
tests.scm at [91fd288f45]

File tests/tests.scm artifact 18c56c70d8 part of check-in 91fd288f45

;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
;;  This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;;  greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;;  This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the

;;  strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S','now','localtime')

(require-extension test)
(require-extension regex)
(require-extension srfi-18)
(import srfi-18)
;; (require-extension zmq)
;; (import zmq)

(define test-work-dir (current-directory))

;; read in all the _record files
(let ((files (glob "*_records.scm")))
   (lambda (file)
     (print "Loading " file)
     (load file))

(define *runremote* #f)

;; P R O C E S S E S

(test "cmd-run-with-stderr->list" '("No such file or directory")
      (let ((reslst (cmd-run-with-stderr->list "ls" "/tmp/ihadbetternotexist")))
	(string-search (regexp "No such file or directory")(car reslst))))

;; T E S T   M A T C H I N G

;; tests:glob-like-match
(test #f '("abc") (tests:glob-like-match "abc" "abc"))
 (lambda (patt str expected)
   (test (conc patt " " str "=>" expected) expected (tests:glob-like-match patt str)))
 (list "abc"    "~abc" "~abc" "a*c"  "a%c")
 (list "abc"    "abcd" "abc"  "ABC"  "ABC")
 (list '("abc")  #t      #f     #f '("ABC"))

;; tests:match
(test #f #t (tests:match "abc/def" "abc" "def"))
 (lambda (patterns testname itempath expected)
   (test (conc patterns " " testname "/" itempath "=>" expected)
	 (tests:match patterns testname itempath)))
 (list "abc" "abc/%" "ab%/c%" "~abc/c%" "abc/~c%" "a,b/c,%/d" "%/,%/a" "%/,%/a" "%/,%/a" "%" "%" "%/" "%/" "%abc%")
 (list "abc" "abc"   "abcd"   "abc"     "abc"     "a"         "abc"     "def"    "ghi"   "a" "a"  "a"  "a" "abc")
 (list   ""  ""      "cde"    "cde"     "cde"     ""            ""      "a"       "b"    ""  "b"  ""   "b" "abc")
 (list   #t    #t       #t    #f           #f      #t           #t       #t       #f     #t  #t   #t    #f #t))

;; db:patt->like
(test #f "testname LIKE 't%'" (db:patt->like "testname" "t%" comparator: " AND "))
(test #f "testname LIKE 't%' AND testname LIKE '%t'" (db:patt->like "testname" "t%,%t" comparator: " AND "))
(test #f "item_path GLOB ''" (db:patt->like "item_path" ""))

;; test:match->sqlqry
(test #f "(testname GLOB 'a' AND item_path GLOB 'b') OR (testname LIKE 'a%' AND item_path LIKE '%') OR (testname GLOB '' AND item_path LIKE 'b%')"
      (tests:match->sqlqry "a/b,a%,/b%"))
(test #f "(testname GLOB 'a' AND item_path GLOB 'b') OR (testname LIKE 'a%' AND item_path LIKE '%') OR (testname LIKE '%' AND item_path LIKE 'b%')"
      (tests:match->sqlqry "a/b,a%,%/b%"))

;; S E R V E R

(test "setup for run" #t (begin (setup-for-run)
				(string? (getenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))))

(test "server-register, get-best-server" #t (let ((res #f))
					      (open-run-close tasks:server-register tasks:open-db 1 "bob" 1234 100 'live 'http)
					      (set! res (open-run-close tasks:get-best-server tasks:open-db))
					      (number? (vector-ref res 3))))

(test "de-register server" #t (let ((res #f))
				(open-run-close tasks:server-deregister tasks:open-db "bob" port: 1234)
				(vector? (open-run-close tasks:get-best-server tasks:open-db))))

(define server-pid #f)
(test "launch server" #t (let ((pid (process-fork (lambda ()
						    ;; (daemon:ize)
						    (server:launch 'http)))))
			   (set! server-pid pid)
			   (number? pid)))

(thread-sleep! 3) ;; need to wait for server to start. Yes, a better way is needed.
(test "get-best-server" #t (let ((dat (open-run-close tasks:get-best-server tasks:open-db)))
			     (set! *runremote* (list (vector-ref dat 1)(vector-ref dat 2))) ;; host ip pullport pubport
			     (and (string? (car  *runremote*))
			     	  (number? (cadr *runremote*)))))

(test #f #t (car (cdb:login *runremote* *toppath* *my-client-signature*)))
(test #f #t (let ((res (client:login *runremote*)))
	      (car res)))

;; C O N F I G   F I L E S 

(define conffile #f)
(test "Read a config" #t (hash-table? (read-config "test.config" #f #f)))
(test "Read a config that doesn't exist" #t (hash-table? (read-config "nada.config" #f #f)))

(set! conffile (read-config "test.config" #f #f))
(test "Get available diskspace" #t (number? (get-df "./")))
(test "Get best dir" #t (let ((bestdir (get-best-disk conffile)))
			      (or (equal? "./"   bestdir)
				  (equal? "/tmp" bestdir))))
(test "Multiline variable" 4 (length (string-split (config-lookup conffile "metadata" "description") "\n")))

;; db
(define row    (vector "a" "b" "c" "blah"))
(define header (list "col1" "col2" "col3" "col4"))
(test "Get row by header" "blah" (db:get-value-by-header row header "col4"))

;; (define *toppath* "tests")
(define *db* #f)
(test "open-db" #t (begin
		     (set! *db* (open-db))
		     (if *db* #t #f)))

;; quit wasting time, I'm changing *db* to db
(define db *db*)

(test "get cpu load" #t (number? (get-cpu-load)))
(test "get uname"    #t (string? (get-uname)))

(test "get validvalues as list" (list "start" "end" "completed")
      (string-split (config-lookup *configdat* "validvalues" "state")))

(for-each (lambda (item)
	    (test (conc "get valid items (" item ")")
		  item (items:check-valid-items "state" item)))
	  (list "start" "end" "completed"))

(for-each (lambda (item)
	    (test (conc "get valid items (" item ")")
		  item (items:check-valid-items "status" item)))
	  (list "pass" "fail" "n/a"))

(test #f #f (items:check-valid-items "state" "blahfool"))

(test "write env files" "nada.csh" (begin
                                      (save-environment-as-files "nada")
                                      (and (file-exists? "")
    			                 (file-exists? "nada.csh"))))

(test #f #t (cdb:client-call *runremote* 'immediate #t 1 (lambda ()(display "Got here eh!?") #t)))

;; (set! *verbosity* 20)
(test #f *verbosity* (cadr (cdb:set-verbosity *runremote* *verbosity*)))
(test #f #f (cdb:roll-up-pass-fail-counts *runremote* 1 "test1" "" "PASS"))
;; (set! *verbosity* 1)
;; (cdb:set-verbosity *runremote* *verbosity*)

(test "get all legal tests" (list "test1" "test2") (sort (get-all-legal-tests) string<=?))

(test "get-keys" "SYSTEM" (car (db:get-keys *db*)))

(define remargs (args:get-args
		 '("bar" "foo" ":runname" "bob" ":SYSTEM" "ubuntu" ":RELEASE" "v1.2" ":datapath" "blah/foo" "nada")
		 (list ":runname" ":state" ":status")
		 (list "-h")

(test "register-run" #t (number?
			 (db:register-run *db*
					  '(("SYSTEM" "key1")("RELEASE" "key2"))

(test #f #t             (cdb:tests-register-test *runremote* 1 "nada" ""))
(test #f 1              (cdb:remote-run db:get-test-id #f 1 "nada" ""))
(test #f "NOT_STARTED"  (vector-ref (open-run-close db:get-test-info #f 1 "nada" "") 3))
(test #f "NOT_STARTED"  (vector-ref (cdb:get-test-info *runremote* 1 "nada" "") 3))

(define keys (db:get-keys *db*))

;; D B

(test #f "FOO LIKE 'abc%def'" (db:patt->like "FOO" "abc%def"))
(test #f "key2" (vector-ref (car (vector-ref (runs:get-runs-by-patt *db* '("SYSTEM" "RELEASE") "%" "key1/key2") 1)) 1))

(test #f "SYSTEM,RELEASE,id,runname,state,status,owner,event_time" (car (runs:get-std-run-fields keys '("id" "runname" "state" "status" "owner" "event_time"))))
(test #f #t (runs:operate-on 'print "%" "%" "%"))

;;(test "update-test-info" #t (test-update-meta-info *db* 1 "nada" 
(setenv "BLAHFOO" "1234")
(unsetenv "NADAFOO")
(test "env temp overrides" "xyz" (let ((prevvals (alist->env-vars '(("BLAHFOO" 4321)("NADAFOO" xyz))))
				       (result   (get-environment-variable "NADAFOO")))
				    (alist->env-vars prevvals)

(test "env restored" "1234" (get-environment-variable "BLAHFOO"))

(test "Items assoc" "Elephant" (cadar (cadr (item-assoc->item-list '(("ANIMAL" "Elephant Lion")("SEASON" "Spring Fall"))))))
(set! *verbosity* 6)
(test "Items assoc" '()(item-assoc->item-list '(("a" "a b c d")("b" "c d e")("c" "")("d"))))
(set! *verbosity* -1)
(test "Items assoc empty items" '()   (item-assoc->item-list '(("A"))))
(set! *verbosity* 1)
(test "Items table" "SEASON" (caadar (item-table->item-list '(("ANIMAL" "Elephant Lion")("SEASON" "Spring Winter")))))
(test "Items table empty items I" '() (item-table->item-list '(("A"))))
(test "Items table empty items II" '() (item-table->item-list '(("A" ""))))

;; Test out the steps code

(define test-id #f)

;; force keepgoing
; (hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-keepgoing" #t)
(hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-itempatt" "%")
(hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-testpatt" "%")
(hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-target" "ubuntu/r1.2")
(test "Setup for a run"       #t (begin (setup-for-run) #t))

(define *tdb* #f)
(define keyvals #f)
(test "target->keyval" #t (let ((kv (keys:target->keyval keys (args:get-arg "-target"))))
			    (set! keyvals kv)(list? keyvals)))

(define testdbpath (conc "/tmp/" (getenv "USER") "/megatest_testing"))
(system (conc "rm -f " testdbpath "/testdat.db;mkdir -p " testdbpath))

(print "Using " testdbpath " for test db")
(test #f #t (let ((db (open-test-db testdbpath)))
	      (set! *tdb* db)
	      (sqlite3#database? db)))
(sqlite3#finalize! *tdb*)

;; (test "Remove the rollup run" #t (begin (remove-runs) #t))
(define tconfig #f)
(test "get a testconfig" #t (let ((tconf (tests:get-testconfig "test1" 'return-procs)))
			      (set! tconfig tconf)
			      (hash-table? tconf)))

(test "set-megatest-env-vars"
	(set-megatest-env-vars 1 inkeys: keys)
	(get-environment-variable "SYSTEM")))
(test "setup-env-defaults"
      "see this variable"
	(setup-env-defaults "runconfigs.config" 1 *already-seen-runconfig-info* keys keyvals "pre-launch-env-vars")
	(get-environment-variable "ALLTESTS")))

(test #f "ubuntu" (car (keys:target-set-args keys (args:get-arg "-target") args:arg-hash)))

(define rinfo #f)
(test "get-run-info"  #f (vector? (vector-ref (let ((rinf (cdb:remote-run db:get-run-info #f 1)))
						(set! rinfo rinf)
						rinf) 0)))
(test "get-key-vals"  "key1" (car (cdb:remote-run db:get-key-vals #f 1)))
(test "tests:sort-by" '() (tests:sort-by-priority-and-waiton (make-hash-table)))

(test "update-test_meta" "test1" (begin
				   (runs:update-test_meta "test1" tconfig)
				   (let ((dat (cdb:remote-run db:testmeta-get-record #f "test1")))
				     (vector-ref dat 1))))

(define test-path "tests/test1")
(define disk-path #f)
(test "get-best-disk"    #t (string? (file-exists? (let ((d (get-best-disk *configdat*)))
						     (set! disk-path d)
(test "create-work-area" #t (symbolic-link? (car (create-work-area 1 rinfo keyvals 1 test-path disk-path "test1" '()))))
(test #f "" (item-list->path '()))

(test "launch-test" #t (string? (file-exists? (launch-test 1 1 rinfo keyvals "run1" tconfig "test1" test-path '() (make-hash-table)))))

(test "Run a test" #t (general-run-call 
		       "run a test"
		       (lambda (target runname keys keyvallst)
			 (let ((test-patts "test%"))
			   ;; (runs:run-tests target runname test-patts user (make-hash-table))
			   ;; (run:test run-id run-info key-vals runname test-record flags parent-test)
			   ;; (set! *verbosity* 22) ;; (list 0 1 2))
			   (run:test 1 ;; run-id
				     #f        ;; run-info is yet only a dream
				     keyvallst ;; (keys:target->keyval keys target)
				     "run1"    ;; runname 
				     (vector            ;; test_records.scm tests:testqueue
				      "test1"           ;; testname
				      tconfig           ;; testconfig
				      '()               ;; waitons
				      0                 ;; priority
				      #f                ;; items
				      #f                ;; itemsdat
				      ""                ;; itempath
				     args:arg-hash      ;; flags (e.g. -itemspatt)
			   ;; (set! *verbosity* 0)

(test "server stop" #f (let ((hostname (car  *runremote*))
			     (port     (cadr *runremote*)))
			 (tasks:kill-server #t hostname port server-pid 'http)
			 (open-run-close tasks:get-best-server tasks:open-db)))

(exit 1)
;; (test "cache is coherent" #t (let ((cached-info (db:get-test-info-cached-by-id db 2))
;; 				   (non-cached  (db:get-test-info-not-cached-by-id db 2)))
;; 			       (print "\nCached:    " cached-info)
;; 			       (print "Noncached: " non-cached)
;; 			       (equal? cached-info non-cached)))

(change-directory test-work-dir)
(test "Add a step"  #t
	(db:teststep-set-status! db 2 "step1" "start" 0 "This is a comment" "mylogfile.html")
	(sleep 2)
	(db:teststep-set-status! db 2 "step1" "end" "pass" "This is a different comment" "finallogfile.html")
	(set! test-id (db:test-get-id (car (cdb:remote-run db:get-tests-for-run #f 1 "test1" '() '()))))
	(number? test-id)))

(test "Get rundir"       #t (let ((rundir (cdb:remote-run db:test-get-rundir-from-test-id #f test-id)))
			      (print "Rundir " rundir)
			      (system (conc "mkdir -p " rundir))
			      (string? rundir)))
(test #f #t (sqlite3#database? (open-test-db "./")))
(test "Create a test db" "../simpleruns/key1/key2/myrun/test1/testdat.db"
      (let ((tdb (open-run-close db:open-test-db-by-test-id db test-id)))
	(if tdb (sqlite3#finalize! tdb))
	(file-exists? "../simpleruns/key1/key2/myrun/test1/testdat.db")))

(test "Get steps for test" #t (let ((steps (cdb:remote-run db:get-steps-for-test #f test-id)))
				(print steps)
				(> (length steps) 0)))
(test "Get nice table for steps" "2.0s"
	(vector-ref (hash-table-ref (open-run-close db:get-steps-table #f test-id) "step1") 4)))

;; (exit)

(test #f "myrun" (cdb:remote-run db:get-run-name-from-id #f 1))

(test #f #f (cdb:remote-run db:roll-up-pass-fail-counts #f 1 "nada" "" "PASS"))

;; R E M O T E   C A L L S 

(define start-wait (current-seconds))
(print "Starting intensive cache and rpc test")
(for-each (lambda (params)
	    (print "Intensive: params=" params)
	    (cdb:tests-register-test *runremote* 1 (conc "test" (random 20)) "")
	    (apply cdb:test-set-status-state *runremote* test-id params)
	    (cdb:pass-fail-counts *runremote* test-id (random 100) (random 100))
	    (cdb:test-rollup-test_data-pass-fail *runremote* test-id)
	    (cdb:roll-up-pass-fail-counts *runremote* 1 "test1" "" (cadr params))
	    (thread-sleep! 0.01)) ;; cache ordering granularity is at the second level. Should really be at the ms level
	  '(("COMPLETED"    "PASS" #f)
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("COMPLETED"    "PASS" #f)
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("KILLED"       "UNKNOWN" "More testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("COMPLETED"    "PASS" #f)
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("KILLED"       "UNKNOWN" "More testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("COMPLETED"    "PASS" #f)
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("KILLED"       "UNKNOWN" "More testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("COMPLETED"    "PASS" #f)
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("KILLED"       "UNKNOWN" "More testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("COMPLETED"    "PASS" #f)
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("KILLED"       "UNKNOWN" "More testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("COMPLETED"    "PASS" #f)
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("KILLED"       "UNKNOWN" "More testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("COMPLETED"    "PASS" #f)
	    ("NOT_STARTED"  "FAIL" "Just testing")
	    ("KILLED"       "UNKNOWN" "More testing")
	    ("KILLED"       "UNKNOWN" "More testing")

;; now set all tests to completed
(cdb:flush-queue *runremote*)
(let ((tests (cdb:remote-run db:get-tests-for-run #f 1 "%" '() '())))
  (print "Setting " (length tests) " to COMPLETED/PASS")
   (lambda (test)
     (cdb:test-set-status-state *runremote* (db:test-get-id test) "COMPLETED" "PASS" "Forced pass"))

;; (process-wait server-pid)
;; (test "Server wait time" #t (let ((run-delta (- (current-seconds) start-wait)))
;; 			      (print "Server ran for " run-delta " seconds")
;; 			      (> run-delta 20)))

(test "Rollup the run(s)" #t (begin
			       (runs:rollup-run keys (keys->alist keys "na") "rollup" "matt")

(hash-table-set! args:arg-hash ":runname" "%")

(test "Remove the rollup run" #t (begin (operate-on 'remove-runs)))

(print "Waiting for server to be done, should be about 20 seconds")
(test "server stop" #f (let ((hostname (car  *runremote*))
			     (port     (cadr *runremote*)))
			 (tasks:kill-server #t hostname port server-pid 'http)
			 (open-run-close tasks:get-best-server tasks:open-db)))

;; (cdb:kill-server *runremote*)

;; (thread-join! th1 th2 th3)

;; ADD ME!!!! (db:get-prereqs-not-met *db* 1 '("runfirst") "" mode: 'normal)
;; ADD ME!!!! (rdb:get-tests-for-run *db* 1 "runfirst" #f '() '())