOT_STARTED" "INCOMPLETE"))(set! runflag #t))
	    ;; not -rerun and PASS, WARN or CHECK, do no run
	    ((and (or (not rerun)
		  ;; Require to force re-run for COMPLETED or *anything* + PASS,WARN or CHECK
		  (or (member (test:get-status testdat) '("PASS" "WARN" "CHECK" "SKIP" "WAIVED"))
		      (member (test:get-state  testdat) '("COMPLETED")))) 
	     (debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "running test " test-name "/" item-path " suppressed as it is " (test:get-state testdat) " and " (test:get-status testdat))
	     (hash-table-set! test-registry full-test-name 'DONOTRUN) ;; COMPLETED)
	     (set! runflag #f))
	    ;; -rerun and status is one of the specifed, run it
	    ((and rerun
		  (let* ((rerunlst   (string-split rerun ","))
			 (must-rerun (member (test:get-status testdat) rerunlst)))
		    (debug:print-info 3 *default-log-port* "-rerun list: " rerun ", test-status: " (test:get-status testdat)", must-rerun: " must-rerun)
	     (debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "Rerun forced for test " test-name "/" item-path)
	     (set! runflag #t))
	    ;; -keepgoing, do not rerun FAIL
	    ((and keepgoing
		  (member (test:get-status testdat) '("FAIL")))
	     (set! runflag #f))
	    ((and (not rerun)
		  (member (test:get-status testdat) '("FAIL" "n/a")))
	     (set! runflag #t))
	    (else (set! runflag #f)))
	   (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "RUNNING => runflag: " runflag " STATE: " (test:get-state testdat) " STATUS: " (test:get-status testdat))
	   (if (not runflag)
	       (if (not parent-test)
		   (if (runs:lownoise (conc "not starting test" full-test-name) 60)
		       (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "NOTE: Not starting test " full-test-name " as it is state \"" (test:get-state testdat) 
				    "\" and status \"" (test:get-status testdat) "\", use -rerun \"" (test:get-status testdat)
				    "\" or -force to override")))
	       ;; NOTE: No longer be checking prerequisites here! Will never get here unless prereqs are
	       ;;       already met.
	       ;; This would be a great place to do the process-fork
	       (let ((skip-test   #f)
		     (skip-check  (configf:get-section test-conf "skip")))
		  ;; Have to check for skip conditions. This one skips if there are same-named tests
		  ;; currently running
		  ((and skip-check
			(configf:lookup test-conf "skip" "prevrunning"))
		   ;; run-ids = #f means *all* runs
		   (let ((running-tests (rmt:get-tests-for-runs-mindata #f full-test-name '("RUNNING" "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "LAUNCHED") '() #f)))
		     (if (not (null? running-tests)) ;; have to skip 
			 (set! skip-test "Skipping due to previous tests running"))))
		  ((and skip-check
			(configf:lookup test-conf "skip" "fileexists"))
		   (if (file-exists? (configf:lookup test-conf "skip" "fileexists"))
		       (set! skip-test (conc "Skipping due to existance of file " (configf:lookup test-conf "skip" "fileexists")))))

		  ((and skip-check
			(configf:lookup test-conf "skip" "rundelay"))
		   ;; run-ids = #f means *all* runs
		   (let* ((numseconds      (common:hms-string->seconds (configf:lookup test-conf "skip" "rundelay")))
			  (running-tests   (rmt:get-tests-for-runs-mindata #f full-test-name '("RUNNING" "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "LAUNCHED") '() #f))
			  (completed-tests (rmt:get-tests-for-runs-mindata #f full-test-name '("COMPLETED" "INCOMPLETE") '("PASS" "FAIL" "ABORT") #f)) ;; ironically INCOMPLETE is same as COMPLETED in this contex
			  (last-run-times  (map db:mintest-get-event_time completed-tests))
			  (time-since-last (- (current-seconds) (if (null? last-run-times) 0 (common:max last-run-times)))))
		     (if (or (not (null? running-tests)) ;; have to skip if test is running
			     (> numseconds time-since-last))
			 (set! skip-test (conc "Skipping due to previous test run less than " (configf:lookup test-conf "skip" "rundelay") " ago"))))))
		 (if skip-test
		       (mt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id "COMPLETED" "SKIP" skip-test)
		       (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "SKIPPING Test " full-test-name " due to " skip-test))
		     (if (not (launch-test test-id run-id run-info keyvals runname test-conf test-name test-path itemdat flags))
			   (print "ERROR: Failed to launch the test. Exiting as soon as possible")
			   (set! *globalexitstatus* 1) ;; 
			   (process-signal (current-process-id) signal/kill))))))))
	 (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "NOTE: " full-test-name " is already running or was explictly killed, use -force to launch it.")
	 (hash-table-set! test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name test-path) 'DONOTRUN)) ;; KILLED))
	 (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "NOTE: " test-name " is already running"))
	;; (if (> (- (current-seconds)(+ (db:test-get-event_time testdat)
	;; 			       (db:test-get-run_duration testdat)))
	;; 	(or incomplete-timeout
	;; 	    6000)) ;; i.e. no update for more than 6000 seconds
	;;      (begin
	;;        (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Test " test-name " appears to be dead. Forcing it to state INCOMPLETE and status STUCK/DEAD")
	;;        (tests:test-set-status! run-id test-id "INCOMPLETE" "STUCK/DEAD" "" #f))
	;;        ;; (tests:test-set-status! test-id "INCOMPLETE" "STUCK/DEAD" "" #f))
	;;      (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "NOTE: " test-name " is already running")))
	 (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to launch test " full-test-name ". Unrecognised state " (test:get-state testdat))
	 (case (string->symbol (test:get-state testdat)) 
	    (hash-table-set! test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name test-path) 'DONOTRUN))
	    (hash-table-set! test-registry (db:test-make-full-name test-name test-path) 'DONOTRUN))))))))


(define (get-dir-up-n dir . params) 
  (let ((dparts  (string-split dir "/"))
	(count   (if (null? params) 1 (car params))))
    (conc "/" (string-intersperse 
	       (take dparts (- (length dparts) count))

(define (runs:recursive-delete-with-error-msg real-dir)
  (if (> (system (conc "rm -rf " real-dir)) 0)
	;; FAILED, possibly due to permissions, do chmod a+rwx then try one more time
	(system (conc "chmod -R a+rwx " real-dir))
	(if (> (system (conc "rm -rf " real-dir)) 0)
	    (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "There was a problem removing " real-dir " with rm -f")))))

(define (runs:safe-delete-test-dir real-dir)
  ;; first delete all sub-directories
   (lambda (f x)
     (let ((fullname (conc real-dir "/" f)))
       (if (directory? fullname)(runs:recursive-delete-with-error-msg fullname)))
     (+ 1 x))
   0 real-dir)
  ;; then files other than *testdat.db*
   (lambda (f x)
     (let ((fullname (conc real-dir "/" f)))
       (if (not (string-search (regexp "testdat.db") f))
	   (runs:recursive-delete-with-error-msg fullname)))
     (+ 1 x))
   0 real-dir)
  ;; then the entire directory
  (runs:recursive-delete-with-error-msg real-dir))

;; Remove runs
;; fields are passing in through 
;; action:
;;    'remove-runs
;;    'set-state-status
;; NB// should pass in keys?
(define (runs:operate-on action target runnamepatt testpatt #!key (state #f)(status #f)(new-state-status #f)(mode 'remove-all)(options '()))
  (common:clear-caches) ;; clear all caches
  (let* ((db           #f)
	 (tdbdat       (tasks:open-db))
	 (keys         (rmt:get-keys))
	 (rundat       (mt:get-runs-by-patt keys runnamepatt target))
	 (header       (vector-ref rundat 0))
	 (runs         (vector-ref rundat 1))
	 (states       (if state  (string-split state  ",") '()))
	 (statuses     (if status (string-split status ",") '()))
	 (state-status (if (string? new-state-status) (string-split new-state-status ",") '(#f #f)))
	 (rp-mutex     (make-mutex))
	 (bup-mutex    (make-mutex)))
    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "runs:operate-on => Header: " header " action: " action " new-state-status: " new-state-status)
    (if (> 2 (length state-status))
	  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "the parameter to -set-state-status is a comma delimited string. E.g. COMPLETED,FAIL")
     (lambda (run)
       (let ((runkey (string-intersperse (map (lambda (k)
						(db:get-value-by-header run header k)) keys) "/"))
	     (dirs-to-remove (make-hash-table))
	     (proc-get-tests (lambda (run-id)
			      (mt:get-tests-for-run run-id
						    testpatt states statuses
						    not-in:  #f
						    sort-by: (case action
							       ((remove-runs) 'rundir)
							       (else          'event_time))))))
	 (let* ((run-id    (db:get-value-by-header run header "id"))
		(run-state (db:get-value-by-header run header "state"))
		(run-name  (db:get-value-by-header run header "runname"))
		(tests     (if (not (equal? run-state "locked"))
			       (proc-get-tests run-id)
		(lasttpath "/does/not/exist/I/hope")
		(worker-thread #f))
	   (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "runs:operate-on run=" run ", header=" header)
	   (if (not (null? tests))
		 (case action
		    ;; (if (tasks:need-server run-id)(tasks:start-and-wait-for-server tdbdat run-id 10))
		    ;; seek and kill in flight -runtests with % as testpatt here
		    ;; (if (equal? testpatt "%")
		    (tasks:kill-runner target run-name testpatt)
		    ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "not attempting to kill any run launcher processes as testpatt is " testpatt))
		    (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "Removing tests for run: " runkey " " (db:get-value-by-header run header "runname")))
		    (if (tasks:need-server run-id)(tasks:start-and-wait-for-server tdbdat run-id 10))
		    (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "Modifying state and staus for tests for run: " runkey " " (db:get-value-by-header run header "runname")))
		    (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "Printing info for run " runkey ", run=" run ", tests=" tests ", header=" header)
		    (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "Waiting for run " runkey ", run=" runnamepatt " to complete"))
		    (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "Archiving/restoring (" (args:get-arg "-archive") ") data for run: " runkey " " (db:get-value-by-header run header "runname"))
		    (set! worker-thread (make-thread (lambda ()
						       (case (string->symbol (args:get-arg "-archive"))
							 ((save save-remove keep-html)(archive:run-bup (args:get-arg "-archive") run-id run-name tests rp-mutex bup-mutex))
							 ((restore)(archive:bup-restore (args:get-arg "-archive") run-id run-name tests rp-mutex bup-mutex))
							  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "unrecognised sub command to -archive. Run \"megatest\" to see help")
		    (thread-start! worker-thread))
		    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "action not recognised " action)))
		 ;; actions that operate on one test at a time can be handled below
		 (let ((sorted-tests     (filter 
					  (sort tests (lambda (a b)(let ((dira ;; (rmt:sdb-qry 'getstr 
									  (db:test-get-rundir a)) ;; )  ;; (filedb:get-path *fdb* (db:test-get-rundir a)))
									 (dirb ;; (rmt:sdb-qry 'getstr 
									  (db:test-get-rundir b))) ;; ) ;; ((filedb:get-path *fdb* (db:test-get-rundir b))))
								     (if (and (string? dira)(string? dirb))
									 (> (string-length dira)(string-length dirb))
		       (toplevel-retries (make-hash-table)) ;; try three times to loop through and remove top level tests
		       (test-retry-time  (make-hash-table))
		       (allow-run-time   10)) ;; seconds to allow for killing tests before just brutally killing 'em
		   (let loop ((test (car sorted-tests))
			      (tal  (cdr sorted-tests)))
		     (let* ((test-id       (db:test-get-id test))
			    (new-test-dat  (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id)))
		       (if (not new-test-dat)
			     (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "We have a test-id of " test-id " but no record was found. NOTE: No locking of records is done between processes, do not simultaneously remove the same run from two processes!")
			     (if (not (null? tal))
				 (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))
			   (let* ((item-path     (db:test-get-item-path new-test-dat))
				  (test-name     (db:test-get-testname new-test-dat))
				  (run-dir       ;;(filedb:get-path *fdb*
				   ;; (rmt:sdb-qry 'getid 
				   (db:test-get-rundir new-test-dat)) ;; )    ;; run dir is from the link tree
				  (test-state    (db:test-get-state new-test-dat))
				  (test-fulln    (db:test-get-fullname new-test-dat))
				  (uname         (db:test-get-uname    new-test-dat))
				  (toplevel-with-children (and (db:test-get-is-toplevel test)
							       (> (rmt:test-toplevel-num-items run-id test-name) 0))))
			     (case action
				;; if the test is a toplevel-with-children issue an error and do not remove
				(if toplevel-with-children
				      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: skipping removal of " test-fulln " with run-id " run-id " as it has sub tests")
				      (hash-table-set! toplevel-retries test-fulln (+ (hash-table-ref/default toplevel-retries test-fulln 0) 1))
				      (if (> (hash-table-ref toplevel-retries test-fulln) 3)
					  (if (not (null? tal))
					      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))) ;; no else clause - drop it if no more in queue and > 3 tries
					  (let ((newtal (append tal (list test))))
					    (loop (car newtal)(cdr newtal))))) ;; loop with test still in queue
				      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "test: " test-name " itest-state: " test-state)
				      (if (member test-state (list "RUNNING" "LAUNCHED" "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "KILLREQ"))
					    (if (not (hash-table-ref/default test-retry-time test-fulln #f))
						  ;; want to set to REMOVING BUT CANNOT do it here?
						  (hash-table-set! test-retry-time test-fulln (current-seconds))))
					    (if (> (- (current-seconds)(hash-table-ref test-retry-time test-fulln)) allow-run-time)
						;; This test is not in a correct state for cleaning up. Let's try some graceful shutdown steps first
						;; Set the test to "KILLREQ" and wait five seconds then try again. Repeat up to five times then give
						;; up and blow it away.
						  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: could not gracefully remove test " test-fulln ", tried to kill it to no avail. Forcing state to FAILEDKILL and continuing")
					    (mt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id (db:test-get-id test) "FAILEDKILL" "n/a" #f)
						  (thread-sleep! 1))
					    (mt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id (db:test-get-id test) "KILLREQ" "n/a" #f)
						  (thread-sleep! 1)))
					    ;; NOTE: This is suboptimal as the testdata will be used later and the state/status may have changed ...
					    (if (null? tal)
						(loop new-test-dat tal)
						(loop (car tal)(append tal (list new-test-dat)))))
					    (runs:remove-test-directory new-test-dat mode) ;; 'remove-all)
					    (if (not (null? tal))
						(loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))))
				(rmt:update-run-stats run-id (rmt:get-raw-run-stats run-id)))
				(debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "new state " (car state-status) ", new status " (cadr state-status))
				(mt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id (db:test-get-id test) (car state-status)(cadr state-status) #f)
				(if (not (null? tal))
				    (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))
				(debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "still waiting, " (length tests) " tests still running")
				(thread-sleep! 10)
				(let ((new-tests (proc-get-tests run-id)))
				  (if (null? new-tests)
				      (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "Run completed according to zero tests matching provided criteria.")
				      (loop (car new-tests)(cdr new-tests)))))
				(if (and run-dir (not toplevel-with-children))
				    (let ((ddir (conc run-dir "/")))
				      (case (string->symbol (args:get-arg "-archive"))
					((save save-remove keep-html)
					 (if (file-exists? ddir)
					     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Estimating disk space usage for " test-fulln ": " (common:get-disk-space-used ddir)))))))
				(if (not (null? tal))
				    (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))
		     (if worker-thread (thread-join! worker-thread))))))
	   ;; remove the run if zero tests remain
	   (if (eq? action 'remove-runs)
	       (let ((remtests (mt:get-tests-for-run (db:get-value-by-header run header "id") #f '("DELETED") '("n/a") not-in: #t)))
		 (if (null? remtests) ;; no more tests remaining
		     (let* ((dparts  (string-split lasttpath "/"))
			    (runpath (conc "/" (string-intersperse 
						(take dparts (- (length dparts) 1))
		       (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "Removing run: " runkey " " (db:get-value-by-header run header "runname") " and related record")
		       (rmt:delete-run run-id)
		       ;; (rmt:set-var "DELETED_TESTS" (current-seconds))
		       ;; need to figure out the path to the run dir and remove it if empty
		       ;;    (if (null? (glob (conc runpath "/*")))
		       ;;        (begin
		       ;; 	 (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "Removing run dir " runpath)
		       ;; 	 (system (conc "rmdir -p " runpath))))
    ;; (sqlite3:finalize! (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat))

(define (runs:remove-test-directory test mode) ;; remove-data-only)
  (let* ((run-dir       (db:test-get-rundir test))    ;; run dir is from the link tree
	 (real-dir      (if (file-exists? run-dir)
			    ;; (resolve-pathname run-dir)
			    (common:nice-path run-dir)
    (case mode
      ((remove-data-only)(mt:test-set-state-status-by-id (db:test-get-run_id test)(db:test-get-id test) "CLEANING" "LOCKED" #f))
      ((remove-all)      (mt:test-set-state-status-by-id (db:test-get-run_id test)(db:test-get-id test) "REMOVING" "LOCKED" #f))
      ((archive-remove)  (mt:test-set-state-status-by-id (db:test-get-run_id test)(db:test-get-id test) "ARCHIVE_REMOVING" #f #f)))
    (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "Attempting to remove " (if real-dir (conc " dir " real-dir " and ") "") " link " run-dir)
    (if (and real-dir 
	     (> (string-length real-dir) 5)
	     (file-exists? real-dir)) ;; bad heuristic but should prevent /tmp /home etc.
	(begin ;; let* ((realpath (resolve-pathname run-dir)))
	  (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "Recursively removing " real-dir)
	  (if (file-exists? real-dir)
	      (runs:safe-delete-test-dir real-dir)
	      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: test dir " real-dir " appears to not exist or is not readable")))
	(if real-dir 
	    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: directory " real-dir " does not exist")
	    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: no real directory corrosponding to link " run-dir ", nothing done")))
    (if (symbolic-link? run-dir)
	  (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "Removing symlink " run-dir)
	   (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* " Failed to remove symlink " run-dir ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", attempting to continue")
	   (delete-file run-dir)))
	(if (directory? run-dir)
	    (if (> (directory-fold (lambda (f x)(+ 1 x)) 0 run-dir) 0)
		(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: refusing to remove " run-dir " as it is not empty")
		 (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* " Failed to remove directory " run-dir ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", attempting to continue")
		 (delete-directory run-dir)))
	    (if (and run-dir
		     (not (member run-dir (list "n/a" "/tmp/badname"))))
		(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: not removing " run-dir " as it either doesn't exist or is not a symlink")
		(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "NOTE: the run dir for this test is undefined. Test may have already been deleted."))
    ;; Only delete the records *after* removing the directory. If things fail we have a record 
    (case mode
      ((remove-data-only)(mt:test-set-state-status-by-id (db:test-get-run_id test)(db:test-get-id test) "NOT_STARTED" "n/a" #f))
      ((archive-remove)  (mt:test-set-state-status-by-id (db:test-get-run_id test)(db:test-get-id test) "ARCHIVED" #f #f))
      (else (rmt:delete-test-records (db:test-get-run_id test) (db:test-get-id test))))))

;; Routines for manipulating runs

;; Since many calls to a run require pretty much the same setup 
;; this wrapper is used to reduce the replication of code
(define (general-run-call switchname action-desc proc)
  (let ((runname (or (args:get-arg "-runname")(args:get-arg ":runname")))
	(target  (common:args-get-target)))
     ((not target)
      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Missing required parameter for " switchname ", you must specify the target with -target")
      (exit 3))
     ((not runname)
      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Missing required parameter for " switchname ", you must specify the run name with -runname runname")
      (exit 3))
      (let (;; (db   #f)
	    (keys #f))
	(if (launch:setup)
	      (full-runconfigs-read) ;; cache the run config
	      (launch:cache-config)) ;; do not cache here - need to be sure runconfigs is processed
	      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to setup, exiting")
	      (exit 1)))
	(set! keys (keys:config-get-fields *configdat*))
	;; have enough to process -target or -reqtarg here
	(if (args:get-arg "-reqtarg")
	    (let* ((runconfigf (conc  *toppath* "/runconfigs.config")) ;; DO NOT EVALUATE ALL 
		   (runconfig  (read-config runconfigf #f #t environ-patt: #f)))
	      (if (hash-table-ref/default runconfig (args:get-arg "-reqtarg") #f)
		  (keys:target-set-args keys (args:get-arg "-reqtarg") args:arg-hash)
		    (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "[" (args:get-arg "-reqtarg") "] not found in " runconfigf)
		    ;; (if db (sqlite3:finalize! db))
		    (exit 1)
	    (if (args:get-arg "-target")
		(keys:target-set-args keys (args:get-arg "-target" args:arg-hash) args:arg-hash)))
	(if (not (car *configinfo*))
	      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Attempted to " action-desc " but run area config file not found")
	      (exit 1))
	    ;; Extract out stuff needed in most or many calls
	    ;; here then call proc
	    (let* ((keyvals    (keys:target->keyval keys target)))
	      (proc target runname keys keyvals)))
	;; (if db (sqlite3:finalize! db))
	(set! *didsomething* #t))))))

;; Lock/unlock runs

(define (runs:handle-locking target keys runname lock unlock user)
  (let* ((db       #f)
	 (rundat   (mt:get-runs-by-patt keys runname target))
	 (header   (vector-ref rundat 0))
	 (runs     (vector-ref rundat 1)))
    (for-each (lambda (run)
		(let ((run-id (db:get-value-by-header run header "id")))
		  (if (or lock
			  (and unlock
				 (print "Do you really wish to unlock run " run-id "?\n   y/n: ")
				 (equal? "y" (read-line)))))
		      (rmt:lock/unlock-run run-id lock unlock user)
		      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Skipping lock/unlock on " run-id))))
;; Rollup runs

;; Update the test_meta table for this test
(define (runs:update-test_meta test-name test-conf)
  (let ((currrecord (rmt:testmeta-get-record test-name)))
    (if (not currrecord)
	  (set! currrecord (make-vector 11 #f))
	  (rmt:testmeta-add-record test-name)))
     (lambda (key)
       (let* ((idx (cadr key))
	      (fld (car  key))
	      (val (config-lookup test-conf "test_meta" fld)))
	 ;; (debug:print 5 *default-log-port* "idx: " idx " fld: " fld " val: " val)
	 (if (and val (not (equal? (vector-ref currrecord idx) val)))
	       (print "Updating " test-name " " fld " to " val)
	       (rmt:testmeta-update-field test-name fld val)))))
     '(("author" 2)("owner" 3)("description" 4)("reviewed" 5)("tags" 9)("jobgroup" 10)))))

;; find tests with matching tags, tagpatt is a string "tagpatt1,tagpatt2%, ..."
(define (runs:get-tests-matching-tags tagpatt)
  (let* ((tagdata (rmt:get-tests-tags))
         (res     '())) ;; list of tests that match one or more tags
     (lambda (tag)
       (if (patt-list-match tag tagpatt)
           (set! res (append (hash-table-ref tagdata tag)))))
     (hash-table-keys tagdata))

;; Update test_meta for all tests
(define (runs:update-all-test_meta db)
  (let ((test-names (tests:get-all))) ;; (tests:get-valid-tests)))
     (lambda (test-name)
       (let* ((test-conf    (mt:lazy-read-test-config test-name)))
	 (if test-conf (runs:update-test_meta test-name test-conf))))
     (hash-table-keys test-names))))

;; This could probably be refactored into one complex query ...
(define (runs:rollup-run keys runname user keyvals)
  (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "runs:rollup-run, keys: " keys " -runname " runname " user: " user)
  (let* ((db              #f)
	 ;; register run operates on the main db
	 (new-run-id      (rmt:register-run keyvals runname "new" "n/a" user))
	 (prev-tests      (rmt:get-matching-previous-test-run-records new-run-id "%" "%"))
	 (curr-tests      (mt:get-tests-for-run new-run-id "%/%" '() '()))
	 (curr-tests-hash (make-hash-table)))
    (rmt:update-run-event_time new-run-id)
    ;; index the already saved tests by testname and itemdat in curr-tests-hash
     (lambda (testdat)
       (let* ((testname  (db:test-get-testname testdat))
	      (item-path (db:test-get-item-path testdat))
	      (full-name (conc testname "/" item-path)))
	 (hash-table-set! curr-tests-hash full-name testdat)))
    ;; NOPE: Non-optimal approach. Try this instead.
    ;;   1. tests are received in a list, most recent first
    ;;   2. replace the rollup test with the new *always*
     (lambda (testdat)
       (let* ((testname  (db:test-get-testname testdat))
	      (item-path (db:test-get-item-path testdat))
	      (full-name (conc testname "/" item-path))
	      (prev-test-dat (hash-table-ref/default curr-tests-hash full-name #f))
	      (test-steps    (rmt:get-steps-for-test (db:test-get-id testdat)))
	      (new-test-record #f))
	 ;; replace these with insert ... select
	 (apply sqlite3:execute 
		(conc "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tests (run_id,testname,state,status,event_time,host,cpuload,diskfree,uname,rundir,item_path,run_duration,final_logf,comment) "
		      "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);")
		new-run-id (cddr (vector->list testdat)))
	 (set! new-testdat (car (mt:get-tests-for-run new-run-id (conc testname "/" item-path) '() '())))
	 (hash-table-set! curr-tests-hash full-name new-testdat) ;; this could be confusing, which record should go into the lookup table?
	 ;; Now duplicate the test steps
	 (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "Copying records in test_steps from test_id=" (db:test-get-id testdat) " to " (db:test-get-id new-testdat))
	 (cdb:remote-run ;; to be replaced, note: this routine is not used currently
	  (lambda ()
	     (conc "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO test_steps (test_id,stepname,state,status,event_time,comment) "
		   "SELECT " (db:test-get-id new-testdat) ",stepname,state,status,event_time,comment FROM test_steps WHERE test_id=?;")
	     (db:test-get-id testdat))
	    ;; Now duplicate the test data
	    (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "Copying records in test_data from test_id=" (db:test-get-id testdat) " to " (db:test-get-id new-testdat))
	     (conc "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO test_data (test_id,category,variable,value,expected,tol,units,comment) "
		   "SELECT " (db:test-get-id new-testdat) ",category,variable,value,expected,tol,units,comment FROM test_data WHERE test_id=?;")
	     (db:test-get-id testdat))))