
View Ticket
15:23 New ticket [908bd5ea95] megatest ezsteps makefile enhancement. artifact: 75ae9bb91b user: mmgraham

Ticket Hash: 908bd5ea9591d7cabd0a2c1b87db83bb41d2f1eb
Title: megatest ezsteps makefile enhancement
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2024-03-25 15:23:09
Version Found In: 1.80
ezsteps creates a Makefile that has limited use

Requesting a Makefile if ezsteps present that has the following targets (doesn't have to be a Makefile)

scripts -> regenerate all [scripts] logpro -> regenerate all [logpro] .testconfig -> regenerate .testconfig from testconfig <step name> -> execute <step name> from .testconfig <step name>.logpro -> regenerate <step name>.logpro from testconfig At a minimum, would like the logpro and scripts enhancement.

Justification is that I would like to be able to experiment with changes to the testconfig without having to rerun the whole test