Artifact 8da6dd30ac477f2cb79284c68ad7ac14f888fda3:
- Executable file utils/ — part of check-in [bcc63efb47] at 2024-09-25 15:15:57 on branch trunk — Cleaned up uv files. Added tar releases to uv and captured some scratch files used to analyze configf (user: matt, size: 329) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
#!/bin/bash # fossil timeline -n 0 -F %t|sort -u|grep -P '^v\d.\d\d\d\d$' ALLVERS=$(fossil timeline -n 0 -F %t|sed -e 's/, /\n/'|sort -u|grep -P '^v\d.[67890]\d\d\d$') PUBLISHVERS="\ v1.6592 \ v1.7016 \ v1.7105 \ v1.8032 \ v1.8104 \ v2.0001" for x in $PUBLISHVERS;do ./utils/ $x done