Artifact 73e5520573b2518030781278d20a17e5dd9cebee:
- File emergency-patch-3.scm — part of check-in [8c926556c4] at 2017-07-05 18:15:24 on branch v1.64 — added server/load-limit configuration option to set server start threshold at specified normalized max load, defaulting to 0.9 (user: bjbarcla, size: 3580) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- File emergency-patches/emergency-patch-3.scm — part of check-in [a692915fb3] at 2017-07-31 00:17:34 on branch v1.64 — More complete handling of Megatest states and statuses for teamcity. Moved emergency patches to sub directory. Fixed issue in Makefile that prevented tcmt from being built. (user: matt, size: 3580) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
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