;; Copyright 2019, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;; Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Megatest. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(declare (unit pgdbmod))
(declare (uses mtconfigf))
(declare (uses commonmod))
(declare (uses mtargs))
(module pgdbmod
(import scheme (chicken base) (chicken file) (chicken string) (chicken sort) (chicken condition) (chicken string))
(prefix dbi dbi:)
srfi-69 srfi-1 typed-records)
(import (prefix mtconfigf configf:))
(import (prefix mtargs args:))
(import commonmod)
;; given a configdat lookup the connection info and open the db
(define (pgdb:open configdat #!key (dbname #f)(dbispec #f))
(let ((pgconf (or dbispec
(args:get-arg "-pgsync")
(if configdat
(configf:lookup configdat "ext-sync" (or dbname "pgdb"))
(if pgconf
(let* ((confdat (map (lambda (conf-item)
(let ((parts (string-split conf-item ":")))
(if (> (length parts) 1)
(let ((key (car parts))
(val (cadr parts)))
(cons (string->symbol key) val))
(print "ERROR: Bad config setting " conf-item ", should be key:val")
`(,(string->symbol (car parts)) . #f)))))
(string-split pgconf)))
(dbtype (string->symbol (or (alist-ref 'dbtype confdat) "pg"))))
(if (alist-ref 'dbtype confdat)
(dbi:open dbtype (alist-delete 'dbtype confdat))))
;; A R E A S
(defstruct area id area-name area-path last-update)
(define (pgdb:add-area dbh area-name area-path)
(dbi:exec dbh "INSERT INTO areas (area_name,area_path) VALUES (?,?)" area-name area-path))
(define (pgdb:get-areas dbh)
;; (map
;; (lambda (row)
;; (print "row: " row))
(dbi:get-rows dbh "SELECT id,area_name,area_path,last_sync FROM areas;")) ;; )
;; given an area_path get the area info
(define (pgdb:get-area-by-path dbh area-path)
(dbi:get-one-row dbh "SELECT id,area_name,area_path,last_sync FROM areas WHERE area_path=?;" area-path))
(define (pgdb:write-sync-time dbh area-info new-sync-time)
(let ((area-id (vector-ref area-info 0)))
(dbi:exec dbh "UPDATE areas SET last_sync=? WHERE id=?;" new-sync-time area-id)))
;; T A R G E T S
;; Given a target-spec, return the id. Should probably handle this with a join...
;; if target-spec not found, create a record for it.
(define (pgdb:get-ttype dbh target-spec)
(let ((spec-id (dbi:get-one dbh "SELECT id FROM ttype WHERE target_spec=?;" target-spec)))
(or spec-id
(if (handle-exceptions
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: cannot create ttype entry, " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
(dbi:exec dbh "INSERT INTO ttype (target_spec) VALUES (?);" target-spec))
(pgdb:get-ttype dbh target-spec)))))
;; T A G S
(define (pgdb:get-tag-info-by-name dbh tag)
(dbi:get-one-row dbh "SELECT id,tag_name FROM tags where tag_name=?;" tag))
(define (pgdb:insert-tag dbh name )
(dbi:exec dbh "INSERT INTO tags (tag_name) VALUES (?)" name ))
(define (pgdb:insert-area-tag dbh tag-id area-id )
(dbi:exec dbh "INSERT INTO area_tags (tag_id, area_id) VALUES (?,?)" tag-id area-id ))
(define (pgdb:insert-run-tag dbh tag-id run-id )
(dbi:exec dbh "INSERT INTO run_tags (tag_id, run_id) VALUES (?,?)" tag-id run-id ))
(define (pgdb:is-area-taged dbh area-id)
(let ((area-tag-id (dbi:get-one dbh "SELECT id FROM area_tags WHERE area_id=?;" area-id)))
(if area-tag-id
(define (pgdb:is-area-taged-with-a-tag dbh tag-id area-id)
(let ((area-tag-id (dbi:get-one dbh "SELECT id FROM area_tags WHERE area_id=? and tag_id=?;" area-id tag-id)))
(if area-tag-id
(define (pgdb:is-run-taged-with-a-tag dbh tag-id run-id)
(let ((run-tag-id (dbi:get-one dbh "SELECT id FROM run_tags WHERE run_id=? and tag_id=?;" run-id tag-id)))
(if run-tag-id
;; R U N S
;; given a target spec id, target and run-name return the run-id
;; if no run found return #f
(define (pgdb:get-run-id dbh spec-id target run-name area-id)
(dbi:get-one dbh "SELECT id FROM runs WHERE ttype_id=? AND target=? AND run_name=? and area_id=?;"
spec-id target run-name area-id))
;; given a target spec id, target and run-name return the run-id
;; if no run found return #f
(define (pgdb:get-run-last-update dbh id )
(dbi:get-one dbh "SELECT last_update FROM runs WHERE id=?;"
;; given a run-id return all the run info
(define (pgdb:get-run-info dbh run-id ) ;; to join ttype or not?
dbh ;; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
"SELECT id,target,ttype_id,run_name,state,status,owner,event_time,comment,fail_count,pass_count,last_update,area_id
FROM runs WHERE id=? ;" run-id ))
;; refresh the data in a run record
(define (pgdb:refresh-run-info dbh run-id state status owner event-time comment fail-count pass-count area-id last_update publish-time) ;; area-id)
WHERE id=? and area_id=?;"
state status owner event-time comment fail-count pass-count last_update publish-time run-id area-id ))
;; given all needed info create run record
(define (pgdb:insert-run dbh ttype-id target run-name state status owner event-time comment fail-count pass-count area-id last-update publish-time)
"INSERT INTO runs (ttype_id,target,run_name,state,status,owner,event_time,comment,fail_count,pass_count,area_id,last_update,publish_time)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?);"
ttype-id target run-name state status owner event-time comment fail-count pass-count area-id last-update publish-time))
;; T E S T - S T E P S
(define (pgdb:get-test-step-id dbh test-id stepname state)
"SELECT id FROM test_steps WHERE test_id=? AND stepname=? and state = ? ;"
test-id stepname state))
(define (pgdb:get-test-step-last-update dbh id )
"SELECT last_update FROM test_steps WHERE id=? ;"
(define (pgdb:insert-test-step dbh test-id stepname state status event_time comment logfile last-update )
"INSERT INTO test_steps (test_id,stepname,state,status,event_time,logfile,comment,last_update)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? );"
test-id stepname state status event_time logfile comment last-update))
(define (pgdb:update-test-step dbh step-id test-id stepname state status event_time comment logfile last-update)
"UPDATE test_steps SET
WHERE id=?;"
test-id stepname state status event_time logfile comment last-update step-id))
;; T E S T - D A T A
(define (pgdb:get-test-data-id dbh test-id category variable)
"SELECT id FROM test_data WHERE test_id=? AND category=? and variable = ? ;"
test-id category variable))
(define (pgdb:get-test-data-last-update dbh test-data-id )
"SELECT last_update FROM test_data WHERE id=? ;"
(define (pgdb:insert-test-data dbh test-id category variable value expected tol units comment status type last-update)
; (print "INSERT INTO test_data (test_id, category, variable, value, expected, tol, units, comment, status, type)
; VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) " test-id " " category " " variable " " value " " expected " " tol " " units " " comment " " status " " type)
(if (not (string? units))
(set! units "" ))
(if (not (string? variable))
(set! variable "" ))
(if (not (real? value))
(set! value 0 ))
(if (not (real? expected))
(set! expected 0 ))
(if (not (real? tol))
(set! tol 0 ))
"INSERT INTO test_data (test_id, category, variable, value, expected, tol, units, comment, status, type, last_update)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?);"
test-id category variable value expected tol units comment status type last-update))
(define (pgdb:update-test-data dbh data-id test-id category variable value expected tol units comment status type last-update)
"UPDATE test_data SET
test_id=?, category=?, variable=?, value=?, expected=?, tol=?, units=?, comment=?, status=?, type=?, last_update=?
WHERE id=?;"
test-id category variable value expected tol units comment status type last-update data-id ))
;; T E S T S
;; given run-id, test_name and item_path return test-id
(define (pgdb:get-test-id dbh run-id test-name item-path)
"SELECT id FROM tests WHERE run_id=? AND test_name=? AND item_path=?;"
run-id test-name item-path))
(define (pgdb:get-test-last-update dbh id)
"SELECT last_update FROM tests WHERE id=? ;"
id ))
;; create new test record
(define (pgdb:insert-test dbh run-id test-name item-path state status host cpuload diskfree uname run-dir log-file run-duration comment event-time archived last-update pid)
"INSERT INTO tests (run_id,test_name,item_path,state,status,host,cpuload,diskfree,uname,rundir,final_logf,run_duration,comment,event_time,archived,last_update,attemptnum)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"
run-id test-name item-path state status host cpuload diskfree uname
run-dir log-file run-duration comment event-time archived last-update pid))
;; update existing test record
(define (pgdb:update-test dbh test-id run-id test-name item-path state status host cpuload diskfree uname run-dir log-file run-duration comment event-time archived last-update pid)
WHERE id=?;"
run-id test-name item-path state status host cpuload diskfree uname
run-dir log-file run-duration comment event-time archived last-update pid test-id))
(define (pgdb:get-tests dbh target-patt)
"SELECT t.id,t.run_id,t.test_name,t.item_path,t.state,t.status,t.host,t.cpuload,t.diskfree,t.uname,t.rundir,t.final_logf,t.run_duration,t.comment,t.event_time,t.archived,
FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
WHERE r.target LIKE ?;" target-patt))
(define (pgdb:get-stats-given-type-target dbh ttype-id target-patt)
;; "SELECT COUNT(t.id),t.status,r.target FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
;; WHERE t.state='COMPLETED' AND ttype_id=? AND r.target LIKE ? GROUP BY r.target,t.status;"
"SELECT r.target,COUNT(*) AS total,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status='PASS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS pass,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status='FAIL' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS fail,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status IN ('PASS','FAIL') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS other
FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
WHERE t.state='COMPLETED' AND ttype_id=? AND r.target LIKE ? GROUP BY r.target;"
ttype-id target-patt))
(define (pgdb:get-stats-given-target dbh target-patt)
;; "SELECT COUNT(t.id),t.status,r.target FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
;; WHERE t.state='COMPLETED' AND ttype_id=? AND r.target LIKE ? GROUP BY r.target,t.status;"
"SELECT r.target,COUNT(*) AS total,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status='PASS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS pass,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status='FAIL' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS fail,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status IN ('PASS','FAIL') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS other
FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
WHERE t.state='COMPLETED' AND r.target LIKE ? GROUP BY r.target;"
(define (pgdb:get-latest-run-stats-given-target dbh ttype-id target-patt limit offset)
;; "SELECT COUNT(t.id),t.status,r.target FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
;; WHERE t.state='COMPLETED' AND ttype_id=? AND r.target LIKE ? GROUP BY r.target,t.status;"
"SELECT r.target, r.event_time, COUNT(*) AS total,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status='PASS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS pass,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status='FAIL' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS fail,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status IN ('PASS','FAIL') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS other, r.id
FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
WHERE t.state like '%' AND ttype_id=? AND r.target LIKE ?
and r.id in
(SELECT DISTINCT on (target) id from runs where target like ? AND ttype_id=? order by target,event_time desc)
GROUP BY r.target,r.id
order by r.event_time desc limit ? offset ? ;"
ttype-id target-patt target-patt ttype-id limit offset))
(define (pgdb:get-latest-run-stats-given-pattern dbh patt limit offset)
;; "SELECT COUNT(t.id),t.status,r.target FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
;; WHERE t.state='COMPLETED' AND ttype_id=? AND r.target ILIKE ? GROUP BY r.target,t.status;"
"SELECT r.target, r.event_time, COUNT(*) AS total,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status='PASS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS pass,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status='FAIL' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS fail,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status IN ('PASS','FAIL') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS other, r.id
FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
WHERE t.state like '%' AND r.target ILIKE ?
and r.id in
(SELECT DISTINCT on (target) id from runs where target ilike ? order by target,event_time desc)
GROUP BY r.target,r.id
order by r.event_time desc limit ? offset ? ;"
patt patt limit offset))
(define (pgdb:get-count-data-stats-target-latest dbh ttype-id target-patt)
"SELECT count(*) from
(SELECT DISTINCT on (target) id
from runs where target like ? AND ttype_id = ?
order by target, event_time desc
) as x;"
target-patt ttype-id))
(define (pgdb:get-latest-run-cnt dbh ttype-id target-patt)
(let* ((cnt-result (pgdb:get-count-data-stats-target-latest dbh ttype-id target-patt))
;(cnt-row (car (cnt-result)))
(cnt 0)
(lambda (row)
(set! cnt (vector-ref row 0 )))
(define (pgdb:get-count-data-stats-latest-pattern dbh patt)
"SELECT count(*) from
(SELECT DISTINCT on (target) id
from runs where target ilike ?
order by target, event_time desc
) as x;"
(define (pgdb:get-latest-run-cnt-by-pattern dbh target-patt)
(let* ((cnt-result (pgdb:get-count-data-stats-latest-pattern dbh target-patt))
;(cnt-row (car (cnt-result)))
(cnt 0)
(lambda (row)
(set! cnt (vector-ref row 0 )))
(define (pgdb:get-run-stats-history-given-target dbh ttype-id target-patt)
;; "SELECT COUNT(t.id),t.status,r.target FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
;; WHERE t.state='COMPLETED' AND ttype_id=? AND r.target LIKE ? GROUP BY r.target,t.status;"
"SELECT r.run_name,COUNT(*) AS total,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status='PASS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS pass,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status='FAIL' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS fail,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status IN ('PASS','FAIL') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS other
FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
WHERE t.state like '%' AND ttype_id=? AND r.target LIKE ?
GROUP BY r.run_name;"
ttype-id target-patt ))
(define (pgdb:get-all-run-stats-target-slice dbh target-patt limit offset)
"SELECT r.target, r.run_name,r.event_time, COUNT(*) AS total,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status='PASS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS pass,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status='FAIL' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS fail,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.status IN ('PASS','FAIL') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS other
FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
WHERE r.target LIKE ?
GROUP BY r.target,r.run_name, r.event_time
order by r.target,r.event_time desc limit ? offset ? ;"
target-patt limit offset))
(define (pgdb:get-count-data-stats-target-slice dbh target-patt)
"SELECT count(*) from (SELECT r.target, r.run_name,r.event_time, COUNT(*) AS total
FROM tests AS t INNER JOIN runs AS r ON t.run_id=r.id
WHERE r.target LIKE ?
GROUP BY r.target,r.run_name, r.event_time
) as x;"
(define (pgdb:get-slice-cnt dbh target-patt)
(let* ((cnt-result (pgdb:get-count-data-stats-target-slice dbh target-patt))
;(cnt-row (car (cnt-result)))
(cnt 0)
(lambda (row)
(set! cnt (vector-ref row 0 )))
(define (pgdb:get-target-types dbh)
(dbi:get-rows dbh "SELECT id,target_spec FROM ttype;"))
(define (pgdb:get-distict-target-slice dbh)
(dbi:get-rows dbh " select distinct on (split_part (target, '/', 1)) (split_part (target, '/', 1)) from runs;"))
(define (pgdb:get-distict-target-slice3 dbh)
(dbi:get-rows dbh " select distinct on (split_part (target, '/', 3)) (split_part (target, '/', 3)) from runs;"))
(define (pgdb:get-targets dbh target-patt)
(let ((ttypes (pgdb:get-target-types dbh)))
(lambda (ttype-dat)
(let ((tt-id (vector-ref ttype-dat 0))
(ttype (vector-ref ttype-dat 1)))
(cons ttype
"SELECT DISTINCT target FROM runs WHERE target LIKE ? AND ttype_id=?;" target-patt tt-id))
(define (pgdb:get-targets-of-type dbh ttype-id target-patt)
(dbi:get-rows dbh "SELECT DISTINCT target FROM runs WHERE target LIKE ? AND ttype_id=?;" target-patt ttype-id))
(define (pgdb:get-runs-by-target dbh targets run-patt)
(dbi:get-rows dbh "SELECT r.run_name, t.test_name, t.status, t.item_path, t.id, t.rundir, t.final_logf FROM runs as r INNER JOIN tests AS t ON t.run_id=r.id
WHERE t.state='COMPLETED' AND r.target like ? AND r.run_name like ?;" targets run-patt)
(define (pgdb:get-test-by-id dbh id)
(dbi:get-rows dbh "SELECT t.test_name, t.item_path, t.rundir, t.final_logf FROM runs as r INNER JOIN tests AS t ON t.run_id=r.id
WHERE t.id = ?;" id)
;; V A R I O U S D A T A M A S S A G E R O U T I N E S
;; probably want to move these to a different model file
;; create a hash of hashes with keys extracted from all-parts
;; using row-or-col to choose row or column
;; ht{row key}=>ht{col key}=>data
;; fnum is the field number in the tuples to be split
(define (pgdb:mk-pattern dot type bp rel)
(let* ((typ (if (equal? type "all")
(dotprocess (if (equal? dot "all")
(rel-num (if (equal? rel "")
(pattern (conc "%/" bp "/" dotprocess "/" typ "_" rel-num)))
(define (pgdb:coalesce-runs dbh runs all-parts row-or-col fnum)
(let* ((data (make-hash-table)))
(lambda (run)
(let* ((target (vector-ref run fnum))
(parts (string-split target "/"))
(first (car parts))
(rest (string-intersperse (cdr parts) "/"))
(coldat (hash-table-ref/default data first #f)))
(if (not coldat)(let ((newht (make-hash-table)))
(hash-table-set! data first newht)
(set! coldat newht)))
(hash-table-set! coldat rest run)))
(define (pgdb:coalesce-runs1 runs )
(let* ((data (make-hash-table)))
(lambda (run)
(let* ((target (vector-ref run 0))
(parts (string-split target "/"))
(first (car parts))
(rest (string-intersperse (cdr parts) "/"))
(coldat (hash-table-ref/default data first #f)))
(if (not coldat)(let ((newht (make-hash-table)))
(hash-table-set! data first newht)
(set! coldat newht)))
(hash-table-set! coldat rest run)))
;; given ordered data hash return a-keys
(define (pgdb:ordered-data->a-keys ordered-data)
(sort (hash-table-keys ordered-data) string>=?))
;; given ordered data hash return b-keys
(define (pgdb:ordered-data->b-keys ordered-data a-keys)
(sort (apply
(map (lambda (sub-key)
(let ((subdat (hash-table-ref ordered-data sub-key)))
(hash-table-keys subdat)))
;; given ordered data hash return a-keys
(define (pgdb:ordered-data->a-keys ordered-data)
(sort (hash-table-keys ordered-data) string>=?))
;; given ordered data hash return b-keys
(define (pgdb:ordered-data->b-keys ordered-data a-keys)
(sort (apply
(map (lambda (sub-key)
(let ((subdat (hash-table-ref ordered-data sub-key)))
(hash-table-keys subdat)))
(define (pgdb:coalesce-runs-by-slice runs slice)
(let* ((data (make-hash-table)))
(lambda (run)
(let* ((target (vector-ref run 0))
(run-name (vector-ref run 1))
(parts (string-split target "/"))
(first (car parts))
(rest (string-intersperse (cdr parts) "/"))
(coldat (hash-table-ref/default data rest #f)))
(if (not coldat)(let ((newht (make-hash-table)))
(hash-table-set! data rest newht)
(set! coldat newht)))
(hash-table-set! coldat run-name run)))
(define (pgdb:runs-to-hash runs )
(let* ((data (make-hash-table)))
(lambda (run)
(let* ((run-name (vector-ref run 0))
(test (conc (vector-ref run 1) ":" (vector-ref run 3)))
(coldat (hash-table-ref/default data run-name #f)))
(if (not coldat)(let ((newht (make-hash-table)))
(hash-table-set! data run-name newht)
(set! coldat newht)))
(hash-table-set! coldat test run)))
(define (pgdb:get-history-hash runs)
(let* ((data (make-hash-table)))
(lambda (run)
(let* ((run-name (vector-ref run 0)))
(hash-table-set! data run-name run)))
(define (pgdb:get-pg-lst tab2-pages)
(let loop ((i 1)
(lst `()))
((> i tab2-pages )
(loop (+ i 1) (append lst (list i)))))))