
commonmod.scm at [c07f9b1d67]

File commonmod.scm artifact 5b4b945014 part of check-in c07f9b1d67

;; Copyright 2017, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;;     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;     (at your option) any later version.
;;     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;     GNU General Public License for more details.
;;     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.


(declare (unit commonmod))
(declare (uses debugprint))
(declare (uses mtargs))
(declare (uses stml2))

(use srfi-69
     (prefix base64 base64:)
     (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)

(import stml2

(module commonmod

(import scheme)
  (import chicken
	  (prefix base64 base64:)

	  (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)
	  (prefix mtargs args:)
  (use srfi-69))
  (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)
	  ;; data-structures
	  ;; extras
	  ;; files
	  ;; posix
	  ;; posix-extras


;;  config file utils
;;  misc conversion, data manipulation functions
;;  testsuite and area utilites

(include "megatest-version.scm")
(include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm")

;; http - use the old http + in /tmp db
;; tcp  - use tcp transport with cachedb db
;; nfs  - use direct to disk access (read-only)
(define rmt:transport-mode (make-parameter 'tcp))

(define (get-full-version)
  (conc megatest-version "-" megatest-fossil-hash))

(define (version-signature)
  (conc megatest-version "-" (substring megatest-fossil-hash 0 4)))

(define *common:denoise*    (make-hash-table)) ;; for low noise printing

(define (common:low-noise-print waitval . keys)
  (let* ((key      (string-intersperse (map conc keys) "-" ))
	 (lasttime (hash-table-ref/default *common:denoise* key 0))
	 (currtime (current-seconds)))
    (if (> (- currtime lasttime) waitval)
	  (hash-table-set! *common:denoise* key currtime)


(defstruct cxt
  (taskdb #f)
  (cmutex (make-mutex)))
;; (define *contexts* (make-hash-table))
;; (define *context-mutex* (make-mutex))

;; ;; safe method for accessing a context given a toppath
;; ;;
;; (define (common:with-cxt toppath proc)
;;   (mutex-lock! *context-mutex*)
;;   (let ((cxt (hash-table-ref/default *contexts* toppath #f)))
;;     (if (not cxt)
;;         (set! cxt (let ((x (make-cxt)))(hash-table-set! *contexts* toppath x) x)))
;;     (let ((cxt-mutex (cxt-mutex cxt)))
;;       (mutex-unlock! *context-mutex*)
;;       (mutex-lock! cxt-mutex)
;;       (let ((res (proc cxt)))
;;         (mutex-unlock! cxt-mutex)
;;         res))))
;; A hash table that can be accessed by #{scheme ...} calls in
;; config files. Allows communicating between confgs
(define *user-hash-data* (make-hash-table))

(define *db-keys* #f)

(define *pkts-info*    (make-hash-table)) ;; store stuff like the last parent here
(define *configinfo*   #f)   ;; raw results from setup, includes toppath and table from megatest.config
(define *runconfigdat* #f)   ;; run configs data
(define *configdat*    #f)   ;; megatest.config data
(define *configstatus* #f)   ;; status of data; 'fulldata : all processing done, #f : no data yet, 'partialdata : partial read done
;; (define *toppath*      #f) ;; moved to commonmod
(define *already-seen-runconfig-info* #f)

(define *test-meta-updated* (make-hash-table))
(define *globalexitstatus*  0) ;; attempt to work around possible thread issues
(define *passnum*           0) ;; when running track calls to run-tests or similar
;; (define *alt-log-file* #f)  ;; used by -log
;; (define *common:denoise*    (make-hash-table)) ;; for low noise printing
(define *time-zero* (current-seconds)) ;; for the watchdog
(define *on-exit-procs* '()) ;; add procs to this list to be executed on exit
(define *default-area-tag* "local")

;; task db
(define *task-db*             #f) ;; (vector db path-to-db)
(define *db-access-allowed*   #t) ;; flag to allow access
;; (define *db-access-mutex*     (make-mutex)) ;; moved to dbfile
;; (define *db-transaction-mutex* (make-mutex))
(define *db-cache-path*       #f)
;; (define *db-with-db-mutex*    (make-mutex))
(define *db-api-call-time*    (make-hash-table)) ;; hash of command => (list of times)

(define *transport-type*    'http)             ;; override with [server] transport http|rpc|nmsg
(define *runremote*         #f)                ;; if set up for server communication this will hold <host port>
;; (define *max-cache-size*    0)
(define *logged-in-clients* (make-hash-table))
(define *server-id*         #f)
;; (define *server-info*       #f)  ;; good candidate for easily convert to non-global
(define *time-to-exit*      #f)
(define *run-id*            #f)
(define *server-kind-run*   (make-hash-table))
(define *home-host*         #f)
;; (define *total-non-write-delay* 0)
(define *heartbeat-mutex*   (make-mutex))
;; (define *api-process-request-count* 0)
;; (define *max-api-process-requests* 0)
(define *server-overloaded*  #f)

;; client
(define *rmt-mutex*         (make-mutex))     ;; remote access calls mutex 

;; RPC transport
(define *rpc:listener*      #f)

;; KEY info
(define *target*            (make-hash-table)) ;; cache the target here; target is keyval1/keyval2/.../keyvalN
(define *keys*              (make-hash-table)) ;; cache the keys here
(define *keyvals*           (make-hash-table))
(define *toptest-paths*     (make-hash-table)) ;; cache toptest path settings here
(define *test-paths*        (make-hash-table)) ;; cache test-id to test run paths here
(define *test-ids*          (make-hash-table)) ;; cache run-id, testname, and item-path => test-id
(define *test-info*         (make-hash-table)) ;; cache the test info records, update the state, status, run_duration etc. from testdat.db

(define *run-info-cache*     (make-hash-table)) ;; run info is stable, no need to reget
(define *launch-setup-mutex* (make-mutex))     ;; need to be able to call launch:setup often so mutex it and re-call the real deal only if *toppath* not set
(define *homehost-mutex*     (make-mutex))

;; Miscellaneous
(define *triggers-mutex*     (make-mutex))     ;; block overlapping processing of triggers
(define *numcpus-cache* (make-hash-table))

;; this plugs a hole in posix-extras in recent chicken versions > 4.9)
(let-values (( (chicken-release-number chicken-major-version)
               (apply values
                      (map string->number
                            (string-split (chicken-version) ".")
  (let ((resolve-pathname-broken?
         (or (> chicken-release-number 4)
             (and (eq? 4 chicken-release-number) (> chicken-major-version 9)))))
    (if resolve-pathname-broken?
        (define ##sys#expand-home-path pathname-expand))))
(define (realpath x) (resolve-pathname  (pathname-expand (or x "/dev/null")) ))

(define (common:get-this-exe-fullpath #!key (argv (argv)))
  (let* ((this-script
           ((and (> (length argv) 2)
                 (string-match "^(.*/csi|csi)$" (car argv))
                 (string-match "^-(s|ss|sx|script)$" (cadr argv)))
            (caddr argv))
           (else (car argv))))
         (fullpath (realpath this-script)))


(define *common:this-exe-fullpath* (common:get-this-exe-fullpath))
(define *common:this-exe-dir*      (pathname-directory *common:this-exe-fullpath*))
(define *common:this-exe-name*     (pathname-strip-directory *common:this-exe-fullpath*))

(define (common:get-sync-lock-filepath)
  (let* ((tmp-area     (common:make-tmpdir-name *toppath* ""))
         (lockfile     (conc tmp-area "/megatest.db.lock")))

(define *common:logpro-exit-code->status-sym-alist*
  '( ( 0 . pass )
     ( 1 . fail )
     ( 2 . warn )
     ( 3 . check )
     ( 4 . waived )
     ( 5 . abort )
     ( 6 . skip )))

(define (common:logpro-exit-code->status-sym exit-code)
  (or (alist-ref exit-code *common:logpro-exit-code->status-sym-alist*) 'fail))

(define (common:worse-status-sym ss1 ss2)
  (let loop ((status-syms-remaining '(abort fail check skip warn waived pass)))
     ((null? status-syms-remaining)
     ((eq? (car status-syms-remaining) ss1)
     ((eq? (car status-syms-remaining) ss2)
      (loop (cdr status-syms-remaining))))))

(define (common:steps-can-proceed-given-status-sym status-sym)
  (if (member status-sym '(warn waived pass))

(define (status-sym->string status-sym)
  (case status-sym
      ((pass) "PASS")
    ((fail) "FAIL")
    ((warn) "WARN")
    ((check) "CHECK")
    ((waived) "WAIVED")
    ((abort) "ABORT")
    ((skip) "SKIP")
    (else "FAIL")))

(define (common:logpro-exit-code->test-status exit-code)
  (status-sym->string (common:logpro-exit-code->status-sym exit-code)))

;; launching and hosts
(defstruct host
  (reachable    #f)
  (last-update  0)
  (last-used    0)
  (last-cpuload 1))

(define *host-loads*         (make-hash-table))

;; cache environment vars for each run here
(define *env-vars-by-run-id* (make-hash-table))

;; Testconfig and runconfig caches. 
(define *testconfigs*        (make-hash-table)) ;; test-name => testconfig
(define *runconfigs*         (make-hash-table)) ;; target    => runconfig

;; This is a cache of pre-reqs met, don't re-calc in cases where called with same params less than
;; five seconds ago
(define *pre-reqs-met-cache* (make-hash-table))

;; cache of verbosity given string
(define *verbosity-cache*    (make-hash-table))

(define (common:clear-caches)
  (set! *target*             (make-hash-table))
  (set! *keys*               (make-hash-table))
  (set! *keyvals*            (make-hash-table))
  (set! *toptest-paths*      (make-hash-table))
  (set! *test-paths*         (make-hash-table))
  (set! *test-ids*           (make-hash-table))
  (set! *test-info*          (make-hash-table))
  (set! *run-info-cache*     (make-hash-table))
  (set! *env-vars-by-run-id* (make-hash-table))
  (set! *test-id-cache*      (make-hash-table)))

;; Generic string database
(define sdb:qry #f) ;; (make-sdb:qry)) ;;  'init #f)
;; Generic path database
(define *fdb* #f)

(define *last-launch* (current-seconds)) ;; use for throttling the launch rate. Would be better to use the db and last time of a test in LAUNCHED state.

;; environment vars handy stuff from common.scm
(define getenv get-environment-variable)
(define (safe-setenv key val)
  (if (or (substring-index "!" key)
	  (substring-index ":" key)  ;; variables containing : are for internal use and cannot be environment variables.
	  (substring-index "." key)) ;; periods are not allowed in environment variables
      (debug:print-error 4 *default-log-port* "skip setting internal use only variables containing \":\" or starting with \"!\"")
      (if (and (string? val)
	       (string? key))
	      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "bad value for setenv, key=" key ", value=" val ", exn=" exn)
	    (setenv key val))
	  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "bad value for setenv, key=" key ", value=" val))))

;; accept an alist or hash table containing envvar/env value pairs (value of #f causes unset) 
;;   execute thunk in context of environment modified as per this list
;;   restore env to prior state then return value of eval'd thunk.
;;   ** this is not thread safe **
(define (common:with-env-vars delta-env-alist-or-hash-table thunk)
  (let* ((delta-env-alist (if (hash-table? delta-env-alist-or-hash-table)
                              (hash-table->alist delta-env-alist-or-hash-table)
           (map (lambda (env-pair)
                  (let* ((env-var     (car env-pair))
                         (new-val     (let ((tmp (cdr env-pair)))
                                        (if (list? tmp) (car tmp) tmp)))
                         (current-val (get-environment-variable env-var))
                           ((not current-val) (lambda () (unsetenv env-var)))
                           ((not (string? new-val)) #f)
                           ((eq? current-val new-val) #f)
                            (lambda () (setenv env-var current-val))))))
                    ;;(when (not (string? new-val))
                    ;;    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " PROBLEM: not a string: "new-val"\n from env-alist:\n"delta-env-alist)
                    ;;    (pp delta-env-alist)
                    ;;    (exit 1))
                     ((not new-val)  ;; modify env here
                      (unsetenv env-var))
                     ((string? new-val)
                      (setenv env-var new-val)))
    (let ((rv (thunk)))
      (for-each (lambda (x) (x)) restore-thunks) ;; restore env to original state

(define home (getenv "HOME"))
(define user (getenv "USER"))

;; return a nice clean pathname made absolute

(define (common:nice-path dir)
  (let ((match (string-match "^(~[^\\/]*)(\\/.*|)$" dir)))
    (if match ;; using ~ for home?
	(common:nice-path (conc (common:read-link-f (cadr match)) "/" (caddr match)))
	(normalize-pathname (if (absolute-pathname? dir)
				(conc (current-directory) "/" dir))))))

(define (common:read-link-f path)
	(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "command \"/bin/readlink -f " path "\" failed. exn=" exn)
	path) ;; just give up
	(conc "/bin/readlink -f " path)
      (lambda ()

;; for reasons I don't understand multiple calls to real-path in parallel threads
;; must be protected by mutexes
(define (common:real-path inpath)
  ;; (process :cmd-run-with-stderr->list "readlink" "-f" inpath)) ;; cmd . params)
  ;; (let-values 
  ;;  (((inp oup pid) (process "readlink" (list "-f" inpath))))
  ;;  (with-input-from-port inp
  ;;    (let loop ((inl (read-line))
  ;;       	(res #f))
  ;;      (print "inl=" inl)
  ;;      (if (eof-object? inl)
  ;;          (begin
  ;;            (close-input-port inp)
  ;;            (close-output-port oup)
  ;;            ;; (process-wait pid)
  ;;            res)
  ;;          (loop (read-line) inl))))))
  (with-input-from-pipe (conc "readlink -f " inpath) read-line))

;; client:get-signature

(define *my-client-signature* #f)

(define (client:get-signature)
  (if *my-client-signature* *my-client-signature*
      (let ((sig (conc (get-host-name) " " (current-process-id))))
	(set! *my-client-signature* sig)

(define *server-info* #f)
(define *toppath* #f)

(define (common:false-on-exception thunk #!key (message #f))
  (handle-exceptions exn
                       (if message
                           (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* message))
                       #f) (thunk) ))

(define (common:file-exists? path-string #!key (silent #f))
  ;;;; TODO: catch permission denied exceptions and emit appropriate warnings. Might be able to get rid of with chicken 5?
  (common:false-on-exception (lambda () (file-exists? path-string))
                             message: (if (not silent)
                                          (conc "Unable to access path: " path-string)

(define (common:directory-exists? path-string)
  ;;;; TODO: catch permission denied exceptions and emit appropriate warnings
  (common:false-on-exception (lambda () (directory-exists? path-string))
                             message: (conc "Unable to access path: " path-string)

;; does the directory exist and do we have write access?
;;    returns the directory or #f

(define (common:directory-writable? path-string)
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to identify access to " path-string ", exn=" exn)
   (if (and (directory-exists? path-string)
            (file-write-access? path-string))

;; config file utils

(define (lookup cfgdat section var)
  (if (hash-table? cfgdat)
      (let ((sectdat (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat section '())))
	(if (null? sectdat)
	    (let ((match (assoc var sectdat)))
	      (if match ;; (and match (list? match)(> (length match) 1))
		  (cadr match)

;; returns var key1=val1; key2=val2 ... as alist
(define (get-key-list cfgdat section var)
  ;; convert string a=1; b=2; c=a silly thing; d=
  (let ((valstr (lookup cfgdat section var)))
    (if valstr
	(val->alist valstr)
	'()))) ;; should it return empty list or #f to indicate not set?

(define (get-section cfgdat section)
  (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat section '()))

(define (common:make-tmpdir-name areapath tmpadj)
  (let* ((area (pathname-file areapath))
         (dname (conc "/tmp/"(current-user-name)"/megatest_localdb/" area "/" (string-translate areapath "/" ".") tmpadj "/.mtdb")))
    (unless (directory-exists? dname)
      (create-directory dname #t))

;; dot-locking egg seems not to work, using this for now
;; if lock is older than expire-time then remove it and try again
;; to get the lock
(define (common:simple-file-lock fname #!key (expire-time 300))
  (let* ((lock-exists (file-exists? fname))
	 (fmod-time (if lock-exists
			 (file-modification-time fname)))))
    (if lock-exists
	(if (> (- (current-seconds) fmod-time) expire-time)
	      (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "Removing stale lock "fname)
	      (handle-exceptions exn #f (delete-file* fname))	
	      (common:simple-file-lock fname expire-time: expire-time))
	(let ((key-string (conc (get-host-name) "-" (current-process-id))))
	  (with-output-to-file fname
	    (lambda ()
	      (print key-string)))
	  (thread-sleep! 0.25)
	  (if (file-exists? fname) ;; (common:file-exists? fname)
	      (handle-exceptions exn
                (with-input-from-file fname
	  	  (lambda ()
		    (equal? key-string (read-line)))))

(define (common:simple-file-lock-and-wait fname #!key (expire-time 300))
  (let ((end-time (+ expire-time (current-seconds))))
    (let loop ((got-lock (common:simple-file-lock fname expire-time: expire-time)))
      (if got-lock
	  (if (> end-time (current-seconds))
		(thread-sleep! 3)
		(loop (common:simple-file-lock fname expire-time: expire-time)))

(define (common:simple-file-release-lock fname)
      #f ;; I don't really care why this failed (at least for now)
    (delete-file* fname)))

;; misc conversion, data manipulation functions

;; old stuff from keys.scm

(include "key_records.scm")
(include "common_records.scm")

(define (keys->keystr keys) ;; => key1,key2,key3,additiona1, ...
  (string-intersperse keys ","))

;; (define (args:usage . a) #f)

(define (tasks:wait-on-journal path n #!key (remove #f)(waiting-msg #f))
  (if (not (string? path))
      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Called tasks:wait-on-journal with path=" path " (not a string)")
      (let ((fullpath (conc path "-journal")))
	   (print-call-chain (current-error-port))
	   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
	   (debug:print 5 *default-log-port* " exn=" (condition->list exn))
	   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "tasks:wait-on-journal failed. Continuing on, you can ignore this call-chain")
	   #t) ;; if stuff goes wrong just allow it to move on
	 (let loop ((journal-exists (file-exists? fullpath))
		    (count          n)) ;; wait ten times ...
	   (if journal-exists
		 (if (and waiting-msg
			  (eq? (modulo n 30) 0))
		     (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* waiting-msg))
		 (if (> count 0)
		       (thread-sleep! 1)
		       (loop (file-exists? fullpath)
			     (- count 1)))
		       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: removing the journal file " fullpath ", this is not good. Look for disk full, write access and other issues.")
		       (if remove (system (conc "rm -rf " fullpath)))

;; key <=> target routines

;; This invalidates using "/" in item names. Every key will be
;; available via args:get-arg as :keyfield. Since this only needs to
;; be called once let's use it to set the environment vars
;; The setting of :keyfield in args should be turned off ASAP
(define (keys:target-set-args keys target ht)
  (if target
      (let ((vals (string-split target "/")))
	(if (eq? (length vals)(length keys))
	    (for-each (lambda (key val)
			(setenv key val)
			(if ht (hash-table-set! ht (conc ":" key) val)))
	    (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "wrong number of values in " target ", should match " keys))
      (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "ERROR: keys:target-set-args called with no target.")))

;; given the keys (a list of vectors <key field> or a list of keys) and a target return a keyval list
;; keyval list ( (key1 val1) (key2 val2) ...)
(define (keys:target->keyval keys target)
  (let* ((targlist (string-split target "/"))
	 (numkeys  (length keys))
	 (numtarg  (length targlist))
	 (targtweaked (if (> numkeys numtarg)
			  (append targlist (make-list (- numkeys numtarg) ""))
    (map (lambda (key targ)
	   (list key targ))
	 keys targtweaked)))

;; return first command that exists, else #f
(define (common:which cmds)
  (if (null? cmds)
      (let loop ((hed (car cmds))
		 (tal (cdr cmds)))
	(let ((res (with-input-from-pipe (conc "which " hed) read-line)))
	  (if (and (string? res)
		   (file-exists? res))
	      (if (null? tal)
		  (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))))
(define (common:get-megatest-exe)
  (let* ((mtexe (or (get-environment-variable "MT_MEGATEST")
		    (common:which '("megatest"))
    (if (file-exists? mtexe)
	(realpath mtexe)

(define (common:get-megatest-exe-dir)
  (let* ((mtexe (common:get-megatest-exe)))
    (pathname-directory mtexe)))

;; more generic and comprehensive version of get-megatest-exe
(define (common:get-mtexe)
  (let* ((mtpathdir  (common:get-megatest-exe-dir)))
    (or (common:get-megatest-exe)
	(if mtpathdir
	    (conc mtpathdir"/megatest")

(define (common:get-megatest-exe-path)
  (let* ((mtpathdir (common:get-megatest-exe-dir)))
    (conc mtpathdir":"(get-environment-variable "PATH") ":.")))

  (define (realpath x) (resolve-pathname  (pathname-expand (or x "/dev/null")) )))
  (define (realpath x) (normalize-pathname (pathname-expand (or x "/dev/null"))))))

;; if it looks like a number -> convert it to a number, else return it
(define (lazy-convert inval)
  (let* ((as-num (if (string? inval)(string->number inval) #f)))
    (or as-num inval)))

;; to '((a . 1)(b . 2)(c . "a silly thing")(d . ""))
(define (val->alist val #!key (convert #f))
  (let ((val-list (string-split-fields ";\\s*" val #:infix)))
    (if val-list
	(map (lambda (x)
	       (let ((f (string-split-fields "\\s*=\\s*" x #:infix)))
		 (case (length f)
		   ((0) `(,#f))  ;; null string case
		   ((1) `(,(string->symbol (car f))))
		   ((2) `(,(string->symbol (car f)) .
			  ,(let ((inval (cadr f)))
			     (if convert (lazy-convert inval) inval))))
		   (else f))))
	     (filter (lambda (x)
		       (not (string-match "^\\s*" x)))

(define (commonmod:get-cpu-load)
  (let* ((load-info (with-input-from-file "/proc/loadavg" read-lines))
	 (res       (map string->number (string-split (car load-info)))))
    (if (null? res)
	#f ;; something is wrong
	(car res))))

(define *current-host-cores* #f)

(define (get-current-host-cores)
  (or *current-host-cores*
      (let ((cpu-info (with-input-from-file "/proc/cpuinfo" read-lines)))
	(let loop ((lines cpu-info))
	  (if (null? lines)
	      1 ;; gotta be at least one!
	      (let* ((inl (car lines))
		     (tail (cdr lines))
		     (parts (string-split inl)))
		(match parts
		  (("cpu" "cores" ":" num) (string->number num))
		  (else (loop tail)))))))))

(define (number-of-processes-running processname)
   (conc "ps -def | egrep \""processname"\" |wc -l")
   (lambda ()
     (string->number (read-line)))))

;; get the normalized (i.e. load / numcpus) for *this* host
(define (get-normalized-cpu-load)
  (/ (commonmod:get-cpu-load)(get-current-host-cores)))

;; time utils

(define (common:human-time)
  (time->string (seconds->local-time (current-seconds)) "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

;; T I M E   A N D   D A T E

;; Convert strings like "5s 2h 3m" => 60x60x2 + 3x60 + 5
(define (common:hms-string->seconds tstr)
  (let ((parts     (string-split-fields "\\w+" tstr))
	(time-secs 0)
	;; s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days, M=months, y=years, w=weeks
	(trx       (regexp "^(\\d+)([smhdMyw])$")))
    (for-each (lambda (part)
		(let ((match  (string-match trx part)))
		  (if match
		      (let ((val (string->number (cadr match)))
			    (unt (caddr match)))
			(if val 
			    (set! time-secs (+ time-secs (* val
							    (case (string->symbol unt)
							      ((s) 1)
							      ((m) 60) ;; minutes
							      ((h) 3600)
							      ((d) 86400)
							      ((w) 604800)
							      ((M) 2628000) ;; aproximately one month
							      ((y) 31536000)
			    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: can't parse timestring "tstr", component "part", string: "(cadr match))))
		      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: can't parse timestring "tstr", component "part))))
(define (seconds->hr-min-sec secs)
  (let* ((hrs (quotient secs 3600))
	 (min (quotient (- secs (* hrs 3600)) 60))
	 (sec (- secs (* hrs 3600)(* min 60))))
    (conc (if (> hrs 0)(conc hrs "hr ") "")
	  (if (> min 0)(conc min "m ")  "")
	  sec "s")))

(define (seconds->time-string sec)
   (seconds->local-time sec) "%H:%M:%S"))

(define (seconds->work-week/day-time sec)
   (seconds->local-time sec) "ww%V.%u %H:%M"))

(define (seconds->work-week/day sec)
   (seconds->local-time sec) "ww%V.%u"))

(define (seconds->year-work-week/day sec)
   (seconds->local-time sec) "%yww%V.%w"))

(define (seconds->year-work-week/day-time sec)
   (seconds->local-time sec) "%Yww%V.%w %H:%M"))

(define (seconds->year-week/day-time sec)
   (seconds->local-time sec) "%Yw%V.%w %H:%M"))

(define (seconds->quarter sec)
  (case (string->number
	  (seconds->local-time sec)
    ((1 2 3) 1)
    ((4 5 6) 2)
    ((7 8 9) 3)
    ((10 11 12) 4)
    (else #f)))

;; basic ISO8601 format (e.g. "2017-02-28 06:02:54") date time => Unix epoch
(define (common:date-time->seconds datetime)
  (local-time->seconds (string->time datetime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))

;; given span of seconds tstart to tend
;; find start time to mark and mark delta
(define (common:find-start-mark-and-mark-delta tstart tend)
  (let* ((deltat   (- (max tend (+ tend 10)) tstart)) ;; can't handle runs of less than 4 seconds. Pad it to 10 seconds ...
	 (result   #f)
	 (min      60)
	 (hr       (* 60 60))
	 (day      (* 24 hr))
	 (yr       (* 365 day)) ;; year
	 (mo       (/ yr 12))
	 (wk       (* day 7)))
     (lambda (max-blks)
	(lambda (span) ;; 5 2 1
	  (if (not result)
	       (lambda (timeunit timesym) ;; year month day hr min sec
		 (if (not result)
		     (let* ((time-blk (* span timeunit))
			    (num-blks (quotient deltat time-blk)))
		       (if (and (> num-blks 4)(< num-blks max-blks))
			   (let ((first (* (quotient tstart time-blk) time-blk)))
			     (set! result (list span timeunit time-blk first timesym))
	       (list yr mo wk day hr min 1)
	       '(     y  mo w  d   h  m   s))))
	(list 8 6 5 2 1)))
     '(5 10 15 20 30 40 50 500))
    (if values
	(apply values result)
	(values 0 day 1 0 'd))))

;; given x y lim return the cron expansion
(define (common:expand-cron-slash x y lim)
  (let loop ((curr x)
	     (res  `()))
    (if (< curr lim)
	(loop (+ curr y) (cons curr res))
	(reverse res))))

;; expand a complex cron string to a list of cron strings
;;  x/y   => x, x+y, x+2y, x+3y while x+Ny<max_for_field
;;  a,b,c => a, b ,c
;;   NOTE: with flatten a lot of the crud below can be factored down.
(define (common:cron-expand cron-str)
  (if (list? cron-str)
       (fold (lambda (x res)
	       (if (list? x)
		   (let ((newres (map common:cron-expand x)))
		     (append x newres))
		   (cons x res)))
	     cron-str)) ;; (map common:cron-expand cron-str))
      (let ((cron-items (string-split cron-str))
	    (slash-rx   (regexp "(\\d+)/(\\d+)"))
	    (comma-rx   (regexp ".*,.*"))
	    (max-vals   '((min        . 60)
			  (hour       . 24)
			  (dayofmonth . 28) ;;; BUG!!!! This will be a bug for some combinations
			  (month      . 12)
			  (dayofweek  . 7))))
	(if (< (length cron-items) 5) ;; bad spec
	    cron-str ;; `(,cron-str)              ;; just return the string, something downstream will fix it
	    (let loop ((hed  (car cron-items))
		       (tal  (cdr cron-items))
		       (type 'min)
		       (type-tal '(hour dayofmonth month dayofweek))
		       (res  '()))
		(slash-rx ( _ base incr ) (let* ((basen          (string->number base))
						 (incrn          (string->number incr))
						 (expanded-vals  (common:expand-cron-slash basen incrn (alist-ref type max-vals)))
						 (new-list-crons (fold (lambda (x myres)
									 (cons (conc (if (null? res)
											 (conc (string-intersperse res " ") " "))
										     x " " (string-intersperse tal " "))
								       '() expanded-vals)))
					    ;; (print "new-list-crons: " new-list-crons)
					    ;; (fold (lambda (x res)
					    ;; 	    (if (list? x)
					    ;; 		(let ((newres (map common:cron-expand x)))
					    ;; 		  (append x newres))
					    ;; 		(cons x res)))
					    ;; 	  '()
					    (flatten (map common:cron-expand new-list-crons))))
		;;					    (map common:cron-expand (map common:cron-expand new-list-crons))))
		(else (if (null? tal)
			  (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)(car type-tal)(cdr type-tal)(append res (list hed)))))))))))

;; given a cron string and the last time event was processed return #t to run or #f to not run
;;  min    hour   dayofmonth month  dayofweek
;; 0-59    0-23   1-31       1-12   0-6          ### NOTE: dayofweek does not include 7
;;  #t => yes, run the job
;;  #f => no, do not run the job
(define (common:cron-event cron-str now-seconds-in last-done) ;; ref-seconds = #f is NOW.
  (let* ((cron-items     (map string->number (string-split cron-str)))
	 (now-seconds    (or now-seconds-in (current-seconds)))
	 (now-time       (seconds->local-time now-seconds))
	 (last-done-time (seconds->local-time last-done))
	 (all-times      (make-hash-table)))
    ;; (print "cron-items: " cron-items "(length cron-items): " (length cron-items))
    (if (not (eq? (length cron-items) 5)) ;; don't even try to figure out junk strings
	(match-let (((     cmin chour cdayofmonth cmonth    cdayofweek)
		    ;; 0     1    2        3         4    5      6
		    ((nsec nmin nhour ndayofmonth nmonth nyr ndayofweek n7 n8 n9)
		     (vector->list now-time))
		    ((lsec lmin lhour ldayofmonth lmonth lyr ldayofweek l7 l8 l9)
		     (vector->list last-done-time)))
	  ;; create all possible time slots
	  ;; remove invalid slots due to (for example) day of week
	  ;; get the start and end entries for the ref-seconds (current) time
	  ;; if last-done > ref-seconds => this is an ERROR!
	  ;; does the last-done time fall in the legit region?
	  ;;    yes => #f  do not run again this command
	  ;;    no  => #t  ok to run the command
	  (for-each ;; month
	   (lambda (month)
	     (for-each ;; dayofmonth
	      (lambda (dom)
		 (lambda (hr) ;; hour
		    (lambda (minute) ;; minute
		      (let ((copy-now (apply vector (vector->list now-time))))
			(vector-set! copy-now 0 0) ;; force seconds to zero
			(vector-set! copy-now 1 minute)
			(vector-set! copy-now 2 hr)
			(vector-set! copy-now 3 dom)  ;; dom is already corrected for zero referenced
			(vector-set! copy-now 4 month)
			(let* ((copy-now-secs (local-time->seconds copy-now))
			       (new-copy      (seconds->local-time copy-now-secs))) ;; remake the time vector
			  (if (or (not cdayofweek)
				  (equal? (vector-ref new-copy 6)
					  cdayofweek)) ;; if the day is specified and a match OR if the day is NOT specified
			      (if (or (not cdayofmonth)
				      (equal? (vector-ref new-copy 3)
					      (+ 1 cdayofmonth))) ;; if the month is specified and a match OR if the month is NOT specified
				  (hash-table-set! all-times copy-now-secs new-copy))))))
		    (if cmin
			`(,cmin)  ;; if given cmin, have to use it
			(list (- nmin 1) nmin (+ nmin 1))))) ;; minute
		 (if chour
		     (list (- nhour 1) nhour (+ nhour 1))))) ;; hour
	      (if cdayofmonth
		  (list (- ndayofmonth 1) ndayofmonth (+ ndayofmonth 1)))))
	   (if cmonth
	       (list (- nmonth 1) nmonth (+ nmonth 1))))
	  (let ((before #f)
		(is-in  #f))
	     (lambda (moment)
	       (if (and before
			(<= before now-seconds)
			(>= moment now-seconds))
		     ;; (print)
		     ;; (print "Before: " (time->string (seconds->local-time before)))
		     ;; (print "Now:    " (time->string (seconds->local-time now-seconds)))
		     ;; (print "After:  " (time->string (seconds->local-time moment)))
		     ;; (print "Last:   " (time->string (seconds->local-time last-done)))
		     (if (<  last-done before)
			 (set! is-in before))
	       (set! before moment))
	     (sort (hash-table-keys all-times) <))

(define (common:extended-cron  cron-str now-seconds-in last-done)
  (let ((expanded-cron (common:cron-expand cron-str)))
    (if (string? expanded-cron)
	(common:cron-event expanded-cron now-seconds-in last-done)
	(let loop ((hed (car expanded-cron))
		   (tal (cdr expanded-cron)))
	  (if (common:cron-event hed now-seconds-in last-done)
	      (if (null? tal)
		  (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))))

;; misc stuff

(define (common:get-signature str)
  (message-digest-string (md5-primitive) str))

;; hash of hashs

(define (db:hoh-set! dat key1 key2 val)
  (let* ((subhash (hash-table-ref/default dat key1 #f)))
    (if subhash
	(hash-table-set! subhash key2 val)
	  (hash-table-set! dat key1 (make-hash-table))
	  (db:hoh-set! dat key1 key2 val)))))

(define (db:hoh-get dat key1 key2)
  (let* ((subhash (hash-table-ref/default dat key1 #f)))
    (and subhash
	 (hash-table-ref/default subhash key2 #f))))

;; when called from a wrapper I need sometimes to find the calling
;; wrapper, this is for dashboard to find the correct megatest.
(define (common:find-local-megatest #!optional (progname "megatest"))
  (let ((res (filter file-exists?
		     (map (lambda (updir)
			    (let* ((lm  (car (argv)))
				   (dir (pathname-directory lm))
				   (exe (pathname-strip-directory lm)))
			      (conc (if dir (conc dir "/") "")
				    (case (string->symbol exe)
				      ((dboard)    (conc updir progname))
				      ((mtest)     (conc updir progname))
				      ((dashboard) progname)
				      (else exe)))))
			  '("../../" "../")))))
    (if (null? res)
	  ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to find this executable! Using what can be found on the path")
	(car res))))

(define (common:generic-ssh ssh-command proc default #!optional (msg-proc #f))
  (let ((inp #f))
	(close-input-port inp)
	(if msg-proc
	    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Command: \""ssh-command"\" failed. exn="exn))
      (set! inp (open-input-pipe ssh-command))
      (with-input-from-port inp
	(lambda ()
	  (let ((res (proc)))
	    (close-input-port inp)

;; this is a close duplicate of:
;;    process:alist-on-host?
;;    process:alive
(define (commonmod:is-test-alive host pid)
  (let* ((same-host (equal? host (get-host-name)))
	 (cmd (conc 
	       (if same-host "" (conc "ssh "host" "))
	       "pstree -A "pid)))
    (if (and host pid
	     (not (equal? host "n/a")))
	(let* ((output (if same-host
			   (with-input-from-pipe cmd read-lines)
			   (common:generic-ssh cmd read-lines '())))) ;; (with-input-from-pipe cmd read-lines)))
	  (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "Running " cmd " received " output)
	  (if (eq? (length output) 0)
	#t))) ;; assuming bad query is about a live test is likely not the right thing to do?

(define (remove-files filespec)
  (let ((files (glob filespec)))
    (for-each delete-file files)))

(define (stop-the-train)
  (thread-start! (make-thread (lambda ()
				(let loop ()
				  (if (and *toppath*
					   (file-exists? (conc *toppath*"/stop-the-train")))
				      (let* ((msg (conc "ERROR: found file "*toppath*"/stop-the-train, exiting immediately")))
					;; yes, print to current-output-port AND *default-log-port*, annoying but necessary I think
					(print msg)
					(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* msg)
                                        (remove-files (conc *toppath* "/logs/server*"))
                                        (remove-files (conc *toppath* "/.servinfo/*"))
                                        (remove-files (conc *toppath* "/.mtdb/*lock"))
					(exit 1)))
				  (thread-sleep! 5)

;; execute thunk, return value.  If exception thrown, trap exception, return #f, and emit nonfatal condition note to *default-log-port* .
;; arguments - thunk, message
(define (common:fail-safe thunk warning-message-on-exception)
     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "notable but nonfatal condition - "warning-message-on-exception", exn=" exn)
     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*
                       (string-substitute "\n?Error:" "nonfatal condition:"
                                            (lambda ()
                                              (print-error-message exn) ))))
     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "    -- continuing after nonfatal condition...")

;; returns list of fd count, socket count
(define (get-file-descriptor-count #!key  (pid (current-process-id )))
    (length (glob (conc "/proc/" pid "/fd/*")))
    (length  (filter identity (map socket? (glob (conc "/proc/" pid "/fd/*")))))


(define (common:snapshot-file filepath #!key (subdir  ".") )
  (if (file-exists? filepath)
      (let* ((age-sec  (lambda (file)
                         (if (file-exists? file)
                             (- (current-seconds) (file-modification-time file))
                             1000000000))) ;; return really old value if file doesn't exist.  we want to clobber it if old or not exist.
             (ok-flag  #t)
             (age-mins (lambda (file) (/ (age-sec   file) 60)))
             (age-hrs  (lambda (file) (/ (age-mins file) 60)))
             (age-days (lambda (file) (/ (age-hrs   file) 24)))
             (age-wks  (lambda (file) (/ (age-days  file) 7)))
             (docmd    (lambda (cmd)
                           (let ((res (system cmd)))
                              ((eq? 0 res)
                               (set! ok-flag #f)
                               (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: ["(common:human-time)"] Command failed with exit code "
                                            (if (< res 0)
                                                (/ res 8)) " ["cmd"]" )
                           (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: ["(common:human-time)"] Not runnining command due to prior error. ["cmd"]")
             (copy     (lambda (src dest) (docmd (conc "/bin/cp '"src"' '"dest"'"))))
             (copy+zip (lambda (src dest) (docmd (conc "gzip -c - < '"src"' > '"dest"'"))))
             (fullpath (realpath filepath))
             (basedir  (pathname-directory fullpath))
             (basefile (pathname-strip-directory fullpath))
             ;;(prevfile (conc filepath ".prev.gz"))
             (minsfile (conc basedir "/" subdir "/" basefile ".mins.gz"))
             (hrsfile  (conc basedir "/" subdir "/" basefile ".hrs.gz"))
             (daysfile (conc basedir "/" subdir "/" basefile ".days.gz"))
             (wksfile  (conc basedir "/" subdir "/" basefile ".weeks.gz")))

        ;; create subdir it not exists
        (if (not (directory-exists? (conc basedir "/" subdir)))
            (docmd (conc "/bin/mkdir -p '"(conc basedir "/" subdir)"'")))
        ;; copy&zip <file> to <file>.mins if not exists
        (if (not (file-exists? minsfile))
            (copy+zip filepath minsfile))
        ;; copy <file>.mins to <file>.hrs if not exists
        (if (not (file-exists? hrsfile))
            (copy minsfile hrsfile))
        ;; copy <file>.hrs to <file>.days if not exists
        (if (not (file-exists? daysfile))
            (copy hrsfile daysfile))
        ;; copy <file>.days to <file>.weeks if not exists
        (if (not (file-exists? wksfile))
            (copy daysfile wksfile))

        ;; if age(<file>.mins.gz) >= 1h:
        ;;     copy <file>.mins.gz <file>.hrs.gz
        ;;     copy <prev file> <file>.mins.gz
        (when (>= (age-mins minsfile) 1)
          (copy minsfile hrsfile)
          (copy+zip filepath  minsfile))
        ;; if age(<file>.hrs.gz) >= 1d:
        ;;     copy <file>.hrs.gz <file>.days.gz
        ;;     copy <file>.mins.gz <file>.hrs.gz
        (when (>= (age-days hrsfile) 1)
          (copy hrsfile daysfile)
          (copy minsfile hrsfile))
        ;; if age(<file>.days.gz) >= 1w:
        ;;     copy <file>.days.gz <file>.weeks.gz
        ;;     copy <file>.hrs.gz <file>.days.gz
        (when (>= (age-wks daysfile) 1)
          (copy daysfile wksfile)
          (copy hrsfile daysfile))

;; S P A R S E   A R R A Y S

(define (make-sparse-array)
  (let ((a (make-sparse-vector)))
    (sparse-vector-set! a 0 (make-sparse-vector))

(define (sparse-array? a)
  (and (sparse-vector? a)
       (sparse-vector? (sparse-vector-ref a 0))))

(define (sparse-array-ref a x y)
  (let ((row (sparse-vector-ref a x)))
    (if row
	(sparse-vector-ref row y)

(define (sparse-array-set! a x y val)
  (let ((row (sparse-vector-ref a x)))
    (if row
	(sparse-vector-set! row y val)
	(let ((new-row (make-sparse-vector)))
	  (sparse-vector-set! a x new-row)
	  (sparse-vector-set! new-row y val)))))

;; U S E F U L   S T U F F

;; convert things to an alist or assoc list, #f gets converted to ""
(define (common:to-alist dat)
   ((list? dat)   (map common:to-alist dat))
   ((vector? dat)
    (map common:to-alist (vector->list dat)))
   ((pair? dat)
    (cons (common:to-alist (car dat))
	  (common:to-alist (cdr dat))))
   ((hash-table? dat)
    (map common:to-alist (hash-table->alist dat)))
    (if dat

(define (common:alist-ref/default key alist default)
  (or (alist-ref key alist) default))

;; moved into commonmod
;; (define (common:low-noise-print waitval . keys)
;;   (let* ((key      (string-intersperse (map conc keys) "-" ))
;; 	 (lasttime (hash-table-ref/default *common:denoise* key 0))
;; 	 (currtime (current-seconds)))
;;     (if (> (- currtime lasttime) waitval)
;; 	(begin
;; 	  (hash-table-set! *common:denoise* key currtime)
;; 	  #t)
;; 	#f)))

(define (common:read-encoded-string instr)
      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "received bad encoded string \"" instr "\", message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", exn=" exn)
      (print-call-chain (current-error-port))
    (read (open-input-string (base64:base64-decode instr))))
   (read (open-input-string (z3:decode-buffer (base64:base64-decode instr))))))

;; S T A T E S   A N D   S T A T U S E S

;; BBnote: *common:std-states* - dashboard filter control and test control state buttons defined here; used in set-fields-panel and dboard:make-controls
(define *common:std-states*   ;; for toggle buttons in dashboard
    (0 "ARCHIVED")
    (1 "STUCK")
    (2 "KILLREQ")
    (3 "KILLED")
    (4 "NOT_STARTED")
    (5 "COMPLETED")
    (6 "LAUNCHED")
    (8 "RUNNING")

(define *common:dont-roll-up-states*

;; BBnote: *common:std-statuses* dashboard filter control and test control status buttons defined here; used in set-fields-panel and dboard:make-controls
;; note these statuses are sorted from better to worse.
;; This sort order is important to dcommon:status-compare3 and db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items
(define *common:std-statuses*
  '(;; (0 "DELETED")  
    (1 "n/a")
    (2 "PASS")
    (3 "SKIP")
    (4 "WARN")
    (5 "WAIVED")
    (6 "CHECK")
    (7 "STUCK/DEAD")
    (8 "DEAD")
    (9 "FAIL")
    (10 "PREQ_FAIL")
    (12 "ABORT")))

(define *common:ended-states*       ;; states which indicate the test is stopped and will not proceed

(define *common:badly-ended-states* ;; these roll up as CHECK, i.e. results need to be checked

(define *common:well-ended-states* ;; an item's prereq in this state allows item to proceed

;; BBnote: *common:running-states* used from db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items
(define *common:running-states*     ;; test is either running or can be run

(define *common:cant-run-states*    ;; These are stopping conditions that prevent a test from being run

(define *common:not-started-ok-statuses* ;; if not one of these statuses when in not_started state treat as dead
  '("n/a" "na" "PASS" "FAIL" "WARN" "CHECK" "WAIVED" "DEAD" "SKIP"))

;; group tests into buckets corresponding to rollup
;;; Running, completed-pass,  completed-non-pass + worst status, not started.
;; filter out 
;(define (common:categorize-items-for-rollup in-tests)
;  (

(define (common:special-sort items order comp)
  (let ((items-order (map reverse order))
        (acomp       (or comp >)))
    (sort items
        (lambda (a b)
          (let ((a-num (cadr (or (assoc a items-order) '(0 0))))
                (b-num (cadr (or (assoc b items-order) '(0 0)))))
            (acomp a-num b-num))))))

;; ;; given a toplevel with currstate, currstatus apply state and status
;; ;;  => (newstate . newstatus)
;; (define (common:apply-state-status currstate currstatus state status)
;;   (let* ((cstate  (string->symbol (string-downcase currstate)))
;;          (cstatus (string->symbol (string-downcase currstatus)))
;;          (sstate  (string->symbol (string-downcase state)))
;;          (sstatus (string->symbol (string-downcase status)))
;;          (nstate  #f)
;;          (nstatus #f))
;;     (set! nstate
;;           (case cstate
;;             ((completed not_started killed killreq stuck archived) 
;;              (case sstate ;; completed -> sstate
;;                ((completed killed killreq stuck archived) completed)
;;                ((running remotehoststart launched)        running)
;;                (else                                      unknown-error-1)))
;;             ((running remotehoststart launched)
;;              (case sstate
;;                ((completed killed killreq stuck archived) #f) ;; need to look at all items
;;                ((running remotehoststart launched)        running)
;;                (else                                      unknown-error-2)))
;;             (else unknown-error-3)))
;;     (set! nstatus
;;           (case sstatus
;;             ((pass)
;;              (case nstate
;;                ((pass n/a deleted)     pass)
;;                ((warn)                 warn)
;;                ((fail)                 fail)
;;                ((check)               check)
;;                ((waived)             waived)
;;                ((skip)                 skip)
;;                ((stuck/dead)          stuck)
;;                ((abort)               abort)
;;                (else        unknown-error-4)))
;;             ((warn)
;;              (case nstate
;;                ((pass warn n/a skip deleted)   warn)
;;                ((fail)                         fail)
;;                ((check)                       check)
;;                ((waived)                     waived)
;;                ((stuck/dead)                  stuck)
;;                (else                unknown-error-5)))
;;             ((fail)
;;              (case nstate
;;                ((pass warn fail check n/a waived skip deleted stuck/dead stuck)  fail)
;;                ((abort)                                                         abort)
;;                (else                                                  unknown-error-6)))
;;             (else    unknown-error-7)))
;;     (cons 
;;      (if nstate  (symbol->string nstate)  nstate)
;;      (if nstatus (symbol->string nstatus) nstatus))))
;; D E B U G G I N G   S T U F F 

(define *verbosity*         1)
(define *logging*           #f)

(define (get-with-default val default)
  (let ((val (args:get-arg val)))
    (if val val default)))

(define (assoc/default key lst . default)
  (let ((res (assoc key lst)))
    (if res (cadr res)(if (null? default) #f (car default)))))

;; safe getting of toppath
(define (common:get-toppath areapath)
  (or *toppath*
      (if areapath
	    (set! *toppath* areapath)
	    (setenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" areapath)
      (if (getenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")
	    (set! *toppath* (getenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))
      ;; last resort, look for megatest.config
      (let loop ((thepath (realpath ".")))
	(if (file-exists? (conc thepath "/megatest.config"))
	    (if (equal? thepath "/")
		  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Unable to find megatest home directory.")
		(loop (pathname-directory thepath)))))

(define (get-area-path-signature toppath #!optional (short #f))
  (let ((res (message-digest-string (md5-primitive) toppath)))
    (if short
	(substring res 0 4)

(define (common:get-area-path-signature)
  (message-digest-string (md5-primitive) *toppath*))

;; (set-signal-handler! signal/stop std-signal-handler)  ;; ^Z NO, do NOT handle ^Z!

;; M I S C   U T I L S

;; convert stuff to a number if possible
(define (any->number val)
   ((number? val) val)
   ((string? val) (string->number val))
   ((symbol? val) (any->number (symbol->string val)))
   (else #f)))

(define (any->number-if-possible val)
  (let ((num (any->number val)))
    (if num num val)))

(define (patt-list-match item patts)
  (debug:print-info 8 *default-log-port* "patt-list-match item=" item " patts=" patts)
  (if (and item patts)  ;; here we are filtering for matches with item patterns
      (let ((res #f))   ;; look through all the item-patts if defined, format is patt1,patt2,patt3 ... wildcard is %
	 (lambda (patt)
	   (let ((modpatt (string-substitute "%" ".*" patt #t)))
	     (debug:print-info 10 *default-log-port* "patt " patt " modpatt " modpatt)
	     (if (string-match (regexp modpatt) item)
		 (set! res #t))))
	 (string-split patts ","))

;; return first path that can be created or already exists and is writable
(define (common:get-create-writeable-dir dirs)
  (if (null? dirs)
      (let loop ((hed (car dirs))
		 (tal (cdr dirs)))
	(let ((res (or (and (directory? hed)
			    (file-write-access? hed)
			     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "could not create " hed
					       ", this might cause problems down the road. exn=" exn)
			(create-directory hed #t)))))
	  (if (and (string? res)
		   (directory? res))
	      (if (null? tal)
		  (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))))

;; return the youngest timestamp . filename
(define (common:get-youngest glob-list)
  (let ((all-files (apply append
			  (map (lambda (patt)
				   (glob patt)))
    (fold (lambda (fname res)
	    (let ((last-mod (car res))
		  (curmod   (handle-exceptions
			      (file-modification-time fname))))
	      (if (> curmod last-mod)
		  (list curmod fname)
	  '(0 "n/a")

;; use bash to expand a glob. Does NOT handle paths with spaces!
(define (common:bash-glob instr)
       (conc "/bin/bash -c \"echo " instr "\"")

;; Some safety net stuff

;; return input if it is a list or return null
(define (common:list-or-null inlst #!key (ovrd #f)(message #f))
  (if (list? inlst)
	(if message (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* message))
	(or ovrd '()))))

;; M I S C   L I S T S

;; items in lista are matched value and position in listb
;; return the remaining items in listb or #f
(define (common:list-is-sublist lista listb)
  (if (null? lista)
      listb ;; all items in listb are "remaining"
      (if (> (length lista)(length listb)) 
	  (let loop ((heda (car lista))
		     (tala (cdr lista))
		     (hedb (car listb))
		     (talb (cdr listb)))
	    (if (equal? heda hedb)
		(if (null? tala) ;; we are done
		    (loop (car tala)
			  (cdr tala)
			  (car talb)
			  (cdr talb)))

;; Needed for long lists to be sorted where (apply max ... ) dies
(define (common:max inlst)
  (let loop ((max-val (car inlst))
	     (hed     (car inlst))
	     (tal     (cdr inlst)))
    (if (not (null? tal))
	(loop (max hed max-val)
	      (car tal)
	      (cdr tal))
	(max hed max-val))))

;; get min or max, use > for max and < for min, this works around the limits on apply
(define (common:min-max comp lst)
  (if (null? lst)
      #f ;; better than an exception for my needs
      (fold (lambda (a b)
	      (if (comp a b) a b))
	    (car lst)

;; get min or max, use > for max and < for min, this works around the limits on apply
(define (common:sum lst)
  (if (null? lst)
      (fold (lambda (a b)
	      (+ a b))
	    (car lst)

;; path list to hash-table tree
;;   ((a b c)(a b d)(e b c)) => ((a (b (d) (c))) (e (b (c))))
(define (common:list->htree lst)
  (let ((resh (make-hash-table)))
     (lambda (inlst)
       (let loop ((ht  resh)
		  (hed (car inlst))
		  (tal (cdr inlst)))
	 (if (hash-table-ref/default ht hed #f)
	     (if (not (null? tal))
		 (loop (hash-table-ref ht hed)
		       (car tal)
		       (cdr tal)))
	       (hash-table-set! ht hed (make-hash-table))
	       (loop ht hed tal)))))

;; hash-table tree to html list tree
;;   tipfunc takes two parameters: y the tip value and path the path to that point
(define (common:htree->html ht path tipfunc)
  (let ((datlist 	(sort (hash-table->alist ht)
                              (lambda (a b)
                                (string< (car a)(car b))))))
    (if (null? datlist)
    	(tipfunc #f path) ;; really shouldn't get here
	 (map (lambda (x)
		(let* ((levelname (car x))
		       (y         (cdr x))
		       (newpath   (append path (list levelname)))
		       (leaf      (or (not (hash-table? y))
				      (null? (hash-table-keys y)))))
		  (if leaf
		      (s:li (tipfunc y newpath))
			(common:htree->html y newpath tipfunc))))))

;; hash-table tree to alist tree
(define (common:htree->atree ht)
  (map (lambda (x)
	 (cons (car x)
	       (let ((y (cdr x)))
		 (if (hash-table? y)
		     (common:htree->atree y)
       (hash-table->alist ht)))

;; M U N G E   D A T A   I N T O   N I C E   F O R M S

;; Generate an index for a sparse list of key values
;;   ( (rowname1 colname1 val1)(rowname2 colname2 val2) )
;; => 
;;   ( (rowname1 0)(rowname2 1))    ;; rownames -> num
;;     (colname1 0)(colname2 1)) )  ;; colnames -> num
;; optional apply proc to rownum colnum value
(define (common:sparse-list-generate-index data #!key (proc #f))
  (if (null? data)
      (list '() '())
      (let loop ((hed (car data))
		 (tal (cdr data))
		 (rownames '())
		 (colnames '())
		 (rownum   0)
		 (colnum   0))
	(let* ((rowkey          (car   hed))
	       (colkey          (cadr  hed))
	       (value           (caddr hed))
	       (existing-rowdat (assoc rowkey rownames))
	       (existing-coldat (assoc colkey colnames))
	       (curr-rownum     (if existing-rowdat rownum (+ rownum 1)))
	       (curr-colnum     (if existing-coldat colnum (+ colnum 1)))
	       (new-rownames    (if existing-rowdat rownames (cons (list rowkey curr-rownum) rownames)))
	       (new-colnames    (if existing-coldat colnames (cons (list colkey curr-colnum) colnames))))
	  ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Processing record: " hed )
	  (if proc (proc curr-rownum curr-colnum rowkey colkey value))
	  (if (null? tal)
	      (list new-rownames new-colnames)
	      (loop (car tal)
		    (cdr tal)
		    (if (> curr-rownum rownum) curr-rownum rownum)
		    (if (> curr-colnum colnum) curr-colnum colnum)

;; if it looks like a number -> convert it to a number, else return it
(define (common:lazy-convert inval)
  (let* ((as-num (if (string? inval)(string->number inval) #f)))
    (or as-num inval)))

;; convert string a=1; b=2; c=a silly thing; d=
;; to '((a . 1)(b . 2)(c . "a silly thing")(d . ""))
(define (common:val->alist val #!key (convert #f))
  (let ((val-list (string-split-fields ";\\s*" val #:infix)))
    (if val-list
	(map (lambda (x)
	       (let ((f (string-split-fields "\\s*=\\s*" x #:infix)))
		 (case (length f)
		   ((0) `(,#f))  ;; null string case
		   ((1) `(,(string->symbol (car f))))
		   ((2) `(,(string->symbol (car f)) . ,(let ((inval (cadr f)))
							 (if convert (common:lazy-convert inval) inval))))
		   (else f))))

;; S Y S T E M   S T U F F

;; lazy-safe get file mod time. on any error (file not existing etc.) return 0
(define (common:lazy-modification-time fpath)
      (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "Failed to get modification time for " fpath ", treating it as zero. exn=" exn)
    (if (file-exists? fpath)
	(file-modification-time fpath)

;; find timestamp of newest file associated with a sqlite db file
(define (common:lazy-sqlite-db-modification-time fpath)
  (let* ((glob-list (handle-exceptions
			(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to glob " fpath "*, exn=" exn)
			`(,(conc "/no/such/file, message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))))
		      (glob (conc fpath "*"))))
         (file-list (if (eq? 0 (length glob-list))
  (apply max

;; make "nice-path" available in config files and the repl
(define nice-path common:nice-path)

;; returns *effective load* (not normalized)
(define (common:get-intercept onemin fivemin)
  (if (< onemin fivemin) ;; load is decreasing, just use the onemin load
      (let* ((load-change (- onemin fivemin))
	     (tchange     (- 300 60)))
	(max (+ onemin (* 60 (/ load-change tchange))) 0))))

;; get values from cached info from dropping file in .sysdata dir
;;  e.g. key is host and dtype is normalized-load
(define (common:get-cached-info key dtype #!key (age 10))
  (if *toppath*
      (let* ((fullpath (conc *toppath* "/.sysdata/" key "-" dtype ".log"))
	     (delfile  (lambda (exn)
			 (debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* " removing bad file " fullpath ", exn=" exn)
			 (delete-file* fullpath)
	(if (and (file-exists? fullpath)
		 (file-read-access? fullpath))
		(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "failed to get cached info from " fullpath ", exn=" exn)
	     (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "reading file " fullpath)
	     (let ((real-age (- (current-seconds)
				    (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "Failed to read mod time on file "
						 fullpath ", using 0, exn=" exn)
				  (file-change-time fullpath)))))
	       (if (< real-age age)
		     (delfile exn)
		     (let* ((res (with-input-from-file fullpath read)))
		       (if (eof-object? res)
			     (delfile "n/a")
		     (debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "file " fullpath
				       " is too old (" real-age" seconds) to trust, skipping reading it")
	      (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "not reading file " fullpath)
(define (common:write-cached-info key dtype dat)
  (if *toppath*
      (let* ((fulldir  (conc *toppath* "/.sysdata"))
	     (fullpath (conc fulldir "/" key "-" dtype ".log")))
	(if (not (file-exists? fulldir))(create-directory fulldir #t))
	    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "failed to write file " fullpath ", exn=" exn)
	  (with-output-to-file fullpath (lambda ()(pp dat)))))

(define (common:raw-get-remote-host-load remote-host)
  (let* ((inp #f))
	(close-input-pipe inp)
	(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "failed to ssh to " remote-host " and get loadavg. exn=" exn)
	#f) ;; more specific handling of errors needed
      (set! inp (open-input-pipe (conc "ssh " remote-host " cat /proc/loadavg")))
      (let ((res (list (read inp)(read inp)(read inp))))
	(close-input-pipe inp)

;; get cpu load by reading from /proc/loadavg, return all three values
(define (common:get-cpu-load remote-host)
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "failed to ssh or read loadavg from host " remote-host ", exn=" exn)
      '(-99 -99 -99))
    (let* ((actual-hostname (or remote-host (get-host-name) "localhost")))
      (or (common:get-cached-info actual-hostname "cpu-load")
	  (let ((result (if (and remote-host
				 (not (equal? remote-host (get-host-name))))
			    (map (lambda (res)
				   (if (eof-object? res) 9e99 res))
			         (common:raw-get-remote-host-load remote-host))
			    (with-input-from-file "/proc/loadavg" 
			      (lambda ()(list (read)(read)(read)))))))
	      ((l1 l2 l3)
	       (if (and (number? l1)
		      (number? l2)
		      (number? l3))
		     (common:write-cached-info actual-hostname "cpu-load" result)
		   '(-1 -1 -1))) ;; -1 is bad result
	      (else '(-2 -2 -2))))))))

;; get normalized cpu load by reading from /proc/loadavg and /proc/cpuinfo return all three values and the number of real cpus and the number of threads
;; returns alist '((adj-cpu-load . normalized-proc-load) ... etc.
;;  keys: adj-proc-load, adj-core-load, 1m-load, 5m-load, 15m-load
(define (common:get-normalized-cpu-load remote-host)
  (let ((res (common:get-normalized-cpu-load-raw remote-host))
	(default `((adj-proc-load . 2) ;; there is no right answer
		   (adj-core-load . 2)
		   (1m-load       . 2)
		   (5m-load       . 0) ;; causes a large delta - thus causing default of throttling if stuff goes wrong
		   (15m-load      . 0)
		   (proc          . 1)
		   (core          . 1)
		   (phys          . 1)
		   (error         . #t))))
     ((and (list? res)
	   (> (length res) 2))
     ((eq? res #f)   default) ;; add messages?
     ((eq? res #f) default)   ;; this would be the #eof
     (else default))))

(define (common:ssh-get-loadavg remote-host)
  (let ((inp (open-input-pipe (conc "ssh " remote-host " \"cat /proc/loadavg;cat /proc/cpuinfo;echo end\""))))
      (let* ((res (read-lines inp)))
	(close-input-pipe inp)

(define (common:get-normalized-cpu-load-raw remote-host)
  (let* ((actual-host (or remote-host (get-host-name)))) ;; #f is localhost
    (or (common:get-cached-info actual-host "normalized-load")
	(let ((data (if remote-host
			(common:ssh-get-loadavg remote-host)
			 (with-input-from-file "/proc/loadavg" 
			 (with-input-from-file "/proc/cpuinfo"
			 (list "end"))))
	      (load-rx  (regexp "^([\\d\\.]+)\\s+([\\d\\.]+)\\s+([\\d\\.]+)\\s+.*$"))
	      (proc-rx  (regexp "^processor\\s+:\\s+(\\d+)\\s*$"))
	      (core-rx  (regexp "^core id\\s+:\\s+(\\d+)\\s*$"))
	      (phys-rx  (regexp "^physical id\\s+:\\s+(\\d+)\\s*$"))
	      (max-num  (lambda (p n)(max (string->number p) n))))
	  ;; (print "data=" data)
	  (if (null? data) ;; something went wrong
	      (let loop ((hed      (car data))
			 (tal      (cdr data))
			 (loads    #f)
			 (proc-num 0)  ;; processor includes threads
			 (phys-num 0)  ;; physical chip on motherboard
			 (core-num 0)) ;; core
		;;; (print hed ", " loads ", " proc-num ", " phys-num ", " core-num)
		(if (null? tal) ;; have all our data, calculate normalized load and return result
		    (let* ((act-proc (+ proc-num 1))
			   (act-phys (+ phys-num 1))
			   (act-core (+ core-num 1))
			   (adj-proc-load (/ (car loads) act-proc))
			   (adj-core-load (/ (car loads) act-core))
			    (append (list (cons 'adj-proc-load adj-proc-load)
					  (cons 'adj-core-load adj-core-load))
				    (list (cons '1m-load (car loads))
					  (cons '5m-load (cadr loads))
					  (cons '15m-load (caddr loads)))
				    (list (cons 'proc act-proc)
					  (cons 'core act-core)
					  (cons 'phys act-phys)))))
		      (common:write-cached-info actual-host "normalized-load" result)
		   (load-rx  ( x l1 l5 l15 ) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)(map string->number (list l1 l5 l15)) proc-num phys-num core-num))
		   (proc-rx  ( x p         ) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) loads           (max-num p proc-num) phys-num core-num))
		   (phys-rx  ( x p         ) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) loads           proc-num (max-num p phys-num) core-num))
		   (core-rx  ( x c         ) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) loads           proc-num phys-num (max-num c core-num)))
		      ;; (print "NO MATCH: " hed)
		      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) loads proc-num phys-num core-num)))))))))))

(define (common:unix-ping hostname)
  (let ((res (system (conc "ping -c 1 " hostname " > /dev/null"))))
    (eq? res 0)))

(define (common:get-num-cpus remote-host)
  (let* ((actual-host (or remote-host (get-host-name))))
    ;; hosts had better not be changing the number of cpus too often!
    (or (hash-table-ref/default *numcpus-cache* actual-host #f)
	(let* ((numcpus (or (common:get-cached-info actual-host "num-cpus" age: (+ 2592000 (random 3600)))
			    (let* ((proc   (lambda ()
					     (let loop ((numcpu 0)
							(inl    (read-line)))
					       (if (eof-object? inl)
						   (if (> numcpu 0)
						       #f) ;; if zero return #f so caller knows that things are not working
						   (loop (if (string-match "^processor\\s+:\\s+\\d+$" inl)
							     (+ numcpu 1)
				   (result (if (and remote-host
						    (not (equal? remote-host (get-host-name))))
						(conc "ssh " remote-host " cat /proc/cpuinfo")
						proc -1)
					       (with-input-from-file "/proc/cpuinfo" proc))))
			      (if (and (number? result)
				       (> result 0))
				  (common:write-cached-info actual-host "num-cpus" result))
	  (hash-table-set! *numcpus-cache* actual-host numcpus)

;; convert a spec string to a list of vectors #( rx  action rx-string )
(define (common:spec-string->list-of-specs spec-string actions)
  (let ((spec-strings  (string-split-fields "\\s*;\\s*" spec-string #:infix))
	(actions-regex (regexp (conc "^(.*)\\s+(" (string-intersperse (map conc actions) "|") ")"))))
     (lambda (x) x)
     (map (lambda (s)
	    (let ((m (string-match actions-regex s)))
	      (if m
		  (vector (regexp (cadr m))(string->symbol (caddr m))(cadr m))
		    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Unrecognised rule \"" s "\" in clean-up specification.")
;; given a list of specs rx . rule and a file return the first matching rule
(define (common:file-find-rule fname rules) ;; rule is vector #( rx action rx-string)
  (let loop ((rule   (car rules))
	     (tail   (cdr rules)))
    (let ((rx (vector-ref rule 0))
	  (rn (vector-ref rule 1))) ;; rule name
      (if (string-match rx fname)
	  rule ;; return the whole rule so regex can be printed etc.
	  (if (null? tail)
	      (loop (car tail)(cdr tail)))))))

;; given a spec apply some rules to a directory
;;  WARNING: This function will REMOVE files - be sure your spec and path is correct!
;; spec format:
;;   file-regex1 action; file-regex2 action; ...
;; e.g.
;;   .*\.log$ keep; .* remove
;;   --> keep all .log files, remove everything else
;; limitations:
;;   cannot have a rule with ; as part of the spec
;;   not very flexible, would be nice to return binned file names?
;; supported rules:
;;   keep     - keep this file
;;   remove   - remove this file
;;   compress - compress this file
(define (common:dir-clean-up path spec-string #!key (compress "gzip")(actions '(keep remove compress))(remove-empty #f))
  (let* ((specs         (common:spec-string->list-of-specs spec-string actions))
	 (keepers       (make-hash-table))
	 (directories   (make-hash-table)))
     action: (lambda (p res)
	       (let ((rule  (common:file-find-rule p specs)))
		  ((directory? p)(hash-table-set! directories p #t))
		   (case (vector-ref rule 1)
		     ((keep)(hash-table-set! keepers p rule))
		      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Removing file " p)
		      (delete-file p))
		      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Compressing file " p)
		      (system (conc compress " " p)))
		      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "No match for file " p))))))))
    (if remove-empty
	 (lambda (d)
	   (if (null? (glob (conc d "/.*")(conc d "/*")))
		 (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Removing empty directory " d)
		 (delete-directory d))))
	 (sort (hash-table-keys directories) (lambda (a b)(> (string-length a)(string-length b))))))

;; E N V I R O N M E N T   V A R S

(define (save-environment-as-files fname #!key (ignorevars (list "USER" "HOME" "DISPLAY" "LS_COLORS" "XKEYSYMDB" "EDITOR" "MAKEFLAGS" "MAKEF" "MAKEOVERRIDES" "HOSTNAME")))
  ;;(bb-check-path msg: "save-environment-as-files entry")
  (let ((envvars (get-environment-variables))
        (whitesp (regexp "[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-:,\\.\\/%$]"))
	(mungeval (lambda (val)
		     ((eq? val #t) "") ;; convert #t to empty string
		     ((eq? val #f) #f) ;; convert #f to itself (still thinking about this one
		     (else val)))))
    (with-output-to-file (conc fname ".csh")
       (lambda ()
          (for-each (lambda (keyval)
		      (let* ((key   (car keyval))
			     (val   (cdr keyval))
			     (delim (if (and (string-search whitesp val)
					     (not (string-search "^\".*\"$" val))
					     (not (string-search "^'.*'$" val)))
			(print (if (or (member key ignorevars)
				       (string-search whitesp key))
				   "# setenv "
				   "setenv ")
			       key " " delim (mungeval val) delim)))
     (with-output-to-file (conc fname ".sh")
       (lambda ()
          (for-each (lambda (keyval)
		      (let* ((key (car keyval))
			     (val (cdr keyval))
			     (delim (if (and (string-search whitesp val)
					     (not (string-search "^\".*\"$" val))
					     (not (string-search "^'.*'$" val)))
			(print (if (or (member key ignorevars)
				       (string-search whitesp key)
				       (string-search ":" key)) ;; internal only values to be skipped.
				   "# export "
				   "export ")
			       key "=" delim (mungeval val) delim)))

(define (common:get-param-mapping #!key (flavor #f))
  "returns alist mapping string keys in testconfig/subrun to megatest command line switches; if flavor is switch-symbol, maps tcmt symbolic switches to megatest switches"
  (let ((default '(("tag-expr"  . "-tagexpr")
                   ("mode-patt" . "-modepatt")
                   ("run-name"  . "-runname")
                   ("contour"   . "-contour")
                   ("target"    . "-target")
                   ("test-patt" . "-testpatt")
                   ("msg"       . "-m")
                   ("log"       . "-log")
                   ("start-dir" . "-start-dir")
                   ("new"       . "-set-state-status"))))
    (if (eq? flavor 'switch-symbol)
        (map (lambda (x)
               (cons (string->symbol (conc "-" (car x))) (cdr x)))

;; set some env vars from an alist, return an alist with original values
;; (("VAR" "value") ...)
;; a value of #f means "unset this var"
(define (alist->env-vars lst)
  (if (list? lst)
      (let ((res '()))
	(for-each (lambda (p)
		    (let* ((var (car  p))
			   (val (cadr p))
			   (prv (get-environment-variable var)))
		      (set! res (cons (list var prv) res))
		      (if val 
			  (safe-setenv var (->string val))
			  (unsetenv var))))

;; clear vars matching pattern, run proc, set vars back
;; if proc is a string run that string as a command with
;; system.
(define *common:orig-env*
  (let ((envvars (get-environment-variables)))
    (if (get-environment-variable "MT_ORIG_ENV")
            (z3:decode-buffer (base64:base64-decode (get-environment-variable "MT_ORIG_ENV")))
        (filter-map (lambda (x)
                      (if (string-match "^MT_.*" (car x))

(define (common:with-orig-env proc)
  (let  ((current-env (get-environment-variables)))
    (for-each (lambda (x) (unsetenv (car x)))             current-env)
    (for-each (lambda (x) (setenv (car x) (cdr x))) *common:orig-env*)
    (let ((rv (cond
               ((string? proc)(system proc))
               (proc          (proc)))))
      (for-each (lambda (x) (unsetenv (car x))) *common:orig-env*)
      (for-each (lambda (x) (setenv (car x) (cdr x))) current-env)

(define (common:without-vars proc . var-patts)
  (let ((vars (make-hash-table)))
     (lambda (vardat) ;; each env var
	(lambda (var-patt)
	  (if (string-match var-patt (car vardat))
	      (let ((var (car vardat))
		    (val (cdr vardat)))
		(hash-table-set! vars var val)
		(unsetenv var))))
     ((string? proc)(system proc))
     (proc          (proc)))
     (lambda (var val)
       (setenv var val)))

;; C O L O R S
(define (common:name->iup-color name)
  (case (string->symbol (string-downcase name))
    ((red)    "223 33 49")
    ((grey)   "192 192 192")
    ((orange) "255 172 13")
    ((purple) "This is unfinished ...")))

;; (define (common:get-color-for-state-status state status)
;;   (case (string->symbol state)
;;     ((COMPLETED)
;;      (case (string->symbol status)
;;        ((PASS)        "70  249 73")
;;        ((WARN WAIVED) "255 172 13")
;;        ((SKIP)        "230 230 0")
;;        (else "223 33 49")))
;;     ((LAUNCHED)         "101 123 142")
;;     ((CHECK)            "255 100 50")
;;     ((REMOTEHOSTSTART)  "50  130 195")
;;     ((RUNNING)          "9   131 232")
;;     ((KILLREQ)          "39  82  206")
;;     ((KILLED)           "234 101 17")
;;     ((NOT_STARTED)      "240 240 240")
;;     (else               "192 192 192")))

(define (common:iup-color->rgb-hex instr)
   (map (lambda (x)
          (number->string x 16))
        (map string->number
             (string-split instr)))

;; L O C K I N G   M E C H A N I S M S 

(define (common:in-running-test?)
  (and (args:get-arg "-execute") (get-environment-variable "MT_CMDINFO")))

(define (common:get-color-from-status status)
   ((equal? status "PASS")    "green")
   ((equal? status "FAIL")    "red")
   ((equal? status "WARN")    "orange")
   ((equal? status "KILLED")  "orange")
   ((equal? status "KILLREQ") "purple")
   ((equal? status "RUNNING") "blue")
   ((equal? status "ABORT")   "brown")
   (else "black")))

;; N A N O M S G   C L I E N T
;; (define (common:send-dboard-main-changed)
;;   (let* ((dashboard-ips (mddb:get-dashboards)))
;;     (for-each
;;      (lambda (ipadr)
;;        (let* ((soc (common:open-nm-req (conc "tcp://" ipadr)))
;; 	      (msg (conc "main " *toppath*))
;; 	      (res (common:nm-send-receive-timeout soc msg)))
;; 	 (if (not res) ;; couldn't reach that dashboard - remove it from db
;; 	     (print "ERROR: couldn't reach dashboard " ipadr))
;; 	 res))
;;      dashboard-ips)))
;; ;;======================================================================
;; ;; D A S H B O A R D   D B 
;; ;;======================================================================
;; (define (mddb:open-db)
;;   (let* ((db (open-database (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.dashboard.db"))))
;;     (set-busy-handler! db (busy-timeout 10000))
;;     (for-each
;;      (lambda (qry)
;;        (exec (sql db qry)))
;;      (list 
;;       "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vars       (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,key TEXT, val TEXT, CONSTRAINT varsconstraint UNIQUE (key));"
;;       "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dashboards (
;;           id         INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
;;           pid        INTEGER,
;;           username   TEXT,
;;           hostname   TEXT,
;;           ipaddr     TEXT,
;;           portnum    INTEGER,
;;           start_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
;;              CONSTRAINT hostport UNIQUE (hostname,portnum)
;;         );"
;;       ))
;;     db))
;; ;; register a dashboard 
;; ;;
;; (define (mddb:register-dashboard port)
;;   (let* ((pid      (current-process-id))
;; 	 (hostname (get-host-name))
;; 	 (ipaddr   (server:get-best-guess-address hostname))
;; 	 (username (current-user-name)) ;; (car userinfo)))
;; 	 (db      (mddb:open-db)))
;;     (print "Register monitor, pid: " pid ", hostname: " hostname ", port: " port ", username: " username)
;;     (exec (sql db "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO dashboards (pid,username,hostname,ipaddr,portnum) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);")
;; 	   pid username hostname ipaddr port)
;;     (close-database db)))
;; ;; unregister a monitor
;; ;;
;; (define (mddb:unregister-dashboard host port)
;;   (let* ((db      (mddb:open-db)))
;;     (print "Register unregister monitor, host:port=" host ":" port)
;;     (exec (sql db "DELETE FROM dashboards WHERE hostname=? AND portnum=?;") host port)
;;     (close-database db)))
;; ;; get registered dashboards
;; ;;
;; (define (mddb:get-dashboards)
;;   (let ((db (mddb:open-db)))
;;     (query fetch-column
;; 	   (sql db "SELECT ipaddr || ':' || portnum FROM dashboards;"))))
;; H I E R A R C H I C A L   H A S H   T A B L E S
;; Every element including top element is a vector:
;;   <vector subhash value>

(define (hh:make-hh #!key (ht #f)(value #f))
  (vector (or ht    (make-hash-table)) value))

;; used internally
(define-inline (hh:set-ht! hh ht)       (vector-set! hh 0 ht))
(define-inline (hh:get-ht hh)           (vector-ref  hh 0))
(define-inline (hh:set-value! hh value) (vector-set! hh 1 value))
(define-inline (hh:get-value  hh value) (vector-ref  hh 1))

;; given a hierarchial hash and some keys look up the value ...
(define (hh:get hh . keys)
  (if (null? keys)
      (vector-ref hh 1) ;; we have reached the end of the line, return the value sought
      (let ((sub-ht (hh:get-ht hh)))
	(if sub-ht ;; yes, there is more hierarchy
	    (let ((sub-hh (hash-table-ref/default sub-ht (car keys) #f)))
	      (if sub-hh
		  (apply hh:get sub-hh (cdr keys))

;; given a hierarchial hash, a value and some keys, add needed hierarcy and insert the value
(define (hh:set! hh value . keys)
  (if (null? keys)
      (hh:set-value! hh value) ;; we have reached the end of the line, store the value
      (let ((sub-ht (hh:get-ht hh)))
	(if sub-ht ;; yes, there is more hierarchy
	    (let ((sub-hh (hash-table-ref/default sub-ht (car keys) #f)))
	      (if (not sub-hh) ;; we'll need to add the next level of hierarchy
		  (let ((new-sub-hh (hh:make-hh)))
		    (hash-table-set! sub-ht (car keys) new-sub-hh)
		    (apply hh:set! new-sub-hh value (cdr keys)))
		  (apply hh:set! sub-hh value (cdr keys))))    ;; call the sub-hierhash with remaining keys
	      (hh:set-ht! hh (make-hash-table))
	      (apply hh:set! hh value keys))))))

;; Manage pkts, used in servers, tests and likely other contexts so put
;; in common

(define common:pkts-spec
  '((default . ((parent    . P)
                (action    . a)
                (filename  . f)))
    (configf . ((parent    . P)
                (action    . a)
                (filename  . f)))
    (server  . ((action    . a)
		(pid       . d)
		(ipaddr    . i)
		(port      . p)
		(parent    . P)))
    (test    . ((cpuuse    . c)
		(diskuse   . d)
		(item-path . i)
		(runname   . r)
		(state     . s)
		(target    . t)
		(status    . u)
		(parent    . P)))))

(define (common:get-pkt-alists pkts)
  (map (lambda (x)
	 (alist-ref 'apkt x)) ;; 'pkta pulls out the alist from the read pkt

;; given list of pkts (alist mode) return list of D cards as Unix epoch, sorted descending
;; also delete duplicates by target i.e. (car pkt)
(define (common:get-pkt-times pkts)
    (map (lambda (x)
	   `(,(alist-ref 't x) . ,(string->number (alist-ref 'D x))))
    (lambda (a b)(> (cdr a)(cdr b))))      ;; sort descending
   (lambda (a b)(equal? (car a)(car b))))) ;; remove duplicates by target

(define *common:thread-punchlist* (make-hash-table))
(define (common:send-thunk-to-background-thread thunk #!key (name #f))
  ;;(BB> "launched thread " name)
  ;; we need a unique name for the thread.
  (let* ((realname (if name
                       (if (not (hash-table-ref/default *common:thread-punchlist* name #f))
                           (conc name"-" (symbol->string (gensym))))
                       (conc "anonymous-"(symbol->string (gensym)))))
         (realthunk (lambda ()
                      (let ((res (thunk)))
                        (hash-table-delete! *common:thread-punchlist* realname)
         (thread   (make-thread realthunk realname)))
    (hash-table-set! *common:thread-punchlist* realname thread)
    (thread-start! thread)

(define (common:join-backgrounded-threads)
  ;; may need to trap and ignore exceptions -- dunno how atomic threads are...
   (lambda (thread-name)
     (let* ((thread (hash-table-ref/default *common:thread-punchlist* thread-name #f)))
       (if thread
	       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "joining threads failed. exn=" exn)
               #t) ;; just ignore it, it might have died in the meantime so joining it will throw an exception
             (thread-join! thread))
   (hash-table-keys *common:thread-punchlist*)))

;; given a list of itemmaps (testname . map), return the first match
(define (tests:lookup-itemmap itemmaps testname)
  (let ((best-matches (filter (lambda (itemmap)
				(tests:match (car itemmap) testname #f))
    (if (null? best-matches)
	(let ((res (car best-matches)))
	  ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "res=" res)
	   ((string? res) res) ;;; FIX THE ROOT CAUSE HERE ....
	   ((null? res)   #f)
	   ((string? (cdr res)) (cdr res))  ;; it is a pair
	   ((string? (cadr res))(cadr res)) ;; it is a list
	   (else cadr res))))))

;; if itempath is #f then look only at the testname part
(define (tests:match patterns testname itempath #!key (required '()))
  (if (string? patterns)
      (let ((patts (append (string-split patterns ",") required)))
	(if (null? patts) ;;; no pattern(s) means no match
	    (let loop ((patt (car patts))
		       (tal  (cdr patts)))
	      ;; (print "loop: patt: " patt ", tal " tal)
	      (if (string=? patt "")
		  #f ;; nothing ever matches empty string - policy
		  (let* ((patt-parts (string-match (regexp "^([^\\/]*)(\\/(.*)|)$") patt))
			 (test-patt  (cadr patt-parts))
			 (item-patt  (cadddr patt-parts)))
		    ;; special case: test vs. test/
		    ;;   test  => "test" "%"
		    ;;   test/ => "test" ""
		    (if (and (not (substring-index "/" patt)) ;; no slash in the original
			     (or (not item-patt)
				 (equal? item-patt "")))      ;; should always be true that item-patt is ""
			(set! item-patt "%"))
		    ;; (print "tests:match => patt-parts: " patt-parts ", test-patt: " test-patt ", item-patt: " item-patt)
		    (if (and (tests:glob-like-match test-patt testname)
			     (or (not itempath)
				 (tests:glob-like-match (if item-patt item-patt "") itempath)))
			(if (null? tal)
			    (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))))))))

;; if itempath is #f then look only at the testname part
(define (tests:match->sqlqry patterns)
  (if (string? patterns)
      (let ((patts (string-split patterns ",")))
	(if (null? patts) ;;; no pattern(s) means no match, we will do no query
	    (let loop ((patt (car patts))
		       (tal  (cdr patts))
		       (res  '()))
	      ;; (print "loop: patt: " patt ", tal " tal)
	      (let* ((patt-parts (string-match (regexp "^([^\\/]*)(\\/(.*)|)$") patt))
		     (test-patt  (cadr patt-parts))
		     (item-patt  (cadddr patt-parts))
		     (test-qry   (db:patt->like "testname" test-patt))
		     (item-qry   (db:patt->like "item_path" item-patt))
		     (qry        (conc "(" test-qry " AND " item-qry ")")))
		;; (print "tests:match => patt-parts: " patt-parts ", test-patt: " test-patt ", item-patt: " item-patt)
		(if (null? tal)
		    (string-intersperse (append (reverse res)(list qry)) " OR ")
		    (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)(cons qry res)))))))

(define *glob-like-match-cache* (make-hash-table))
(define (tests:cache-regexp str-in flag)
  (let* ((key (conc str-in flag)))
    (or (hash-table-ref/default *glob-like-match-cache* key #f)
	(let* ((newrx (regexp str-in flag)))
	  (hash-table-set! *glob-like-match-cache* key newrx)

;; tests:glob-like-match 
(define (tests:glob-like-match patt str) 
  (let* ((like     (substring-index "%" patt))
	 (notpatt  (equal? (substring-index "~" patt) 0))
	 (newpatt  (if notpatt (substring patt 1) patt))
	 (finpatt  (if like
		       (string-substitute (regexp "%") ".*" newpatt #f)
		       (string-substitute (regexp "\\*") ".*" newpatt #f)))
	 (rx       (tests:cache-regexp finpatt (if like #t #f)))
	 (res      (string-match rx str)))
    (if notpatt (not res) res)))

;; keys list to key1,key2,key3 ...
(define (runs:get-std-run-fields keys remfields)
  (let* ((header    (append keys remfields))
	 (keystr    (conc (keys->keystr keys) ","
			  (string-intersperse remfields ","))))
    (list keystr header)))

;; make a query (fieldname like 'patt1' OR fieldname 
(define (db:patt->like fieldname pattstr #!key (comparator " OR "))
  (let ((patts (if (string? pattstr)
		   (string-split pattstr ",")
    (string-intersperse (map (lambda (patt)
			       (let ((wildtype (if (substring-index "%" patt) "LIKE" "GLOB")))
				 (conc fieldname " " wildtype " '" patt "'")))
			     (if (null? patts)

;; V E R S I O N

(define (common:get-full-version)
  (conc megatest-version "-" megatest-fossil-hash))

(define (common:version-signature)
  (conc megatest-version "-" (substring megatest-fossil-hash 0 4)))

(define (common:get-fields cfgdat)
  (let ((fields (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat "fields" '())))
    (map car fields)))

(define keys:config-get-fields common:get-fields)
