(use srfi-18)
;; wrap a proc with a mutex so that two threads may not call proc simultaneously.
;; will catch exceptions to ensure mutex is unlocked even if exception is thrown.
;; will generate a unique mutex for proc unless one is specified with canned-mutex: option
;; example 1: (define thread-safe-+ (make-synchronized-proc +))
;; example 2: (define thread-safe-plus
;; (make-synchronized-proc
;; (lambda (x y)
;; (+ x y))))
(define (make-synchronized-proc proc
#!key (canned-mutex #f))
(let* ((guard-mutex (if canned-mutex canned-mutex (make-mutex)))
(guarded-proc ;; we are guarding the thunk against exceptions. We will record whether result of evaluation is an exception or a regular result.
(lambda args
(mutex-lock! guard-mutex)
(let* ((EXCEPTION (gensym)) ;; using gensym to avoid potential collision with a proc that returns a pair having the first element be our flag. gensym guarantees the symbol is unique.
(apply proc args) ;; this is what we are guarding the execution of
[x () (cons EXCEPTION x)]
(mutex-unlock! guard-mutex)
((and (pair? res) (eq? (car res) EXCEPTION))
(raise (cdr res)))
;; retry an operation (depends on srfi-18)
;; ==================
;; idea here is to avoid spending time on coding retrying something. Trying to be generic here.
;; Exception handling:
;; -------------------
;; if evaluating the thunk results in exception, it will be retried.
;; on last try, if final-failure-returns-actual is true, the exception will be re-thrown to caller.
;; look at options below #!key to see how to configure behavior
(define (retry-thunk
#!key ;;;; options below
(accept-result? (lambda (x) x)) ;; retry if predicate applied to thunk's result is false
(retries 4) ;; how many tries
(failure-value #f) ;; return this on final failure, unless following option is enabled:
(final-failure-returns-actual #f) ;; on failure, on the last try, just return the result, not failure-value
(retry-delay 0.1) ;; delay between tries
(back-off-factor 1) ;; multiply retry-delay by this factor on retry
(random-delay 0.1) ;; add a random portion of this value to wait
(chatty #f) ;; print status as we go, for debugging.
(when chatty (print) (print "Entered retry-thunk") (print "-=-=-=-=-=-"))
(let* ((guarded-thunk ;; we are guarding the thunk against exceptions. We will record whether result of evaluation is an exception or a regular result.
(lambda ()
(let* ((EXCEPTION (gensym)) ;; using gensym to avoid potential collision
(the-thunk) ;; this is what we are guarding the execution of
[x () (cons EXCEPTION x)]
((and (pair? res) (eq? (car res) EXCEPTION))
(if chatty
(print " - the-thunk threw exception >"(cdr res)"<"))
(cons 'exception (cdr res)))
(if chatty
(print " - the-thunk returned result >"res"<"))
(cons 'regular-result res)))))))
(let loop ((guarded-res (guarded-thunk))
(retries-left retries)
(fail-wait retry-delay))
(if chatty (print " =========="))
(let* ((wait-time (+ fail-wait (+ (* fail-wait back-off-factor)
(* random-delay
(/ (random 1024) 1024) ))))
(res-type (car guarded-res))
(res-value (cdr guarded-res)))
((and (eq? res-type 'regular-result) (accept-result? res-value))
(if chatty (print " + return result that satisfied accept-result? >"res-value"<"))
((> retries-left 0)
(if chatty (print " - sleep "wait-time))
(thread-sleep! wait-time)
(if chatty (print " + retry ["retries-left" tries left]"))
(loop (guarded-thunk)
(sub1 retries-left)
((eq? res-type 'regular-result)
(if final-failure-returns-actual
(if chatty (print " + last try failed- return the result >"res-value"<"))
(if chatty (print " + last try failed- return canned failure value >"failure-value"<"))
(else ;; no retries left; result was not accepted and res-type can only be 'exception
(if final-failure-returns-actual
(if chatty (print " + last try failed with exception- re-throw it >"res-value"<"))
(abort res-value)); re-raise the exception. TODO: find a way for call-history to show as though from entry to this function
(if chatty (print " + last try failed with exception- return canned failure value >"failure-value"<"))