;; Copyright 2006-2017, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;; Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Megatest. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;; gotta compile with csc, doesn't work with csi -s for whatever reason
(import srfi-69)
(import matchable)
(import utils)
(import ports)
(import extras)
(import srfi-1)
(import posix)
(import srfi-12)
;; turn scheme file to a list of sexps, sexps of interest will be in the form of (define (<procname> <args>) <body> )
(define (load-scm-file scm-file)
;;(print "load "scm-file)
(conc "("
(with-input-from-file scm-file read-all)
")" )
;; extract a list of procname, filename, args and body of procedures defined in filename, input from load-scm-file
;; -- be advised:
;; * this may be fooled by macros, since this code does not take them into account.
;; * this code does only checks for form (define (<procname> ... ) <body>)
;; so it excludes from reckoning
;; - generated functions, as in things like foo-set! from defstructs,
;; - define-inline, (
;; - define procname (lambda ..
;; - etc...
(define (get-toplevel-procs+file+args+body filename)
(let* ((scm-tree (load-scm-file filename))
(filter identity
[('define ('uses args ...) body ...) #f] ;; filter out (define (uses ...
[('define ('unit args ...) body ...) #f] ;; filter out (define (unit ...
[('define ('prefix args ...) body ...) #f] ;; filter out (define (prefix ...
[('define (defname args ...) body ...) ;; match (define (procname <args>) <body>)
(if (atom? defname) ;; filter out things we dont understand (procname is a list, what??)
(list defname filename args body)
[else #f] ) scm-tree))))
;; given a sexp, return a flat list of atoms in that sexp
(define (get-atoms-in-body body)
((null? body) '())
((atom? body) (list body))
(apply append (map get-atoms-in-body body)))))
;; given a file, return a list of procname, file, list of atoms in said procname
(define (get-procs+file+atoms file)
(let* ((toplevel-proc-items (get-toplevel-procs+file+args+body file))
(lambda (item)
(let* ((proc (car item))
(file (cadr item))
(args (caddr item))
(body (cadddr item))
(atoms (append (get-atoms-in-body args) (get-atoms-in-body body))))
(list proc file atoms)))
;; uniquify a list of atoms
(define (unique-atoms lst)
(let loop ((lst (flatten lst)) (res '()))
(if (null? lst)
(reverse res)
(let ((c (car lst)))
(loop (cdr lst) (if (member c res) res (cons c res)))))))
;; given a list of procname, filename, list of procs called from procname, cross reference and reverse
;; returning alist mapping procname to procname that calls said procname
(define (get-callers-alist all-procs+file+calls)
(let* ((all-procs (map car all-procs+file+calls))
(caller-ht (make-hash-table)))
;; let's cross reference with a hash table
(for-each (lambda (proc) (hash-table-set! caller-ht proc '())) all-procs)
(for-each (lambda (item)
(let* ((proc (car item))
(file (cadr item))
(calls (caddr item)))
(for-each (lambda (callee)
(hash-table-set! caller-ht callee
(cons proc
(hash-table-ref caller-ht callee))))
(map (lambda (x)
(let ((k (car x))
(r (unique-atoms (cdr x))))
(cons k r)))
(hash-table->alist caller-ht))))
;; create a handy cross-reference of callees to callers in the form of an alist.
(define (get-xref all-scm-files)
(let* ((all-procs+file+atoms
(apply append (map get-procs+file+atoms all-scm-files)))
(all-procs (map car all-procs+file+atoms))
(all-procs+file+calls ; proc calls things in calls list
(map (lambda (item)
(let* ((proc (car item))
(file (cadr item))
(atoms (caddr item))
(filter identity
(lambda (x)
(if (and ;; (not (equal? x proc)) ;; uncomment to prevent listing self
(member x all-procs))
(list proc file calls)))
(callers (get-callers-alist all-procs+file+calls)))