Megatest at [b6ea4f981a]

File docs/ artifact efa03bf87d part of check-in b6ea4f981a

digraph megatest_pkts {
  // rankdir=LR

node [shape=box,style=filled];
  "SENSORS" [ label = "{ Sensor Processing | { file | git | fossil | script }}"
	      shape = "record"; ];
  "RUNS"    [ label = "{ Runs Processing | { launch | clean | re-run | archive } | { dispatcher }}";
	      shape = "record"; ];

  "WORK"    [ label = "{ Work Items | { start task | task competed }}";
	      shape = "record"; ];

  "USERREQ" [ label = "{ User Requests (Unix and Web) | { launch | clean | re-run | archive }}";
	      shape = "record"; ];

  "MTAREA1" [ label = "{ Megatest Area 1 | { parallel job\nmanagement | test\nmanagement | data\nrollup }}";
	      shape = "record"; ];
  "MTAREA2" [ label = "{ Megatest Area 2 | { parallel job\nmanagement | test\nmanagement | data\nrollup }}";
	      shape = "record"; ];
  "MTAREA3" [ label = "More Megatest Areas ... ";
	      shape = "record"; ];

  "PGDB"    [ label = "postgres database";
	      shape = "cylinder"; ];

  "WEBAPP"  [ label = "{ Web View | { Runs | Contours | Control | Time View }}";
	      shape = "record"; ];

  // "WEBCTRL" [ label = "{ Web View \n(control) }";
  //	      shape = "record"; ];
  "RUNS"    -> "run pkts";
  "run pkts" -> "RUNS";
  "WORK"    -> "work pkts";
  "work pkts" -> "RUNS";
  "USERREQ" -> "user request pkts";
  "SPKTS"   -> "RUNS";
  "user request pkts" -> "RUNS";
  "RUNS"    -> "MTAREA1" -> "PGDB";
  "RUNS"    -> "MTAREA2" -> "PGDB";
  "RUNS"    -> "MTAREA3" -> "PGDB";
  "PGDB"    -> "WEBAPP";
  // "WEBCTRL" -> "run pkts";
  subgraph cluster_pkts {
    "SPKTS" [ label = "Sensor Packets" ];
    "run pkts";
    "work pkts";
    "user request pkts";