
nmsg-transport.scm at [aa5fb6de80]

File defunct/nmsg-transport.scm artifact b30844cb1a part of check-in aa5fb6de80

;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
;;  This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;;  greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;;  This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the

(require-extension (srfi 18) extras tcp s11n)

(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 hostinfo md5 message-digest)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))

;; (use nanomsg)

(declare (unit nmsg-transport))

(declare (uses common))
(declare (uses db))
(declare (uses tests))
(declare (uses tasks)) ;; tasks are where stuff is maintained about what is running.
(declare (uses server))

(include "common_records.scm")
(include "db_records.scm")

;; Transition to pub --> sub with pull <-- push
;;   1. client sends request to server via push to the pull port
;;   2. server puts request in queue or processes immediately as appropriate
;;   3. server puts responses from completed requests into pub port 
;; Done Tested
;; [x]  [ ]    1. Add columns pullport pubport to servers table
;; [x]  [ ]    2. Add rm of monitor.db if older than 11/12/2012 
;; [x]  [ ]    3. Add create of pullport and pubport with finding of available ports
;; [x]  [ ]    4. Add client compose of request
;; [x]  [ ]        - name of client: testname/itempath-test_id-hostname 
;; [x]  [ ]        - name of request: callname, params
;; [x]  [ ]        - request key: f(clientname, callname, params)
;; [x]  [ ]    5. Add processing of subscription hits
;; [x]  [ ]        - done when get key 
;; [x]  [ ]        - return results
;; [x]  [ ]    6. Add timeout processing
;; [x]  [ ]        - after 60 seconds
;; [ ]  [ ]            i. check server alive, connect to new if necessary
;; [ ]  [ ]           ii. resend request
;; [ ]  [ ]    7. Turn self ping back on

(define (nmsg-transport:make-server-url hostport #!key (bindall #f))
  (if (not hostport)
      (conc "tcp://" (if bindall "*" (car hostport)) ":" (cadr hostport))))

(define *server-loop-heart-beat* (current-seconds))
(define *heartbeat-mutex* (make-mutex))

;; S E R V E R

(define (nmsg-transport:run dbstruct hostn run-id server-id #!key (retrynum 1000))
  (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "Attempting to start the server ...")
  (let* ((start-port      (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:find-port))
	 (server-thread   (make-thread (lambda ()
					 (nmsg-transport:try-start-server dbstruct run-id start-port server-id))
				       "server thread"))
	 (tdbdat          (tasks:open-db)))
    (thread-start! server-thread)
    (thread-sleep! 0.1)
    (if (nmsg-transport:ping hostn start-port timeout: 2 expected-key: (current-process-id))
	(let ((interface (if (equal? hostn "-")(get-host-name) hostn)))
	  (tasks:server-set-interface-port (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat) server-id interface start-port)
	  (tasks:server-set-state! (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat) server-id "dbprep")
	  (set! *server-info* (list hostn start-port)) ;; probably not needed anymore? currently used by keep-running
	  (thread-sleep! 3) ;; give some margin for queries to complete before switching from file based access to server based access
	  ;; (set! *inmemdb*  dbstruct)
	  (tasks:server-set-state! (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat) server-id "running")
	  (thread-start! (make-thread
			  (lambda ()(nmsg-transport:keep-running server-id run-id))
			  "keep running"))
	  (thread-join! server-thread))
	(if (> retrynum 0)
	      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Failed to connect to server (self) on host " hostn ":" start-port ", trying again.")
	      (tasks:server-delete-record (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat) server-id "failed to start, never received server alive signature")
	      (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-failed start-port)
	      (nmsg-transport:run dbstruct hostn run-id server-id))
	      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "could not find an open port to start server on. Giving up")
	      (exit 1))))))

(define (nmsg-transport:try-start-server dbstruct run-id portnum server-id)
  (let ((repsoc (nn-socket 'rep)))
    (nn-bind repsoc (conc "tcp://*:" portnum))
    (let loop ((msg-in (nn-recv repsoc)))
      (let* ((dat    (db:string->obj msg-in transport: 'nmsg)))
	(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "server, received: " dat)
	(let ((result (api:execute-requests dbstruct dat)))
	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "server, sending: " result)
	  (nn-send repsoc (db:obj->string result  transport: 'nmsg)))
	(loop (nn-recv repsoc))))))

;; all routes though here end in exit ...
(define (nmsg-transport:launch run-id)
  (let* ((tdbdat   (tasks:open-db))
	 (dbstruct (db:setup run-id))
	 (hostn    (or (args:get-arg "-server") "-")))
    (set! *run-id*   run-id)
    (set! *inmemdb* dbstruct)
    ;; with nbfake daemonize isn't really needed
    ;; (if (args:get-arg "-daemonize")
    ;;     (begin
    ;;       (daemon:ize)
    ;;       (if *alt-log-file* ;; we should re-connect to this port, I think daemon:ize disrupts it
    ;;           (begin
    ;;     	(current-error-port *alt-log-file*)
    ;;     	(current-output-port *alt-log-file*)))))
    (if (server:check-if-running run-id)
	  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server for run-id " run-id " already running")
	  (exit 0)))
    (let loop ((server-id (tasks:server-lock-slot (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat) run-id))
	       (remtries  4))
      (if (not server-id)
	  (if (> remtries 0)
		(thread-sleep! 2)
		(if (not (server:check-if-running run-id))
		    (loop (tasks:server-lock-slot (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat) run-id)
			  (- remtries 1))
		      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Another server took the slot, exiting")
		      (exit 0))))
		;; since we didn't get the server lock we are going to clean up and bail out
		(debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "INFO: server pid=" (current-process-id) ", hostname=" (get-host-name) " not starting due to other candidates ahead in start queue")
		(tasks:server-delete-records-for-this-pid (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat) " http-transport:launch")
	  ;; locked in a server id, try to start up
	  (nmsg-transport:run dbstruct hostn run-id server-id))
      (set! *didsomething* #t)

;; S E R V E R   U T I L I T I E S 

(define (nmsg-transport:mk-signature)
  (message-digest-string (md5-primitive) 
			   (lambda ()
			     (write (list (current-directory)

;; C L I E N T S

;; ping the server at host:port
;;   return the open socket if successful (return-socket == #t)
;;   expect the key expected-key returned in payload
;;   send our-key or #f as payload
(define (nmsg-transport:ping hostn port #!key (timeout 3)(return-socket #t)(expected-key #f)(our-key #f)(socket #f))
  ;; send a random number along with pid and check that we get it back
  (let* ((host    (if (or (not hostn)
			  (equal? hostn "-")) ;; use localhost
	 (req     (or socket
		      (let ((soc (nn-socket 'req)))
			(nn-connect soc (conc "tcp://" host ":" port))
	 (success #t)
	 (dat     (vector "ping" our-key))
	 (result  (condition-case 
		   (nmsg-transport:client-api-send-receive-raw req dat timeout: timeout)
		   ((timeout)(set! success #f) #f)))
	 (key     (if success 
		      (vector-ref result 1)
    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "success=" success ", key=" key ", expected-key=" expected-key ", equal? " (equal? key expected-key))
    (if (and success
	     (or (not expected-key) ;; just getting a reply is good enough then
		 (equal? key expected-key)))
	(if return-socket
	      (if (not socket)(nn-close req)) ;; don't want a side effect of closing socket if handed it
	  (if (not socket)(nn-close req)) ;; failed to ping, close socket as side effect

;; send data to server, wait max of timeout seconds for a response.
;; return #( success/fail result )
;; for effiency it is easier to do the obj->string and string->obj here.
(define (nmsg-transport:client-api-send-receive-raw socreq indat #!key (enable-send #t)(timeout 25))
  (let* ((success     #f)
	 (result      #f)
	 (keepwaiting #t)
	 (dat         (db:obj->string indat transport: 'nmsg))
	 (send-recv   (make-thread
		       (lambda ()
			 (nn-send socreq dat)
			 (let* ((res (nn-recv socreq)))
			   (set! success #t)
			   (set! result (db:string->obj res transport: 'nmsg))))
	 (timeout     (make-thread
		       (lambda ()
			 (let loop ((count 0))
			   (thread-sleep! 1)
			   (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "send-receive-raw, still waiting after " count " seconds...")
			   (if (and keepwaiting (< count timeout)) ;; yes, this is very aproximate
			       (loop (+ count 1))))
			 (if keepwaiting
			       (print "timeout waiting for ping")
			       (thread-terminate! send-recv))))
    ;; replace with condition-case?
     (set! result "timeout")
     (thread-start! timeout)
     (thread-start! send-recv)
     (thread-join! send-recv)
     (if success (thread-terminate! timeout)))
    ;; raise timeout error if timed out
    (if success
	(if (and (vector? result)
		 (vector-ref result 0)) ;; did it fail at the server?
	    result                ;; nope, all good
	      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "error occured at server, info=" (vector-ref result 2))
	      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " client call chain:")
	      (print-call-chain (current-error-port))
	      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " server call chain:")
	      (pp (vector-ref result 1) (current-error-port))
	      (signal (vector-ref result 0))))
	(signal (make-composite-condition
		 (make-property-condition 'timeout 'message "nmsg-transport:client-api-send-receive-raw timed out talking to server"))))))

;; run nmsg-transport:keep-running in a parallel thread to monitor that the db is being 
;; used and to shutdown after sometime if it is not.
(define (nmsg-transport:keep-running server-id run-id)
  ;; if none running or if > 20 seconds since 
  ;; server last used then start shutdown
  ;; This thread waits for the server to come alive
  (let* ((server-info (let loop ()
                        (let ((sdat #f))
                          (mutex-lock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
                          (set! sdat *server-info*)
                          (mutex-unlock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
                          (if sdat 
				(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "keep-running got sdat=" sdat)
                                (thread-sleep! 0.5)
         (iface       (car server-info))
         (port        (cadr server-info))
         (last-access 0)
	 (tdbdat      (tasks:open-db))
	 (server-timeout (let ((tmo (configf:lookup  *configdat* "server" "timeout")))
			   (if (and (string? tmo)
				    (string->number tmo))
			       (* 60 60 (string->number tmo))
			       ;; (* 3 24 60 60) ;; default to three days
			       (* 60 1)         ;; default to one minute
			       ;; (* 60 60 25)      ;; default to 25 hours
    (print "Keep-running got server pid " server-id ", using iface " iface " and port " port)
    (let loop ((count 0))
      (thread-sleep! 4) ;; no need to do this very often
      ;; NB// sync currently does NOT return queue-length
      (let () ;; (queue-len (cdb:client-call server-info 'sync #t 1)))
      ;; (print "Server running, count is " count)
        (if (< count 1) ;; 3x3 = 9 secs aprox
            (loop (+ count 1)))
        (mutex-lock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
        (set! last-access *last-db-access*)
        (mutex-unlock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
	(db:sync-touched *inmemdb* run-id force-sync: #t)
        (if (and *server-run*
	       (> (+ last-access server-timeout)
              (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server continuing, seconds since last db access: " (- (current-seconds) last-access))
              (loop 0))
              (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Starting to shutdown the server.")
              (set! *time-to-exit* #t)
	      (db:sync-touched *inmemdb* run-id force-sync: #t)
              (tasks:server-delete-record (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat) server-id " http-transport:keep-running")
              (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server shutdown complete. Exiting")

;; C L I E N T S

(define (nmsg-transport:client-connect iface portnum)
  (let* ((reqsoc      (nmsg-transport:ping iface portnum return-socket: #t)))
    (vector iface portnum #f #f #f (current-seconds) reqsoc)))

;; returns result, there is no sucess/fail flag - handled via excpections
(define (nmsg-transport:client-api-send-receive run-id connection-info cmd param #!key (remtries 5))
  ;; NB// In the html version of this routine there is a call to 
  ;;      tasks:kill-server-run-id when there is an exception
  (mutex-lock! *http-mutex*)
  (let* ((packet  (vector cmd param))
	 (reqsoc  (http-transport:server-dat-get-socket connection-info))
	 (res     (nmsg-transport:client-api-send-receive-raw reqsoc packet)))
;;	 (status  (vector-ref rawres 0))
;;	 (result  (vector-ref rawres 1)))
    (mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*)
    res)) ;; (vector status (if status (db:string->obj result transport: 'nmsg) result))))
;; J U N K 

(define (nmsg-transport:client-signal-handler signum)
   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " ... exiting ...")
   (let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda ()
			     (if (not *received-response*)
				 (receive-message* *runremote*))) ;; flush out last call if applicable
			   "eat response"))
	 (th2 (make-thread (lambda ()
			     (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Received ^C, attempting clean exit. Please be patient and wait a few seconds before hitting ^C again.")
			     (thread-sleep! 3) ;; give the flush three seconds to do it's stuff
			     (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "       Done.")
			     (exit 4))
			   "exit on ^C timer")))
     (thread-start! th2)
     (thread-start! th1)
     (thread-join! th2))))