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13:43 New ticket [2fd8c11acb] dashboard: rerun this step / rerun from here - no feedback from dashboard. artifact: a2ea58e136 user: mmgraham

Ticket Hash: 2fd8c11acb5241be0c3aa81d0cd9b90e806341a8
Title: dashboard: rerun this step / rerun from here - no feedback from dashboard
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2024-03-25 13:43:47
Version Found In: 1.65/84
When clicking the rerun this step / rerun from here there is no feedback from the dashboard that the action was successful.

Depending on megatest.config settings, there may be some output in the xterm but the dashboard itself does not provide feedback.

This was observed on sles12 on megatest 1.65/84