
megatest.scm at [b67dc2e04b]

File megatest.scm artifact c8be4d1399 part of check-in b67dc2e04b

;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
;;  This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;;  greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;;  This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the

;; (include "common.scm")
;; (include "megatest-version.scm")

(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 base64 format readline apropos json http-client) ;; (srfi 18) extras)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
(import (prefix base64 base64:))

;; (use zmq)

(declare (uses common))
(declare (uses megatest-version))
(declare (uses margs))
(declare (uses runs))
(declare (uses launch))
(declare (uses server))
(declare (uses client))
(declare (uses tests))
(declare (uses genexample))
(declare (uses daemon))
(declare (uses db))
(declare (uses mt))
(declare (uses api))

(define *db* #f) ;; this is only for the repl, do not use in general!!!!

(include "common_records.scm")
(include "key_records.scm")
(include "db_records.scm")
(include "run_records.scm")
(include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm")

(let ((debugcontrolf (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.megatestrc")))
  (if (file-exists? debugcontrolf)
      (load debugcontrolf)))

(define help (conc "
Megatest, documentation at
  version " megatest-version "
  license GPL, Copyright Matt Welland 2006-2012

Usage: megatest [options]
  -h                      : this help
  -version                : print megatest version (currently " megatest-version ")

Launching and managing runs
  -runall                 : run all tests that are not state COMPLETED and status PASS, 
                            CHECK or KILLED
  -runtests tst1,tst2 ... : run tests
  -remove-runs            : remove the data for a run, requires :runname and -testpatt
                            Optionally use :state and :status
  -set-state-status X,Y   : set state to X and status to Y, requires controls per -remove-runs
  -rerun FAIL,WARN...     : force re-run for tests with specificed status(s)
  -rollup                 : (currently disabled) fill run (set by :runname)  with latest test(s)
                            from prior runs with same keys
  -lock                   : lock run specified by target and runname
  -unlock                 : unlock run specified by target and runname
  -run-wait               : wait on run specified by target and runname

Selectors (e.g. use for -runtests, -remove-runs, -set-state-status, -list-runs etc.)
  -target key1/key2/...   : run for key1, key2, etc.
  -reqtarg key1/key2/...  : run for key1, key2, etc. but key1/key2 must be in runconfig
  -testpatt patt1/patt2,patt3/...  : % is wildcard
  :runname                : required, name for this particular test run
  :state                  : Applies to runs, tests or steps depending on context
  :status                 : Applies to runs, tests or steps depending on context

Test helpers (for use inside tests)
  -step stepname
  -test-status            : set the state and status of a test (use :state and :status)
  -setlog logfname        : set the path/filename to the final log relative to the test
                            directory. may be used with -test-status
  -set-toplog logfname    : set the overall log for a suite of sub-tests
  -summarize-items        : for an itemized test create a summary html 
  -m comment              : insert a comment for this test

Test data capture
  -set-values             : update or set values in the testdata table
  :category               : set the category field (optional)
  :variable               : set the variable name (optional)
  :value                  : value measured (required)
  :expected               : value expected (required)
  :tol                    : |value-expect| <= tol (required, can be <, >, >=, <= or number)
  :units                  : name of the units for value, expected_value etc. (optional)
  -load-test-data         : read test specific data for storage in the test_data table
                            from standard in. Each line is comma delimited with four
                            fields category,variable,value,comment

  -list-runs patt         : list runs matching pattern \"patt\", % is the wildcard
  -show-keys              : show the keys used in this megatest setup
  -test-files targpatt    : get the most recent test path/file matching targpatt e.g. %/%... 
                            returns list sorted by age ascending, see examples below
  -test-paths             : get the test paths matching target, runname, item and test
  -list-disks             : list the disks available for storing runs
  -list-targets           : list the targets in runconfigs.config
  -list-db-targets        : list the target combinations used in the db
  -show-config            : dump the internal representation of the megatest.config file
  -show-runconfig         : dump the internal representation of the runconfigs.config file
  -dumpmode json          : dump in json format instead of sexpr
  -show-cmdinfo           : dump the command info for a test (run in test environment)

  -rebuild-db             : bring the database schema up to date
  -cleanup-db             : remove any orphan records, vacuum the db
  -update-meta            : update the tests metadata for all tests
  -env2file fname         : write the environment to fname.csh and
  -setvars VAR1=val1,VAR2=val2 : Add environment variables to a run NB// these are
                                 overwritten by values set in config files.
  -server -|hostname      : start the server (reduces contention on megatest.db), use
                            - to automatically figure out hostname
  -transport http|fs      : use http or direct access for transport (default is http) 
  -daemonize              : fork into background and disconnect from stdin/out
  -list-servers           : list the servers 
  -stop-server id         : stop server specified by id (see output of -list-servers), use
                            0 to kill all
  -repl                   : start a repl (useful for extending megatest)
  -load file.scm          : load and run file.scm

Spreadsheet generation
  -extract-ods fname.ods  : extract an open document spreadsheet from the database
  -pathmod path           : insert path, i.e. path/runame/itempath/logfile.html
                            will clear the field if no rundir/testname/itempath/logfile
                            if it contains forward slashes the path will be converted
                            to windows style
Getting started
  -gen-megatest-area       : create a skeleton megatest area. You will be prompted for paths
  -gen-megatest-test tname : create a skeleton megatest test. You will be prompted for info


# Get test path, use '.' to get a single path or a specific path/file pattern
megatest -test-files 'logs/*.log' -target ubuntu/n%/no% :runname w49% -testpatt test_mt%

Called as " (string-intersperse (argv) " ") "
Version " megatest-version ", built from " megatest-fossil-hash ))

;;  -gui                    : start a gui interface
;;  -config fname           : override the runconfig file with fname

;; process args
(define remargs (args:get-args 
		 (list  "-runtests"  ;; run a specific test
			"-config"    ;; override the config file name
			"-execute"   ;; run the command encoded in the base64 parameter
			;; values and messages
			;; misc
			"-debug" ;; for *verbosity* > 2
			"-test-files"  ;; -test-paths is for listing all
			"-load"        ;; load and exectute a scheme file
		 (list  "-h"
			;; misc
                        "-run-wait"      ;; wait on a run to complete (i.e. no RUNNING)

			;; misc queries
			;; queries
			"-test-paths" ;; get path(s) to a test, ordered by youngest first

			"-runall"    ;; run all tests

			"-v" ;; verbose 2, more than normal (normal is 1)
			"-q" ;; quiet 0, errors/warnings only

(if (args:get-arg "-h")
      (print help)

(if (args:get-arg "-version")
      (print megatest-version)

(define *didsomething* #f)

(if (and (or (args:get-arg "-list-targets")
	     (args:get-arg "-list-db-targets"))
	 (not (args:get-arg "-transport")))
    (hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-transport" "fs"))

;; Misc setup stuff


(if (args:get-arg "-logging")(set! *logging* #t))

(if (debug:debug-mode 3) ;; we are obviously debugging
    (set! open-run-close open-run-close-no-exception-handling))

(if (args:get-arg "-itempatt")
    (let ((newval (conc (args:get-arg "-testpatt") "/" (args:get-arg "-itempatt"))))
      (debug:print 0 "WARNING: -itempatt has been deprecated, please use -testpatt testpatt/itempatt method, new testpatt is "newval)
      (hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-testpatt" newval)
      (hash-table-delete! args:arg-hash "-itempatt")))

;; Misc general calls

(if (args:get-arg "-env2file")
      (save-environment-as-files (args:get-arg "-env2file"))
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

(if (args:get-arg "-list-disks")
	(map (lambda (x)
		" => "))
	     (common:get-disks) )
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

;; Start the server - can be done in conjunction with -runall or -runtests (one day...)
;;   we start the server if not running else start the client thread

(if (args:get-arg "-server")
    (let ((transport (args:get-arg "-transport" "http")))
      (debug:print 2 "Launching server using transport " transport)
      (server:launch (string->symbol transport)))
    (if (not (null? (lset-intersection 
		     (hash-table-keys args:arg-hash)
		     '("-runtests"    "-list-runs"   "-rollup"
		       "-remove-runs" "-lock"        "-unlock"
		       "-update-meta" "-extract-ods"))))
	(if (setup-for-run)
	    (let loop ((servers  (open-run-close tasks:get-best-server tasks:open-db))
		       (trycount 0))
	      (if (or (not servers)
		      (null? servers))
		    (if (even? trycount) ;; just do the server start every other time through this loop (every 8 seconds)
			  (debug:print 0 "INFO: Starting server as none running ...")
			  ;; (server:launch (string->symbol (args:get-arg "-transport" "http"))))
			  ;; no need to use fork, no need to do the list-servers trick. Just start the damn server, it will exit on it's own
			  ;; if there is an existing server
			  (system "megatest -server - -daemonize")
			  (thread-sleep! 3)
			  ;; (process-run (car (argv)) (list "-server" "-" "-daemonize" "-transport" (args:get-arg "-transport" "http")))
			  ;; (system (conc "megatest -list-servers | egrep '" megatest-version ".*alive' || megatest -server - -daemonize && sleep 3"))
			  ;; (process-fork (lambda ()
			  ;;       	  (daemon:ize)
			  ;;       	  (server:launch (string->symbol (args:get-arg "-transport" "http")))))
			  (debug:print-info 0 "Waiting for server to start")
			  (thread-sleep! 4)))
		    (if (< trycount 10)
			(loop (open-run-close tasks:get-best-server tasks:open-db) 
			      (+ trycount 1))
			(debug:print 0 "WARNING: Couldn't start or find a server.")))
		  (debug:print 0 "INFO: Server(s) running " servers)

(if (or (args:get-arg "-list-servers")
	(args:get-arg "-stop-server"))
    (let ((tl (setup-for-run)))
      (if tl 
	  (let* ((servers (open-run-close tasks:get-all-servers tasks:open-db))
		 (fmtstr  "~5a~12a~8a~20a~24a~10a~10a~10a~10a\n")
		 (servers-to-kill '())
		 (killinfo   (args:get-arg "-stop-server"))
		 (khost-port (if killinfo (if (substring-index ":" killinfo)(string-split ":") #f) #f))
		 (sid        (if killinfo (if (substring-index ":" killinfo) #f (string->number killinfo)) #f)))
	    (format #t fmtstr "Id" "MTver" "Pid" "Host" "Interface:OutPort" "InPort" "LastBeat" "State" "Transport")
	    (format #t fmtstr "==" "=====" "===" "====" "=================" "======" "========" "=====" "=========")
	     (lambda (server)
	       (let* ((id         (vector-ref server 0))
		      (pid        (vector-ref server 1))
		      (hostname   (vector-ref server 2))
		      (interface  (vector-ref server 3)) 
		      (pullport   (vector-ref server 4))
		      (pubport    (vector-ref server 5))
		      (start-time (vector-ref server 6))
		      (priority   (vector-ref server 7))
		      (state      (vector-ref server 8))
		      (mt-ver     (vector-ref server 9))
		      (last-update (vector-ref server 10)) ;;   (open-run-close tasks:server-alive? tasks:open-db #f hostname: hostname port: port))
		      (transport  (vector-ref server 11))
		      (killed     #f)
		      (status     (< last-update 20)))
		 ;;   (zmq-sockets (if status (server:client-connect hostname port) #f)))
		 ;; no need to login as status of #t indicates we are connecting to correct 
		 ;; server
		 (if (equal? state "dead")
		     (if (> last-update (* 25 60 60)) ;; keep records around for slighly over a day.
			 (open-run-close tasks:server-deregister tasks:open-db hostname pullport: pullport pid: pid action: 'delete))
		     (if (> last-update 20)        ;; Mark as dead if not updated in last 20 seconds
			 (open-run-close tasks:server-deregister tasks:open-db hostname pullport: pullport pid: pid)))
		 (format #t fmtstr id mt-ver pid hostname (conc interface ":" pullport) pubport last-update
			 (if status "alive" "dead") transport)
		 (if (or (equal? id sid)
			 (equal? sid 0)) ;; kill all/any
		       (debug:print-info 0 "Attempting to stop server with pid " pid)
		       (tasks:kill-server status hostname pullport pid transport)))))
	    (debug:print-info 1 "Done with listservers")
	    (set! *didsomething* #t)
	    (exit)) ;; must do, would have to add checks to many/all calls below
    ;; if not list or kill then start a client (if appropriate)
    (if (or (args-defined? "-h" "-version" "-gen-megatest-area" "-gen-megatest-test")
	    (eq? (length (hash-table-keys args:arg-hash)) 0))
	(debug:print-info 1 "Server connection not needed")
	;; ok, so lets connect to the server

;; Weird special calls that need to run *after* the server has started?

(if (args:get-arg "-list-targets")
    (let ((targets (common:get-runconfig-targets)))
      (print "Found "(length targets) " targets")
      (for-each (lambda (x)
		  ;; (print "[" x "]"))
		  (print x))
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

(define (full-runconfigs-read)
  (let* ((keys   (cdb:remote-run db:get-keys #f))
	 (target (if (args:get-arg "-reqtarg")
		     (args:get-arg "-reqtarg")
		     (if (args:get-arg "-target")
			 (args:get-arg "-target")
	 (key-vals (if target (keys:target->keyval keys target) #f))
	 (sections (if target (list "default" target) #f))
	 (data     (begin
		     (setenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" *toppath*)
		     (if key-vals
			 (for-each (lambda (kt)
				     (setenv (car kt) (cadr kt)))
		     (read-config "runconfigs.config" #f #t sections: sections))))

(if (args:get-arg "-show-runconfig")
    (let ((data (full-runconfigs-read)))
      ;; keep this one local
       ((not (args:get-arg "-dumpmode"))
	(pp (hash-table->alist data)))
       ((string=? (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") "json")
	(json-write data))
	(debug:print 0 "ERROR: -dumpmode of " (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") " not recognised")))
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

(if (args:get-arg "-show-config")
    (let ((data *configdat*)) ;; (read-config "megatest.config" #f #t)))
      ;; keep this one local
       ((not (args:get-arg "-dumpmode"))
	(pp (hash-table->alist data)))
       ((string=? (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") "json")
	(json-write data))
	(debug:print 0 "ERROR: -dumpmode of " (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") " not recognised")))
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

(if (args:get-arg "-show-cmdinfo")
    (let ((data (read (open-input-string (base64:base64-decode (getenv "MT_CMDINFO"))))))
      (if (equal? (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") "json")
	  (json-write data)
	  (pp data))
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

;; Remove old run(s)

;; since several actions can be specified on the command line the removal
;; is done first
(define (operate-on action)
  (let* ((runrec (runs:runrec-make-record))
	 (target (or (args:get-arg "-reqtarg")
		     (args:get-arg "-target"))))
     ((not target)
      (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Missing required parameter for " action ", you must specify -target or -reqtarg")
      (exit 1))
     ((not (args:get-arg ":runname"))
      (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Missing required parameter for " action ", you must specify the run name pattern with :runname patt")
      (exit 2))
     ((not (args:get-arg "-testpatt"))
      (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Missing required parameter for " action ", you must specify the test pattern with -testpatt")
      (exit 3))
      (if (not (car *configinfo*))
	    (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Attempted " action "on test(s) but run area config file not found")
	    (exit 1))
	  ;; put test parameters into convenient variables
	  (runs:operate-on  action
			    (args:get-arg ":runname")
			    (args:get-arg "-testpatt")
			    state: (args:get-arg ":state") 
			    status: (args:get-arg ":status")
			    new-state-status: (args:get-arg "-set-state-status")))
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))))
(if (args:get-arg "-remove-runs")
     "remove runs"
     (lambda (target runname keys keyvals)
       (operate-on 'remove-runs))))

(if (args:get-arg "-set-state-status")
     "set state and status"
     (lambda (target runname keys keyvals)
       (operate-on 'set-state-status))))

;; Query runs

(if (or (args:get-arg "-list-runs")
	(args:get-arg "-list-db-targets"))
    (if (setup-for-run)
	(let* ((db       #f)
	       (runpatt  (args:get-arg "-list-runs"))
	       (testpatt (if (args:get-arg "-testpatt") 
			     (args:get-arg "-testpatt") 
	       (runsdat  (cdb:remote-run db:get-runs #f runpatt #f #f '()))
	       (runs     (db:get-rows runsdat))
	       (header   (db:get-header runsdat))
	       (keys     (cdb:remote-run db:get-keys #f))
	       (db-targets (args:get-arg "-list-db-targets"))
	       (seen     (make-hash-table)))
	  ;; Each run
	   (lambda (run)
	     (let ((targetstr (string-intersperse (map (lambda (x)
							 (db:get-value-by-header run header x))
						       keys) "/")))
	       (if db-targets
		   (if (not (hash-table-ref/default seen targetstr #f))
			 (hash-table-set! seen targetstr #t)
			 ;; (print "[" targetstr "]"))))
			 (print targetstr))))
	       (if (not db-targets)
		   (let* ((run-id (db:get-value-by-header run header "id"))
			  (tests  (mt:get-tests-for-run run-id testpatt '() '())))
		     (print "Run: " targetstr "/" (db:get-value-by-header run header "runname") 
			    " status: " (db:get-value-by-header run header "state")
			    " run-id: " run-id ", number tests: " (length tests))
		      (lambda (test)
			(format #t
				"  Test: ~25a State: ~15a Status: ~15a Runtime: ~5@as Time: ~22a Host: ~10a\n"
				(conc (db:test-get-testname test)
				      (if (equal? (db:test-get-item-path test) "")
					  (conc "(" (db:test-get-item-path test) ")")))
				(db:test-get-state test)
				(db:test-get-status test)
				(db:test-get-run_duration test)
				(db:test-get-event_time test)
				(db:test-get-host test))
			(if (not (or (equal? (db:test-get-status test) "PASS")
				     (equal? (db:test-get-status test) "WARN")
				     (equal? (db:test-get-state test)  "NOT_STARTED")))
			      (print "         cpuload:  " (db:test-get-cpuload test)
				     "\n         diskfree: " (db:test-get-diskfree test)
				     "\n         uname:    " (db:test-get-uname test)
				     "\n         rundir:   " (db:test-get-rundir test)
			      ;; Each test
			      ;; DO NOT remote run
			      (let ((steps (db:get-steps-for-test #f (db:test-get-id test))))
				 (lambda (step)
				   (format #t 
					   "    Step: ~20a State: ~10a Status: ~10a Time ~22a\n"
					   (db:step-get-stepname step)
					   (db:step-get-state step)
					   (db:step-get-status step)
					   (db:step-get-event_time step)))
	   (set! *didsomething* #t))))

;; full run

;; get lock in db for full run for this directory
;; for all tests with deps
;;   walk tree of tests to find head tasks
;;   add head tasks to task queue
;;   add dependant tasks to task queue 
;;   add remaining tasks to task queue
;; for each task in task queue
;;   if have adequate resources
;;     launch task
;;   else
;;     put task in deferred queue
;; if still ok to run tasks
;;   process deferred tasks per above steps

;; run all tests are are Not COMPLETED and PASS or CHECK
(if (args:get-arg "-runall")
     "run all tests"
     (lambda (target runname keys keyvals)
       (runs:run-tests target
		       (args:get-arg "-testpatt")

;; run one test

;; 1. find the config file
;; 2. change to the test directory
;; 3. update the db with "test started" status, set running host
;; 4. process launch the test
;;    - monitor the process, update stats in the db every 2^n minutes
;; 5. as the test proceeds internally it calls megatest as each step is
;;    started and completed
;;    - step started, timestamp
;;    - step completed, exit status, timestamp
;; 6. test phone home
;;    - if test run time > allowed run time then kill job
;;    - if cannot access db > allowed disconnect time then kill job

(if (args:get-arg "-runtests")
   "run a test" 
   (lambda (target runname keys keyvals)
     (runs:run-tests target
		     (args:get-arg "-runtests")

;; Rollup into a run

(if (args:get-arg "-rollup")
     "rollup tests" 
     (lambda (target runname keys keyvals)
       (runs:rollup-run keys
			(args:get-arg ":runname") 

;; Lock or unlock a run

(if (or (args:get-arg "-lock")(args:get-arg "-unlock"))
     (if (args:get-arg "-lock") "-lock" "-unlock")
     "lock/unlock tests" 
     (lambda (target runname keys keyvals)
		  (args:get-arg ":runname") 
		  (args:get-arg "-lock")
		  (args:get-arg "-unlock")

;; Get paths to tests
;; Get test paths matching target, runname, and testpatt
(if (or (args:get-arg "-test-files")(args:get-arg "-test-paths"))
    ;; if we are in a test use the MT_CMDINFO data
    (if (getenv "MT_CMDINFO")
	(let* ((startingdir (current-directory))
	       (cmdinfo   (read (open-input-string (base64:base64-decode (getenv "MT_CMDINFO")))))
	       ;; (runremote (assoc/default 'runremote cmdinfo))
	       (transport (assoc/default 'transport cmdinfo))
	       (testpath  (assoc/default 'testpath  cmdinfo))
	       (test-name (assoc/default 'test-name cmdinfo))
	       (runscript (assoc/default 'runscript cmdinfo))
	       (db-host   (assoc/default 'db-host   cmdinfo))
	       (run-id    (assoc/default 'run-id    cmdinfo))
	       (itemdat   (assoc/default 'itemdat   cmdinfo))
	       (db        #f)
	       (state     (args:get-arg ":state"))
	       (status    (args:get-arg ":status"))
	       (target    (args:get-arg "-target"))
	       (toppath   (assoc/default 'toppath   cmdinfo)))
	  (change-directory toppath)
	  ;; (set! *runremote* runremote)
	  (set! *transport-type* (string->symbol transport))
	  (if (not target)
		(debug:print 0 "ERROR: -target is required.")
		(exit 1)))
	  (if (not (setup-for-run))
		(debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, giving up on -test-paths or -test-files, exiting")
		(exit 1)))
	  (let* ((keys     (cdb:remote-run db:get-keys db))
		 ;; db:test-get-paths must not be run remote
		 (paths    (db:test-get-paths-matching db keys target (args:get-arg "-test-files"))))
	    (set! *didsomething* #t)
	    (for-each (lambda (path)
			(print path))
	;; else do a general-run-call
	 "Get paths to test"
	 (lambda (target runname keys keyvals)
	   (let* ((db       #f)
		  ;; DO NOT run remote
		  (paths    (db:test-get-paths-matching db keys target (args:get-arg "-test-files"))))
	     (for-each (lambda (path)
			 (print path))

;; Archive tests
;; Archive tests matching target, runname, and testpatt
(if (args:get-arg "-archive")
    ;; if we are in a test use the MT_CMDINFO data
    (if (getenv "MT_CMDINFO")
	(let* ((startingdir (current-directory))
	       (cmdinfo   (read (open-input-string (base64:base64-decode (getenv "MT_CMDINFO")))))
	       ;; (runremote (assoc/default 'runremote cmdinfo))
	       (transport (assoc/default 'transport cmdinfo))
	       (testpath  (assoc/default 'testpath  cmdinfo))
	       (test-name (assoc/default 'test-name cmdinfo))
	       (runscript (assoc/default 'runscript cmdinfo))
	       (db-host   (assoc/default 'db-host   cmdinfo))
	       (run-id    (assoc/default 'run-id    cmdinfo))
	       (itemdat   (assoc/default 'itemdat   cmdinfo))
	       (db        #f)
	       (state     (args:get-arg ":state"))
	       (status    (args:get-arg ":status"))
	       (target    (args:get-arg "-target")))
	  (change-directory testpath)
	  ;; (set! *runremote* runremote)
	  (set! *transport-type* (string->symbol transport))
	  (if (not target)
		(debug:print 0 "ERROR: -target is required.")
		(exit 1)))
	  (if (not (setup-for-run))
		(debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, giving up on -archive, exiting")
		(exit 1)))
	  (let* ((keys     (cdb:remote-run db:get-keys db))
		 ;; DO NOT run remote
		 (paths    (db:test-get-paths-matching db keys target)))
	    (set! *didsomething* #t)
	    (for-each (lambda (path)
			(print path))
	;; else do a general-run-call
	 "Get paths to tests"
	 (lambda (target runname keys keyvals)
	   (let* ((db       #f)
		  ;; DO NOT run remote
		  (paths    (db:test-get-paths-matching db keys target)))
	     (for-each (lambda (path)
			 (print path))

;; Extract a spreadsheet from the runs database

(if (args:get-arg "-extract-ods")
     "Make ods spreadsheet"
     (lambda (target runname keys keyvals)
       (let ((db         #f)
	     (outputfile (args:get-arg "-extract-ods"))
	     (runspatt   (args:get-arg ":runname"))
	     (pathmod    (args:get-arg "-pathmod")))
	     ;; (keyvalalist (keys->alist keys "%")))
	 (debug:print 2 "Extract ods, outputfile: " outputfile " runspatt: " runspatt " keyvalalist: " keyvals)
	 (cdb:remote-run db:extract-ods-file db outputfile keyvalalist (if runspatt runspatt "%") pathmod)))))

;; execute the test
;;    - gets called on remote host
;;    - receives info from the -execute param
;;    - passes info to steps via MT_CMDINFO env var (future is to use a dot file)
;;    - gathers host info and 

(if (args:get-arg "-execute")
      (launch:execute (args:get-arg "-execute"))
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

;; Test commands (i.e. for use inside tests)

(define (megatest:step step state status logfile msg)
  (if (not (getenv "MT_CMDINFO"))
	(debug:print 0 "ERROR: MT_CMDINFO env var not set, -step must be called *inside* a megatest invoked environment!")
	(exit 5))
      (let* ((cmdinfo   (read (open-input-string (base64:base64-decode (getenv "MT_CMDINFO")))))
	     ;; (runremote (assoc/default 'runremote cmdinfo))
	     (transport (assoc/default 'transport cmdinfo))
	     (testpath  (assoc/default 'testpath  cmdinfo))
	     (test-name (assoc/default 'test-name cmdinfo))
	     (runscript (assoc/default 'runscript cmdinfo))
	     (db-host   (assoc/default 'db-host   cmdinfo))
	     (run-id    (assoc/default 'run-id    cmdinfo))
	     (test-id   (assoc/default 'test-id   cmdinfo))
	     (itemdat   (assoc/default 'itemdat   cmdinfo))
	     (work-area (assoc/default 'work-area cmdinfo))
	     (db        #f))
	(change-directory testpath)
	;; (set! *runremote* runremote)
	(set! *transport-type* (string->symbol transport))
	(if (not (setup-for-run))
	      (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting")
	      (exit 1)))
	(if (and state status)
	    ;; DO NOT remote run, makes calls to the testdat.db test db.
	    (db:teststep-set-status! db test-id step state status msg logfile work-area: work-area)
	      (debug:print 0 "ERROR: You must specify :state and :status with every call to -step")
	      (exit 6))))))

(if (args:get-arg "-step")
       (args:get-arg "-step")
       (args:get-arg ":state")
       (args:get-arg ":status")
       (args:get-arg "-setlog")
       (args:get-arg "-m"))
      ;; (if db (sqlite3:finalize! db))
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))
(if (or (args:get-arg "-setlog")       ;; since setting up is so costly lets piggyback on -test-status
	;;     (not (args:get-arg "-step")))  ;; -setlog may have been processed already in the "-step" previous
	;;     NEW POLICY - -setlog sets test overall log on every call.
	(args:get-arg "-set-toplog")
	(args:get-arg "-test-status")
	(args:get-arg "-set-values")
	(args:get-arg "-load-test-data")
	(args:get-arg "-runstep")
	(args:get-arg "-summarize-items"))
    (if (not (getenv "MT_CMDINFO"))
	  (debug:print 0 "ERROR: MT_CMDINFO env var not set, commands -test-status, -runstep and -setlog must be called *inside* a megatest environment!")
	  (exit 5))
	(let* ((startingdir (current-directory))
	       (cmdinfo   (read (open-input-string (base64:base64-decode (getenv "MT_CMDINFO")))))
	       ;; (runremote (assoc/default 'runremote cmdinfo))
	       (transport (assoc/default 'transport cmdinfo))
	       (testpath  (assoc/default 'testpath  cmdinfo))
	       (test-name (assoc/default 'test-name cmdinfo))
	       (runscript (assoc/default 'runscript cmdinfo))
	       (db-host   (assoc/default 'db-host   cmdinfo))
	       (run-id    (assoc/default 'run-id    cmdinfo))
	       (test-id   (assoc/default 'test-id   cmdinfo))
	       (itemdat   (assoc/default 'itemdat   cmdinfo))
	       (work-area (assoc/default 'work-area cmdinfo))
	       (db        #f) ;; (open-db))
	       (state     (args:get-arg ":state"))
	       (status    (args:get-arg ":status")))
	  ;; (set! *runremote* runremote)
	  (set! *transport-type* (string->symbol transport))
	  (if (not (setup-for-run))
		(debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting")
		(exit 1)))

	  (debug:print-info 1 "Runing -runstep, first change to directory " work-area)
	  (change-directory work-area)
	  ;; can setup as client for server mode now
	  ;; (client:setup)

	  (if (args:get-arg "-load-test-data")
	      ;; has sub commands that are rdb:
	      ;; DO NOT put this one into either cdb:remote-run or open-run-close
	      (db:load-test-data db test-id work-area: work-area))
	  (if (args:get-arg "-setlog")
	      (let ((logfname (args:get-arg "-setlog")))
		(cdb:test-set-log! *runremote* test-id logfname)))
	  (if (args:get-arg "-set-toplog")
	      ;; DO NOT run remote
	      (tests:test-set-toplog! db run-id test-name (args:get-arg "-set-toplog")))
	  (if (args:get-arg "-summarize-items")
	      ;; DO NOT run remote
	      (tests:summarize-items db run-id test-name #t)) ;; do force here
	  (if (args:get-arg "-runstep")
	      (if (null? remargs)
		    (debug:print 0 "ERROR: nothing specified to run!")
		    (if db (sqlite3:finalize! db))
		    (exit 6))
		  (let* ((stepname   (args:get-arg "-runstep"))
			 (logprofile (args:get-arg "-logpro"))
			 (logfile    (conc stepname ".log"))
			 (cmd        (if (null? remargs) #f (car remargs)))
			 (params     (if cmd (cdr remargs) '()))
			 (exitstat   #f)
			 (shell      (last (string-split (get-environment-variable "SHELL") "/")))
			 (redir      (case (string->symbol shell)
				       ((tcsh csh ksh)    ">&")
				       ((zsh bash sh ash) "2>&1 >")
				       (else ">&")))
			 (fullcmd    (conc "(" (string-intersperse 
						(cons cmd params) " ")
					   ") " redir " " logfile)))
		    ;; mark the start of the test
		    ;; DO NOT run remote
		    (db:teststep-set-status! db test-id stepname "start" "n/a" (args:get-arg "-m") logfile work-area: work-area)
		    ;; run the test step
		    (debug:print-info 2 "Running \"" fullcmd "\" in directory \"" startingdir)
		    (change-directory startingdir)
		    (set! exitstat (system fullcmd)) ;; cmd params))
		    (set! *globalexitstatus* exitstat)
		    ;; (change-directory testpath)
		    ;; run logpro if applicable ;; (process-run "ls" (list "/foo" "2>&1" "blah.log"))
		    (if logprofile
			(let* ((htmllogfile (conc stepname ".html"))
			       (oldexitstat exitstat)
			       (cmd         (string-intersperse (list "logpro" logprofile htmllogfile "<" logfile ">" (conc stepname "_logpro.log")) " ")))
			  (debug:print-info 2 "running \"" cmd "\"")
			  (change-directory startingdir)
			  (set! exitstat (system cmd))
			  (set! *globalexitstatus* exitstat) ;; no necessary
			  (change-directory testpath)
			  (cdb:test-set-log! *runremote* test-id htmllogfile)))
		    (let ((msg (args:get-arg "-m")))
		      ;; DO NOT run remote
		      (db:teststep-set-status! db test-id stepname "end" exitstat msg logfile work-area: work-area))
	  (if (or (args:get-arg "-test-status")
		  (args:get-arg "-set-values"))
	      (let ((newstatus (cond
				((number? status)       (if (equal? status 0) "PASS" "FAIL"))
				((and (string? status)
				      (string->number status))(if (equal? (string->number status) 0) "PASS" "FAIL"))
				(else status)))
		    ;; transfer relevant keys into a hash to be passed to test-set-status!
		    ;; could use an assoc list I guess. 
		    (otherdata (let ((res (make-hash-table)))
				 (for-each (lambda (key)
					     (if (args:get-arg key)
						 (hash-table-set! res key (args:get-arg key))))
					   (list ":value" ":tol" ":expected" ":first_err" ":first_warn" ":units" ":category" ":variable"))
		(if (and (args:get-arg "-test-status")
			 (or (not state)
			     (not status)))
		      (debug:print 0 "ERROR: You must specify :state and :status with every call to -test-status\n" help)
		      ;; (sqlite3:finalize! db)
		      (exit 6)))
		(let* ((msg    (args:get-arg "-m"))
		       (numoth (length (hash-table-keys otherdata))))
		  ;; Convert to rpc inside the tests:test-set-status! call, not here
		  (tests:test-set-status! test-id state newstatus msg otherdata work-area: work-area))))
	  (if db (sqlite3:finalize! db))
	  (set! *didsomething* #t))))

;; Various helper commands can go below here

(if (or (args:get-arg "-showkeys")
        (args:get-arg "-show-keys"))
    (let ((db #f)
	  (keys #f))
      (if (not (setup-for-run))
	    (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting")
	    (exit 1)))
      (set! keys (cdb:remote-run db:get-keys db))
      (debug:print 1 "Keys: " (string-intersperse keys ", "))
      (if db (sqlite3:finalize! db))
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

(if (args:get-arg "-gui")
      (debug:print 0 "Look at the dashboard for now")
      ;; (megatest-gui)
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

(if (args:get-arg "-gen-megatest-area")
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

(if (args:get-arg "-gen-megatest-test")
    (let ((testname (args:get-arg "-gen-megatest-test")))
      (genexample:mk-megatest-test testname)
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

;; Update the database schema, clean up the db

(if (args:get-arg "-rebuild-db")
      (if (not (setup-for-run))
	    (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting") 
	    (exit 1)))
      ;; keep this one local
      (open-run-close patch-db #f)
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

(if (args:get-arg "-cleanup-db")
      (if (not (setup-for-run))
	    (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting") 
	    (exit 1)))
      ;; keep this one local
      (open-run-close db:clean-up #f)
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

;; Wait on a run to complete

(if (args:get-arg "-run-wait")
      (if (not (setup-for-run))
	    (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting") 
	    (exit 1)))
      (operate-on 'run-wait)
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

;; Update the tests meta data from the testconfig files

(if (args:get-arg "-update-meta")
      (if (not (setup-for-run))
	    (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting") 
	    (exit 1)))
      ;; now can find our db
      ;; keep this one local
      (open-run-close runs:update-all-test_meta db)
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

;; Start a repl

(if (or (args:get-arg "-repl")
	(args:get-arg "-load"))
    (let* ((toppath (setup-for-run))
	   (db      (if toppath (open-db) #f)))
      (if db
	    (set! *db* db)
	    (set! *client-non-blocking-mode* #t)
	    ;; (client:setup)
	    ;; (client:launch)
	    (import readline)
	    (import apropos)
	      (or (get-environment-variable "HOME") ".") "/.megatest_history"))
	    (current-input-port (make-gnu-readline-port "megatest> "))
	    (if (args:get-arg "-repl")
		(load (args:get-arg "-load"))))
      (set! *didsomething* #t)))

;; Exit and clean up

(if *runremote* (close-all-connections!))

;; this is the socket if we are a client
;; (if (and *runremote*
;; 	 (socket? *runremote*))
;;     (close-socket *runremote*))

(if (not *didsomething*)
    (debug:print 0 help))

;; (if *runremote* (rpc:close-all-connections!))
(if (not (eq? *globalexitstatus* 0))
    (if (or (args:get-arg "-runtests")(args:get-arg "-runall"))
           (debug:print 0 "NOTE: Subprocesses with non-zero exit code detected: " *globalexitstatus*)
           (exit 0))
        (case *globalexitstatus*
         ((0)(exit 0))
         ((1)(exit 1))
         ((2)(exit 2))
         (else (exit 3)))))