
mt_runstep at [dea64201d8]

File utils/mt_runstep artifact 35ded54591 part of check-in dea64201d8


# Purpose: run a step, record start and end with exit codes
# Call like this:
# mt_runstep stepname command ....
# This expects that you have a logpro file named stepname.logpro and must be run
# inside a test environment (click on xterm button on a test control panel
# then source megatest.csh (if you are using tcsh) or (if you are using
# bash, sh or zsh)
# Example: copy files
# mt_runstep copy_files cp $frompath $topath
# Use a copy_files.logpro file like this:
# (expect:error in "LogFileBody" = 0 "Any err/error/warn/warning" #/(err|warn)/)

# Theoretically could call megatest directly like the following line but
# we'll do each individual step so folks can see what is going on.
# $MT_MEGATEST -runstep $stepname -logpro ${stepname}.logpro "$*" || exit $?

# First, register the start of this step
$MT_MEGATEST -step $stepname :state start :status n/a 

# Second, run the command (the remaining stuff on the command line after the stepname)
# We could put the results in a log file for processing but we are relying on logpro...
# $* 2>&1 ${stepname}.log

# So lets use a pipe to logpro, put the output from logpro into stepname_logpro.log
$* 2>&1| logpro ${stepname}.logpro ${stepname}.html 2>&1 ${stepname}_logpro.log 

# Finally, log the step completion and exit status
$MT_MEGATEST -step $stepname :state end :status ${PIPESTATUS[*]}