
TODO at [b3506d6c89]

File TODO artifact fdd124b7a6 part of check-in b3506d6c89

1.  Run all tests
2.  create run areas, copy in conf and scripts                   DONE
3.  Add a host chooser for ssh to launch-tests
4.  Run creation timestamp not happening                         DONE
5 . Check for test already in progress, give meaningful message  DONE
6.  Debug xterm creation for test generation                     DONE
7.  Capture run info, host, load, freemem at test launch         DONE
8.  Rename to testalot?                                          Nah! I like Megatest
10. Run, test and step comment field                             
11. At end of test scan all tests for this run, if all done 
    update run status to COMPLETED                               NOT gonna happen. It is up to the test to mark as PASS/FAIL
12. state and status lists need to be regexes                    
13. Test on Chicken 4.                                           DONE
14. Try making static executable
15. Log processor script                                         DONE