;; Copyright 2006-2011, Matthew Welland.
;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
;; Run keys, these are used to hierarchially organise tests and run areas
(define-inline (key:get-fieldname key)(vector-ref key 0))
(define-inline (key:get-fieldtype key)(vector-ref key 1))
(define (get-keys db)
(let ((keys '())) ;; keys are vectors <fieldname,type>
(sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (fieldname fieldtype)
(set! keys (cons (vector fieldname fieldtype) keys)))
"SELECT fieldname,fieldtype FROM keys ORDER BY id ASC;")
(reverse keys))) ;; could just sort desc?
;; get key vals for a given run-id
(define (get-key-vals db run-id)
(let* ((keys (get-keys db))
(res '()))
(debug:print 6 "keys: " keys " run-id: " run-id)
(lambda (key)
(let ((qry (conc "SELECT " (key:get-fieldname key) " FROM runs WHERE id=?;")))
;; (debug:print 0 "qry: " qry)
(lambda (key-val)
(set! res (cons key-val res)))
db qry run-id)))
(reverse res)))
;; get key val pairs for a given run-id
;; ( (FIELDNAME1 keyval1) (FIELDNAME2 keyval2) ... )
(define (keys:get-key-val-pairs db run-id)
(let* ((keys (get-keys db))
(res '()))
(debug:print 6 "keys: " keys " run-id: " run-id)
(lambda (key)
(let ((qry (conc "SELECT " (key:get-fieldname key) " FROM runs WHERE id=?;")))
;; (debug:print 0 "qry: " qry)
(lambda (key-val)
(set! res (cons (list (key:get-fieldname key) key-val) res)))
db qry run-id)))
(reverse res)))
(define (keys->keystr keys) ;; => key1,key2,key3,additiona1, ...
(string-intersperse (map key:get-fieldname keys) ","))
(define-inline (keys->valslots keys) ;; => ?,?,? ....
(string-intersperse (map (lambda (x) "?") keys) ","))
(define-inline (keys->key/field keys . additional)
(string-join (map (lambda (k)(conc (key:get-fieldname k) " " (key:get-fieldtype k)))(append keys additional)) ","))
(define (args:usage . a) #f)
;; keys->vallist is called several times (quite unnecessarily), use this hash to suppress multiple
;; reporting of missing keys on the command line.
(define keys:warning-suppress-hash (make-hash-table))
;; Using the keys pulled from the database (initially set from the megatest.config file)
;; look for the equivalent value on the command line and add it to a list, or #f if not found.
;; default => (val1 val2 val3 ...)
;; withkey => (:key1 val1 :key2 val2 :key3 val3 ...)
(define (keys->vallist keys . withkey) ;; ORDERING IS VERY IMPORTANT, KEEP PROPER ORDER HERE!
(let* ((keynames (map key:get-fieldname keys))
(argkeys (map (lambda (k)(conc ":" k)) keynames))
(withkey (not (null? withkey)))
(newremargs (args:get-args (cons "blah" remargs) argkeys '() args:arg-hash 0))) ;; the cons blah works around a bug in args [args assumes ("calling-prog-name" .... ) ]
;;(debug:print 0 "remargs: " remargs " newremargs: " newremargs)
(apply append (map (lambda (x)
(let ((val (args:get-arg x)))
;; (debug:print 0 "x: " x " val: " val)
(if (not val)
(if (not (hash-table-ref/default keys:warning-suppress-hash x #f))
(debug:print 0 "WARNING: missing key " x ". Specified in database but not on command line, using \"unk\"")
(hash-table-set! keys:warning-suppress-hash x #t)))
(set! val "default")))
(if withkey (list x val) (list val))))
;; Given a list of keys (list of vectors) return an alist ((key argval) ...)
(define (keys->alist keys defaultval)
(let* ((keynames (map key:get-fieldname keys))
(newremargs (args:get-args (cons "blah" remargs) (map (lambda (k)(conc ":" k)) keynames) '() args:arg-hash 0))) ;; the cons blah works around a bug in args
(map (lambda (key)
(let ((val (args:get-arg (conc ":" key))))
(list key (if val val defaultval))))
(define (keystring->keys keystring)
(map (lambda (x)
(let ((xlst (string-split x ":")))
(list->vector (if (> (length xlst) 1) xlst (append (car xlst)(list "TEXT"))))))
(delete-duplicates (string-split keystring ","))))
(define (config-get-fields confdat)
(let ((fields (hash-table-ref/default confdat "fields" '())))
(map (lambda (x)(vector (car x)(cadr x)))