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18:00 New ticket [514327decf] "misc" "default" and "%: appear in hierarchy widget of Run Control panel. THey shoulod not. artifact: 521f2babec user: bjbarcla

Ticket Hash: 514327decfd435cd7b2024cbe2c6d4f99091964a
Title: "misc" "default" and "%: appear in hierarchy widget of Run Control panel. THey shoulod not
Status: Open Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Cosmetic Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2017-04-20 18:00:45
Version Found In: 1.64/07
Since default and misc and % expand to non-sensical values and are not valid targets for runs, we do not expect to see these as selectable targets in run control panel.