
dashboard-tests.scm at [ac15ec2989]

File dashboard-tests.scm artifact 63a55f86f7 part of check-in ac15ec2989

;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;;     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;     (at your option) any later version.
;;     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;     GNU General Public License for more details.
;;     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.


;; Test info panel

(declare (unit dashboard-tests))
(declare (uses common))
(declare (uses commonmod))
(declare (uses db))
(declare (uses gutils))
(declare (uses rmt))
(declare (uses ezsteps))
(declare (uses subrun))
(declare (uses debugprint))
(declare (uses rmtmod))

(use format fmt)
(require-library iup)
(import (prefix iup iup:))

(use canvas-draw)

(use srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69)
(use (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))

(import commonmod

(include "common_records.scm")
(include "db_records.scm")
(include "run_records.scm")

;; C O M M O N

(define *dashboard-comment-share-slot* #f)

(define (message-window msg)
     (iup:label msg #:margin "40x40")))))

(define (dtests:get-pre-command #!key (default-override #f))
  (let* ((orig-pre-command "export CMD='")
         (viewscreen-pre-command  "viewscreen ")
         (use-viewscreen (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "use-viewscreen"))
         (default-pre-command (if use-viewscreen viewscreen-pre-command orig-pre-command))
         (cfg-ovrd (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "pre-command")))
    (or cfg-ovrd default-override default-pre-command))) ;; "xterm -geometry 180x20 -e \""))

(define (dtests:get-post-command #!key (default-override #f))
  (let* ((orig-post-command (conc "';xterm -geometry 180x20 -e \"(echo; echo -n START:;date +ww%U.%w-$H:%M:%S;echo;echo $CMD;echo;$CMD)|&"
                                 "tee -a runlog-`date +ww%U.%w-%H:%M`.log;echo Press any key to continue;bash -c 'read -n 1 -s'\" &"))
         (viewscreen-post-command  "")
         (use-viewscreen (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "use-viewscreen"))
         (default-post-command (if use-viewscreen viewscreen-post-command orig-post-command))
         (cfg-ovrd (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "post-command")))
    (or cfg-ovrd default-override default-post-command))) ;; ";echo Press any key to continue;bash -c 'read -n 1 -s'\" &")))

(define (test-info-panel testdat store-label widgets)
   #:title "Test Info" ; #:expand "YES"
   (iup:hbox ; #:expand "YES"
    (apply iup:vbox ; #:expand "YES"
	   (append (map (lambda (val)
			  (iup:label val ; #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
			(list "Testname: "
			      "Item path: "
			      "Current state: "
			      "Current status: "
			      "Test comment: "
			      "Test id: "
			      "Test date: "))
		   (list (iup:label "" #:expand "VERTICAL"))))
    (apply iup:vbox  ; #:expand "YES"
	    (store-label "testname"
			 (iup:label (db:test-get-testname  testdat) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testdat)(db:test-get-testname testdat)))
	    (store-label "item-path"
			 (iup:label (db:test-get-item-path testdat) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testdat)(db:test-get-item-path testdat)))
	    (store-label "teststate" 
			 (iup:label (db:test-get-state testdat) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testdat)
			   (db:test-get-state testdat)))
	    (let ((lbl   (iup:label (db:test-get-status testdat) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")))
	      (hash-table-set! widgets "teststatus"
			       (lambda (testdat)
				 (let ((newstatus (db:test-get-status testdat))
				       (oldstatus (iup:attribute lbl "TITLE")))
				   (if (not (equal? oldstatus newstatus))
					 (iup:attribute-set! lbl "FGCOLOR" (car (gutils:get-color-for-state-status (db:test-get-state testdat)
														   (db:test-get-status testdat))))
					 (iup:attribute-set! lbl "TITLE" (db:test-get-status testdat)))))))
	    (store-label "testcomment"
			 (iup:label "TestComment                             "
				    #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testdat)
			   (let ((newcomment (db:test-get-comment testdat)))
			     (if *dashboard-comment-share-slot*
				 (if (not (equal? (iup:attribute *dashboard-comment-share-slot* "VALUE")
				     (iup:attribute-set! *dashboard-comment-share-slot*
	    (store-label "testid"
			 (iup:label "TestId                             "
				    #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testdat)
			   (db:test-get-id testdat)))
	    (store-label "testdate" 
			 (iup:label "TestDate                           "
				    #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testdat)
			   (seconds->work-week/day-time (db:test-get-event_time testdat))))

;; Test meta panel

(define (test-meta-panel-get-description testmeta)
  (fmt #f (with-width 40 (wrap-lines (db:testmeta-get-description testmeta)))))

(define (test-meta-panel testmeta store-meta)
   #:title "Test Meta Data" ; #:expand "YES"
   (iup:hbox ; #:expand "YES"
    (apply iup:vbox ; #:expand "YES"
	   (append (map (lambda (val)
			  (iup:label val ; #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
			(list "Author: "
			      "Owner: "
			      "Reviewed: "
			      "Tags: "
			      "Description: "))
		   (list (iup:label "" #:expand "VERTICAL"))))
    (apply iup:vbox  ; #:expand "YES"
	    (store-meta "author"
			 (iup:label (db:testmeta-get-author testmeta) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testmeta)(db:testmeta-get-author testmeta)))
	    (store-meta "owner"
			 (iup:label (db:testmeta-get-owner testmeta) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testmeta)(db:testmeta-get-owner testmeta)))
	    (store-meta "reviewed" 
			 (iup:label (db:testmeta-get-reviewed testmeta) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testmeta)(db:testmeta-get-reviewed testmeta)))
	    (store-meta "tags" 
			 (iup:label (db:testmeta-get-tags testmeta) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testmeta)(db:testmeta-get-tags testmeta)))
	    (store-meta "description" 
			 (iup:label (test-meta-panel-get-description testmeta) #:size "x50"); #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testmeta)
			   (test-meta-panel-get-description testmeta)))

;; Run info panel
(define (run-info-panel db keydat testdat runname)
  (let* ((run-id     (db:test-get-run_id testdat))
	 (rundat     (rmt:get-run-info run-id))
	 (header     (db:get-header rundat))
	 (event_time (db:get-value-by-header (db:get-rows rundat)
					     (db:get-header rundat)
     #:title "Megatest Run Info" ; #:expand "YES"
     (iup:hbox ; #:expand "YES"
      (apply iup:vbox ; #:expand "YES"
	     (append (map (lambda (keyval)
			    (iup:label (conc (car keyval) " ")))
		     (list (iup:label "runname ")
			   (iup:label "run-id")
			   (iup:label "run-date"))))
      (apply iup:vbox
	     (append (map (lambda (keyval)
			    (iup:label (cadr keyval) #:expand "HORIZONTAL"))
		     (list (iup:label runname)
			   (iup:label (conc run-id))
			   (iup:label (seconds->year-work-week/day-time event_time))
			   (iup:label "" #:expand "VERTICAL"))))))))
;; Host info panel
(define (host-info-panel testdat store-label)
   #:title "Remote host and Test Run Info" ; #:expand "YES"
   (iup:hbox ; #:expand "YES"
    (apply iup:vbox ; #:expand "YES" ;; The heading labels
	   (append (map (lambda (val)
			  (iup:label val ; #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
			(list "Hostname: "
			      "Disk free: "
			      "CPU Load: "
			      "Run duration: "
			      "Logfile: "
			      "Top process id: "
			      "Uname -a: "))
		   (iup:label "" #:expand "VERTICAL")))
    (apply iup:vbox ; #:expand "YES"
	    ;; NOTE: Yes, the host can change!
	    (store-label "HostName"
			 (iup:label ;; (sdb:qry 'getstr 
			  (db:test-get-host testdat) ;; )
			  #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testdat)(db:test-get-host testdat)))
	    (store-label "DiskFree"
			 (iup:label (conc (db:test-get-diskfree testdat)) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testdat)(conc (db:test-get-diskfree testdat))))
	    (store-label "CPULoad"
			 (iup:label (conc (db:test-get-cpuload testdat)) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testdat)(conc (db:test-get-cpuload testdat))))
	    (store-label "RunDuration"
			 (iup:label (conc (seconds->hr-min-sec (db:test-get-run_duration testdat))) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testdat)(conc (seconds->hr-min-sec (db:test-get-run_duration testdat)))))
	    (store-label "LogFile"
			 (iup:label (conc (db:test-get-final_logf testdat)) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testdat)(conc (db:test-get-final_logf testdat))))
	    (store-label "ProcessId"
			 (iup:label (conc (db:test-get-process_id testdat)) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")
			 (lambda (testdat)(conc (db:test-get-process_id testdat))))
	    (store-label "Uname"
			 (iup:label "                                                   " #:expand "HORIZONTAL") ;;  #:wordwrap "YES")
			 (lambda (testdat) ;; (sdb:qry 'getstr 
			   (db:test-get-uname testdat))) ;; )

;; if there is a submegatest create a button to launch dashboard in that area
(define (submegatest-panel dbstruct keydat testdat runname testconfig)
  (let* ((test-run-dir      (db:test-get-rundir testdat))
	 (subarea           (subrun:get-runarea test-run-dir))
	 (area-exists       (and subarea (common:file-exists? subarea silent: #t))))
    (if subarea
	 #:title "Megatest Run Info" ; #:expand "YES"
	  "Launch Dashboard"
	  #:action (lambda (obj)
                     (subrun:launch-dashboard test-run-dir))))

;; use a global for setting the buttons colors
;;                           state status teststeps
(define *state-status* (vector #f #f #f))
(define (update-state-status-buttons testdat)
  (let* ((state  (db:test-get-state  testdat))
	 (status (db:test-get-status testdat))
	 (color  (car (gutils:get-color-for-state-status state status))))
    ((vector-ref *state-status* 0) state color)
    ((vector-ref *state-status* 1) status color)))

(define *dashboard-test-db* #t)
(define *dashboard-comment-share-slot* #f)

;; Set fields 
(define (set-fields-panel dbstruct run-id test-id testdat #!key (db #f))
  (let ((newcomment #f)
	(newstatus  #f)
	(newstate   #f)
	(wtxtbox    #f))
     #:title "Set fields"
      (iup:hbox (iup:label "Comment:")
		(let ((txtbox (iup:textbox #:action (lambda (val a b)
						      ;; (rmt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id #f #f b)
						      (rmt:test-set-state-status run-id test-id #f #f b)
						      ;; IDEA: Just set a variable with the proc to call?
						      ;; (rmt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id #f #f b)
						      (set! newcomment b))
					   #:value (db:test-get-comment testdat)
					   #:expand "HORIZONTAL")))
		  (set! wtxtbox txtbox)
      (apply iup:hbox
	     (iup:label "STATE:" #:size "30x")
	     (let* ((btns  (map (lambda (state)
				  (let ((btn (iup:button state
							 #:expand "HORIZONTAL" #:size "50x" #:font "Courier New, -10"
							 #:action (lambda (x)
								    ;; (rmt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id state #f #f)
								    (rmt:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items run-id test-id #f state #f #f) ;; test-name passed in as test-id is respected
								    (db:test-set-state! testdat state)))))
				(map cadr *common:std-states*)))) ;; (list "COMPLETED" "NOT_STARTED" "RUNNING" "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "LAUNCHED" "KILLED" "KILLREQ"))))
	       (vector-set! *state-status* 0
			    (lambda (state color)
			       (lambda (btn)
				 (let* ((name     (iup:attribute btn "TITLE"))
					(newcolor (if (equal? name state) color "192 192 192")))
				   (if (not (colors-similar? newcolor (iup:attribute btn "BGCOLOR")))
				       (iup:attribute-set! btn "BGCOLOR" newcolor))))
      (apply iup:hbox
	     (iup:label "STATUS:" #:size "30x")
	     (let* ((btns  (map (lambda (status)
				  (let ((btn (iup:button status
							 #:expand "HORIZONTAL" #:size "50x" #:font "Courier New, -10"
							 #:action (lambda (x)
								    (let ((t (iup:attribute x "TITLE")))
								      (if (equal? t "WAIVED")
									  (iup:show (dashboard-tests:waiver run-id testdat 
													    (if wtxtbox (iup:attribute wtxtbox "VALUE") #f)
													    (lambda (c)
													      (set! newcomment c)
													      (if wtxtbox 
														    (iup:attribute-set! wtxtbox "VALUE" c)
														    (if (not *dashboard-comment-share-slot*)
															(set! *dashboard-comment-share-slot* wtxtbox)))
									    ;; (rmt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id #f status #f)
									    (rmt:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items run-id test-id #f #f status #f) ;; test-name passed in as test-id is respected
									    (db:test-set-status! testdat status))))))))
				(map cadr *common:std-statuses*)))) ;; (list  "PASS" "WARN" "FAIL" "CHECK" "n/a" "WAIVED" "SKIP"))))
	       (vector-set! *state-status* 1
			    (lambda (status color)
			       (lambda (btn)
				 (let* ((name     (iup:attribute btn "TITLE"))
					(newcolor (if (equal? name status) color "192 192 192")))
				   (if (not (colors-similar? newcolor (iup:attribute btn "BGCOLOR")))
				       (iup:attribute-set! btn "BGCOLOR" newcolor))))

(define (dashboard-tests:run-a-step info)

;; (define (dashboard-tests:step-run-control testdat stepname testconfig)
;;   (let* ((mutex (make-mutex)))
;;     (letrec ((dlg
;;               (iup:dialog ;; #:close_cb (lambda (a)(exit)) ; #:expand "YES"
;;                #:title stepname
;;                (iup:vbox ; #:expand "YES"
;;                 (iup:label (conc "Step: " stepname "\nNB// These buttons only run the test step\nfor the purpose of debugging.\nNot all database updates are done."))
;;                 (iup:button "Re-run"            
;; 		            #:expand "HORIZONTAL" 
;; 		            #:action (lambda (obj)
;;                                             (debug:catch-and-dump (lambda ()
;; 			                                            (thread-start! 
;; 			                                             (make-thread
;;                                                                       (lambda ()
;;                                                                         (print "BB> started ezsteps:run-from")
;;                                                                         (debug:catch-and-dump 
;;                                                                          (lambda ()
;; 			                                                   (ezsteps:run-from testdat stepname #t))
;;                                                                          "dashboard-tests:step-run-control -> ezstep:run-from (1)")
;;                                                                         (print "BB> done ezsteps:run-from")
;;                                                                         'foo)
;;                                                                       (conc "ezstep run single step " stepname)))
;;                                                                     )
;;                                                                   "step-run-control action")))
;;                 (iup:button "Re-run and continue"         
;; 		            #:expand "HORIZONTAL" 
;; 		            #:action (lambda (obj)
;;                                        (debug:catch-and-dump
;;                                         (lambda ()
;; 			                  (thread-start!
;; 			                   (make-thread (lambda ()
;; 					                  (ezsteps:run-from testdat stepname #f))
;; 					                (conc "ezstep run from step " stepname))))
;;                                         "dashboard-tests:step-run-control -> ezstep:run-from (2)")))
;;                 (iup:button "Close"
;;                             #:action (lambda (obj)
;;                                        (iup:destroy! dlg)))
;;                 ;; (iup:button "Refresh test data"
;;                 ;;     	#:expand "HORIZONTAL"
;;                 ;;     	#:action (lambda (obj)
;;                 ;;     		   (print "Refresh test data " stepname))
;;                 ))))
;;       dlg)))

(define (dashboard-tests:waiver run-id testdat ovrdval cmtcmd)
  (let* ((wpatt (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "waivercommentpatt"))
	 (wregx (if (string? wpatt)(regexp wpatt) #f))
	 (wmesg (iup:label (if wpatt (conc "Comment must match pattern " wpatt) "")))
	 (comnt (iup:textbox #:action (lambda (val a b)
					(if wpatt
					    (if (string-match wregx b)
						(iup:attribute-set! wmesg "TITLE" (conc "Comment matches " wpatt))
						(iup:attribute-set! wmesg "TITLE" (conc "Comment does not match " wpatt))
			     #:value (if ovrdval ovrdval (db:test-get-comment testdat))
			     #:expand "HORIZONTAL"))
	 (dlog  #f))
    (set! dlog (iup:dialog ;; #:close_cb (lambda (a)(exit)) ; #:expand "YES"
		#:title "SET WAIVER"
		(iup:vbox ; #:expand "YES"
		 (iup:label (conc "Enter justification for waiving test "
				  (db:test-get-testname testdat)
				  (if (equal? (db:test-get-item-path testdat) "") 
				      (conc "/" (db:test-get-item-path testdat)))))
		 wmesg ;; the informational msg on whether it matches
		  (iup:button "Apply and Close "
			      #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
			      #:action (lambda (obj)
					 (let ((comment (iup:attribute comnt "VALUE"))
					       (test-id (db:test-get-id testdat)))
					   (if (or (not wpatt)
						   (string-match wregx comment))
						 ;; (rmt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id #f "WAIVED" comment)
						 (rmt:test-set-state-status run-id test-id #f "WAIVED" comment)
						 (db:test-set-status! testdat "WAIVED")
						 (cmtcmd comment)
						 (iup:destroy! dlog))))))
		  (iup:button "Cancel"
			      #:expand "HORIZONTAL" 
			      #:action (lambda (obj)
					 (iup:destroy! dlog)))))))

(define (dashboard-tests:examine-test run-id test-id) ;; run-id run-key origtest)
  (let* ((db-path       (common:make-tmpdir-name *toppath* "")) ;; (conc (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") "/db/" run-id ".db"))
	 (dbstruct      #f) ;; NOT USED
	 (testdat        (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id)) ;; (db:get-test-info-by-id dbstruct run-id test-id))
	 (db-mod-time   0) ;; (file-modification-time db-path))
	 (last-update   0) ;; (current-seconds))
	 (request-update #t))
    (if (not testdat)
	  (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "ERROR: No test data found for test " test-id ", exiting")
	  (exit 1))
	(let* (;; (run-id        (if testdat (db:test-get-run_id testdat) #f))
	       (test-registry (tests:get-all))
	       (keydat        (if testdat (rmt:get-key-val-pairs run-id) #f))
	       (rundat        (if testdat (rmt:get-run-info run-id) #f))
	       (runname       (if testdat (db:get-value-by-header (db:get-rows rundat)
								  (db:get-header rundat)
								  "runname") #f))
	       ;; (tdb           (tdb:open-test-db-by-test-id-local dbstruct run-id test-id))
	       ;; These next two are intentional bad values to ensure errors if they should not
	       ;; get filled in properly.
	       (logfile       "/this/dir/better/not/exist")
	       (rundir        (if testdat 
				  (db:test-get-rundir testdat)
	       ;; (testdat-path  (conc rundir "/testdat.db")) ;; this gets recalculated until found 
               (augment-teststeps (lambda (inlov)
                                     (lambda (invec)
                                          ,@(reverse (cdr (reverse (vector->list invec))))
                                          "rerun this step" "restart from here" )))
	       (teststeps     (if testdat (augment-teststeps (tests:get-compressed-steps run-id test-id)) '()))
	       (testfullname  (if testdat (db:test-get-fullname testdat) "Gathering data ..."))
	       (testname      (if testdat (db:test-get-testname testdat) "n/a"))
	       ;; (tests:get-testconfig testdat testname 'return-procs))
	       (testmeta      (if testdat 
				  (let ((tm (rmt:testmeta-get-record testname)))
				    (if tm tm (make-db:testmeta)))

	       (keystring  (string-intersperse 
			    (map (lambda (keyval)
				   ;; (conc ":" (car keyval) " " (cadr keyval)))
				   (cadr keyval))
	       (item-path  (db:test-get-item-path testdat))
	       ;; this next block was added to fix a bug where variables were
               ;; needed. Revisit this.
	       (runconfig  (let ((runconfigf (conc  *toppath* "/runconfigs.config"))) ;; no rush but it would be good to convert this call to use runconfig:read
	 		     (if (common:file-exists? runconfigf)
				     (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "failed to set up environment for " runconfigf ", exn=" exn)
                                     #f)  ;; do nothing, just keep on trucking ....
                                   (setup-env-defaults runconfigf run-id (make-hash-table) keydat environ-patt: keystring))
	       (testconfig    (begin
				;; (runs:set-megatest-env-vars run-id inrunname: runname testname: test-name itempath: item-path)
				(runs:set-megatest-env-vars run-id inkeyvals: keydat inrunname: runname intarget: keystring testname: testname itempath: item-path) ;; these may be needed by the launching process
				    exn  ;; NOTE: I've no idea why this was written this way. Research, study and fix needed!
				    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "testconfig load using " item-path " failed, trying " (db:test-get-item-path testdat) ", exn=" exn)
				    (tests:get-testconfig (db:test-get-testname testdat) (db:test-get-item-path testdat) test-registry #f allow-write-cache: #f))
				  (tests:get-testconfig (db:test-get-testname testdat) item-path test-registry #t allow-write-cache: #f))))
	       (viewlog    (lambda (x)
			     (if (common:file-exists? logfile)
					;(system (conc "firefox " logfile "&"))
				 (dcommon:run-html-viewer logfile)
				 (message-window (conc "File " logfile " not found")))))
	       (view-a-log (lambda (lfile) 
			     (let ((lfilename (conc rundir "/" lfile)))
			       ;; (print "lfilename: " lfilename)
			       (if (common:file-exists? lfilename)
					;(system (conc "firefox " logfile "&"))
				   (dcommon:run-html-viewer lfilename)
				   (message-window (conc "File " lfilename " not found"))))))
	       (xterm      (lambda (x)
			     (if (directory-exists? rundir)
				 (let ((shell (if (get-environment-variable "SHELL") 
						  (conc "-e " (get-environment-variable "SHELL"))
				    (conc "cd " rundir 
					  ";mt_xterm -T \"" (string-translate testfullname "()" "  ") "\" " shell "&")
				 (message-window  (conc "Directory " rundir " not found")))))
	       (widgets    (make-hash-table))
	       (refreshdat (lambda ()
			     (let* ((curr-mod-time (file-modification-time db-path))
				                   ;;     (max ..... (if (common:file-exists? testdat-path)
						   ;;      	      (file-modification-time testdat-path)
						   ;;      	      (begin
						   ;;      		(set! testdat-path (conc rundir "/testdat.db"))
						   ;;      		0))))
				    (need-update   (or (and (>= curr-mod-time db-mod-time)
							    (> (current-milliseconds)(+ last-update 250))) ;; every half seconds if db touched
						       (> (current-milliseconds)(+ last-update 10000))     ;; force update even 10 seconds
				    (newtestdat (if need-update 
						    ;; NOTE: BUG HIDER, try to eliminate this exception handler
							(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "test db access issue in examine test for run-id " run-id
									  ", test-id " test-id ": " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", exn=" exn)
						      (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id)))))
			       ;; (print "INFO: need-update= " need-update " curr-mod-time = " curr-mod-time)
				((and need-update newtestdat)
				 (set! testdat newtestdat)
				 (set! teststeps    (augment-teststeps (tests:get-compressed-steps run-id test-id)))
				 (set! logfile      (conc (db:test-get-rundir testdat) "/" (db:test-get-final_logf testdat)))
				 (set! rundir       ;; (filedb:get-path *fdb* 
				       (db:test-get-rundir testdat)) ;; )
				 (set! testfullname (db:test-get-fullname testdat))
				 ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: teststeps=" (intersperse teststeps "\n    "))
				 ;; I don't see why this was implemented this way. Please comment it ...
				 ;; (if (eq? curr-mod-time db-mod-time) ;; do only once if same
				 ;;     (set! db-mod-time (+ curr-mod-time 1))
				 ;;     (set! db-mod-time curr-mod-time))

				 (if (not (eq? curr-mod-time db-mod-time))
				     (set! db-mod-time curr-mod-time))
				 (set! last-update (current-milliseconds))
				 (set! request-update #f) ;; met the need ...
				(need-update ;; if this was true and yet there is no data ....
				 (db:test-set-testname! testdat "DEAD OR DELETED TEST")))
			       (if need-update
				     ;; update the gui elements here
				      (lambda (key)
					;; (print "Updating " key)
					((hash-table-ref widgets key) testdat))
				      (hash-table-keys widgets))
				     (update-state-status-buttons testdat)))
			       ;; (iup:refresh self)
	       (meta-widgets (make-hash-table))
	       (self         #f)
	       (store-label  (lambda (name lbl cmd)
			       (hash-table-set! widgets name 
						(lambda (testdat)
						  (let ((newval (cmd testdat))
							(oldval (iup:attribute lbl "TITLE")))
						    (if (not (equal? newval oldval))
					;(mutex-lock! mx1)
							  (iup:attribute-set! lbl "TITLE" newval)
					;(mutex-unlock! mx1)
	       (store-meta  (lambda (name lbl cmd)
			      (hash-table-set! meta-widgets name 
					       (lambda (testmeta)
						 (let ((newval (cmd testmeta))
						       (oldval (iup:attribute lbl "TITLE")))
						   (if (not (equal? newval oldval))
					;(mutex-lock! mx1)
							 (iup:attribute-set! lbl "TITLE" newval)
					;(mutex-unlock! mx1)
	       (store-button store-label)
	       (command-proc (lambda (command-text-box)
			       (let* ((cmd     (iup:attribute command-text-box "VALUE")))
				 (common:run-a-command cmd with-orig-env: #t))))
	       (command-text-box (iup:textbox
				  #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
				  #:font "Courier New, -10"
				  #:action (lambda (obj cnum val)
					     ;; (print "cnum=" cnum)
					     (if (eq? cnum 13)
						 (command-proc obj)))
	       (command-launch-button (iup:button "Execute!" #:action (lambda (x)
									(command-proc command-text-box))))
	;; (lambda (x)
	;; 								(let* ((cmd     (iup:attribute command-text-box "VALUE"))
	;; 								       (fullcmd (conc (dtests:get-pre-command)
	;; 										      cmd 
	;; 										      (dtests:get-post-command))))
	;; 								  (debug:print-info 02 *default-log-port* "Running command: " fullcmd)
	;; 								  (common:without-vars fullcmd "MT_.*")))))
	       (kill-jobs (lambda (x)
			     command-text-box "VALUE"
			     (conc "megatest -target " keystring " -runname "  runname 
				   " -set-state-status KILLREQ,n/a -testpatt %/% "
	       (run-test  (lambda (x)
			     command-text-box "VALUE"
			     (conc "megatest -target " keystring " -runname " runname 
				   " -run -testpatt " (conc testname "/" (if (equal? item-path "")
				   " -clean-cache"
	       (remove-test (lambda (x)
			       command-text-box "VALUE"
			       (conc "megatest -remove-runs -target " keystring " -runname " runname
				     " -testpatt " (conc testname "/" (if (equal? item-path "")
				     " -v"))))
	       (clean-run-execute  (lambda (x)
				     (let ((cmd (conc ;; "megatest -remove-runs -target " keystring " -runname " runname
                                                 "megatest -set-state-status NOT_STARTED,n/a -target " keystring " -runname " runname
						      " -testpatt " (conc testname "/" (if (equal? item-path "")
                                                      ";megatest -target " keystring " -runname " runname 
						      " -run -preclean -testpatt " (conc testname "/" (if (equal? item-path "")
						      " -clean-cache"
                                       (thread-start! (make-thread (lambda ()
                                                                     (common:run-a-command cmd))
	       (remove-test (lambda (x)
			       command-text-box "VALUE"
			       (conc "megatest -remove-runs -target " keystring " -runname " runname
				     " -testpatt " (conc testname "/" (if (equal? item-path "")
				     " -v"))))
	       (archive-test  (lambda (x)
				 command-text-box "VALUE"
				 (conc "megatest -target " keystring " -runname " runname 
				       " -archive save-remove -testpatt " (conc testname "/" (if (equal? item-path "")
	   ((not testdat)(begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: bad test info for " test-id)(exit 1)))
	   ((not rundat)(begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: found test info but there is a problem with the run info for " run-id)(exit 1)))
	    ;;  (test-set-status! db run-id test-name state status itemdat)
	    (set! self ; 
		  (iup:dialog #:close_cb (lambda (a)(exit)) ; #:expand "YES"
			      #:title testfullname
			      (iup:vbox ; #:expand "YES"
			       ;; The run and test info
			       (iup:hbox  ; #:expand "YES"
				(run-info-panel dbstruct keydat testdat runname)
				(test-info-panel testdat store-label widgets)
				(test-meta-panel testmeta store-meta))
				(host-info-panel testdat store-label)
				(submegatest-panel dbstruct keydat testdat runname testconfig))
			       ;; The controls
			       (iup:frame #:title "Actions" 
					    (iup:button "View Log"      #:action viewlog      #:size "80x")
					    (iup:button "Start Xterm"   #:action xterm        #:size "80x")
					    (iup:button "Run Test"      #:action run-test     #:size "80x")
					    (iup:button "Clean Test"    #:action remove-test  #:size "80x")
					    (iup:button "CleanRunExecute!"    #:action clean-run-execute #:size "80x")
					    (iup:button "Kill All Jobs" #:action kill-jobs    #:size "80x")
					    (iup:button "Archive Test"  #:action archive-test #:size "80x")
					    (iup:button "Close"         #:action (lambda (x)(exit)) #:size "80x"))
					    (list command-text-box command-launch-button))))
			       (set-fields-panel dbstruct run-id test-id testdat)
			       (let ((tabs 
				       ;; Replace here with matrix
				       (let ((steps-matrix (iup:matrix
							    #:font   "Courier New, -8"
							    #:expand "YES"
							    #:scrollbar "YES"
							    #:numcol 9
							    #:numlin 100
							    #:numcol-visible 9
							    #:numlin-visible 5
							    #:click-cb (lambda (obj lin col status)
									 ;; (if (equal? col 6)
									 (let* ((mtrx-rc  (conc lin ":" 6))
										(fname    (iup:attribute obj mtrx-rc))
                                                                                (stepname (iup:attribute obj (conc lin ":" 1)))                                                                                            (comment  (iup:attribute obj (conc lin ":" 7))))
                                                                           (case col
                                                                             ((7) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Comment from step "stepname": "comment))
                                                                             ((8) (ezsteps:spawn-run-from testdat stepname #t))
                                                                             ((9) (ezsteps:spawn-run-from testdat stepname #f))
                                                                             (else (view-a-log fname))))))))
					 ;; (let loop ((count 0))
					 ;;   (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "FITTOTEXT" (conc "L" count))
					 ;;   (if (< count 30)
					 ;;       (loop (+ count 1))))
					 (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "0:1" "Step Name")
					 (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "0:2" "Start")
					 (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "0:3" "End")
					 (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "WIDTH3" "50")
					 (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "0:4" "Status")
					 (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "WIDTH4" "50")
					 (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "0:5" "Duration")
					 (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "0:6" "Log File")
					 (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "0:7" "Comment")
                                         (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "0:8" "rerun only")
                                         (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "BGCOLOR0:9" "149 208 252")
                                         (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "BGCOLOR0:8" "149 208 252")
                                         (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "BGCOLOR0:7" "149 208 252")
                                         (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "0:9" "rerun & continue")
					 (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "ALIGNMENT1" "ALEFT")
					 ;; (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "FIXTOTEXT" "C1")
					 (iup:attribute-set! steps-matrix "RESIZEMATRIX" "YES")
					 (let ((proc
						(lambda (testdat)
						  (dcommon:populate-steps teststeps steps-matrix run-id test-id))))
					   (hash-table-set! widgets "StepsMatrix" proc)
					   (proc testdat))
				       ;; populate the Test Data panel
					#:title "Test Data"
					(let ((test-data
					       (iup:textbox  ;; #:action (lambda (obj char val)
						;;   	#f)
						#:expand "YES"
						#:multiline "YES"
						#:font "Courier New, -10"
						#:size "100x100")))
					  (hash-table-set! widgets "Test Data"
							   (lambda (testdat) ;; 
							     (let* ((currval (iup:attribute test-data "VALUE")) ;; "TITLE"))
								    (fmtstr  "~10a~10a~10a~10a~7a~7a~6a~7a~a") ;; category,variable,value,expected,tol,units,type,comment
								    (newval  (string-intersperse 
										(format #f fmtstr "Category" "Variable" "Value" "Expected" "Tol" "Status" "Units" "Type" "Comment")
										(format #f fmtstr "========" "========" "=====" "========" "===" "======" "=====" "====" "======="))
									       (map (lambda (x)
										      (format #f fmtstr
											      (db:test-data-get-category x)
											      (db:test-data-get-variable x)
											      (db:test-data-get-value    x)
											      (db:test-data-get-expected x)
											      (db:test-data-get-tol      x)
											      (db:test-data-get-status   x)
											      (db:test-data-get-units    x)
											      (db:test-data-get-type     x)
											      (db:test-data-get-comment  x)))
										    (rmt:read-test-data run-id test-id "%")))
							       (if (not (equal? currval newval))
								   (iup:attribute-set! test-data "VALUE" newval ))))) ;; "TITLE" newval)))))
				 (iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE0" "Steps")
				 (iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE1" "Test Data")
	    (iup:show self)
	    (iup:callback-set! *tim* "ACTION_CB"
			       (lambda (x)
				 ;; Now start keeping the gui updated from the db
				 (refreshdat) ;; update from the db here
					;(thread-suspend! other-thread)
				 (if *exit-started*
				     (set! *exit-started* 'ok))))))))))

(define (colors-similar? color1 color2)
  (let* ((c1    (map string->number (string-split color1)))
	 (c2    (map string->number (string-split color2)))
	 (delta (map (lambda (a b)(abs (- a b))) c1 c2)))
    (null? (filter (lambda (x)(> x 3)) delta))))

;; Display the tests as rows of boxes on the test/task pane
(define (dashboard:draw-tests cnv xadj yadj tests-draw-state sorted-testnames test-records)
  (canvas-clear! cnv)
  (canvas-font-set! cnv "Helvetica, -10")
  (let-values (((sizex sizey sizexmm sizeymm) (canvas-size cnv))
	       ((originx originy)             (canvas-origin cnv)))
    ;; (print "originx: " originx " originy: " originy)
    ;; (canvas-origin-set! cnv 0 (- (/ sizey 2)))
    (if (hash-table-ref/default tests-draw-state 'first-time #t)
	  (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'first-time #f)
	  (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'scalef 1)
	  (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'tests-info (make-hash-table))
	  (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'selected-tests (make-hash-table))
	  ;; set these 
	  (dcommon:initial-draw-tests cnv xadj yadj sizex sizey sizexmm sizeymm originx originy tests-draw-state sorted-testnames test-records))
	(dcommon:redraw-tests cnv xadj yadj sizex sizey sizexmm sizeymm originx originy tests-draw-state sorted-testnames test-records))

(define (dboard:tabdat-test-patts-use vec)    
  (let ((val (dboard:tabdat-test-patts vec)))(if val val ""))) ;;RADT => What is the if for?

;; additional setters for dboard:data
(define (dboard:tabdat-test-patts-set!-use    vec val)
  (dboard:tabdat-test-patts-set! vec (if (equal? val "") #f val)))

;; Extract the various bits of data from tabdat and create the command line equivalent that will be displayed
(define (dashboard:update-run-command tabdat)
  (let* ((cmd-tb       (dboard:tabdat-command-tb tabdat))
	 (cmd          (dboard:tabdat-command    tabdat))
	 (test-patt    (let ((tp (dboard:tabdat-test-patts tabdat)))
			 (if (or (not tp)
                                 (equal? tp ""))
	 (states       (dboard:tabdat-states     tabdat))
	 (statuses     (dboard:tabdat-statuses   tabdat))
	 (target       (let ((targ-list (dboard:tabdat-target     tabdat)))
			 (if targ-list (string-intersperse targ-list "/") "no-target-selected")))
	 (run-name     (dboard:tabdat-run-name   tabdat))
	 (states-str   (if (or (not states)
			       (null? states))
			   (conc " -state "  (string-intersperse states ","))))
	 (statuses-str (if (or (not statuses)
			       (null? statuses))
			   (conc " -status " (string-intersperse statuses ","))))
	 (full-cmd  "megatest"))
    (case (string->symbol cmd)
       (set! full-cmd (conc full-cmd 
			    " -run"
			    " -testpatt "
			    " -target "
			    " -runname "
			    " -clean-cache"
       (set! full-cmd (conc full-cmd
			    " -remove-runs -runname "
			    " -target " 
			    " -testpatt "
      (else (set! full-cmd " no valid command ")))
    (iup:attribute-set! cmd-tb "VALUE" full-cmd)))

(define (iuplistbox-fill-list lb items #!key (selected-item #f))
  (let ((i 1))
    (for-each (lambda (item)
		(iup:attribute-set! lb (number->string i) item)
		(if selected-item
		    (if (equal? selected-item item)
			(iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" i))) ;; (number->string i))))
		(set! i (+ i 1)))
    ;; (iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" (if selected-item selected-item ""))

;; if tab-num passed in then use it, otherwise look in commondat at curr-tab-num
;; adds the updater passed in the updaters list at that hashkey
(define (dboard:commondat-add-updater commondat updater #!key (tab-num #f))
  (let* ((tnum          (or tab-num
			     (dboard:commondat-curr-tab-num commondat)))
	 (curr-updaters (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:commondat-updaters commondat) tnum '())))
    (hash-table-set! (dboard:commondat-updaters commondat)
		     (cons updater curr-updaters))))