
common.scm at [a817d72104]

File common.scm artifact 1de0232341 part of check-in a817d72104

;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;;     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;     (at your option) any later version.
;;     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;     GNU General Public License for more details.
;;     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.


 (prefix base64 base64:)
 (prefix nanomsg nmsg:)
 (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)
 (srfi 18)
 extras ;; tcp 
 (prefix dbi dbi:)
 udp ;; sql-de-lite

(declare (unit common))
(declare (uses commonmod))
(import commonmod)

;; dbr:dbstruct is used here. should move it
(declare (uses dbmod))
(import dbmod)

(declare (uses configfmod))
(import configfmod)

(include "common_records.scm")

;; (require-library margs)
;; (include "margs.scm")

;; (define old-exit exit)
;; (define (exit . code)
;;   (if (null? code)
;;       (old-exit)
;;       (old-exit code)))

(define (common:debug-setup)
  (debug:setup (cond ;; debug arg
		((args:get-arg "-debug-noprop") 'noprop)
		((args:get-arg "-debug")         #t)
		(else #f))
	       (cond ;; verbosity arg
		((args:get-arg "-q") 'v)
		((args:get-arg "-q") 'q)
		(else #f))))

;; L O C K I N G   M E C H A N I S M S 

;; faux-lock is deprecated. Please use simple-lock below
(define (common:faux-lock keyname #!key (wait-time 8)(allow-lock-steal #t))
  (if (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f) ;; do not be tempted to compare to pid. locking is a one-shot action, if already locked for this pid it doesn't actually count
      (if (> wait-time 0)
	    (thread-sleep! 1)
	    (if (eq? wait-time 1) ;; only one second left, steal the lock
		  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "stealing lock for " keyname)
		  (common:faux-unlock keyname force: #t)))
	    (common:faux-lock keyname wait-time: (- wait-time 1)))
        (rmt:no-sync-set keyname (conc (current-process-id)))
        (equal? (conc (current-process-id)) (conc (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f))))))

(define (common:faux-unlock keyname #!key (force #f))
  (if (or force (equal? (conc (current-process-id)) (conc (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f))))
        (if (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f) (rmt:no-sync-del! keyname))

;; simple lock. improve and converge on this one.
(define (common:simple-lock keyname)
  (rmt:no-sync-get-lock keyname))

(define (common:simple-unlock keyname #!key (force #f))
  (rmt:no-sync-del! keyname))

(define (common:run-a-command cmd #!key (with-vars #f) (with-orig-env #f))
  (let* ((pre-cmd  (dtests:get-pre-command))
         (post-cmd (dtests:get-post-command))
         (fullcmd  (if (or pre-cmd post-cmd)
                       (conc pre-cmd cmd post-cmd)
                       (conc "viewscreen " cmd))))
    (debug:print-info 02 *default-log-port* "Running command: " fullcmd)
     (with-vars     (common:without-vars  fullcmd))
     (with-orig-env (common:with-orig-env fullcmd))
     (else          (common:without-vars  fullcmd "MT_.*")))))

;; ideally put all this info into the db, no need to preserve it across moving homehost
;; return list of
;;  ( reachable? cpuload update-time )
(define (common:get-host-info hostname)
  (let* ((loadinfo                         (rmt:get-latest-host-load hostname)) ;; if this host happens to have been recently used by a test reuse the load data
         (load                             (car loadinfo))
         (load-sample-time                 (cdr loadinfo))
         (load-sample-age                  (- (current-seconds) load-sample-time))
         (loadinfo-timeout-seconds         6) ;; this was 20 seconds, seems way too lax. Switch to 6 seconds
         (host-last-update-timeout-seconds 4)
         (host-rec (hash-table-ref/default *host-loads* hostname #f))
     ((< load-sample-age loadinfo-timeout-seconds)
      (list #t
     ((and host-rec
           (< (current-seconds) (+ (host-last-update host-rec) host-last-update-timeout-seconds)))
      (list #t
            (host-last-update host-rec)
            (host-last-cpuload host-rec )))
     ((common:unix-ping hostname)
      (list #t
            (alist-ref 'adj-core-load (common:get-normalized-cpu-load hostname)))) ;; this is cheaper than you might think. get-normalized-cpu-load is cached for up to 5 seconds
      (list #f 0 -1) ;; bad host, don't use!

;; see defstruct host at top of file.
;;    host: reachable last-update last-used last-cpuload
(define (common:update-host-loads-table hosts-raw)
  (let* ((hosts (filter (lambda (x)
                          (string-match (regexp "^\\S+$") x))
     (lambda (hostname)
       (let* ((rec       (let ((h (hash-table-ref/default *host-loads* hostname #f)))
                          (if h
                              (let ((h (make-host)))
                                (hash-table-set! *host-loads* hostname h)
              (host-info         (common:get-host-info hostname))
              (is-reachable      (car host-info))
              (last-reached-time (cadr host-info))
              (load              (caddr host-info)))
         (host-reachable-set!    rec is-reachable)
         (host-last-update-set!  rec last-reached-time)
         (host-last-cpuload-set! rec load)))

;; hash-table tree to html list tree
;;   tipfunc takes two parameters: y the tip value and path the path to that point
(define (common:htree->html ht path tipfunc)
  (let ((datlist 	(sort (hash-table->alist ht)
                              (lambda (a b)
                                (string< (car a)(car b))))))
    (if (null? datlist)
    	(tipfunc #f path) ;; really shouldn't get here
	 (map (lambda (x)
		(let* ((levelname (car x))
		       (y         (cdr x))
		       (newpath   (append path (list levelname)))
		       (leaf      (or (not (hash-table? y))
				      (null? (hash-table-keys y)))))
		  (if leaf
		      (s:li (tipfunc y newpath))
			(common:htree->html y newpath tipfunc))))))

;; logic for getting homehost. Returns (host . at-home)
;; IF *toppath* is not set, wait up to five seconds trying every two seconds
;; (this is to accomodate the watchdog)
(define (common:get-homehost #!key (trynum 5))
  ;; called often especially at start up. use mutex to eliminate collisions
  (mutex-lock! *homehost-mutex*)
    (mutex-unlock! *homehost-mutex*)
   ((not *toppath*)
    (mutex-unlock! *homehost-mutex*)
    (launch:setup) ;; safely mutexed now
    (if (> trynum 0)
	  (thread-sleep! 2)
	  (common:get-homehost trynum: (- trynum 1)))
    (let* ((currhost (get-host-name))
	   (bestadrs (server:get-best-guess-address currhost))
	   ;; first look in config, then look in file .homehost, create it if not found
	   (homehost (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "homehost" )
			     (if (> trynum 0)
				 (let ((delay-time (* (- 5 trynum) 5)))
				   (mutex-unlock! *homehost-mutex*)
				   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: ["(common:human-time)"] Failed to read .homehost file, delaying "
						delay-time " seconds and trying again, message: "  ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)
						", exn=" exn)
				   (thread-sleep! delay-time)
				   (common:get-homehost trynum: (- trynum 1)))
				   (mutex-unlock! *homehost-mutex*)
				   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: ["(common:human-time)
						"] Failed to read .homehost file after trying five times. Giving up and exiting, message: "
						((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
				   (exit 1)))
			   (let ((hhf (conc *toppath* "/.homehost")))
			     (if (common:file-exists? hhf)
				 (with-input-from-file hhf read-line)
				 (if (file-write-access? *toppath*)
				       (with-output-to-file hhf
					 (lambda ()
					   (print bestadrs)))
					 (mutex-unlock! *homehost-mutex*)
					 (car (common:get-homehost))))
	   (at-home  (or (equal? homehost currhost)
			 (equal? homehost bestadrs))))
      (set! *home-host* (cons homehost at-home))
      (mutex-unlock! *homehost-mutex*)

;; am I on the homehost?
(define (common:on-homehost?)
  (let ((hh (common:get-homehost)))
    (if hh
	(cdr hh)

;; D A S H B O A R D   U S E R   V I E W S

;; first read ~/views.config if it exists, then read $MTRAH/views.config if it exists
(define (common:load-views-config)
  (let* ((view-cfgdat    (make-hash-table))
	 (home-cfgfile   (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.mtviews.config"))
	 (mthome-cfgfile (conc *toppath* "/.mtviews.config")))
    (if (common:file-exists? mthome-cfgfile)
	(read-config mthome-cfgfile view-cfgdat #t))
    ;; we load the home dir file AFTER the MTRAH file so the user can clobber settings when running the dashboard in read-only areas
    (if (common:file-exists? home-cfgfile)
	(read-config home-cfgfile view-cfgdat #t))

;; T A R G E T S  ,   S T A T E ,   S T A T U S ,   
;;                    R U N N A M E    A N D   T E S T P A T T

;; (map print (map car (hash-table->alist (read-config "runconfigs.config" #f #t))))
(define (common:get-runconfig-targets #!key (configf #f))
  (let ((targs       (sort (map car (hash-table->alist
				     (or configf ;; NOTE: There is no value in using runconfig:read here.
					 (read-config (conc *toppath* "/runconfigs.config")
						      #f #t)
	(target-patt (args:get-arg "-target")))
    (if target-patt
	(filter (lambda (x)
		  (patt-list-match x target-patt))

;; Lookup a value in runconfigs based on -reqtarg or -target
(define (runconfigs-get config var)
  (let ((targ (common:args-get-target))) ;; (or (args:get-arg "-reqtarg")(args:get-arg "-target")(getenv "MT_TARGET"))))
    (if targ
	(or (configf:lookup config targ var)
	    (configf:lookup config "default" var))
	(configf:lookup config "default" var))))

(define (common:args-get-state)
  (or (args:get-arg "-state")(args:get-arg ":state")))

(define (common:args-get-status)
  (or (args:get-arg "-status")(args:get-arg ":status")))

(define (common:args-get-testpatt rconf)
  (let* (;; (tagexpr       (args:get-arg "-tagexpr"))
         ;; (tags-testpatt (if tagexpr (string-join (runs:get-tests-matching-tags tagexpr) ",") #f))
         (testpatt-key  (or (args:get-arg "-modepatt") (args:get-arg "--modepatt") "TESTPATT"))
         (args-testpatt (or (args:get-arg "-testpatt") (args:get-arg "-runtests") "%"))
         (rtestpatt     (if rconf (runconfigs-get rconf testpatt-key) #f)))
     ((or (args:get-arg "--modepatt") (args:get-arg "-modepatt")) ;; modepatt is a forced setting, when set it MUST refer to an existing PATT in the runconfig
      (if rconf
	  (let* ((patts-from-mode-patt	  (runconfigs-get rconf testpatt-key)))
	    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "modepatt defined is: "testpatt-key" runconfigs values for  " testpatt-key " "  patts-from-mode-patt)
	    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* " modepatt defined is: "testpatt-key" runconfigs values for  " testpatt-key) ;;  " " patts-from-mode-patt)
	    #f)))     ;; We do NOT fall back to "%"
     ;; (tags-testpatt
     ;;  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "-tagexpr "tagexpr" selects testpatt "tags-testpatt)
     ;;  tags-testpatt)
     ((and (equal? args-testpatt "%") rtestpatt)
      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "testpatt defined in "testpatt-key" from runconfigs: " rtestpatt)
      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "using testpatt " args-testpatt " rtestpatt:" rtestpatt)

(define (common:get-linktree)
  (or (getenv "MT_LINKTREE")
      (if *configdat*
	  (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree")
      (if (or *toppath* (getenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))
	  (conc (or *toppath* (getenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")) "/lt")
      (let* ((tp (common:get-toppath #f))
	     (lt (conc tp "/lt")))
	(if (not tp)(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: cannot calculate best path for linktree, using " lt))

(define (common:args-get-runname)
  (let ((res (or (args:get-arg "-runname")
		 (args:get-arg ":runname")
		 (getenv "MT_RUNNAME"))))
    ;; (if res (set-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME" res)) ;; not sure if this is a good idea. side effect and all ...

(define (std-exit-procedure)
  (on-exit (lambda () 0))
  ;;(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "std-exit-procedure called; *time-to-exit*="*time-to-exit*)
  (let ((no-hurry  (if *time-to-exit* ;; hurry up
			 (set! *time-to-exit* #t)
    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "starting exit process, finalizing databases.")
    (if (and no-hurry (debug:debug-mode 18))
    (let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda () ;; thread for cleaning up, give it five seconds
                              (if *dbstruct-db* (db:close-all *dbstruct-db*)) ;; one second allocated
			      (if *task-db*    
				  (let ((db (cdr *task-db*)))
				    (if (sqlite3:database? db)
					  (sqlite3:interrupt! db)
					  (sqlite3:finalize! db #t)
					  ;; (vector-set! *task-db* 0 #f)
					  (set! *task-db* #f)))))
                              ;; (if (and *runremote*
                              ;;          (remote-conndat *runremote*))
                              ;;     (begin
                              ;;       (http-client#close-all-connections!))) ;; for http-client
                              (if (not (eq? *default-log-port* (current-error-port)))
                                  (close-output-port *default-log-port*))
			      (set! *default-log-port* (current-error-port))) "Cleanup db exit thread"))
	  (th2 (make-thread (lambda ()
			      (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "Attempting clean exit. Please be patient and wait a few seconds...")
			      (if no-hurry
                                    (thread-sleep! 5)) ;; give the clean up few seconds to do it's stuff
      				  (thread-sleep! 2)))
      			      (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* " ... done")
			    "clean exit")))
      (thread-start! th1)
      (thread-start! th2)
      (thread-join! th1)


;; TODO: for multiple areas, we will have multiple watchdogs; and multiple threads to manage
(define (common:watchdog)
  (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "common:watchdog entered.")
  (if (launch:setup)
      (if (common:on-homehost?)
	  (let ((dbstruct (db:setup #t)))
	    (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "after db:setup with dbstruct=" dbstruct)
	     ((dbr:dbstruct-read-only dbstruct)
	      (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "loading read-only watchdog")
	      (common:readonly-watchdog dbstruct))
	      (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "loading writable-watchdog.")
              (let* ((syncer (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "sync-method") "brute-force-sync")))
                 ((equal? syncer "brute-force-sync")
                  (server:writable-watchdog-bruteforce dbstruct))
                 ((equal? syncer "delta-sync")
                  (server:writable-watchdog-deltasync dbstruct))
                  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Unknown server/sync-method specified ("syncer") - valid values are brute-force-sync and delta-sync.")
                  (exit 1)))
                ;;(debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "INFO: ["(common:human-time)"] Syncer started (method="syncer")")
	    (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "watchdog done."))
	  (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "no need for watchdog on non-homehost"))))

(define (common:wait-for-homehost-load maxnormload msg)
  (let* ((hh-dat (if (common:on-homehost?) ;; if we are on the homehost then pass in #f so the calls are local.
         (hh     (if hh-dat (car hh-dat) #f)))
    (common:wait-for-normalized-load maxnormload msg hh)))

(define (get-with-default val default)
  (let ((val (args:get-arg val)))
    (if val val default)))

(define (common:run-sync?)
    (and (common:on-homehost?)
	 (args:get-arg "-server")))

(define (common:args-get-target #!key (split #f)(exit-if-bad #f))
  (let* ((keys    (if (hash-table? *configdat*) (common:get-fields *configdat*) '()))
	 (numkeys (length keys))
	 (target  (or (args:get-arg "-reqtarg")
		      (args:get-arg "-target")
		      (getenv "MT_TARGET")))
	 (tlist   (if target (string-split target "/" #t) '()))
	 (valid   (if target
		      (or (null? keys) ;; probably don't know our keys yet
			  (and (not (null? tlist))
			       (eq? numkeys (length tlist))
			       (null? (filter string-null? tlist))))
    (if valid
	(if split
	(if target
	      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Invalid target, spaces or blanks not allowed \"" target "\", target should be: " (string-intersperse keys "/") ", have " tlist " for elements")
	      (if exit-if-bad (exit 1))

;; do we honor the caches of the config files?
(define (common:use-cache?)
  (let ((res #t)) ;; priority by order of evaluation
    (if *configdat* ;; sillyness here. can't use setup/use-cache to know if we can use the cached files!
	(if (equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "use-cache") "no")
	    (set! res #f)
	    (if (equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "use-cache") "yes")
		(set! res #t))))
    (if (args:get-arg "-no-cache")(set! res #f)) ;; overrides setting in "setup"
    (if (getenv "MT_USE_CACHE")
	(if (equal? (getenv "MT_USE_CACHE") "yes")
	    (set! res #t)
	    (if (equal? (getenv "MT_USE_CACHE") "no")
		(set! res #f))))    ;; overrides -no-cache switch

;; force use of server?
(define (common:force-server?)
  (let* ((force-setting (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "force"))
	 (force-type    (if force-setting (string->symbol force-setting) #f))
	 (force-result  (case force-type
			  ((#f)     #f)
			  ((always) #t)
			  ((test)   (if (args:get-arg "-execute") ;; we are in a test
			   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: Bad server force setting " force-setting ", forcing server.")
			   #t)))) ;; default to requiring server
    (if force-result
	  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "forcing use of server, force setting is \"" force-setting "\".")

(define (common:in-running-test?)
  (and (args:get-arg "-execute") (get-environment-variable "MT_CMDINFO")))

(define (debug:setup debug-arg verbose-arg) ;; debug-arg= #f, #t or 'noprop
  (let ((debugstr (or debug-arg ;; (args:get-arg "-debug")
		      ;; (args:get-arg "-debug-noprop")
		      (get-environment-variable "MT_DEBUG_MODE"))))
    (debug:calc-verbosity debugstr verbose-arg)
    ;; (debug:check-verbosity *verbosity* debugstr)
    ;; if we were handed a bad verbosity rule then we will override it with 1 and continue
    (if (not (verbosity))(set! (verbosity) 1))
    (if (and (not (eq? debug-arg 'noprop))
	     (or debug-arg
		 (not (get-environment-variable "MT_DEBUG_MODE"))))
	(setenv "MT_DEBUG_MODE" (if (list? (verbosity))
				    (string-intersperse (map conc (verbosity)) ",")
				    (conc (verbosity)))))))

;; go through the hosts from least recently used to most recently used, pick the first that meets the load criteral from the
;; [host-rules] section.
(define (common:get-least-loaded-host hosts-raw host-type configdat)
  (let* ((rdat       (configf:lookup configdat "host-rules" host-type))
	 (rules      (common:val->alist (or rdat "") convert: #t))   ;; maxnload, maxnjobs, maxjobrate
	 (maxnload   (common:alist-ref/default 'maxnload rules 1.5)) ;; max normalized load
	 (maxnjobs   (common:alist-ref/default 'maxnjobs rules 1.5)) ;; max normalized number of jobs
	 (maxjobrate (common:alist-ref/default 'maxjobrate rules (/ 1 6))) ;; max rate of submitting jobs to a given host in jobs/second
	 (hosts      (filter (lambda (x)
			       (string-match (regexp "^\\S+$") x))
         ;; (best-host #f)
	 (get-rec    (lambda (hostname)
		       ;; (print "get-rec hostname=" hostname)
		       (let ((h (hash-table-ref/default *host-loads* hostname #f)))
			 (if h
			     (let ((h (make-host)))
			       (hash-table-set! *host-loads* hostname h)
         (best-load 99999)
         (curr-time (current-seconds))
	 (get-hosts-sorted (lambda (hosts)
			     (sort hosts (lambda (a b)
					   (let ((a-rec (get-rec a))
						 (b-rec (get-rec b)))
					     ;; (print "a=" a " a-rec=" a-rec " host-last-used=" (host-last-used a-rec))
					     ;; (print "b=" b " b-rec=" b-rec " host-last-used=" (host-last-used b-rec))
					     (< (host-last-used a-rec)
						(host-last-used b-rec))))))))
    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: hosts-sorted=" (get-hosts-sorted hosts))
    (if (null? hosts)
	#f ;; no hosts to select from. All done and giving up now.
	(let ((hosts-sorted (get-hosts-sorted hosts)))
	  (common:update-host-loads-table hosts)
	  (let loop ((hostname  (car hosts-sorted))
		     (tal       (cdr hosts-sorted))
		     (best-host #f))
	    (let* ((rec       (get-rec hostname))
		   (reachable (host-reachable     rec))
		   (load      (host-last-cpuload  rec))
		   (last-used (host-last-used     rec))
		   (delta     (- curr-time last-used))
		   (job-rate  (if (> delta 0)
				  (/ 1 delta)
				  999)) ;; jobs per second
		     ((not reachable)
		      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Skipping host " hostname " as it cannot be reached.")
		     ((and (< load maxnload)        ;; load is acceptable
			   (< job-rate maxjobrate)) ;; job rate is acceptable
		      (set! best-load load)
		     (else best-host))))
	      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Trying host " hostname " with load " load ", last used " delta " seconds ago, with job-rate " job-rate " for running a test." )
	      (if new-best
		  (begin ;; found a host, return it
		    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Found host: " new-best " load: " load " last-used: " delta " seconds ago, with job-rate: " job-rate)
		    (host-last-used-set! rec curr-time)
		  (if (null? tal) #f (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) best-host)))))))))

;; '(print (string-intersperse (map cadr (hash-table-ref/default (read-config "megatest.config" \#f \#t) "disks" '"'"'("none" ""))) "\n"))'
(define (common:get-disks #!key (configf #f))
   (or configf (read-config "megatest.config" #f #t))
   "disks" '("none" "")))

;; currently the primary job of the watchdog is to run the sync back to megatest.db from the db in /tmp
;; if we are on the homehost and we are a server (by definition we are on the homehost if we are a server)
(define (common:readonly-watchdog dbstruct)
  (thread-sleep! 0.05) ;; delay for startup
  (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "common:readonly-watchdog entered.")
  ;; sync megatest.db to /tmp/.../megatst.db
  (let* ((sync-cool-off-duration   3)
        (golden-mtdb     (dbr:dbstruct-mtdb dbstruct))
        (golden-mtpath   (db:dbdat-get-path golden-mtdb))
        (tmp-mtdb        (dbr:dbstruct-tmpdb dbstruct))
        (tmp-mtpath      (db:dbdat-get-path tmp-mtdb)))
    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Read-only periodic sync thread started.")
    (let loop ((last-sync-time 0))
      (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "loop top tmp-mtpath="tmp-mtpath" golden-mtpath="golden-mtpath)
      (let* ((duration-since-last-sync (- (current-seconds) last-sync-time)))
        (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "duration-since-last-sync="duration-since-last-sync)
        (if (and (not *time-to-exit*)
                 (< duration-since-last-sync sync-cool-off-duration))
            (thread-sleep! (- sync-cool-off-duration duration-since-last-sync)))
        (if (not *time-to-exit*)
            (let ((golden-mtdb-mtime (file-modification-time golden-mtpath))
                  (tmp-mtdb-mtime    (file-modification-time tmp-mtpath)))
	      (if (> golden-mtdb-mtime tmp-mtdb-mtime)
		  (if (< golden-mtdb-mtime (- (current-seconds) 3)) ;; file has NOT been touched in past three seconds, this way multiple servers won't fight to sync back
		      (let ((res (db:multi-db-sync dbstruct 'old2new)))
			(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "rosync called, " res " records transferred."))))
              (loop (current-seconds)))
    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Exiting readonly-watchdog timer, *time-to-exit* = " *time-to-exit*" pid="(current-process-id)" mtpath="golden-mtpath)))

;; Force a megatest cleanup-db if version is changed and skip-version-check not specified
;; Do NOT check if not on homehost!
(define (common:exit-on-version-changed)
  (if (common:on-homehost?)
      (if (common:api-changed?)
	  (let* ((mtconf (conc (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME") "/megatest.config"))
                (dbfile  (conc (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME") "/megatest.db"))
                (read-only (not (file-write-access? dbfile)))
                (dbstruct (db:setup #t)))
	    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port*
			 "WARNING: Version mismatch!\n"
			 "   expected: " (common:version-signature) "\n"
			 "   got:      " (common:get-last-run-version))
             ((get-environment-variable "MT_SKIP_DB_MIGRATE") #t)
             ((and (common:file-exists? mtconf) (common:file-exists? dbfile) (not read-only)
                   (eq? (current-user-id)(file-owner mtconf))) ;; safe to run -cleanup-db
              (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "   I see you are the owner of megatest.config, attempting to cleanup and reset to new version")
                 (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to switch versions. exn=" exn)
                 (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
                 (print-call-chain (current-error-port))
                 (exit 1))
               (common:cleanup-db dbstruct)))
             ((not (common:file-exists? mtconf))
              (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "   megatest.config does not exist in this area.  Cannot proceed with megatest version migration.")
              (exit 1))
             ((not (common:file-exists? dbfile))
              (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "   megatest.db does not exist in this area.  Cannot proceed with megatest version migration.")
              (exit 1))
             ((not (eq? (current-user-id)(file-owner mtconf)))
              (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "   You do not own megatest.db in this area.  Cannot proceed with megatest version migration.")
              (exit 1))
              (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "   You have read-only access to this area.  Cannot proceed with megatest version migration.")
              (exit 1))
              (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " to switch versions you can run: \"megatest -cleanup-db\"")
              (exit 1)))))))
;;      (begin
;;	(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: cannot migrate version unless on homehost. Exiting.")
;;	(exit 1))))

;; Rotate logs, logic: 
;;                 if > 500k and older than 1 week:
;;                     remove previous compressed log and compress this log
;; WARNING: This proc operates assuming that it is in the directory above the
;;          logs directory you wish to log-rotate.
(define (common:rotate-logs)
  (let* ((all-files (make-hash-table))
	 (stats     (make-hash-table))
	 (inc-stat  (lambda (key)
		      (hash-table-set! stats key (+ (hash-table-ref/default stats key 0) 1))))
	(max-allowed (string->number (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "max-logfiles") "300")))) ;; name -> age
    (if (not (directory-exists? "logs"))(create-directory "logs"))
     (lambda (file rem)
	  (debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "unable to rotate log " file ", probably handled by another process, this is safe to ignore. exn=" exn)
	  (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
	  ;; (print-call-chain (current-error-port)) ;; 
	(let* ((fullname  (conc "logs/" file))
	       (mod-time  (file-modification-time fullname))
	       (file-age  (- (current-seconds) mod-time))
	       (file-old  (> file-age (* 48 60 60)))
	       (file-big  (> (file-size fullname) 200000)))
	  (hash-table-set! all-files file mod-time)
	  (if (or (and (string-match "^.*.log" file)
		  (and (string-match "^server-.*.log" file)
	      (let ((gzfile (conc fullname ".gz")))
		(if (common:file-exists? gzfile)
		      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "removing " gzfile)
		      (delete-file* gzfile)
		      (hash-table-delete!  all-files gzfile) ;; needed?
		(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "compressing " file)
		(system (conc "gzip " fullname))
		(inc-stat "gzipped")
		(hash-table-set! all-files (conc file ".gz") file-age)  ;; add the .gz file and remove the base file
		(hash-table-delete! all-files file)
	      (if (and (> file-age (* (string->number (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "log-expire-days") "30")) 24 3600))
		       (file-exists? fullname)) ;; just in case it was gzipped - will get it next time
		   (if (directory? fullname)
			 (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* fullname " in logs directory is a directory! Cannot rotate it, it is best to not put subdirectories in the logs dir.")
			 (inc-stat "directories"))
			 (delete-file* fullname)
			 (inc-stat "deleted")))
		   (hash-table-delete! all-files file)))))))
     (lambda (category)
       (let ((quant (hash-table-ref/default stats category 0)))
	 (if (> quant 0)
	     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* category " log files: " quant))))
     `("deleted" "gzipped" "directories"))
    (let ((num-logs (hash-table-size all-files)))
      (if (> num-logs max-allowed) ;; because NFS => don't let number of logs exceed 300
	  (let ((files (take (sort (hash-table-keys all-files)
				   (lambda (a b)
				     (< (hash-table-ref all-files a)(hash-table-ref all-files b))))
			     (- num-logs max-allowed))))
	     (lambda (file)
	       (let* ((fullname (conc "logs/" file)))
		 (if (directory? fullname)
		     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* fullname " in logs directory is a directory! Cannot rotate it, it is best to not put subdirectories in the logs dir.")
		      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "failed to remove " fullname ", exn=" exn)
		      (delete-file* fullname)))))
	    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Deleted " (length files) " files from logs, keeping " max-allowed " files."))))))
;; calculate a delay number based on a droop curve
;;    inputs are:
;;      - load-in, load as from uptime, NOT normalized
;;      - numcpus, number of cpus, ideally use the real cpus, not threads
(define (common:get-delay load-in numcpus)
  (let* ((ratio (/ load-in numcpus))
         (new-option (configf:lookup *configdat* "load" "new-load-method"))
	 (paramstr   (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "load" "exp-params")
			 "15 12 1281453987.9543 0.75")) ;; 5 4 10 1"))
	 (paramlst   (map string->number (string-split paramstr))))
    (if new-option
          (cond ((and (>= ratio 0) (< ratio .5))
		((and (>= ratio 0.5) (<= ratio .9))
		 (* ratio (/ 5 .9)))
		((and (> ratio .9) (<= ratio 1.1))
		 (+ 5 (* (- ratio .9) (/ 55 .2)))) 
		((> ratio 1.1)
	(match paramlst
	  ((r1 r2 s1 s2)
	   (debug:print 3 *default-log-port* "Using params r1=" r1 " r2=" r2 " s1=" s1 " s2=" s2)
	   (min (max (/ (expt r1 (* r2 s2 ratio)) s1) 0) 30))
	   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "BAD exp-params, should be \"r1 r2 s1 s2\" but got " paramstr)

(define (common:print-delay-table)
  (let loop ((x 0))
    (print x "," (common:get-delay x 1))
    (if (< x 2)
	(loop (+ x 0.1)))))

;; DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY. It is called from common:wait-for-normalized-load
;;   count     - count down to zero, at some point we'd give up if the load never drops
;;   num-tries - count down to zero number tries to get numcpus
(define (common:wait-for-cpuload maxnormload numcpus-in
				 #!key (count 1000)
				 (msg #f)(remote-host #f)(num-tries 5))
  (let* ((loadavg     (common:get-cpu-load remote-host))
	  ;; not possible to have zero.  If we get 1, it's possible that we got the previous default, and we should check again
	 (numcpus     (if (<= 1 numcpus-in)
			  (common:get-num-cpus remote-host)
	 (first       (car loadavg))
	 (next        (cadr loadavg))
	 (adjmaxload  (* maxnormload (max 1 numcpus))) ;; possible bug
						   ;; where numcpus
						   ;; (or could be
						   ;; maxload) is
						   ;; zero, crude
						   ;; fallback is to
						   ;; at least use 1
	 ;; effective load accounts for load jumps, this should elminate all the first-next-avg, adjwait, load-jump-limit
	 ;; etc.
	 (effective-load    (common:get-intercept first next))
	 (recommended-delay (common:get-delay effective-load numcpus))
	 (effective-host    (or remote-host "localhost"))
	 (normalized-effective-load (/ effective-load numcpus))
	 (will-wait                 (> normalized-effective-load maxnormload)))
    (if (> recommended-delay 0)
	(let* ((actual-delay (min recommended-delay 30)))
	  (if (common:low-noise-print 30 (conc (round actual-delay) "-safe-load"))
	      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Load control, delaying "
				actual-delay " seconds to maintain safe load. current normalized effective load is "
	  (thread-sleep! actual-delay)))
     ;; bad data, try again to get the data
     ((not will-wait)
      (if (common:low-noise-print 30 (conc (round normalized-effective-load) "-load-acceptable-" effective-host))
	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Effective load on " effective-host " is acceptable at " effective-load " continuing.")))
     ((and (< first 0) ;; this indicates the loadavg data is bad - machine may not be reachable
	   (> num-tries 0))
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: received bad data from get-cpu-load "
		   first ", we'll sleep 10s and try " num-tries " more times.")
      (thread-sleep! 10)
      (common:wait-for-cpuload maxnormload numcpus-in
			       count: count remote-host: remote-host num-tries: (- num-tries 1)))
     ;; need to wait for load to drop
     ((and will-wait ;; (> first adjmaxload)
	   (> count 0))
      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*
			"Delaying 15" ;; adjwait
			" seconds due to normalized effective load " normalized-effective-load ;; first
			" exceeding max of " adjmaxload
			" on server " (or remote-host (get-host-name))
			" (normalized load-limit: " maxnormload ") " (if msg msg ""))
      (thread-sleep! 15) ;; adjwait)
      (common:wait-for-cpuload maxnormload numcpus count: (- count 1) msg: msg remote-host: remote-host)
      ;; put the message here to indicate came out of waiting
      (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*
			"On host: " effective-host
			", effective load: " effective-load
			", numcpus: " numcpus
			", normalized effective load: " normalized-effective-load
     ;; overloaded and count expired (i.e. went to zero)
      (if (> num-tries 0) ;; should be "num-tries-left". 
	  (if (common:low-noise-print 30 (conc (round effective-load) "-load-acceptable-" effective-host))
	      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Load on " effective-host " is acceptable at effective normalized load of "
			   normalized-effective-load "  continuing."))
	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Load on " effective-host ", "
		       first" could not be retrieved. Giving up and continuing."))))))

;; wait for normalized cpu load to drop below maxload
(define (common:wait-for-normalized-load maxnormload msg remote-host #!optional (rem-tries 5))
  (let ((num-cpus (common:get-num-cpus remote-host)))
    (if num-cpus
	(common:wait-for-cpuload maxnormload num-cpus 15 msg: msg remote-host: remote-host)
	  (thread-sleep! (random 60)) ;; we failed to get num cpus. wait a bit and try again
	  (if (> rem-tries 0)
	      (common:wait-for-normalized-load maxnormload msg remote-host (- rem-tries 1))

;; given path get free space, allows override in [setup]
;; with free-space-script /path/to/some/
(define (get-df path)
  (if (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "free-space-script")
       (conc (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "free-space-script") " " path)
       (lambda ()
	 (let ((res (read-line)))
	   (if (string? res)
	       (string->number res)))))
      (get-unix-df path)))

(define (common:check-space-in-dir dirpath required)
  (let* ((dbspace  (if (directory? dirpath)
		       (get-df dirpath)
    (list (> dbspace required)

(define (get-free-inodes path)
  (if (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "free-inodes-script")
	  (conc (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "free-inodes-script") " " path)
	(lambda ()
	  (let ((res (read-line)))
	    (if (string? res)
		(string->number res)))))
      (get-unix-inodes path)))

;;  T E S T   L A U N C H I N G   P E R   I T E M   W I T H   H O S T   T Y P E S
;; [hosts]
;; arm cubie01 cubie02
;; x86_64 zeus xena myth01
;; allhosts #{g hosts arm} #{g hosts x86_64}
;; [host-types]
;; general #MTLOWESTLOAD #{g hosts allhosts}
;; arm     #MTLOWESTLOAD #{g hosts arm}
;; [host-rules]
;; # maxnload   => max normalized load
;; # maxnjobs   => max jobs per cpu
;; # maxjobrate => max jobs per second
;; general maxnload=1.1; maxnjobs=1.2; maxjobrate=0.1 
;; [launchers]
;; envsetup general
;; xor/%/n 4C16G
;; % nbgeneral
;; [jobtools]
;; # if defined and not "no" flexi-launcher will bypass "launcher" unless no match.
;; flexi-launcher yes  
;; launcher nbfake
(define (common:get-launcher configdat testname itempath)
  (let ((fallback-launcher (configf:lookup configdat "jobtools" "launcher")))
    (if (and (configf:lookup configdat "jobtools" "flexi-launcher") ;; overrides launcher
	     (not (equal? (configf:lookup configdat "jobtools" "flexi-launcher") "no")))
	(let* ((launchers         (hash-table-ref/default configdat "launchers" '())))
	  (if (null? launchers)
	      (let loop ((hed (car launchers))
			 (tal (cdr launchers)))
		(let ((patt      (car hed))
		      (host-type (cadr hed)))
		  (if (tests:match patt testname itempath)
			(debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "Have flexi-launcher match for " testname "/" itempath " = " host-type)
			(let ((launcher (configf:lookup configdat "host-types" host-type)))
			  (if launcher
			      (let* ((launcher-parts (string-split launcher))
				     (launcher-exe   (car launcher-parts)))
				(if (equal? launcher-exe "#MTLOWESTLOAD") ;; this is our special case, we will find the lowest load and craft a nbfake commandline
				    (let host-loop ((targ-host (common:get-least-loaded-host (cdr launcher-parts) host-type configdat))
						    (count     100))
				      (if targ-host
					  (conc "remrun " targ-host)
					  (if (> count 0)
						(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Waiting for a host for host-type " host-type)
						(thread-sleep! (- 101 count))
						(host-loop (common:get-least-loaded-host (cdr launcher-parts) host-type configdat)
							   (- count 1)))
						(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "FATAL: Failed to find a host from #MTLOWESTLOAD for host-type " host-type)
				(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: no launcher found for host-type " host-type)
				(if (null? tal)
				    (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))))
		      ;; no match, try again
		      (if (null? tal)
			  (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))))

(define (common:get-pkts-dirs mtconf use-lt)
  (let* ((pktsdirs-str (or (configf:lookup mtconf "setup"  "pktsdirs")
			   (and use-lt
				(conc (or *toppath*
	 (pktsdirs  (if pktsdirs-str
			(string-split pktsdirs-str " ")

(define (common:with-queue-db mtconf proc #!key (use-lt #f)(toppath-in #f))
  (let* ((pktsdirs (common:get-pkts-dirs mtconf use-lt))
	 (pktsdir  (if pktsdirs (car pktsdirs) #f))
	 (toppath  (or (configf:lookup mtconf "scratchdat" "toppath")
	 (pdbpath  (or (configf:lookup mtconf "setup"  "pdbpath") pktsdir)))
     ((not (and  pktsdir toppath pdbpath))
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: settings are missing in your megatest.config for area management.")
      (debug:print  0 *default-log-port* "  you need to have pktsdirs in the [setup] section."))
     ((not (common:file-exists? pktsdir))
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: pkts directory not found " pktsdir))
     ((not (equal? (file-owner pktsdir)(current-effective-user-id)))
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: directory " pktsdir " is not owned by " (current-effective-user-name)))
	(let* ((pdb  (open-queue-db pdbpath "pkts.db"
				    schema: '("CREATE TABLE groups (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,groupname TEXT, CONSTRAINT group_constraint UNIQUE (groupname));"))))
	  (proc pktsdirs pktsdir pdb)
	  (dbi:close pdb))))))

;; check space in dbdir and in megatest dir
;; returns: ok/not dbspace required-space
(define (common:check-db-dir-space)
  (let* ((required (string->number 
                    ;; default is 1GB (or actually a billion bytes) This is the number of 1 kB blocks.
		    (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "dbdir-space-required")
	 (dbdir    (common:get-db-tmp-area)) ;; (db:get-dbdir))
	 (tdbspace (common:check-space-in-dir dbdir required))
	 (mdbspace (common:check-space-in-dir *toppath* required)))
    (sort (list tdbspace mdbspace) (lambda (a b)
				     (< (cadr a)(cadr b))))))

;; check available space in dbdir, exit if insufficient
(define (common:check-db-dir-and-exit-if-insufficient)
  (let* ((spacedat (car (common:check-db-dir-space))) ;; look only at worst for now
	 (is-ok    (car spacedat))
	 (dbspace  (cadr spacedat))
	 (required (caddr spacedat))
	 (dbdir    (cadddr spacedat)))
    (if (not is-ok)
	  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Insufficient space in " dbdir ", require " required ", have " dbspace  ", exiting now.")
	  (exit 1)))))

;; paths is list of lists ((name path) ... )
(define (common:get-disk-with-most-free-space disks minsize)
  (let* ((best     #f)
	(bestsize 0)
        (default-min-inodes-string "1000000")
        (default-min-inodes (string->number default-min-inodes-string))
        (min-inodes (or (string->number (if (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "min_inodes") (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "min_inodes") default-min-inodes-string)) default-min-inodes)))

     (lambda (disk-num)
       (let* ((dirpath    (cadr (assoc disk-num disks)))
	      (freespc    (cond
			   ((not (directory? dirpath))
			    (if (common:low-noise-print 300 "disks not a dir " disk-num)
				(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: disk " disk-num " at path \"" dirpath "\" is not a directory - ignoring it."))
			   ((not (file-write-access? dirpath))
			    (if (common:low-noise-print 300 "disks not writeable " disk-num)
				(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: disk " disk-num " at path \"" dirpath "\" is not writeable - ignoring it."))
			   ((not (eq? (string-ref dirpath 0) #\/))
			    (if (common:low-noise-print 300 "disks not a proper path " disk-num)
				(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: disk " disk-num " at path \"" dirpath "\" is not a fully qualified path - ignoring it."))
			    (get-df dirpath))))
	      (free-inodes (cond
			   ((not (directory? dirpath))
			    (if (common:low-noise-print 300 "disks not a dir " disk-num)
				(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: disk " disk-num " at path \"" dirpath "\" is not a directory - ignoring it."))
			   ((not (file-write-access? dirpath))
			    (if (common:low-noise-print 300 "disks not writeable " disk-num)
				(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: disk " disk-num " at path \"" dirpath "\" is not writeable - ignoring it."))
			   ((not (eq? (string-ref dirpath 0) #\/))
			    (if (common:low-noise-print 300 "disks not a proper path " disk-num)
				(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: disk " disk-num " at path \"" dirpath "\" is not a fully qualified path - ignoring it."))
			    (get-free-inodes dirpath))))
             ;;(free-inodes (get-free-inodes dirpath))
             (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "INFO: disk " disk-num " path " dirpath " free space " freespc " free inodes " free-inodes)
	 (if (and (> freespc bestsize)(> free-inodes min-inodes ))
	       (set! best     (cons disk-num dirpath))
	       (set! bestsize freespc)))
        ;;(print "Processing: " disk-num " bestsize: " bestsize " best: " best " freespc: " freespc " min-inodes: " min-inodes " free-inodes: " free-inodes)
     (map car disks))
    (if (and best (> bestsize minsize))
	#f))) ;; #f means no disk candidate found

;; from metadat lookup MEGATEST_VERSION
(define (common:get-last-run-version) ;; RADT => How does this work in send-receive function??; assume it is the value saved in some DB
  (rmt:get-var "MEGATEST_VERSION"))

(define (common:set-last-run-version)
  (rmt:set-var "MEGATEST_VERSION" (common:version-signature)))

(define (common:get-last-run-version-number)
   (substring (common:get-last-run-version) 0 6)))

;; postive number if megatest version > db version
;; negative number if megatest version < db version
(define (common:version-db-delta)
         (- megatest-version (common:get-last-run-version-number)))

(define (common:version-changed?)
  (not (equal? (common:get-last-run-version)

(define (common:api-changed?)
  (not (equal? (substring (->string megatest-version) 0 4)
               (substring (conc (common:get-last-run-version)) 0 4))))

;; Move me elsewhere ...
;; RADT => Why do we meed the version check here, this is called only if version misma
(define (common:cleanup-db dbstruct #!key (full #f))
  (apply db:multi-db-sync 
   ;; 'new2old
   ;; 'old2new
   ;; (if full
       ;; '())
  (if (common:api-changed?)

;; use to transition to area-name
(define common:get-area-name common:get-testsuite-name)

(define (common:load-pkts-to-db mtconf #!key (use-lt #f))
   (lambda (pktsdirs pktsdir pdb)
      (lambda (pktsdir) ;; look at all
	 ((not (common:file-exists? pktsdir))
	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: packets directory " pktsdir " does not exist."))
	 ((not (directory? pktsdir))
	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: packets directory path " pktsdir " is not a directory."))
	 ((not (file-read-access? pktsdir))
	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: packets directory path " pktsdir " is not readable."))
	  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Loading packets found in " pktsdir)
	  (let ((pkts (glob (conc pktsdir "/*.pkt"))))
	     (lambda (pkt)
	       (let* ((uuid    (cadr (string-match ".*/([0-9a-f]+).pkt" pkt)))
		      (exists  (lookup-by-uuid pdb uuid #f)))
		 (if (not exists)
		     (let* ((pktdat (string-intersperse
				     (with-input-from-file pkt read-lines)
			    (apkt   (pkt->alist pktdat))
			    (ptype  (alist-ref 'T apkt)))
		       (add-to-queue pdb pktdat uuid (or ptype 'cmd) #f 0)
		       (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "Added " uuid " of type " ptype " to queue"))
		     (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "pkt: " uuid " exists, skipping...")
   use-lt: use-lt))

;; use-lt is use linktree "lt" link to find pkts dir
(define (common:save-pkt pktalist-in mtconf use-lt #!key (add-only #f)) ;; add-only saves the pkt only if there is a parent already
  (if (or add-only
	  (hash-table-exists? *pkts-info* 'last-parent))
      (let* ((parent   (hash-table-ref/default *pkts-info* 'last-parent #f))
	     (pktalist (if parent
			   (cons `(parent . ,parent)
	(let-values (((uuid pkt)
		      (alist->pkt pktalist common:pkts-spec)))
	  (hash-table-set! *pkts-info* 'last-parent uuid)
	  (let ((pktsdir (or (hash-table-ref/default *pkts-info* 'pkts-dir #f)
			     (let* ((pktsdirs (common:get-pkts-dirs mtconf use-lt))
				    (pktsdir   (car pktsdirs))) ;; assume it is there
			       (hash-table-set! *pkts-info* 'pkts-dir pktsdir)
             (debug:print-info 0 "failed to write out packet to " pktsdir ", exn=" exn) ;; don't care if this failed for now but MUST FIX - BUG!!
             (if (not (file-exists? pktsdir))
                 (create-directory pktsdir #t))
                 (conc pktsdir "/" uuid ".pkt")
               (lambda ()
                 (print pkt)))))))))