Artifact eee64ce8592579481b9f882d861c75e4e2f1c9bb:
- File common.scm — part of check-in [37c6122258] at 2017-08-14 01:03:24 on branch v1.64-areas-dashboard — Partially removed global *db-cache-path* (might need to add it back for performance reasons, used in rmt: calls.) Modified common:get-db-tmp-area to get info from dbstruct instead of globals. Added proc to open area dbs Gutted dboard:areas-update-tree. Does only areas now. First pass on some refactoring in db:get-db, db:open-db, db:dbfile-path (these need to be reduced to one function). (user: matt, size: 92811) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
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